Member Reviews

A fourth opportunity for Mula the tiger to spread the merits of yoga and meditation, when a storm briefly makes some of the animals go all zoomy, including a snake who insists it has lost its one true love. Nicely we can be slightly ahead of the plot when it comes to working out what that is, for otherwise we don't have the best illustration or layouts, and all the book is besides that is a page or two of yoga poses so safe we can do them with not much supervision – this is pitched very young, after all. I kind of surprised myself in finding I'd given the previous volumes in this series four stars, for this felt like three and a half at the best – and when the illustrator admits this finally – at the fourth attempt – taught her the benefits of movement, you do have to wonder if they've been working before now. They've certainly been very harmless, quirky, animal-based dramas, impossible to give offence to anyone.

I always love a good picture book that includes yoga! This is a wholesome story about being mindful with an adorable art style. Practical “calm down” techniques and yoga poses included make for a wonderful book that I will definitely be requesting for my library’s collection. I think children of all ages (adults ,too!) are bound to be enticed by this colorful and practical book.

I enjoyed reading this book. We see Mula and the Fly meditating, when someone asks them for help. They agree and follow them on a pretty exciting adventure. Once this story comes to a close, life for Ana will be changed forever. Most kids will have a great time reading this book.

very cute illustrations, one thing that made me want to pick it up the most! it also has a very adorable lesson to children. while growing up we keep trying to search for love, when we can first find love within ourselves. amazing lesson at the end! also i think that it's very adorable to finish with yoga lessons in the last chapter!

It’s the first book I read from this yoga picture book series, and I found it very cute and fun. This story is about self love, and the conclusion was very funny! The colourful and bright illustrations are nice, and make it all even more playful.
The yoga poses the characters do during the story are gathered at the end, with a little explanation on how to do them, which makes this book really useful to teach kids about yoga and mindfulness.

This is a cute, high-energy story that would be really fun to read aloud, either with one kid or a whole group. It's funny, sweet, and has a good message. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

Mula is back, but this time she's using mindfulness and yoga to help a snake that sssimply can't ssshake the love sssick blues. Mula and the Love Sick Snake, is the perfect book for Valentine's Day, whether your grades 1-4 students need some deep breathing after candy celebrations or your kiddos need to move and recharge on love day!

I absolutely loved this story!
What a beautiful tale with a great moral for readers young and old! The wonderful illustrations really bring the story to life.
Review from my 4 year old:
“I loved the waterfall picture the best and I like Mula because she has a cute funny nose and she does yoga moves”
Great way for readers to think about loving themselves and being mindful. Also fab beginner yoga poses to try out!

This was such a cute story. I own a reptile store and me and my kids love to find new books that have out reptile friends in them. The illustrations were adorable and we loved all the colors!

I received an advance reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Mula and the Lovestruck Snake is an adorable and brightly illustrated children's picture book about Mula, the tiger helping a friend.
Ana, the snake gets blown into Mula and fly with a big gust of wind. Disorientated, she asks them for help to find her one true love. With the help of her new friends and some calming yoga techniques, Ana finds who she's been searching for - herself. This was a delightful read and I just know my granddaughter will not just adore this book and its characters, but she would enjoy doing the yoga too. It's so important for children to learn calming techniques in today's world, and I love books that help support this in children.

And endearing story, incorporating themes such as exercise, healthy lifestyle, self-care and self-love. The beautiful illustrations serve as a gentle introduction to some basic yoga poses and Ava, the losestruck snake, soon realises that the loving relationship she was seeking all along was with herself.
This book can be a great tool to demonstrate to children big and small how to practice mindfulness, relaxation and no doubt they will attempt to replicate the yoga poses they will see in the book. A very enjoyable read indeed!
Thank you to NetGalley and Sweet Cherry Publishing for my free review ebook, all opinions are my own.

A brilliant story about self-love, finding your calm, learning to breathe.
The colours are bright, colourful, and engaging for kids and really add to the charm of the story.
The fun yoga positions are at the end of the book for kids and even adults to try.
Great book with wisdom teaching the importance of just slowing down and loving yourself but also if your child gets overwhelmed with something teach them to breathe and relax (Something a lot of us adults could learn to do).

The illustrations were beautiful! The message in the book was also great. Leaning to be yourself, listening to your heart and get clarity. Anything that has yoga in a children’s book is a ok to me!

Usually, I like these yoga books, but this is one of a few exceptions. First off, the story is overly long. It was about self-love, finding your calm, learning to breathe, all the stuff you expect from a yoga story. However, it took so long to get there, and then the conclusion while nice was a quick wrap up. As always the illustrations in these books are phenomenal but I would pick this up because I liked the other books but it would not be one I add to my permanent collection.

Mula and the Lovesick Snake
4 Stars
This story is cute and teaches fun yoga poses to kids! It’s definitely a good way to introduce yoga and deep breathing to a beginner. This book also covers the many distractions that pop up when you're trying to clear your mind.
The colors are bright, colorful, and engaging for kids. Join Ana on her journey to find her true love. The more Ana calms down using deep breathing, the more she can focus on her goal of finding her true love.
Overall, this is a good book to teach children about yoga! That said, I preferred the first two books to this one. Thank you, NetGalley and Sweet Cherry Publishing, for an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This story made me smile so much!! “Mula and the Lovesick Snake,” is an engaging children’s book about breath work, opening your heart, & loving yourself. All of these are done using yoga on their journey to find Ana’s true love. When Ana becomes flustered she is reminded by Mula & the Fly to take big deep breaths & listen to her heartbeat. The more Ana slows her breath, the more calm she became & was able to focus on her task of finding her true love. This is a great concept for kids to learn about & practice.
The color scheme is beautifully soothing yet still so vibrant. Perfect for a children’s book about yoga!
There’s a very easy to follow guide for some postures at the end of the story.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, & to NetGalley for an advanced digital copy of the book.

Cute story with fun yoga poses for kids! It’s definitely a cute way to introduce yoga and breathing to a kid.

I always enjoyed reading Mula's adventure. This one talks about some poses, with a cobra pose, therefore Ana the snake came into scene. A good way to encourage children to do yoga for their wellbeing. Moreover, the story is always fun and calming as well.

We loved this book! Following Ana’s journey to discovering her true love, my kids loved following along with the yoga moves explained throughout.
The colours on the illustrations are fabulous - so bright and captivating!
Such a lovely little story

This book uses good figurative language and adjectives. The character uses yoga to calm down when they are panicked. Breathing is a strategy that is focused on. There are yoga proses explained at the end of the book.