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The Dublin Thrillers Book 2

Danielle Lewis has just inherited the top spot in the Lewis crime family following her uncle Ged's death. The reluctant heiress has no interest in finding the five million stash of cocaine Ged brought down from the north just before his death. All she wants is to be left alone to take care of Ged's orphaned infant daughter. But Ged's death has left a hole at the top of the Dublin crime world. The alliance between the Lewises and the Flynns is on shakier ground than ever. Danielle doesn't want to be boss. But if she doesn't step up, someone far worse will.

I read the first book in this series and enjoyed it, so I was happy to get a copy of the second book in this series. I enjoyed this one more. Danielle is raising her uncle Ged's infant daughter. Nobody knows where they are. But a trip out soon has Danielle regretting her mistake. Filled with strong characters and a great storyline, will Danielle take her place at the head of the family? Or will someone step into her place instead.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #JoffeBooks and the author #CaseyKing for my ARC of #Exposed in exchange for an honest review.

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This was my first book by Casey King and I’m looking forward to reading more - starting with the first book in this series. I was able to pick up the series from this book but will definitely read the first book.

I really enjoyed this book and found that I don’t want to put it down. Danielle Lewis is living under the radar as she is looking after her uncle Ged’s baby daughter. Nobody knows where she is and she needs to keep it that way. Venturing out for necessary supplies was a mistake and one that Danielle lives to regret as her life spirals. She has to try and fight for what is rightfully hers and she doesn’t know who to trust!

A fab read and I can’t wait to read more by this author.

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Ged people was scared of him
Danielle Lewis has just been picked up for the crime family
Ged has passed away and Danielle has said that she would be alone to Ged,s
I had an ARC

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This was a fantastic read! What an explosive and gritty tale! I loved the first book in the series and now I'm hook, line and sinker for this author! Please, please, write more books. I simply must have them. The mc, Danielle Lewis, is really kick ass in this!! She is under enormous threat from the older Flynn brother and must survive.

The pacing is spot on and the character development could not be any better. I was disappointed when the book ended simply because it was one of those stories that I could just keep reading and reading! Casey King may very well be the Queen of the Murky underworld like I read someone else saying. Go and claim your crown, 'cause Danielle Lewis was masterful.

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Well this was a book I really wanted to read as I loved the first book. Danelle Lewis is still in Ireland and trying to come to terms with everything that has happend and determined to right the wrongs.Excellent book.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

What another brilliant book by this author, gritty page turner can’t wait to read more

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Fantastic sequel to the ongoing Lewis/Flynn war over the running of Dublin.
Danielle has alw@ya been looked out for by the Lewis family but she’s the only one left. How can she survive when Dwayne Flynn wants her existence erased from the world, and the added fact of she was once his sister in law dosnt hold any sway.
Greatly written with all the action of a gangland thriller.
Hoping more of this author will b released soon definitely one to watch

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I enjoyed this book. It started strong from the first chapter and didn't let up.
I enjoyed this alot. So many twists and turns. Can't wait for the next one

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Another explosive tale from Casey King who is emerging as a future Queen of the Murky Underworld. Exposed is a fast-paced thriller featuring Danielle Lewis - the new crime boss. I loved these characters and look forward to book three. Fantastic book you won't want to put down. 4 stars

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I read this book in a day and I never looked back! The twist and the plot were pretty easy to identify but the different POV's kept me intrigued to see how everything was going to unfold. A couple of the characters were so unlikable that it made it hard to feel bad or connect with them in any way.

Overall I give this 5 out 5 because it really was a great book and I will definitely read more from this Author. I enjoyed the thrill of the plot and its twists.
Thank you NetGalley for this ARC copy of the book!

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