Member Reviews

An absolutely fantastic story with Eve Bennet Iwas gripped from the first page. I am really enjoying this series.
I look forward to reading more

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This is book number 3 in the series. You can tell this is written by an ex detective. This book was phenomenal. Although I have jumped in at number 3 , I will definitely be reading more of her books. It was fast paced and I couldn't put it down.

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Pray for Her (Detective Eve Bennet Book 3) begins with a traffic stop. Police noticed a vehicle swerving possible a drunk driver. What they found was completely unexpected
Holly S. Roberts has created not only a suspensive drama but has created a character in Detective Eve Bennet that opens up a culture that is often not discussed. Her knowledge of the FDLS and basing the story in the real community of Hildale brings a different light to the novel. She tells her story why educating on why the woman of the FDLS may act in certain situations.
The book is part of a series but was easy to follow without knowing what occurred in the previous books . It defiantly makes the reader want to go back and start with book 1.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC in exchanged for my honest review.

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Pray for Her by Holly S. Roberts
Detective Eve Bennett #3

Strong addition to a compelling series ~ Couldn’t put it down!

What I liked:
* Eve: strong, intelligent, raised in the FLDS religious cult- escaped with the help of her mother, survivor, haunted by her past, supported by and supportive of her team, in a relationship with Clyde, confronts more than one abuser from her past, really like her
* Clyde: ex-sniper, seasoned homicide detective, strong, intelligent, quiet, divorced, patient, wise, excellent at his job, there for Eve at work and outside of work, committed to the team and to Eve
* Collin, Ray, Bina, and Tamm: the rest of Eve’s team chosen for their skills, personalities, backgrounds, and what they bring as individuals to make the team strong
* The team bond that is developing and how strong it proved to be when one team member was injured
* Seeing the cult through Eve’s memories and experiences as she applied this information to solving the case
* The police procedural aspects of the case and how the team managed to break through to get the answers they needed
* That some of those in the cult managed to escape
* Being able to “hate” the bad guys
* Hoping there will be another book in the series and wondering what it will be about

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how difficult it would be to live in an FLDS cult and “stay sweet”

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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I like the darkness of this series. I like the unpredictability and I like that you feel for the grey characters. Each one, you unravel more of Eve’s life and more of the community. They are thrilling and feeling.

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Holly S Robert’s never dissapoints. Eve Bennett and the gang are back to the races I absolutely loved this one.. I hope there are more in this Series I loved getting more of bina and Collin’s in this one. The twists were so good my head was spinning the entrie time.

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Tense. Suspenseful. Absolutely superb writing and pace that never flags - just absolutely brilliant. Loved this one so much. Very highly recommend.

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I haven’t read either of the two previous books in this series featuring Eve Bennet and, whilst it did not lessen my understanding or enjoyment of this book in the slightest, I wonder why I haven’t come across these books before and fully intend to go back and read them because I found the whole premise of Eve’s life and how she got to where she currently is fascinating and I want to know more.

The book is set in the world of the secretive FDLS cult and Hilldale is obviously based on the real locations of Hildale and Colorado City on the Utah-Arizona border. I find anything to do with fundamentalist religion and cults riveting so this book pulled me in straight away, particularly as this is based on real stories.

The characters are really well written and strong in this book. Eve has a tight team around her and they obviously all care about each other so the peril that the author puts them all in hits home for the reader. She makes you invested in what happens to them as much as they care about each other. This creates huge amounts of tension for the reader throughout and makes for a real page-turning novel that it is very hard to put down until you know whether they are all going to be safe at the end.

The story is engrossing and I was completely pulled in to the world and the scenario the author created. It made me feel a huge range of emotions, both for the victims of the crime and the team themselves, and I had heart palpitations at the climax of the novel. It’s not often that I finish a novel in a crime series and then go and do some research afterwards to see how much is based on facts but I did this time. I was really invested in the whole premise and the book delivered on every level. Highly recommended.

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This is book number 3 in the Detective Eve Bennett series. I have enjoyed this series so far and look forward to the next book😊

Detective Eve Bennet is called to assist when a vehicle is pulled over and a body is discovered in the trunk. The women in the car are not talking, but more disturbing is the fact that a young girl is also in the vehicle. Are they responsible for the man’s death?

Eve is familiar with the community and doesn’t expect to get answers easily. When the victim finally agrees to speak with her, Eve is struck by the potential identity of the victim and what this could mean for the local church and its members.

Determined to find the truth, Eve will be forced to face her past. Will she get to the truth and solve the case?

Thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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✨My Thoughts✨

I loved the first two books in this series, they’re something a little different because the main character Eve was part of a polygamist cult now she’s the head of a task force trying take them down right in the heart of Utah.

This case starts with two women and a child from the cult being pulled over in a car with a dead body in the trunk.

This series just keeps on getting better and even though Eve keeps taking blow after blow and keeps on getting back up.

This time it’s personal though and a terrifying figure from her past comes up into her life when she least expect it.

If you want to be kept on the edge of your seat right until the very last page then this book is for you.

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Book three in the series which I have read since the start and I have enjoyed every one.

Eve is a strong resilient character who despite her own traumatic upbringing within a closed community seeks justice for the vulnerable members still residing in the oppressive controlled environment of Hilldale.

Eve is challenged emotionally in this case when she comes face to face with her past add that to the shooting of one of her team it's a rollercoaster of emotions.

Another action packed highly charged edition to this fabulous series.

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In the small town of Hilldale a grisly discovery is made. A police patrol has stopped a car. Inside are two women and a young girl. In the boot wrapped in tarpaulin is a man's body- he is very dead! The women refuse to speak so Detective Eve Bennet & her team are called. Hilldale is renowned for being run by the polygamy community. Women are second class citizens, their only purpose is to keep home & breed. Eve is very familiar with them as she escaped from them when her mother managed to escape. Eve doesn't expect to get anything from the women but she is determined to try & get the young girl, Beth, away from this poisonous place.

This third book in the series was every bit as good as the first two. The claustrophobic menacing atmosphere of Hilldale is hard to forget. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this great book.

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Another enthralling case for Detective Eve Bennet and her team
Set in Hilldale, where the local fundamentalist church rule supreme.
A town where the patriarchy sets all the rules
And females are treated as possessions, objects and fools.

The police stop a suspicious car, then what can the smell?
There's a body in the trunk but none of the women a single word will tell.
The women remain calm and silent, too,
A case for Detective Eve Bennet and her team to look into.

Eve escaped the church and has insider knowledge, too,
Helping her know what might happen and what to do.
The young girl in the car is keeping silent as well
But Eve hopes she'll open up, the truth to tell.

The insights into the beliefs and practices of the community
Show a different outlook on life, relationships and duty.
A disturbing situation involving child brides,
Abusive relationships, false prophets and lots more besides.

An enthralling read that kept me turning the pages right to the end
The team show great camaraderie, they're each others' friend,
But as Eve and her team seek to keep everyone as safe as can be
There are disturbing memories from her past and family history.

There are also dangers for the team to face
As they endeavour to discover just what has taken place.
For my complementary copy, I say thank you,
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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The only thing I don’t like about this series is when I finish one of the books and have to wait for the next one! This was my favorite in the series, mostly because the ending was so satisfying. Eve is an intriguing character and I love her team. Every character in this story is well-developed and interesting. Highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys a strong heroine and a good crime thriller!

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Damn this series is stressful but man I love it. It's packed full of suspense right from the start and I couldn't put it down. With all 3 books I have never been able to work out how it will finish. There are always so many suspect that you are kept guessing. It's written beautifully and makes you feel all the emotions. I definitely shed a tear. The men of Hilldale are terrifying and you never know if anyone can be trusted. Eve is such a badass character and I recommend reading the series in orde so you can see how much she has grown as well as understand what she went through. Her team is also lovable and my heart was in my throat at one bit. I can't wait to see what happens in the future now that there are new people in charge.

I received a copy of the ebook via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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TRIGGER WARNING: misogyny and violence against women including sexual assault and child sex trafficking, racism
Police pull over a car and discover a body in the boot with a bullet hole in his forehead. The occupants of the car are two wives from the polygamous community and a girl of 12. All of the females refuse to cooperate, leaving detective Eve Bennet with no option but to arrest them all. Finally the girl speaks to beg for help...
Pray For Her is the third book in the Eve Bennet series. I have previously read and reviewed the second book in the series, Lost Little Angels. There are some mentions about events and outcomes from the earlier books so I would advise reading them in order.
Eve has deep concerns about the polygamous comunity that she escaped from. The zealous behaviour of the men eager to please the prophet and the ensuing enslavement of the women makes for very difficult reading. Included in this book is a vulnerable young girl who is due to be married and raped by a much older man. I feel deeply uncomfortable about the depiction of polygamy in this series but I think this is a sign of how vivid the writing, plot and characters are. This book also shows racism but the writer also makes it clear how unacceptable this is.
Once again Eve's personal life is entangled due to her knowledge and relationships within the community. Her stepfather returns and is given a position of authority and she also clashes horns with the new sheriff. Eve's life is in danger and this results in a terrible for the team and someone is hurt in her stead. Regardless, the team are determined to find out the truth about the body in the car and not be scared away. The tense atmosphere is maintained until the end and there is also plenty of drama and action.
Pray For Her is vividly written with a gripping plot.

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I enjoyed this story, it draws you in, keeping you guessing. One thing I didn't expect was the author's ability to make you feel sorry for a character I didn't like before. Eve has a lot to unravel in this book, but every clue brings more danger. She has the stress of wondering if a friend will survive a gunshot wound that was meant for her. The clues and suspense will definitely keep you reading. I highly recommend you see how things unravel in this book.

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I would like to thank Netgalley and Bookouture for an advance copy of Pray for Her, the third novel to feature Detective Eve Bennett.
When a car is pulled over by the police a body is found in the boot. The two women and and girl in the car refuse to speak, not even their names so DI Eve Bennett and her team are called in.
Eve is the head of a task force to root out corruption in the polygamous community of Hilldale, Utah.
A community she grew up in before her mother rescued her.
It is the third book in the series and I highly recommend reading them in order.
It is something so far from my own life that I struggle to read some of it, and cannot comprehend how this practice is still allowed today.

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Detective Eve Bennett Book 3.

When police stop a car in the small town of Hilldale, they shudder as they pop the trunk and look inside. Covered in thick plastic, the body of a man lies totally still. In the car sit two women and a twelve-year-old girl, all refusing to speak.

As Detective Eve Bennet is called in to investigate, she’s struck by the women’s calm demeanour. No stranger to the secretive local community, Eve knows the women won’t speak to her, but she’s sure she can get the young girl to tell her what happened.

I was totally hooked from that first shocking chapter. Like the previous books I was equally intrigued and horrified as the story unfolded. This one was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions. Loved it and can't wait to read the next one.

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I love that this series is so different than any other detective series I read. Having Eve been a part of the Mormon like community as a child and escaped and now investigating on their property gives it a new feel and set of cases than other similar series. Of course this one adds more personal to the case, but I’ll let you discover why as you read.

Since the community is so “white male power” the cases involve women and children that the community tries to control. And the team in this one is great and add just one more dimension as it includes men of color. So additionally to the cases, you have Eve struggling with her past, the community struggling with power from outside and the clash of the team with the community. It is so complex before you ever have a case and I love that the author does such a good job of making these layers and complexities seem easy to read.

I love that we see Eve struggle to do her job where she was once a community member and her struggles to be the tenacious detective she is against these controlling men of the community. This struggle makes her such a relatable character by being able to overcome her securities and get justice for the crimes she is investigating.

This one again drew me in from the start and had me rooting for Eve and her team on many levels. This can be a stand alone read. The author does a great job of catching the reader up on all pertinent information, but there is depth and growth of the team and some community members if you read the series.

If you love a good crime procedural and want to try something a little different than the rest, you need to check this one out.

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