Member Reviews

Even though this is much better executed than most books I've read lately, I ended up giving up partway through the second book. The male MC bounces back and forth between generous lord and scary angry damaged dangerous person, and the female MC/viewpoint character is understandably scared of him and unable to see his positive side, but also keeps making bad, headstrong decisions. They're believable as a teenager's decisions, but still often facepalm-worthy. The whole thing feels very serious and fraught in that YA manner that I don't love.

I didn't ship them as a couple, but apparently they become one later, which is what I thought would happen. For me, a romance doesn't work if it's between people who I think are toxic or foolish, and he's toxic and she's foolish.

Not for me, but it will have its audience. Kudos on the good editing.

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Waterspell Series book 1-4 by Deborah J. Lightfoot was an exciting action packed adventure.
I really enjoyed this new to me fantasy/romance story.
I thought it was very well written and the characters were so entertaining and intriguing.
I’m excited for book 5 The Karenina Chronicles.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Seven Rivers Publishing, Victory Editing for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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I stayed up late many, many nights to read what happened next in this series... it's definitely a page turner and keeps you guessing. If you love adventures, and excitement you will love this series.

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"Waterspell Books 1-4" by Deborah J. Lightfoot is a captivating fantasy series that explores the theme of finding one's place in a world where one doesn't naturally belong. The narrative follows Carin, a lost traveler, who becomes entangled in the complex and tumultuous world of a warlock named Lord Verek.

The series, comprised of four books, delves into the challenges and courage required to carve a space for oneself in an unfamiliar and magical realm. Carin's journey is fraught with danger, especially as she moves in with Lord Verek, a warlock with a tempestuous temper and a history of emotional wounds. The relationship between Carin and Lord Verek is central to the narrative, with Carin fighting not only for her survival but also seeking a sense of belonging in a world filled with magic and uncertainty.

The character of Lord Verek adds depth to the story, presenting a warlock who grapples with anger and emotional turmoil. His internal struggles, combined with external threats such as alien plagues, contribute to a rich and layered narrative. The series explores whether Carin is merely viewed as a disposable tool in Lord Verek's quest to save his world or if there's a deeper connection that might alter their fates.

Deborah J. Lightfoot skillfully weaves a tale of magic, survival, and self-discovery. The fantasy elements are well-crafted, immersing readers in a world where the boundaries between reality and magic blur. The author's descriptive prose creates vivid imagery, bringing the fantastical elements to life.

The overarching plot, spanning the four books, keeps readers engaged with its twists and turns. The series not only provides a thrilling adventure but also delves into the complexities of relationships, personal growth, and the impact of one's choices.

"Waterspell Books 1-4" is a must-read for fantasy enthusiasts who enjoy immersive world-building, well-developed characters, and a storyline that seamlessly blends magic and human emotion. Deborah J. Lightfoot's series offers a compelling exploration of the journey to find one's place, even in the most magical and challenging of worlds.

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