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I will start by saying this is not typically the kind of novel I like or read. However, as I started reading all of the historical detail, the detail of Roman life all those years ago as well as the political intrigue within this book I was hooked. The character development in this book was superb and it made me feel like I was in Rome while reading pages within the book. I was pleasantly surprised by this book and look forward to the next one by Santiago Posteguillo. Thanks NetGalley for the ARC for my review.

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Unfortunately this was a DNF. I could not get through it. Nothing really stood out or was special enough to keep me engaged.

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Julius Caesar is one of those historical figures that have fascinated me ever since I could remember. But, when I tried to read books (mainly nonfiction) that described his reign over the Roman Empire, it would bore me. I also couldn’t find a historical fiction that stuck to the facts. Because of that, I was hesitant to accept the widget when Random House sent me it. But I did, and oh boy, I am glad that I did. This book was fantastic.

I Am Rome is well-written, well-researched historical fiction that captivated me from the prologue. This book is over 600 pages long, and its length can be slow. I normally cannot deal with a slow, long book, but in this case, it worked. I could process the different parts of Julius Caesar’s life without getting overwhelmed by the information given.

The story of Julius Caesar is told in two storylines. The first storyline revolves around Julius Caesar and the trial where he prosecuted Senator Dolabella, a morally and politically corrupt politician. The second storyline follows Julius Caesar from birth to the years before he took the Senator Dolabella case. I was interested in the trial storyline (I liked how Caesar pleaded his case and presented the witnesses/evidence against Dolabella), but it was a little dry. The second storyline explained almost everything brought up in the first storyline. Yes, I know that what I said is phrased awkwardly, but it will make sense if you read the book.

What I loved about this book is that the author included footnotes at the end of each chapter. He also gave direct quotes about where cities would be in the present day and other interesting tidbits of information, so I was not left wondering about anything.

The undercurrent of I Am Rome is a love story between Cornelia and Caesar. I don’t know if Caesar truly loved Cornelia in real life, but he adored her in this book. And she returned his feelings. They did run up against a few obstacles, but love trumped everything. I adored reading their interactions because Caesar truly seemed to consider what Cornelia said.

I Am Rome is violent and bloody. The author didn’t attempt to sugarcoat the violence. He laid it all out there. Some scenes made me retch, and others made me furious. But, I kept in the back of my mind that it was in context with the period in which it was written. I did provide a list of trigger warnings above.

The end of I Am Rome was very suspenseful. The author merged the two storylines at the perfect moment. While the trial ended in a way that I expected, I was not expecting what happened after. The author left the book open for book 2; I can’t wait to read it!!

Many thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Ballantine, NetGalley, and Santiago Posteguillo for allowing me to read and review this ARC of I Am Rome. All opinions stated in this review are mine.

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If you're anything like me, you spent a good portion of high school up to your ears in the history of Julius Caesar. Even if you didn't, history and literature both remember him for his many achievements. But I Am Rome brings him and his family to life in an intriguing way: through the trial of Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella.

While extremely non-linear in nature, I Am Rome uses this historic trial as a centerpiece. Caesar, then an untested prosecutor, steps up to bring Dolabella to justice for extortion and other crimes. As Caesar prepares his case, we witness the building blocks of his genius approach: the influence of his uncle Marius, his relationship with his wife Cornelia, and the wisdom of his mother Aurelia, to name a few. From tricking his opponents into underestimating him to combating very real threats against his life and the lives of his witnesses, Caesar battles his way to the end of the case. But whether he wins or loses, his loved ones know he has a target on his back.

I Am Rome is, understandably, a dense read—something to bear in mind on approach. While there are plenty of footnotes and the final edition will have historical endnotes, it's something to bear in mind. If the Roman Empire isn't, well, your Roman Empire, the convoluted timeline of the book may not hold your interest. However, the core of the book is fascinating, especially in its humanization of its many legendary historical figures. I was hoping to give credit to the translator, but sadly have had difficulty finding their name. They do, however, deserve credit for a job well done here.

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As someone interested in historical fiction as well as the Roman era, this book intrigued me. I was unfamiliar with the author prior to reading this but have found that he has done other historical fiction works previously.
Many books have covered Julius Caesar's career and military campaigns however few, if any, have attempted to flesh out the younger Julius and his family during the period of Sulla. While enjoyable as a courtroom thriller, I am unsure how historically accurate the conflict between Julius and Sulla, especially at this period of Julius' life. Posteguillo's portrayal of Sulla reduces the man down to a 2 dimensional character which seems at odds to the historical Sulla.
Perhaps the issue lies in the translation but most of the characters appeared to have less depth than expected in this type of a novel.
While enjoyable for many of the historical and cultural touchpoints, I did find it difficult to continue, especially in the beginning half of the book. It did pick up in the second half and provided closure for most of the conflicts introduced while leaving space for sequels to continue the story.

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I have read a lot of books of Rome and Julius Caesar. These would include many history books as well as the outstanding histoical series by Colleen McCullouh series In the Masters of Rome series. It is almost like what more could be said about Julius Caesar! Well I'm wrong I am Rome is a book that will make you dive back in the world of Rome and Julius Caesar and see that we are prcatically repeating history as we speak. That is what is most exciting about this Italian novel that became a huge international bestseller. The author makes puts the feelings of the past into writing that makes it seems like it's happening today. It reads like a thriller and keeps you turning the pages. Who would ever though that you could take Julius Caesar and make him into a contemporary thriller and have you learn about history and democracy. Thank you to #ballantinebooks and #netgalley I had so much fun reading this book and made me realize that once you live in a state of democracy you should never let it go no matter who tries to end it!!

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When someone thinks of Julius Caesar, Shakespeare’s play or his murder on the Ides of March immediately come to mind. Santiago Posteguillo presents a young Caesar and the people and events that shaped his life. .From a child beset by bullies to the young man who takes a case that he can not win, he was destined for greatness. Senator Dolabella served as the governor of Macedonia, a position he used to steal, embezzle and abuse his power. Now the people of Macedonia want him to stand trial for his crimes. Dolabella was an ally of the emperor Sulla and a leader of the optimates, a class of rich and powerful men. With the odds stacked against him, Caesar represents the populares and even a defeat will help shape the leader he becomes.

Posteguillo gives his story a cinematic feel, making it easy to visualize the battles both in court and in the fields. Caesar’s uncle, Gaius Marius, uses his battle against the Teutons to teach his nephew the importance of timing your battles rather than rushing to attack. It is a lesson that serves him well. Caesar risks everything in his defiance of Sulla and Posteguillo’s tale shows all of the harsh realities and the politics of Ancient Rome. Well written and an interesting read for fans of history, I Am Rome is highly recommended. I would like to thank NetGalley and Random House - Ballantine for providing this book for my review.

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This novel follows, a young Gaius Julius Caesar in his early years as he matures into an adult and a formidable opponent to the corrupt optimates party. The story does an excellent job of balancing the narrative of the pivotal trial of Dolabella with flashbacks to moments in Caesar’s life that influence his actions in court. I very much enjoyed this engaging historical novel. 5 stars.

Review based on a digital Advanced Reader’s Copy provided by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine/Ballantine Books and NetGalley. Thank you!

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This book is told in different timelines from Julius Caesar as a baby when his father interacted with Donabella and The good men of Rome thought him a try hard until the day the terrorist is put on trial. When they can’t find a prosecutor and come to a young Julius Caesar and despite his friends telling him not to get involved he does anyway and this is when the trial starts. Although the author got many dates wrong for the most part this was a very interesting story told with high drama and a fast narrative. I am not immersed in the happenings of ancient Rome enough to see all the historical details that were wrong in this book but when I see one I know there must be others but having said that if you’re just out for entertainment this is a great book to read I think I may even read the next one. I’ve never read a book by this author before but as far as recommending this one I definitely do books are meant for entertainment and this one definitely entertained as I said. I want to thank the publisher and Net Galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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Rome, 77 B.C. The corrupt Senator Dolabella is about to go on trial for his crimes. But Dolabella owns the jury. He’s hired the best lawyers in the city. And he’s very willing to use violence against those who oppose him. In all of Rome, no man dares accept the role of prosecutor—until, against all odds, an unknown twenty-three-year-old steps out to lead the case, defend the people of the city, and defy the power of the ruling elite. That lawyer’s name is Gaius Julius Caesar.

When I first read the premise about this book, I thought it sounded interesting. Once I started reading it, well, not so much. I really enjoyed the parts about Julius Caesar's life, as well as the trial. The sections on the different wars during that time period, quite frankly, made my eyes glaze over. Not because they were badly written, but rather because I am not a fan of reading about battles. Unfortunately there seemed to be an equal amount of sections of each. Also, I want to warn you.... this book is 624 pages. That alone is daunting, and when you are reading something you don't enjoy, it feels like an eternity. Overall, I give this a 3.5 rounded up to a 4.

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Not for those looking for a light or quick read, I Am Rome is an epic historical thriller centered around a young Julius Caesar. At over 600 pages in text, this book is lengthy but rewarding.

I was intimidated by the length but intrigued enough by the premise that I wanted to give I Am Rome a try. The book was originally published in Spain but was later translated to English (among other languages. The translation is great—you won’t know that this was written in a different language. The audiobook was the way to go for me because it allowed me to adjust the speed as it suited me and because the narrator, Dan Bittner, is very engaging and brought the story to life. I highly recommend doing the audiobook!

Part historical fiction, part legal thriller, I Am Rome begins in 77 B.C and moves back and forth through different time periods throughout the life of Julius Caesar, with emphasis on his younger years. Even before his birth, Rome was heading towards a time of war and political unrest. Many powerful senators have built fortunes in Rome that lead them to believe they are superior to others and favored by the Gods. As a young infant, Julius is told by his mother Aurelia before he can even understand it that he will be the chosen one whose destiny it is to win the war that is simmering in Rome demanding more equality in wealth and power.

While the select few aristocratic senators continue to get richer and gain more territory, the majority of people in Rome are plagued by poverty. A former dictator decreed that senators can only be tried by other senators, making their power in Rome even greater. At the age of only twenty-three, young Senator Julius Caesar is selected to prosecute Senator Dolabella—a particularly corrupt politician known for violence. A rather naïve Caesar believes that through a trial—no matter how corrupted by Dolabella—he can try to secure justice for the people who have been wronged by the Senator. Julius Caesar is not the first to petition for reform in Rome, but he is the one brave enough to prosecute the Senator.

At this time it was not uncommon for someone to be assassinated for opposing political views, putting Julius at great risk to his own life by proceeding with the trial and opposing the ruling faction of the Roman Empire. Through flashbacks, we learn more and Julius Caesar’s life leading to this point, and what prompted him to take on this battle of injustice at his own personal risk. In the present timeline (in 77 B.C.) the trial is chronicled.

Julius Caesar is thought to be too young to make much difference—a mistaken view that he leverages to his advantage. Throughout the recent timeline we see the way those in his life are affected. His closest friend tells him that taking the case is a suicide mission. Sulla—the former dictator of Rome—orders Julius to divorce his wife Cornelia. Julius refused, and the two have a daughter.

The Julius Caesar portrayed in I Am Rome is shown to greatly respect the women in his life—his wife and mother in particular. This is a contradiction to what would have been common at the time, so I was curious when reading this if that portrayal was the author’s decision or if it was historically accurate.

The story is complex and long—not easily digested in a short time. I broke the audiobook up and listened to only a small portion each day for several weeks, which allowed me to take in the incredible amount of research and history woven into the book, as well as understand the complexities of the political landscape. I often felt that the current state of the United States is really not so far from some of the aspects presented in the Roman Empire.

The characterizations are light on development. I didn’t connect to any characters, nor did it seem I was encouraged to. The book reads more like someone is narrating a story to the reader, rather than the reader feeling like an active participant in it. Similarly, the dialogue often didn’t feel like real dialogue, but it did sort of remind me of dialogue from ancient texts (such as the bible) where the words used were not what is important, the points being made are.

I can’t speak to the historical accuracy of this book, but some other reviews go into much greater detail on it. If you’re interested, I encourage you to check those out! I would be doing a disservice if I tried to capture what different historians have shared. Given my lack of deep knowledge on Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire, I happily read this like a fabled version of events, with plenty of creative liberties taken to bring the story to life.

The length was intimidating—I might have preferred if there was a way to break this into two books. That being said, many readers love an epic novel and this certainly delivers that. I was interested in the story and the narration by Dan Bittner kept me engaged through the duller or drawn out moments.

My only advice to readers (other than doing the audiobook and checking out some of the historians take on the accuracy of this portrayal) is to give the beginning section a slower read to orient yourself to what is happening. If you are relatively shallow in your knowledge, it can take a bit to get the hang of the names, places, and time periods being discussed.

An impressive work of historical fiction.

Thank you to Ballantine Books for my copy. Opinions are my own.

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This was a hit and a miss for me. I thought that the book was a little too long. I also found that the translation to English didn't flow very well. I did find the history about Caesar to be very interesting, but I found that the information provided by Posteguillo was not historically accurate.

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Thanks to Ballantine Books and Netgalley for the ARC.

Yes, I am thinking about Roman Empire,,,,,,and this novel is absolutely terrific!! So glad I saw this and then found out it's the first English translation of one of his novels. If you love anything about Rome and historical fiction, then you have to pick up this book. Santiago has a wonderful way of taking quite a list of facts and weaving them into a thoroughly compelling and engrossing story. I Am Rome focuses on the early life of Julius Caesar, particularly his first time as a prosecutor in the Roman courts. While I was familiar with some of the people surrounding Caesar, like Gaius Marius, learning all the details of his life in this format was fascinating. I liked the structure of the novel with the events of the trial being sprinkled between earlier events in Caesar's life. It really builds the story throughout while providing the necessary details of the political situation in that time period. It says quite a lot that the situation then is so reminiscent of what is happening in our political environment today. I highly recommend this story for all history fans, and I know that I will be eagerly awaiting a chance to read another book by Santiago in the future!!

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Ooph – this was at times fascinating and enchanting, and at others, well, a slog. This book will best be enjoyed by people with a fairly strong background in ancient history and an interest in very detailed explanations of Roman politics, war, and class struggle. The author brought Caesar and his family to life for me, which I enjoyed. The depth of detail and abundant Latin terms made me wonder if the book wanted to be narrative non-fiction rather than historical fiction. I really wanted it to be more of a leisurely experience and much less academic in nature; I would have enjoyed it much more.

Thank you to Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Ballantine Books, Netgalley, and the author for early access to this work.

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I read this for the Julius Caesar of it all and stayed for the page turningness. I really enjoyed this and learned so much.

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I LOVED this book. Wow. I thought I knew what to expect with this story, but it was so much better than expected. Great writing, and interesting characters. Even though this is a long book, it kept my attention and I wanted to keep reading it all the time. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC of this book.

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I am Rome is a fabulous well written historical fiction set in Ancient Rome one of my top favorite sets for this kind of novel.

The structure and format are clever with short chapters or sometimes scene breaks, different points of view, and flashbacks that balance the trial (in the novel's present time) with Caesar's childhood. It adds information on the characters and historical events (battles, betrayals, arranged marriages, or even murders) that justify and explain how young Caesar is prosecuting one of the cruelest, dishonorable, and corrupt senators putting justice for Rome above the safety of his life of his family.

Focused on show-not-tell the author gives us detailed insight into many aspects of Caeser's life but also goes to the length of proving a point by describing an entire battle in detail just to let us know (for example) why Marius advises his young nephew never to enter a battle he can't win.

These 600-and-something pages display a profound knowledge of the culture and historical events the fiction helps not making it a dull textbook. At the same time it has a very modern feeling and fighting corrupt politicians who silence witnesses with death or threats is still very relatable (unfortunately) to our times.

Caesar and Cornelia are my favorite characters and I loved their relationship. Everyone expects the young Caesar twenty-three years old to fail but he will accept to face this senator in trial with honor and powerful tools: knowledge and intelligence.

This will remain one of my favorite historical novels for a long time.

Thank you Netgalley and Publisher for this e-ARC.

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In this historical fiction novel, Santiago Posteguillo transports readers to ancient Rome. Young lawyer Julius Caesar faces a high-stakes case, pitting him against corrupt former governor Gnaeus Cornelius Dolabella. The book offers vivid insights into Roman history, though the storytelling style can be slow. Overall, it’s a captivating read for history enthusiasts.

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This was definitely something I normally wouldn’t read but I did find it to be a good slow burn. I would recommend it and say don’t give up keep on reading it and you won’t be disappointed.

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***ARC received from Ballantine Books and NetGalley in exchange for honest review, opinions are all my own. Thank you!***

I will be the first to admit that ancient Roman history is not my area of expertise but this book did interest me. This time of history is incredibly interesting and this books does a good job of covering it if it does feel a little disjointed.

For a book that is supposed to be about Julius Caesar it spends a huge chunk of its time on things other than Julius Caesar. It also jumps between the past and the present, sometimes sections of history that have nothing to do with Caesar. While I think it is trying to flesh out the back story of Caesar some felt like they were more about telling other characters history than Rome itself. They were interesting scenes but they really didn’t add anything to the story, even so I still liked reading on the history of the characters. It adds to their story even if not the overall story which was a shame and left me wondering if the book had stayed a little more focused if it would have been a better less disjointed story.

Caesar as a character is fine, if not a little too perfect. Everything he does it carefully constructed, even his supposed failures are potentially well calculated plans. Its a problem sometimes with court dramas that the attorneys are just a little too infallible and sometimes Caesar crosses that line. He is still an interesting character who is young and making mistakes but it would have been okay for him to have a few more flaws. I do think my favorite parts of the book are the women. Cornelia and Aurelia are strong females in a world that was very male dominated. Caesar at least seemed to know when to defer to the women in his life. And Caesar’s devotion to Cornelia is nice, refusing to set her aside when his life was potentially on the line. Secondary characters are somewhat fleshed out depending on which side they are on and there are a lot of secondary characters due to the nature of the book.

The books antagonists Sulla and Dolabella, were the weakest parts of the book. Both men are cast as so terrible they almost become caricatures of villains when compared to the righteous Caesar and other characters, including Gaius Marius. They lack depth as characters and just seem to be there to remind the readers how good Caesar is in comparison. While the two do have some interesting scenes, particularly during battles, there is one scene that felt like it didn’t belong at all. Almost written as though to bring some level of shock value to the book with how depraved these two men are, a scene the book didn’t need at all. The characters are already bad, the book has well established that and the scene went on far longer than was necessary to the point I started to skim through it. I don’t need depictions of graphic violence like that, war scenes are one thing this just felt over the stop.

I really liked when the book focused on the complexities of Roman politics and the court system itself. Who has power, how they gain and remain in power through bribes, strength and corruption.

Since this is a translated book sometimes dialogue and descriptions can get a bit stilted or unnatural to an English reader but I had no problem following along. Many of the descriptions of daily Roman life were interesting and the battles were easy to follow. Sometimes battle sequences in books can get a little chaotic and this book managed to handle that well even in the translation.

In the end I did like parts of I Am Rome but as a whole it felt a little disjointed. Scenes carried on longer than necessary, the jumps between time lines were not hard to follow but distracted from the main storyline. Perhaps with the backstory out of the way the second book is a little more straight forward, I would be interested to read it once translated.

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