Member Reviews

Claire Kann (The Romantic Agenda; If It Makes You Happy) offers a fresh take on the contemporary paranormal romance in Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places.

Lucky Hart has a "lifelong dream of legitimizing the supernatural," driven by her loved ones' rejection and fear of her extrasensory perceptive abilities. When the opportunity to audition for a role in a web series set in a haunted house comes up, she jumps for it. The challenge: live in Hennessee House for a month. The twist: every caretaker before her has fled the premises within a few nights. "Three white men hiring a Black woman to be the caretaker for a found-footage haunted-house web series," Lucky reflects. "It was the ominous opening sequence to a horror film before the real final girl showed up." But Lucky is determined to face the house and be the final girl. She might even find love along the way as she falls for Maverick Phillips, a production team member who seems to see--and value--her in a way no one else does.

Kann weaves several subplots into Lucky's experience, including a miniseries starring Maverick's young ghost-hunting daughter and a troubled producer with his own history in the house, to name a few. At times, this can feel unwieldy; the novel is at its best when Kann is exploring Lucky's relationships with Hennessee House and Maverick Phillips. It's here that Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places really shines, offering a smart, spooky romance with an asexual heroine, the hot single dad she's falling for, and the sentient (and possibly evil) house standing between them. --Kerry McHugh, freelance writer

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I tried reading this one but I realized this book is not a good fit for me. I will not be giving a review on social media or GoodReads as I do not want it to negatively affect the author.

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A cozy mystery/paranormal haunted house/romance that will be a great fall vibes read for those who do not mind a slower pace throughout. I will continue to read Claire Kann books in the future!

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This has more of a cozy mystery vibe than a haunted vibe in my opinion, which is a bit disappointing.

I do love Claire Kann though and admire her for continuing to give us unapologetic asexual rep.

Rebel is 100% the best part of this book and I love that she was a fully fleshed out character and not just the kid of the love interest.

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I love paranormal/ fantasy romance and this book was both of those plus a cozy feel. I loved the writing style, there were some slow parts but once it picked up it was really good. I would definitely reread this one, very cute.

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I wanted to like this one a lot more than I did. I think the premise of the TV show was just too far-fetched and hard to follow — like what was the actual goal of the show, how was it structured, what was Lucky actually contributing? I really want to love Claire Kann's books because she writes really layered, endearing ace characters. I'm trying!

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3.5 Stars

"Claire Kann’s newest book, Looking for Love in all the Haunted Places, was a cute romantic comedy with elements of cozy mystery and paranormal. Main character Lucky Hart has a unique talent to be able to read people on first eye contact (akin to ESP), and hopes she has caught her big break when she gets hired to become the caretaker for a new reality TV series featuring an old mansion that has ‘scared’ off the previous applicants. However, she ends up finding more than she plans when sparks fly with one of the production team members (and she finds out the house most definitely has a mind of its own).

The prospect of a sentient house was what initially drew me to this book, and Hennessee House did not disappoint. One of my favorite lines from the book about the house is “There was a fine line between annoying and spooky - the house won either way.” While Lucky and Maverick are the main characters of the book, it felt like the house rounded out the trio and became the third main character at times. I really enjoyed its personality and getting to learn about its history. I also enjoyed getting to discover the true mystery of why the house has been acting the way it did with previous caretakers, and how Lucky ultimately ended up being different.

Maverick and Lucky were very relatable characters. I loved getting to see their romance play out, especially because Lucky identifies on the asexual spectrum. They had some great conversations about how their relationship might work (given that Maverick is not asexual, and also has a very adorable energetic daughter), and it was so nice to see those open lines of communication throughout the story.

My one complaint about the book was how disjointed it felt at times. Despite how enjoyable I found the characters and the premise, I struggled to get through the book. The pace wasn’t consistent, and the action hopped around to different places too much for my tastes (as amusing as the side quest for a birthday gift for Rebel was, I would have preferred the action stay in the physical vicinity of Hennessee House as that was the more compelling storyline)

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. I will definitely check out more books from this author in the future. This book would be perfect for fans of Hallmark Channel mysteries, or those who enjoy low stakes stories featuring scenes mirroring everyday life with just a hint of supernatural woven in."

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Looking For Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann is a fascinating & unique romance between a woman with ESP who takes the caretaker job at a haunted house & the host to a popular show. I loved the mixing of paranormal of ghosts, spirits & ESP with the close proximity of the film crew & the new caretaker as well as the family vibes & the incredibly charming single dad.

Looking For Love in All the Haunted Places is great for fans of…
💜 Romance
💜 Cozy Mystery
💜 Paranormal- ESP, Spirits, Haunted House
💜 Asexual Representation
💜 Single Dad

This was much more complex with the haunted house aspect that I expected & I respect it immensely. I found it captivating & I loved the relationship between the leads as well the friendship/relationship between the crew. I adored the single dad with his incredible & brilliant 10 year old daughter. This was such a pleasant surprise. Looking For Love in All the Haunted Places is the perfect blend of cozy, curious, clever, spooky & sweet.

If you are a fan of paranormal & romance, I highly recommend checking out Looking For Love in All the Haunted Places!

Massive thanks to NetGalley & Berkley Publishing for the gifted copy, which I voluntarily read & reviewed.

I will also be posting to social media & Amazon & add links once I do.

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as always, Claire Kann gives a stunning and beautiful work that also happens to feature stellar aspec representation. this particular work also features perfect characters (even the grumpy ones) and a beautiful dose of spooky goings-on.

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I wanted to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an arc for my honest review.

The idea of this story sounded so interesting. A paranormal investigator romance? And she was a person of color as an investigator? It sounded amazing and like something I would eat up.

Unfortunately, the love story fell super flat for me. As someone who is straight cis female, maybe I just didn't understand the complexities of being ace which I can admit I don't know enough about, but I was excited to read about an ace character because I never have before. There didn't feel like much romance for most of the book.

I enjoyed the paranormal investigation part of the story far more than the love story. I loved how the FMC when into detail about her investigations into the house and how she uncovered the mystery. It felt more cozy mystery with a tiny bit of romance.

My favorite part was definitely the daughter, Rebel. I would take a bullet for that kid.

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I really enjoyed this one! The first Claire Kann book that I read was Let's Talk About Love, which I really enjoyed, but then I tried one of her others, and it just didn't work for me AT ALL. Then I read The Romantic Agenda and really enjoyed it, and now this one! I am definitely looking out for her new books, but also approaching with caution.

So, this is a paranormal romance, about Lucky, who has ESP, and can get a reading of someone when she first meets them, if she looks in their eyes. She has been doing paranormal investigations for a while and has just landed a gig living in a haunted house as part of a reality TV show. The previous 3 caretakers haven't managed to last more than three nights in the house, but Lucky is determined to last longer. When she first arrives she meets Maverick, a paranormal investigator that she's been following for a long time and she really enjoys his show. As the book progresses they get to know each other and become a couple.

Something I really liked about this book was how Lucky's asexuality was explained and explored. From how she explains it, she's probably sex neutral, in that sometimes she likes it and sometimes she doesn't, but that almost all of the time she doesn't pick up on cues that someone is attracted to her and wanted to have sex. I really liked how she explained that, and how she explained it to Maverick, saying that he would need to explicitly tell her what he wants, because she's not going to pick up on cues or hints. That felt really accurate and a great way of explaining what that lack of sexual attraction is like. I also really liked that Lucky and Maverick had a really frank discussion on what sex between them would look like. And I appreciated that Lucky sort of messed up when she was explaining things, thinking that Maverick was on the same page as her sexually, when he wasn't. And also when he shared his concerns about making her feel uncomfortable if he was saying sexually explicit things, and she told him that he should try and they would see how it went. The level of communication between them regarding sex was just so good. And it shouldn't just be discussions that are had when one partner is asexual, that communication should be there for everyone, all the time.

Anyway, really good book, I really enjoyed the ending, I thought it was well done, and sort of turned the idea of haunted houses on its head. Also, near the beginning Lucky makes a Yellow Wall-Paper reference and I was so excited to have picked up on it!

Definitely recommend this one, it was very enjoyable.

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✨ Review ✨ Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places by Claire Kann; Narrated by Zenzi Williams

Thanks to Berkley, PRHAudio and #netgalley for the gifted advanced copy/ies of this book!

This was a super fun sort of spooky read but with summery vibes -- less horror, more fun haunting/paranormal creepy house!

This is the second book I've read of Kann's, both of which feature an asexual character as our narrator, and I appreciated the perspective this brought. The book is a romance in a sense but through an ace POV, which I think altered the pacing and progression of the story a bit (but not in a bad way!)

I really enjoyed Lucky's discovery of the house and the ways that she approached it with empathy and kindness to learn about it and what it was doing. I also really enjoyed the relationship between Lucky and Maverick and even Maverick's daughter -- it was lovely! The whole cast of characters was fun and loving and just a delight to read.

My main critique is that the book was a little on the long end for me, but I also appreciated that it took its time and didn't rush so it's a bit of a mixed bag there for me.

🎧 The narration was enjoyable and I had fun switching back and forth between audio and ebook!

⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 (3.5)
Genre: f/m romance with fantasy elements and queer rep
Setting: haunted house
Length: 11 hrs and 17 mins
Reminds me of: Kann's The Romantic Agenda
Pub Date: May 21, 2024

Read this if you like:
⭕️ fascinating haunted houses
⭕️ asexual representation
⭕️ single dad love interest with precocious daughter

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The premise of this was awesome. However it ended up being a DNF for me because the heroine kept getting on my nerves. And seeing as how we spent the whole time in her head it made the book hard to read. It would have been better if we also had the hero's point of view. Or third person.

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i love ghosts and i love quirky dialogue, but the strange plot and writing of this really took me out of it. it felt kind of unfinished or unstructured, slow moving to the extreme.

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This one is fun and a little different from my usual reads. I love a haunted house so I knew just from the title I would read this one. While I wouldn't necessarily consider this a romance book because I think it might have been even better without the romance, I do love that the FMC is ace and the author doesn't write as if she would be "cured" by the love interest. The cast of characters are unique and all bring a little something to the show and mystery solving process (some more than others). The haunted house is of course my favorite character, followed by the MMC's young daughter. She has such a big personality with her own interests and aims -- I like that she was portrayed as her own person and has a key role in the story. Looking for Love in All the Haunted Places explores a lot of emotions, especially lonliness, and that it's okay to go for what you want. The pace is a little slow and some of the encounters between the MCs feel repetitve, but overall it's an enjoyable light read with lots of cozy mystery vibes!

I received an arc from Berkley via NetGalley which I have voluntarily read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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- I just finished this book, and I loved aspects of this book. The concept was unique and I loved the characters. I thought the haunting was amazing and I did love the love story, even though it was a bit insta love which is not my favorite. But I liked the characters together anyway. I thought it ran a little long and some things could have been a little less detailed. Overall though, it was a good time and I'm glad I read this. 3 stars! -

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DNF at 25%

A slowburn which felt like it dragged even at 25%. I was already a little lost at the premise being a TV show in a haunted house but I wanted to give it a try for the asexual rep. There didn't seem to be much chemistry between the MC and LI. The way their characters were also written just weren't for me.

(+) asexual FMC, single parent MMC

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Thank you netgalley and Berkley romance. #Berkleybuddyreads #berkleywritesstrongwomen for the earc. I really enjoyed this book and only when i went to GR did imrealize ive read this author before..i really enjoyed it
.it felt fresh interesting ans held my attention. I enjoy the authors ability to write uch an engaging book. I am excited to see what they do mext.


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DNF @ 16%

Thank you so much to Berkley Romance, Netgalley, and PRH Audio for providing advanced copies of this book. All thoughts and opinions are still my own.

I really wanted to love this! In fact this appeared on my most anticipated releases of the year list. Unfortunately I just didn't find myself invested in any aspect of this story.

I'm always on the lookout for more ace romances so I was so excited to pick one up from an own voices author on top of that.

But despite the cool setting, paranormal elements, and tropes I typically like, I felt no draw to ever pick this book up. I wasn't finding myself invested in the characters, their interactions, or even show they were filming. I put this down and it sat untouched for 2 full weeks.

If I'm actively avoiding picking up a book, it's usually time to dnf...

I really want to give this author another try though!

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Overall this was an enjoyable and mostly entertaining read. But it also felt unnecessarily long and drawn out in some places. There were a lot of asides that the book took that, overall, didn't change much about the book and could have been integrated into other scenes, such as her Girl's Night with Georgia or at least one of the Shortcake adventures. It seemed like the idea behind those was to try to cement the relationship between Maverick and Lucky but since they seemed to have a connection from the onset, it ended up making the story too long. And the ending felt a bit rushed when the mystery of the house was revealed although to be fair that tends to be the trend in most novels where there is a house with any kind of paranormal vibes. I did like the hopeful vibe of the ending though and that Lucky and Maverick were still working on what their relationship would look like and how that would work for them. But it also had a lot of unnecessary things happen that just served to drag it a bit.

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