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Well this was a fantastic surprise. The most fun I’ve had reading this year.
A modern day spy thriller with CIA agents, Russian agents, traitors, all set in current times involving the war in Ukraine but mainly based in Switzerland. Sounds mad but it’s an absolute hoot in the best possible way.

I devoured this book. The best book I’ve read this year so far. A great story, great characters, great pacing and just so bloody readable. Read like a novella rather than a full blown novel. When I finished I couldn’t believe I’d just read 350 odd pages. It absolutely flew by.

This looks like the first in a series which is fantastic news. I’d never read this author before but boy can he spin a good yarn.

If you like fast paced, interesting spy thrillers set against the backdrops of some beautiful scenery, or just enjoy really good story telling, get your hands on a copy of Matterhorn. It’s an absolute gem.

Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC through Netgalley.

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I love me a good thriller and thanks to NetGalley I got to read this one. It contains all the good stuff: an agent set up to be a traitor and supposedly killed in a car bomb;the real traitor, a mole for the other side; the undercover agent brought out into the open when his son is killed on a mission (like father, like son); of course those heinous Russians and their nefarious plans to harm anyone and off you go. This is a thrill ride with good characters and a lovely setting-Switzerland.

I’m rooting for the good guys and this appears to be a new series.

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Christopher Reich’s Matterhorn opens like a Robert Ludlum novel. This is a spy novel and one of the better ones I have read recently. Will Decker is meeting Marina Zhukova on the Matterhorn and she is handing him a flash drive detailing a new bioweapon “Hercules.” Shortly after, both are killed as Russian agents try to get it back.

What follows is a deadly cat-and-mouse game trying to recover Hercules and/or prevent it from being released. Matterhorn is extremely well written and the suspense never lets up.

Mr. Reich has done a lot of research and it shows. This makes Matterhorn even more relevant in today’s world. I want to thank Net Galley for a review copy and I will be seeking out more of Christopher Reich’s novels in the very near future.

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This contemporary spy thriller opens with a cinematic scene worthy of a James Bond movie. Half way up the slopes of the Matterhorn, in a small hut, an American agent is meeting with a Russian double agent, who hand him plans for a new weapon of mass destruction, code named Hercules, that Russia is planning to test in a terrorist attack on a sovereign country. Their meeting is interrupted by the arrival of Russian agents, demanding the plans and the stand-off ends with two agents dead and the mysterious disappearance of the plans.

Ex-CIA Mac Dekker has spent the last eight years agent living in the Swiss alps under an assumed identity, tending cattle and keeping to himself, but now he has to leave that life behind and come in out of the cold and return to his former identity. Now in his fifties, he wants revenge for the death of someone close to him who died on Matterhorn and the only way to do that is to find out who is behind Hercules and stop them using the new weapon.

With Russian and American agents in Switzerland now pitted against each other to find the plans before it is too late to stop the attack, the action becomes intense and never stops in this modern day spy thriller set in the peaceful towns and villages of Switzerland. Despite his age, Mac has kept fit, living and hiking in the Alps and has forgotten none of his spy craft. He's not alone as local CIA agents are also hunting for the plans and those who killed their agent on Matterhorn. Also caught up in all of this is a three year old girl called Katya living in Russia who never met her American father, but her Russian mother has been killed and she must get to a safe country if she is to live.

The multiple plot lines are handled well in a fairly straightforward, but entertaining way, with plenty of suspense, car chases, shooting and double agents. The novel is sure to appeal to those readers who enjoy an exciting, fast paced spy novel with plenty of action.

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Robbie Steinhardt lives a peaceful, solitary life in a small village in Switzerland. When he learns his son, Will, has died in an apparent climbing accident on Matterhorn, he leaves Zinal for the first time in eight years. Robbie's real identity is Mac Dekker, a former CIA agent who was framed for a former friend and colleague for treason. Now Robbie has to figure out who he can trust as he searches for answers in Will's death and fights to stop a plot to kill thousands more innocent people.

Matterhorn is a fast-paced, action-packed spy thriller with characters to root for (as well as a couple to root against!) The vivid characterizations allowed me to really connect with the story and the suspenseful, high-stakes situations kept me glued to the pages. There are a lot of characters to keep track of, but they do all play a role in the overall story. The majority of the story takes place in Switzerland, but there are a few other countries and multiple points-of-view in the book. I can't go into details without spoiling, but there are a few surprising plot twists and one in particular near the end that I loved and didn't see coming. This book is different from the thrillers I usually read, but I really enjoyed it and would definitely follow Mac Dekker on his next adventure if there's a sequel. 4.5 stars

I received an advance copy of this book at no cost from MBC Books, Amazon Publishing, and NetGalley, but my review is voluntary and unbiased.

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Christopher Reich's Matterhorn is a riveting espionage thriller that grips the reader from the outset. The narrative unfolds seamlessly, drawing the reader into a complex web of espionage and intrigue. Mac's evolution from reluctant protagonist to determined investigator is compelling, as he navigates a treacherous landscape of double-crossing agents and shadowy agendas.

What sets Matterhorn apart is its masterful pacing. Reich strikes the perfect balance between tension-filled action sequences and introspective moments, keeping the reader on edge throughout. The global scope of the novel adds depth, with vividly depicted settings ranging from the Swiss Alps to the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

The interplay between various intelligence agencies adds an additional layer of complexity to the plot. While the resolution of most storylines is satisfying, some loose ends remain, particularly concerning certain characters' fates. Nevertheless, the relentless pursuit of the mysterious "Hercules" drives the narrative forward, culminating in a gripping showdown that leaves the reader breathless.

In conclusion, Matterhorn by Christopher Reich is a tour de force of suspense and action. Reich's skillful storytelling and dynamic characters ensure that readers will be eagerly anticipating the next installment in this thrilling series.

4.5/5 (rounding off to 5)

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By: Christoper Reich
Publishing date: April 1, 2024


Mac (Robbie) has been retired from the CIA and living in a small alpine village, until he finds out his son Will died. He left his old life behind.
Now Mac Dekker (Robbie) is determined to see what happened to his son. He was an avid climber and does not believe Will fell off the mountain.
He realizes his son was in the military and wonders if his son was killed. Could this be revenge? Ilya his former friend set him up for treason and sent Mac into hiding.
I can see this as a movie. This is first in a series, so I look forward to reading the next one. Very detailed and full of non-stop action. This was my first by this author, and I would definitely read more.
Thank you Thomas & Mercer for this advanced copy.

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Matterhorn is a mountainous tale of deception, betrayal and revenge. A story about family, love and spy craft. One that begs the question – how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

Robbie Steinhardt is living a simple and peaceful life in a small Swiss alpine village. But he has a secret. He’s actually Mac Dekker, a former CIA agent who faked his own death and is hiding out after being framed for treason. When he learns that his son Will died while on a mission for the agency, he comes out of hiding to get answers. Which puts him in the crosshairs of the very individuals who set him up almost a decade ago. And the more he learns, the more danger Mac faces while trying to stop a terrorist plot that could kill millions. But quit is not in his vocabulary and he will climb to the highest peaks on the planet to stop the terrorists and avenge his fallen son.

This book has everything. A spy in hiding coming out of the cold? Check. Not knowing who can be trusted? Check. Raging gun battles? Check. Urban car chases? Check. Foot pursuit on rooftops? Check. Mountain climbing to gather critical evidence? Check. A race against the clock to stop a terrorist attack? Check. Reigniting a long-lost love affair? Check. Seeking revenge against your nemesis? Check again. Simply put, Matterhorn is the complete package.

A thriller that will elevate your heart rate and leave you trying to catch your breath. Christopher Reich delivers a story with brisk action, cold-blooded deceit and rekindled emotions. An engaging book with unrepentant violence juxtaposed against an idyllic setting.

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