Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
I needed a humorous book to read and this was a good choice. There were some tips and tricks too. And mentioning that not everyone in the world has access to sanitation was about the only serious part of the book. But it's a sad reality. We shouldn't take our plumbing for granted.

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I never imagined I would read a book about all things related to the “throne” that didn’t come from the hardware section.

This book was informative, hilarious, and at times gross which is to be expected when you’re talking about poop.

I suggest this book for anyone who wants an out of the box book that doesn’t mind repeating seeing poop all over the page.

Thank you NetGalley and Chronicle Books for the opportunity to read this book.

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Very informative and great advice for the use of public bathrooms and even bathroom at home. I will recommend this to my family and friends so they can keep it in their bathroom and read a bit while they get down to business 😂

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I received this DRC from NetGalley.

I'm not sure how to rate this one. It's not something I would buy for myself. I'd maybe get it as part of a joke gift for someone. A lot of it is common sense stuff told in a goofy way. There are some tidbits of information, like myths debunked by Mythbusters or some info about counties other than America. The little drawings are cute. I'd probably rate it higher if I found out that the price point was low. It is funny that some pages are left blank at the end just in case.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC.
I was tempted to give this book two stars as it is about going #2 but I actually gave it four stars! This is an entertaining book about hehe pooping hehe. This would be a great book to keep in your bathroom or to give as a gift. It was just a smidge too constipated for me with the footnotes. Otherwise, it was smooth sailing and enjoyable.

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I guess I was expecting something that was just humorous, but Own Your Throne is so much more.
Obviously, it's humorous too. How can you not be funny when you're talking about poop? But this book has everything: advice on what to wear so officemates don't recognize you as the office pooper, exercises to help you poop, a history of flushing, etc.
There's a lot of useful information along with interesting facts, surrounded by funny commentary. Then at the end, the author gives a plug to a charity that helps people who aren't as privileged in the pooping department. This book is excellent and well-rounded.
Thanks so much to NetGalley for letting me read this

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I loved this read. Full of humor and great health information as well as tips and tricks on when and where to go (even apps!) high recommend as a fun book to keep in the bathroom or to give as a gift. Thank you NetGalley for this read I really enjoyed it.

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