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Home Is Where The Bodies Are

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This book was so good! I loved the thrill of it and the ending was *chef’s kiss*. Truly did not see the twist coming!

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SO… No hate to miss Jeneva Rose— I absolutely LOVE her— but this book would send Scotty into a spiral. It had about as many twists and turns as a drag strip. The plot was about as predictable as Kenny dying in an episode of South Park… I was just waiting for a twist that never came. The writing was still enjoyable and there were some nice sentiments here… however, staying up late to finish this instead of sleeping when my baby sleeps is, perhaps, my biggest regret of 2024 thus far. Maybe you will love it. I, unfortunately, did not. Thank you Net Galley for the ARC!! This comes out April 30th!

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ARC READ - Home is Where the Bodies Are


This is only the second book I’ve read by Jeneva and I can confidently say I will be reading more soon. This book was so well written and completely encompassed the ideas of family, sibling relationships, dirty laundry and growing up so well.

The use of the camcorder, Laura’s chapters and the memories do such a great job of revealing and revisiting Beth,Nicole and Micheal’s childhood in a way they wouldn’t have seen it before.

I absolutely devoured this book read most of it in one day. And without giving away the ending, (which I loved) it was an excellent twist.

Thank you to Blackstone Publishing and NetGalley for this Digital ARC, all opinions are my own.

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_Home is Where the Bodies Are_ by Jeneva Rose is a suspenseful mystery thriller about a family dealing with loss and a decades old crime that has come back to haunt them. Beth, Nicole, and Michael are siblings living very different lives, but are brought together by the passing of their mother. As they go through her and their missing father’s belongings, they discover a disturbing VHS tape that may prove their parents were involved with a horrific crime from their childhood. Twists keep the reader guessing as to what really happened all those years ago.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book. Jeneva Rose has become one of my recent anticipated authors so I could not wait to devour this one. It started off slow with ALOT of background on the siblings and their issues, but just stay with it; I promise you! I can't say too much more without spoilers, but it is a thrill ride for sure.

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“I’ve learned there’s a lot of things you can bury, the past isn’t one of them.”

Personal review : ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

A drug addict, rich boy, and caregiver with a grudge. This book follows Beth, Nicole, and Michael, as they process the VHS tape of their parents hiding a dead body - woah! Dual points of view between the siblings and the mom, this book was a roller coaster ride that you will never guess the ending to! This book was just as bingeable as all Jeneva Rose books with the twist at the end.

Synopsis: After their mother passes, three estranged siblings reunite to sort out her estate. Beth, the oldest, never left home. She stayed with her mom, caring for her until the very end. Nicole, the middle child, has been kept at arm's length due to her ongoing battle with a serious drug addiction. Michael, the youngest, lives out of state and hasn't been back to their small Wisconsin town since their father ran out on them seven years before.

While going through their parent's belongings, the siblings stumble upon a collection of home videos and decide to revisit those happier memories. However, the nostalgia is cut short when one of the VHS tapes reveals a night back in 1999 that none of them have any recollection of. On screen, their father appears covered in blood. What follows is a dead body and a pact between their parents to get rid of it, before the video abruptly ends.

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This book was super fun and original! Jeneva did a great job of exploring the main characters' potential conflicts and demons, and what drove them to behave the way that they did. The flashbacks to Laura's point of view provided great insight, and I enjoyed how some of them were through journal articles or the lens of a camcorder (the panning in and out was creepy and well done). These flashbacks also captured the time period (late 90's) fabulously. The overall premise was original, and though I did guess the killer before the midpoint, the book was pacey and interesting enough to propel me ahead. I would recommend this book for anyone looking for a thriller to binge (I finished it in two days).

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Home Is Where The Bodies Are is a standard horror novel that is more family melodrama than actual horror and overall feels like a RL Stine teen novel than an adult horror novel like it is pitched.

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I started reading Home is where the Bodies are the second it hit my kindle and it did not disappoint. While I love Jeneva's previous novels I think this one is my favorite of them all! Make sure to grab a copy of this twisted family thriller. It's an absolute must read!

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Home is Where the Bodies Are is a fast-paced and suspenseful domestic thriller about family and hidden secrets. This is the first book I've read by Jeneva Rose and I wasn't at all disappointed – she's a talented writer, somewhat reminiscent of Lisa Unger or Sally Hepworth.

The premise of this book is original and kept me turning the pages. When estranged siblings Beth, Michael, and Nicole stumble across a videotape that possibly implicates their father in a crime that occurred years prior, they start to uncover family secrets that might be better left buried. I correctly guessed the twist pretty early on (probably around the 20% mark), but it didn't particularly take away from my enjoyment of the story. I knew the who but not the how or why, so I was eager to continue reading to find out all the details … and it was certainly a wild ride!

The murder mystery itself (what happened to Emma?) was well-written and suspenseful, although certain parts of the big reveal were very much resolved via a deus ex machina that neatly summed everything up for the siblings toward the end.

Like a lot of thrillers, it was a little too melodramatic for my tastes at times, but not ridiculously so. I enjoyed “watching” the siblings navigate their fractured relationships, and the budding romance between Beth and Lucas wasn't too obnoxious as far as those sorts of things go. None of the siblings were all that likable – there was a lot of squabbling and pettiness from each of them – but I suppose that's to be expected considering the circumstances. I couldn't help but feel for Nicole, though, with everyone constantly cutting her down due to her past addictions (Beth in particular was extra judgy and mean).

Oh, and I appreciated the pop culture references in the flashback chapters. I'm not much older than Beth, the oldest of the siblings, and can relate to teenage years involving Nirvana t-shirts, Sony Discmans, and crimped hair.

Overall, this was an exciting read that kept me reading well into the night, long after I should have been in bed. It wasn't perfect but it was certainly entertaining, and I look forward to reading more by Jeneva Rose in the future.

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This was my introduction to Jeneva Rose. I heard good things about The Perfect Marriage, so I was excited to give this book a try. Unfortunately, this book was not it for me.

I was able to guess the ending around the 30% point, which was disappointing. The characters were miserable and vindictive, which I understand was intentional. It was still irritating to read. I spent a lot of the book rolling my eyes and silently telling them to grow up.

The prose was heavy handed throughout the novel. Rose did not allow her audience to infer anything from her characters or environment. She had to explicitly state it like she was worried her audience wouldn't get it. I find it frustrating when authors do not trust their audience enough to make these connections.

On a positive note, the premise of the novel was interesting. Using a small unincorporated town as the setting was enjoyable and unique. The utilization of four perspectives was done well. I still plan on reading The Perfect Marriage at some point this year.

Thank you to NetGalley and Blackstone Publishing for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The premise of was really interesting and I found the characters to be largely very compelling but I ultimately feel like the execution was a bit shaky. The story follows the three Thomas kids in their very small midwestern hometown who gather after their mom's death to sort through the estate to learn, while watching a home video on VHS , that their parents may have been involved in a decades old cold case that rocked the town. I think this would have been better served with just one point of view—by opting for all three siblings and the occasional chapter from the mom in the late '90s I think it took away. There was also an inconsistency to the chapter POVs that I think made it easier to guess what was happening. Still a twisty and fun read, though.

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Wow! Oh my gosh that book was so great. I was hooked throughout the whole book. Another great book by Jeneva rose. The twist throughout the whole book! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers approving me for this ARC! I devoured this book in a day!

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A fantastic and original thriller with a brilliant premise that had me frantically turning the pages to find out what would happen next in this secret-filled family. Jeneva Rose is exceptionally talented and I can't wait to read whatever she writes next!

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This book hooked me from the first chapter! I figured it out half way through, but it was still a great read! Jeneva never fails to keep my focus and make me want to keep reading. Great thriller to start the year!

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This was a great mystery/thriller. You begin reading about a father who disappeared or abandoned his family and you think that will be the focus--a family trying to heal but failing in the aftermath. However, bigger shit goes down and it gets stranger and stranger! The POVs change between the 3 siblings and the mother (past tense) but it's easy to follow--all their voices are very distinct. You can clearly picture the neighborhood and town and there's a little 90s nostalgia thrown in. Great book and great ending. Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC!

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I really enjoyed A Perfect Marriage and One of Us is Dead, so I was thrilled to receive this new one as an ARC. It's a well written story with unlikeable characters and plenty of suspects. I was surprised by most of the twists but had an idea about one of the characters which turned out correctly. I enjoyed all the reveals and it was a satisfying read. Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I requested, received, and read a digital ARC of this book, because I haven't met a Jeneva Rose book I haven't liked. I wasn't disappointed with this one either.

I love the premise of this book as much as the cover. As someone who is from a Midwestern small town where "nothing bad ever happens," it was so fun to read this while imagining these happenings occurring in MY town. We assume we know everything about everyone, so that must include their deepest, darkest secrets. But how well do we really know the people closest to us?

A quick and enjoyable read, I WILL absolutely recommend this to my friends and library patrons.

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After their mother’s death, three siblings discover that their parents were hiding a deadly secret. An enjoyable, slow paced mystery with multiple narrators and a somewhat ( for me at least) predictable ending.

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Unfortunately, I had to DNF. I wasn't a huge fan of the writing style, but I think a lot of people will love this, so I'm still giving it 5 stars. Just because I didn't like it doesn't mean someone else won't.

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