Member Reviews

They Mystery of the City of the Incas: Pen and Quin: International Agents of Intrigue might be my favorite book of the series. You cannot help but fall i n love with Pen and Quin. In this story we get to see their characters develop even more. Each has their own strengths, interest and quirks that you can relate to. I am not a twin but I have three sisters; so the twin connection and dynamics intrigues me as the mystery.

the books may be intended for teens but as a mature adult I find them fun and intriguing. the twins and the stories remind me of Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys from my youth.

I highly recommend this book and the entire series for middle grade and adults. I also enjoyed the author's note at the end to understand the parts of the story that were based on real events. Although this story is part of a series it can be read as a stand alone.

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Pen, Quin and their older brother Arthur go to Peru to see Machu Picchu soon after Christmas and get caught up in a hundred year old mystery. Meanwhile, their grandfather who is returning artifacts to Peruvian government is arrested when it is discovered the artifacts are fakes. Will the twins be able to solve these mysteries in the few days they are here or will they join the Inca ancestors forever...

I had a lot of fun reading this and learned a lot too. I read the book before this and while their brother Arthur was mentioned he wasn't a real presence in the story so it was interesting to see the interaction between the siblings.

I really love this mystery series aimed at tweens and young teens. It is exciting, the kids seem very realistic i.e., they don't always get along, there is a lot of exploration of history and different cultures including foods, folklore, etc. Another great thing in this mystery that is takes place mostly in Machu Picchu is that it deals with the issue of artifacts being taken from their country of origin by whites and the skewed interpretation that existed in Western society for over a hundred years of these because it was through the lens of the dominant whites in a way that is understandable and appropriate for this age group without bashing whites.

I hope there are more books will follow because I will definitely read them. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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The teacher within loves to see children reading mystery stories. I believe they are so developmentally important because they encourage young readers to hone their critical thinking skills by digging deeper for clues while they read. Perseverance is a skill that we need to teach our youth. Seeing characters who dig deeper for clues rather than giving up on the first or second try shows readers the value of determination. I also believe that these types of books have the potential to model independence. Budding detectives, like well-adjusted children, don’t just happen…they are fostered by you and me.

Thirteen-year-old twins Penelope and Quintus and their older brother, Archelaus ‘Archie’ Grey Reyes head to Peru to spend Christmas break with their grandparents. When a trip to Machu Picchu is organized for them, the young twins are excited about learning more about this historical site. A chance meeting with Mayra Diaz Quispe, a young Peruvian girl at the Mercado, leads the twins on an adventure. Mayra is convinced that something sinister has happened to her great uncle after guiding Hiram Bingham to Machu Picchu. It doesn’t take the twins long to discover that someone doesn’t want them investigating the disappearance of Mayra’s relative. Furthermore, they realize they are on the cusp of something bigger - something that is connected to their grandfather. Can they solve both cases or is their fate to be another missing person in the City of the Incas?

Children will read about

✔️Peru, both the historical and cultural influences
✔️siblings learning to work together and watching out for each other
✔️Machu Picchu and the excitement of exploration - modern and ancient
✔️solving a 100-year-old mystery
✔️being careful with their spending money
✔️a genuine sense of wonder, independence in a different country without parental guidance, a concern about checking in with adults
✔️adventure that the author hopes will foster a love of travel/exploration in the reader

On a more personal note, I loved the chance to revisit Machu Picchu. We’ve recently visited and I’d recommend this trip. I enjoyed seeing it again through the children’s eyes; the altitude sickness, the train through the Sacred Valley, a meal in Aguas Calientes, sipping on Inca Kola, hearing Quechua, wandering through the mercado, walking over bridges spanning the Urubamba River, wandering Plaza de Armas, being tempted to try cuy chactado, and meandering through the ruins at Sacsayhuaman.

I’d gladly recommend this series to my niece and nephew because I see the value in the opportunity for children to explore the world of mystery while learning important life lessons about perseverance, independence and working together.

I was gifted this copy by Vinspire Publishing and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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