Member Reviews

This was a great psychological thriller that was told from two different timelines that came together at the end. I loved the writing style; it kept me engaged. I was hooked from the beginning and I found the middle slowed down a bit, but it picked back up. I did not see the twists coming. I did find some things far fetched, but it was a quick and entertaining read!

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The Perfect Affair by Angela Henry is a hell of a gripping thriller with twists that will need to leave your jaw on the floor constantly!
You will get so many different emotions that it is complicated to explain in one sentence. I would say there is everything! Love and passion, lies and cheat, trust and betrayal, more lies and dark secrets from every side you turn. I loved it! I absolutely loved it!

Aaron Nichols had everything but he didn't know that until he lost it. Aaron thought that Cara Morton was the key to something he missed but soon he found out that that was key to the hell.
Paige Nichols wanted support but got a slap in her face. Now she must decide how she plays this game to win.

Thank you so much, NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this book!

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Meet Cara Morton, the perfect mistress until she goes missing and you are the Prime suspect . I enjoyed reading this book, all the twists and turns had me reeling to get to the bottom of where ol mistress was and WHO did it.

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As the title suggests, the crux of this book is an affair. The book flicks between before Cara's (affair partner) disappearance and after, and has multiple POVs. Aaron is the prime suspect after having an affair with Cara but more secrets are revealed and a few red herrings. This was a decent enough mystery however they’re wasn't much 'thrill', tension, stakes, or suspense. The characters are morally grey at best, and mostly unlikable. I found Aaron quite irritating, especially reading his POV of cheating. The reveal at the end hinged a bit too much on side characters imo, and was as over-dramatic as most other thrillers. Overall decent, but could do with a quicker pace and more tension. Thank you to netgalley for the arc.

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I really enjoyed this fantastically fast paced domestic thriller.
It drew me in quickly and I had to keep reading on due to all the twists.
This is my first book by this author, but it certainly won’t be the last.

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While I enjoyed this book, it definitely was not one of my favorites. Don't get me wrong, the story was great and drew me in immediately. The affair trope has been done numerous times, but something felt different about this story to me but I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't feel like I ever really figured it out either. The book left me flipping back and forth quite a bit as it not only has alternating viewpoints, but changes in time as well (before and after the affair). There was a LOT going on in the book to keep straight, I feel like it was too much to keep track of. Many times throughout I wished I had been taking notes to remember how certain characters that weren't a part of the main plot fit in because they hadn't been discussed for many chapters. It was just a very confusing time for me. Had the story been more, I hate to say streamlined or simplified I feel like I would have rated it higher. I just felt confused a lot and searching previous chapters for what had happened to someone specific when the viewpoint and timeline changed. While I enjoy alternating viewpoints, I feel this was a bit challenging to keep up with. In the future I would suggest to this author to keep it more simplified for readers to keep track of not only the plot, but secondary characters throughout the novel.

I also have to touch on the mention of race that occurred throughout the book. I feel like this is a very important topic to the author, however I don't feel like it needed to be a recurring theme or concept that we kept coming back to in the book like we did. It was frequently mentioned and instead of adding to the dynamic of the book I feel like it instead took away.

All in all I would rate the book 3 stars as a solid thriller read. It kept my attention, however was confusing to follow. The ending gave me the closure I had wished for, so I cannot complain there.

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Holy Moly, this book was a wild ride! When Paige finds out her husband is having an affair, they both decide their marriage is worth saving but their mistress has other ideas. Too many twists to count! This book kept me reading late into the night!

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What did I just read??? It was absolutely amazing! Make sure you have your wits about you and buckle up for the ride that is 'The perfect affair'. It’s a story told through a few different character's stories - Aaron Nichols (the accused), his wife Paige, Cara (the victim) and even Detective Alonso who is trying to solve the case. There are different timelines too, both before and after Cara's disappearance. There are lots of suspicious people and I had no idea how the story would finish. It was a very satisfying ending though and I will be looking for more books by this author. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This started as a somewhat predictable mystery...but quickly changed gears and the twisties came out! Enjoyed the characters alot and hung on for the ride as this story unfolds. New to me author but will look up her other work.

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This book immediately hooked me from the beginning! The writing was impeccable and did a great job of painting a good picture. However, the middle of the book began to be so far fetched and unrealistic that I found myself confused at points. The ending did a good job of wrapping it up. I did predict some of the twists but overall I still enjoyed this one!

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I loved this book. I flew through it. I love a dual POV. There is so much in this book. At times I thought I knew what was going to happen and figured out only a little bit. Of course there is so much to this book. Such a good thriller. Would recommend!

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This book spans a number of decades in some very big time hops but is so well written that the story flows regardless of which period is being dissected at the time.
A perfect affair gone wrong, Cara disappears and Paiges world implodes in the face of her husbands affair.
The characters are compelling and the setting of a college allows some great scene setting in the hidden world of professorial life.
A great read for the armchair detective among us!

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What an exciting thriller! Thank you to NetGalley and Storm publishing for giving me the opportunity to read and review this incredible book!

This story was based on everything but the perfect affair. This book is about an English professor who finds interest in one of the new faculty members. Without giving too much away, it doesn't end well and there's so much more to the story. More people involved, more storylines intertwined, it was INSANE. This story jumped from different time periods (before and after the main plot and even DECADES before) but I didn't find it hard to read. I usually struggle to keep up, especially if I stop reading at night and pick up the next day and maybe have to go back and re read the last page or 2.

This book will keep you on your toes and audibly saying OMG with every page turn! Really enjoyed this book, The Perfect Affair by Angela Henry!

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What a roller coaster! This most definitely was NOT the ‘Perfect Affair,’ but was a perfect psychological thriller that kept me on my toes! So many times I had no idea what was going, not saying this in a bad way. From the beginning I just knew who did it, then a new tiny twist would emerge and, nope, can’t be that… This continued every chapter; a new little twist would show up and throw me completely off. Not once did I see that ending coming, if I did Angela distracted me enough to second guess myself. The beginning was a little slow and the dates got confusing, but ignored those and just went with the ‘before’ and ‘after’ to keep track of the timeline. However, once I got about 20-30% through I could put it down and ended up finishing it in one day. Will absolutely be following this author and checking out more of her books. Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the eARC early read.

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The perfect affair starts off as any book with a cheating husband does. A younger woman at work starts giving Aaron special attention and flattering him, making his wife seem like an old bore who doesn’t love him enough. I thought I knew which direction this book was headed in, when out of no where the affair is stopped. I was wondering, which direction will the book go in now? The affair has barely even started. This book goes in every direction! There is so much going on with every single character, you’ll get whiplash trying to figure it all out. I didn’t guess a single thing about this book. It was surprise after surprise. You’ll never know what’s coming next. An amazing page turner with some killer twists.

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I want to start by saying thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for approving my request to read "The Perfect Affair" by Angela Henry..

This was my first book by Angela Henry and it did not disappoint. I was hooked from the beginning and finished this book in one setting. I thought the writing was fantastic and I didn’t get bored at all. The plot twist/ending on this was so well put together. All the characters were like able. I will def be reading more by Angela Henry and I highly recommend this book.

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Amazing story that kept me wondering and trying to figure it out the whole way through. The author Angela Henry is an impressive writer. To say that she really gets you and keeps you invested in the characters is an understatement. You are really pulling for Aaron and his wife Paige in this book.

Twists and turns are the whole way through the family dynamics of this very unfortunate story. I truly think that parts of this story is all too true in today's society. Other parts not so much. This book is about a missing woman who, to say the least, looks like an upstanding citizen and colleague, but has everyone fooled. The movie that kept popping into my head was "Fatal Attraction". Only without a bunch of stuff. This book has more of a twisted family dynamic feel to it. It definitely has a few families in it and as you continue to read it, it becomes more clear, (like muddy water), as to whom belongs to whom! It's very complicated and complex but oh so very good! If I have anything to say this is a must read! It is so worth it as you won't be putting it down! Loved it!

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I just reviewed The Perfect Affair by Angela Henry. #ThePerfectAffair #NetGalley

I really enjoyed getting into the book and was looking forward to reading it.
Just before the middle of the book I considered putting it aside, the first excitement had gone and I felt a bit of information overloaded.
HOWEVER, I’m happy I didn’t. The twist in the story towards the end made up for ALL of it.
Really enjoyed it overall.

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A twisty whodunnit mystery thriller.

This story follows Aaron and Paige who have been married for awhile. Aaron gets a promotion at work and that’s when he meets his coworker, Cara. When Paige attends a party for her husband’s work, she catches Aaron and Paige laughing and notices their body language is more than friendly. Paige is convinced there is an affair going on between them…until Cara goes missing. Did Aaron have something to do with her missing? Will Paige stand by her husband?

At first I thought this was a typical the husband had an affair and killed his mistress. Nope! I was wrong. Every chapter had a twist and turn that I didn’t see coming. I thought I had it figured out a few times but I didn’t.

Overall, I liked this book. I liked how there were multiple point of views as we followed what all happened. I did find the middle a little out there, but the ending tied it all together. And that epilogue was 🤯

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a digital arc. This is my honest and voluntary opinion.

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For this ARC, I am incredibly grateful to Storm Publishing and NetGalley. I thoroughly loved reading this book, which was my first from the author. You'll be left guessing till the very end due to the excellent writing. Whether you enjoy thrillers or not, this novel will keep you captivated!

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