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Sinfully Mine

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The Widow and the Rake

A man leaves his farm for Andrew, and Drew hates the country. He will sell it all … It turns out, a widow comes with the farm, and as long as she stays on the property, he cannot sell. Hester is not going anywhere, and she resorts to all sorts of tricks to make him leave, but Drew is not going anywhere. Then, more sinister accidents begin to happen. Is Hester responsible? How can she be? They have just gone from cabbage at breakfast and a snake in his bed, to kisses that make a fellow lose his mind. Can she want him dead? Someone definitely does.

This is a delightful story with steamy romance, mystery, suspense, and humor in the mix. I enjoyed it and would recommend it to lovers of historical romance. I look forward to reading about the next of the Five Sins.

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I loved it. Andrew was so sure that Hester would fall at his feet and beg him to sale Blackbird Heath so she could move elsewhere. Man was he ever wrong about her. He also didn’t expect her to be so young and beautiful and there wasn’t a woman in all of England he couldn’t seduce. He thought he had this sale in the bag. One of the funniest parts I thought was when he had dinner at the Heath the first night and they gave him cabbage. Andrew hates cabbage and Hester decided maybe they should have cabbage every night and maybe he would leave. Ms. Ayers had me laughing so hard during this portion. This has been a wonderful series so far and can’t wait for the next installment.

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Sinfully Mine. My fellow readers. Drew is a bad boy indeed. This man pined over taking over Blackbird Heath from Heaster, but he really desired was Hester. At the night of the dinner parter Drew was like a man on the verge of murdering someone if he couldn’t have her.
Basically he was extremely jealous. I enjoyed the story a lot. My favorite moments in the book were when Hester tried different ways of trying to get Drew out of the house, while Drew tried to out Witt Hester by the legalities of the land and it’s asset. But what really had me saying oh my was the scene at the night of the dinner gathering and Drew claimed Hester as his. That scene was heated today the least.
I chose Drew as my favorite character, because of his interesting characteristics. One moment he’s a refined man of business. The next he’s a doting brother and a loving son. Moments later he’s a wise and sharp businessman who knows his way around producing profits and adding numbers. This is a story that focuses a lot on the sub-plot.
That is the romance the blooms between Drew and Hester. For me I felt the story is very entertaining. It was a fun read that I enjoyed reading during my down time. I give this book two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers. Read on! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
#SinfullyMine #KathleenAyers #Dragonbladepublishing #Netgally #Goodreads #Bookbub

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One of the Five Deadly Sins meets his match
Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2023
Sinfully Mine is the third book in the series, The Five Deadly Sins by Kathleen Ayers. This book features Andrew Sinclair and he is definitely a Deadly Sin. The book starts out with Andrew getting ready to leave London to visit his older brother Jordan. (he is from book one) Jordan is now the Earl of Emerson and is living on his country estate. Andrew was not looking forward to being in the country, if you’ve read the first book you will understand why, otherwise this book explains the reason very well.
Before Andrew has a chance to leave, he receives a letter and immediately calls for the family’s favorite solicitor, Mr. Patchahoo to give Andrew more information about what the letter is about. It turns out a man named Joshua Black, an elderly man that Andrew vaguely remembers playing cards with a few years ago has mysteriously left Andrew his farm. Of course Andrew is stunned to find out that he is the new owner of the property but also has great plans of selling the farm. But he learns there is a widow that he cannot force to leave the farm. The fun begins when Andrew meets the widow and realizes she’s a beautiful young woman and not the elderly woman he thought she would be. Hester definitely does not want to leave the farm, as she has kept the farm running while her husband had gambled precious money away.
The banter back and forth between Hester and Andrew is so much fun to read, plus as Andrew and Hester both want the other to leave the farm they will try many things to try make that happen. There are many pranks that will give you some good laughs as two people try to outwit each other and slowly realize that they could really be attracted to each other and that something might work out between them.
This book has two characters that you will fall in love with and enjoy reading about. You will also get to know each other’s pains that they’ve both had to deal with in life. Even though the book mainly takes place on the farm there is no chance for the reader to get bored, there is always something going on with these two characters.
I am now anxiously waiting for Book 4 of the Five Deadly Sins to come out.
I received an ARC of this book and this is my personal and honest review.

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Sinfully Mine is the third book in the series and like the others, it is a wonderfully written and enjoyable book.

It can be read as a stand alone

Andrew is the younger brother to an Earl and is surprised to find himself the owner of Blackbird Heath.
Drew enjoys his life as it is and as Blackbird is a farm, he has no intention on keeping it. He decides he's going to sell and invest with friends.
There is one snag in his grand plans - the farm comes with a widow and she must vacate the property before he can sell.

Hester has worked hard for years. Her husband was wasteful, a habitual gambler, and that's why Hester is no grieving widower.

The farm is hers, she built Blackbird Heath to what it is and has no intention on handing it over to anyone, no matter what she has to do to keep it. Too many rely on the farm, including herself.

As long as she doesn't leave, Drew can't sell...

This was a lovely read. I enjoyed Hester and Drews story. Both were wonderfully hard headed.

Their strong personalities and unbending stubbornness gives the reader a story full of good angst, banter, and clashes of wills. During their time together trying to one up each other, it is evident that both H&H are undeniably attracted to one another. They both fight hard and fall harder in their journey to win Blackbird and their Happy ever After.

I received and ARC. All opinions are honest and my own.

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The epitome of a true gothic novel complete with rivalry, wild antics and a raving lunatic. The Deadly Sins are the family of my heart. These characters is inherently flawed and utterly lovable. Drew is the aimless playboy who longs for purpose. After the banished life they were forced into, he absolutely hates the country that is until one woman gives him the purpose he longs for. Hester is the truest example of self-reliance, she has been forced to provide for herself all her life being handed from one aimless drunk to the next. It’s no wonder she assumes that is all there is to Drew, he’s tried hard to project exactly that image. But the journey to true realizations from both of them is a delightful good read. They bicker, they taunt, and they inevitably realize that in between hurtful words and lustful glances, hearts were given. I had chills throughout their undeniable chemistry. The tension was real throughout most of the story I’m it’s many varied forms. You couldn’t help but cheer on Hester in all her attempts to force Drew away, all the while cheering for their eventual match. This series continues to get better with every book.

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Having read all the novels in this series, I enjoyed Drew's story, as well as meeting up with the characters from previous books. This romance is entertaining, witty, and somewhat suspenseful as Drew encounters the widow Hester Black. In an era where honor precedes taking care of one's family, Drew finds himself the owner of a farm he had previously refused to accept in a game of cards. Hester waits in trepidation for the new owner to arrive and quickly picks up on Drew's distaste for dirt and cabbages in particular. As events unfold, Hester is forced to come to the conclusion that first impressions are not always correct and has to amend the way she thinks if she wants to win Drew over to allow her to stay on the farm. When Drew is maliciously attacked, he begins to wonder whether Hester is more desperate to keep the farm than he thought and her seeming betrayal cuts deep. Hester herself comes under attack, but as Drew analyses the situation he knows that he has to go back and resolve the conundrum. Despite the rantings of a madman, the novel comes to a happy conclusion. I received a copy of this book as a gift and through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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Wow, what a story, you will be drawn in after the first chapter. Andrew (Drew) is a card playing rake who loves the life in the city, he hates the country for good reason. He is shocked to find he has left a manor/farm in the country by a gentleman he barely remembers. All he can think of is to sell it and use the money for a new idea he has. He may own the house, but the man's widow still lives there. He cannot force her to leave, and he can’t sell the house till she does. Blackbird is the only home Heath has known. She has poured her life and soul into making it what it is. She can’t understand why her late, older husband gave the house to a stranger! She will never leave! So starts a war of wills to see who can run the other off. It is great fun to see what they come up with. But there is evil working against them that they never see. I loved the animals in this story. As Drew and Heath war against each other turns into something else will the attraction, feeling and love be enough to win over the evil and secrets? You will need to get a copy to find out. This is a fast-moving story of opposites finding out they just may have a lot in common too. This is a steamy story and will have you reading late into the night to see what happens. I love this series. I received an ARC from the author and wish to thank her. This is my honest opinion and am freely giving it. The series can be read as standalone but much better read in order.

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Wow. I could not put this book down. Kathleen Ayers is so talented in weaving a story that allows the reader to feel vested in the story. You feel their passion, laughter, anger, and sorrow. I was totally captivated by this original tale and how each character had their own emotional journey through their past history and hurts. The side characters were wonderful. I loved how Hester and Drew started out as enemies yet could not resist being drawn to one another. They fought literally and figuratively.. Their pasts were so very similar and they each had a hard time trusting. And then throw in a "mad" character...totally could not stop reading! Another wonderful addition to the Five Deadly Sins series. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. You will not be disappointed in choosing this book!

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Loved reading the entertaining and engaging romance story. Andrew wants to sell Blackbird Heath farm as soon as possible, but he can't sell it because Heather refuses to leave. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting love story. Can't wait to read the next story in the series!

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5 stars

Very good story such that having finished this, book 3, I immediately went to find book 1&2.

This book is about Drew. He is the brother to the Earl, Jordan (book 1) and his sister Tamsin (book 2).
The previous Earl died and his second family, Jordan, Tamsin, Drew, Aurora and the widow was sent to a very difficult estate in Northumberland by the heir, Barclay. To keep food on the table Drew becomes both a rake and a gambler. He wins an estate but immediately returns it to poorly, elderly owner. The owner leaves the estate to Drew with the caveat that his widow, Hester must have a home until she leaves. This sets up a clash between Drew and Mrs Black and this is the crux of the story. There is some scorching passionate scenes :)

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Well Kathleen Ayers has done it again. Not that it is a surprise Sinfully Mine, the third book in The Five Deadly Sins, is hot. I was given the opportunity to read Sinfully Mine from NetGalley and DragonBlade Publishing. Sinfully Mine doesn't disappoint. Hester and Andrew Sinclair are perfect for each other. From the very first moment they meet, the sexual tension between them is undeniable. Unknowing to both of them, they were destined to be together.

Joshua Black is Hester's late husband. He almost loses his home, Blackbird Heath, gambling with Andrew Sinclair. Drew intentionally loses to Joshua for him to win his home back. Drew, remembering what Bentley did to the Sinclair's, couldn't take a man's home and leave him homeless. Little does Drew know, this puts in motion finding the one woman that he can't live without.

Blackbird Heath is the only real home Hester Black has ever known. Her father was a drunkard, she had to beg for food until her father married her off to Joshua Black. Who wasn't much better. A gambler and a drunkard, if it wasn't for Hester, Blackbird Heath would be in ruins. Hester worked hard to get Blackbird Heath to be profitable again and she was not going to let Joshua Black take it from her. Hester was shocked when she found out Joshua changed his will and left Blackbird Heath to Andrew Sinclair with the stipulation Andrew cannot sell Blackbird Heath as long as Hester Black wants to live there. With Drew wanting to sell Blackbird Heath and Hester wanting to stay, so begins the love story of Andrew and Hester.

Through Andrew and Hester's antics of trying to get each other to leave Blackbird Heather, to finding out someone is trying to kill Andrew to get to Hester, Sinfully Mine is not only funny and drama filled but also sinfully steamy. Andrew and Hester are destined to be together and Kathleen Ayers does a outstanding job of getting them there. You can read this as a standalone; however, I recommend starting at book #1 Sinfully Wed. I mean, who doesn't like extra steam with their tea.

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Omg I love love this book! This is the third in the series featuring Drew and Hester and I loved their chemistry! The Sinclair clan is fast becoming one of my new favorite series! Start at book one and you will be hooked on this series! I enjoyed this book so much!

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The story of Hester and Drew was captivating. There was intrigue, murder, obsession and love.

Drew had struggled earlier on in life and used gambling to support himself and his family. He is very smart, and good natured and a savvy business man. When he is given a property in a will from an old gambling acquaintance he decides to sell the property to fund is new business venture. But there is a clause that the property cannot be sold as long as Mrs. Black lives there.

Eager to make a deal he arrives at the farm only to discover that Mrs. Black, aka Hester is a young, hardworking and stubborn woman who has made the farm profitable with her back breaking effort.

What starts out as pranks against Drew to cause him from the farm leads to attempts on his life. The passion that the couple feel for each other is not enough to overcome Drew's suspicion of Herster driving him back to London. But he is smart right, so things don't add up when he thinks it through.

He heads back to the farm to find Hester missing, kidnapped by a maniac.

All works out well in the end and they get their hea.

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Andrew & Hester. I just love this series. The Sinclairs never disappoint and Andrew like Jordan and Tamsin didn't. IDK how Kathleen Ayers manages to make you not only fall in love with the Sinclairs but also their love interests.

Hester was so not the typical FMC in historical romances. She was a hardworker but still managed to stay classy. I really dislike her name though.

Andrew was the sexy playboy card player but also a good man. In a card game against Hester's then husband, her husband had lost all his $$$ to Andrew and in a last ditch effort wagered his estate. Not wanting to take everything from him, Andrew intentionally lost the hand and ones thereafter and returned his $$$ back to him.

When her husband died (he was like 40 years older than Hester) he left the estate that he previously gambled to Andrew but wouldn't allow him to sell it unless his widow voluntarily left (which she wouldn't because she loved the estate and managed it herself to make it profitable). I think her husband had wanted Andrew to fall in love with Hester. Just my gut since it was never expressly said. He wanted to make sure that Hester was taken care of and he knew that Andrew would take care of her.

He didn't know that Hester had some crazy stalker that not only murdered his dad but also his wife and attempted to murder Andrew so he could have Hester.

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This is book three in the Deadly Sins series and the first one I've read so far. I didn't have any problems starting with this one, but I definitely plan on reading the first two.

Sinfully Mine is an excellent enemies to lovers romance. I loved the banter between Hester and Drew, and the humor with their back and forth antics was highly entertaining! They were both so stubbornly obstinate and unwilling to budge that it made their falling in love all the more satisfying.

The plot was intriguing, and the ending was wonderful! Hester and Drew had amazing chemistry, and this book was delightfully steamy!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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OMG! It's official Drew, is my new favorite Deadly Sin, I mean how can you not love this gorgeous, smart, sexy man?? Hester doesn't want anything to do with him, she's had a lifetime of men making her miserable, why can't he just leave, let her farm as she's she's fit, who cares if his smiles, make her knees go weak?? This is a delicious, quick read, it's open door steamy romance, and one you definitely won't want to put down, go on now,grab this one and enjoy!

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I picked this book because I really enjoy stories where the hero and heroine have very opposite purposes. In this case Drew hates the country and Hester loves it. However, I was disappointed because I felt like this premise sounded so funny and yet the book wasn't as funny as I had hoped.

Sinfully Mine, had all the elements of a classic historical romance. A misunderstood hero and a heroine who is struggling because of other people's poor decisions. There is danger and a villain and some great spicy scenes. If you haven't read a lot of historical romance or you want something that feel familiar this book may be great.

On the other hand, if you have read a lot of historical romance this one might not particularly stand out. I felt like I had read a lot of similar books and there was nothing that would make me want to go back to this story or characters specifically and continue the series or reread this book.

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This is the third book of the series and I have enjoyed reading about the Sinful Sinclairs! Drew Sinclair has supported his family as a card player, he is a rouge that loves the city life and women. Hester is a farmer with rough hands and a stubborn nature. Through a series of unusual events the pair end up living on the farm that Hester has ran and Drew has inherited. The two are a bit of an odd couple but they work. 5 stars.

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4.25 Stars
Andrew Sinclair, the dashing, card-playing younger brother of the Earl of Emerson is shocked to find he’s been left an estate by a gentleman he barely remembers. Andrew has plans for his future and they don’t include a farm, nor the man’s widow who apparently comes with it. He plans to sell the property as soon as possible. A fierce clash of wills unfolds as Andrew and Hester compete for control of Blackbird Heath all the while fighting their undeniable attraction to each other. But when Drew is attacked, doubt and suspicion make him question everything about their passionate affair.
The third book in the series & it’s easily read om its own. Misunderstandings, a whole load of assumptions made for an engrossing read. I loved both Andrew & Hester, their chemistry sizzled & I loved how their relationship changed & grew. The villain wasn’t hard to spot but boy did he cause havoc. I also loved how their backstory was gradually revealed to each other & how that effected their relationship
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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