Member Reviews

Another great book in this series. Three teenage girls were being cyberbullied, as well as picked on at school. When one of them goes missing, Ellie, Derrick and Cord are all working frantically to find her. There are lots of different avenues the investigation takes them, and then a second girl goes missing. Fearful that the third girl, June, is next Ellie and her team dig deep too find out what is going on. But, when the investigation leads back to one of their own, there seem to be more questions than answers. It is a race against the clock to save the teens, and find the kidnapper/killer.
Love the characters and their interactions. The underlying story of love between Ellie, Cord and Derrick is starting to get more intricate too! The plot had lots of twist and turns and kept me guessing into the book. Highly recommend this book/series

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I absolutely love this series. There is always a great suspenseful mystery and the story keeps you guessing until the conclusion.
Goodness please let Ellie get a HEA. This poor woman just can’t seem to catch a break. I was so excited a few books back when she finally had a personal revaluation but since then there has been one roadblock after another.

Evil whispered around him as he entered, shadows flickering as if Anna Marie’s ghost had been awakened.

This one kept me on my toes and glued to the pages.

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Love the Ellie Reeves novels. Great writing and premise. Amazing characters. Page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing..Definitely looking forward to the next offering. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it

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I had a hard time getting into this book. I have not read any of the prequels. so the characters and their backstories were unfamiliar to me. The book alternates chapters between many characters. It was a bit disjointed to me. Once I got about a third of the way through and started recognizing everyone, it came together. The ending was very good. I do recommend this book, but I think it would be better enjoyed if earlier books of the series were read first.

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I read this as a standalone and am now livid that I hadn't discovered dthis series before! What have I been missing out on?!

This was just one of those books that's sheer perfection! The characters are well fleshed out and unique. The plot is well paced and logical. The book moves forward constantly and never seems to drag or have pages full of waffle. This is top teir police proceedural/ mystery/ thriller at its best. I am now away to download the rest of the series and start from the beginning. A must read!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy of The Sleeping Girls by Rita Herron.
Detective Ellie Reeves is investigating the disappearance of teenager Kelsey Tiller when her parents receive a picture of her laid on a bed of white with her hair fanned out and a white teddy tucked under her arm, but she looks dead. No one can work out where the image was taken but this has happened before, and the culprit has just been released from prison. Is he carrying on where he left off or is someone taking advantage of his release to start killing again.
A good read that will keep you interested. Although this book is part of a series it worked as a stand alone.

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I really enjoyed this story – it was very well written and had a really addictive feel, this is the first book that I have read by this author in this series and OMG – what have I been missing!!

The characters in the story were brilliant. They were so well developed, I really felt for some, and not so much for others but the mix was great, and I loved how the author brought them all together.
I felt for the families involved and it was a great plot, well planned out and I loved how the story panned out as the book progressed. I loved the parts where we got to hear a little from inside the killers mind as well.

I really enjoyed this book and I read it over the Christmas period, starting it on Boxing Day and finishing it a couple of days later. I had booked some time off work and saved this one as a book to read as I was intrigued by the blurb and the author certainly had me hooked once I has started reading.

It is 5 stars from me for this one - very highly recommended and I am going to be working my way through the rest in the series now – loved this one!

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Detective Ellie Reeves is searching for a missing girl when another is reported missing. Anyone who reads plenty of thrillers is familiar with the “race against time before he takes another one” trope, and I thought I had it worked out. I was actually a bit disappointed as it seemed a little too predictable, and then, WOW! A total gut punch of a twist that I could never have guessed! I SO hadn’t worked it out, after all!

This is a well written police procedural, with excellent characterisation and a solid plot.

4 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, Rita Herron and Bookouture, for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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When a teenage girl goes missing Ellie, Cord and Derrick are quickly called into action. Soon after when a second teenager goes missing it seems they are after another serial killer.
Will they find the girls in time?
Ellie’s person life drama continues.. one element of the books I wish would get solved sooner than later.

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4.5 stars! My first Rita Herron book and it did not disappoint! Even though this book is part of a series, I was curious to know the history of the main characters but none the less, it didn't mess up the story line! I will for sure be going back to read the whole series! I loved the investigative style and mystery behind this story! It was definitely a page turner for me and it had some twists and turns I didn't really expect. One thing I also appreciated were the short chapters and loved how each one ended with me wanting to know more.

So if you're into investigative mysteries, I highly recommend!! Loved it!

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This may have been Book 9 in the Detective Ellie Reeves series but for me this was Book 1. I must admit I am now hooked and must know what happens between Cord and Ellie!
First let me start by saying that not all crime mysteries are created equal and while some people may not enjoy a book that jumps from character to character throughout the story sharing different perspectives that is something I do really enjoy and Rita is great at jumping between perspectives while also tying the whole story together.
In this book it took me until nearly the end of this story to make an accurate guess as to who the serial killer was. There were a few things I didn't realize though until Rita put it out there in the story. I won't give away any of the details on what exactly those things were.
Overall though despite having guessed who the killer was before the big reveal this book kept me turning the pages throughout the entire story even after I was pretty sure I knew how the story would play out and I really really enjoyed this book. I will definitely be watching for Book 10!
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity of an advanced reading of this book!

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4 stars / This review will be posted on today.

Detective Ellie Reeves is one of my favorites. She’s tough, human, and fallible. But she’s also extremely determined and will go to any lengths to solve a case. Crooked Creek is a small town but seems to have more crime than your average small mountain community. This story is no exception.

This time Ellie is tasked with solving the disappearance of a 15 year old teen with a stellar reputation. She’s not a popular girl, though she could be if she wanted. Kelsey is a musician with aspirations to go to Juilliard someday. Her two best friends are bandmates and anything but popular. Kelsey, June, & Ruby are besties and now a target. Because someone has posted photos of them that are tarnishing their reputations.

Cord is a Search and Rescue ranger who often helps Ellie out with cases. He’s one of the best trackers known, along with his dog Benji. And he’s got feelings for Ellie. But since his girlfriend Lola has announced her pregnancy, there isn’t much hope for Ellie and Cord. Meanwhile FBI Special Agent Derrick Fox isn’t sure where his relationship with Ellie stands. He also has feelings for Ellie, but Ellie has put a halt to their relationship.

This is number nine in Ellie’s series, and I haven’t read them all. But I will say that they are quick, engrossing, and unexpected. This is no exception. I truly enjoy that each novel has a separate crime to follow, which is wrapped by the end, but the overall relationships between the characters carry from novel to novel.

I’m curious to see where number ten goes. There is no need to start at the beginning, you’ll learn enough during the course of one novel to get the gist of the backstories. I might go back to the beginning just because I really do enjoy these.

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This book was pretty good, I would definitely recommend

~This was given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I really enjoy this series. At the end of the last book I was pretty cranked up. I understand that there needs to be conflict but I feel like it’s been dragging too long.

I dived into this one waiting. I also knew exactly where one aspect of story was going. And I was right. The mystery portion was good, I’m still cranked at the other aspect. I mean sweet baby geebus could we please give Ellie a small break.

That being said I’m ready for the next book. And please throw poor Ellie a bone. #concernedfan

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This is the first book I have read by Rita Herron. I was given the opportunity to read the Arc on

Overall, I really enjoyed the book. The mystery leaves you guessing until the author reveals who is taking the girls. The characters are engaging and will draw you in. The only thing that bothered me was that since I had not read the books that came before this one in the series, I kept wondering what all happened in the references to the main characters previous interactions. It does make me want to read more of this series. I thank the author and publisher for allowing me to read this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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The Sleeping Girls kept me guessing until the end. Ellie Reeves and her team are investigating the death of a teen and the kidnapping of others. As they race against time, secrets start to come to the surface. I appreciate how Rita Herron touches on bullying/cyberbullying, which is a huge problem in our world, especially among the younger generation. I look forward to see where the Ellie/Cord storyline goes in the future.

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Rita Herron begins The Sleeping Girls right where she left off her previous novel. Whilst Ellie is visiting her Tracker partner, Cord, kin the hospital, she learns he is having a baby with another woman. Heartbroken, Ellie throws herself into her next case - working on the disappearance of a 15-year-0ld girl. She and her friends were being bullied by the "popular" girls. Ellie talks to Kelsey's best friends, and learns there's so much more going on. As a subplot, a killer has been released from prison that seems linked to these cases, and he may be being protected by one of Ellie's colleagues. Absolutely flippin' fantastic! Thank you to Bookouture for an advanced reader of this novel. The opinions expressed are my own.

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This book had twists and turns that kept me on the edge. The chapters are short and the book is unputdownable! I really enjoyed this book 📚

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I enjoyed this book, the story was very good and I really liked the characters. The only criticism I have for the story is there was a little bit too much of the love triangle with the main characters. The story sort of went from not knowing anything to being solved all at once. It was a good story though

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This is yet another brilliant book in the Ellie Reeves series. The plot was different and the characters as well written as usual. I think it could be read as standalone since it gives enough of any relevant background needed. There were enough twists to keep the guesswork going and it took me towards the end to line up the clues. I'm looking forward to the next book!

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