Member Reviews

Growing up on a farm in Canada, seeing wild rabbits everyday was common place and I was always on the lookout for them, fascinated by their changing color with the seasons. I was so happy to discover that when I moved into a moderate-sized city as an adult, that I could still see rabbits a lot of the time as I have always lived across the street or near urban parks so I knew as soon as I saw this book that I wanted to read it.
This book is full of large, full color pictures and provides general information about mostly wild rabbits and hares. This would make a great coffee table book for any nature or animal lover in your life.

A simple book about different types of rabbits. Some good information but not my favorite. Very basic.

Delightful to look at, this is a pictorial introduction to all the wonderful lagomorphs of our world. We start with some of the many domestic species of bunny, then divert into the outside world to see some other species, before branching off into hares and then pikas. We gain some basic information about the animals from the captions that, as usual with these Amber books are the bulk of the text, but then focus on their behaviour and lifestyle. So while some people will know far more information than is here, they will still find this cute, and for those who don't need to know all the ins and outs, all the biology and all the varieties, this will be something to covet. Just don't come to this thinking you'll get a comprehensive anything. A strong four stars.

Rabbits, hares, pikas, jackrabbits, and more! These adorable animals will appeal to all readers. The photographs in this book are just as cute as can be. You also get a whole lot of information on the wild and domestic species of rabbits.
I loved the natural history information provided and learned some new facts about these special animals. I raised rabbits as pets when I was younger, so I sure do appreciate them. The photography is just beautiful too. Plenty of great photos illustrate the text and are enjoyable to browse through. This one would make a perfect coffee table book. I highly recommend the many books by author Tom Jackson. They never disappoint.

Beautiful photos. So many adorable bunnies! Lots of interesting facts. I really enjoyed it.
4 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own
Informative book with lots of adorable pictures to identify the different breeds of both wild and domestic rabbits. I honestly did not think of baby rabbits as anything but bunnies until now. I wish there was more information on noises and body language. But it's a good book nonetheless

My thanks to Amber Books for a temporary digital review copy via NetGalley of ‘Rabbits: From Hares and Jackrabbits to Adorable Pets’ by Tom Jackson.
With 130 accompanying photographs ‘Rabbits’ is a pictorial guide to lagamorphs: rabbits, hares, and pikas. This was my first encounter with the tiny pika, which are so cute!
As noted the focus in Jackson’s book is on photography, with each image captioned with information about the breeds, origins, behaviour, and habitats. I certainly increased my knowledge by reading this book, including an awareness of how some types are endangered.
The photographs are beautiful and display a range of behaviour from the fluffy, cute domesticated bunnies to the wild breeds, which are independent and territorial.
While I would have enjoyed a little material on the symbolism and folklore surrounding these fascinating creatures, I appreciated that the focus here was upon their natural history. I am certain that there are books available that examine these aspects of the rabbit, including their role in art and literature.

Any book that features rabbits has me interested, so this volume was a no brainer for me to pick and read! And it was a delight! Full of the most adorable photographs and some fascinating information, it's a great mix for all bunny fans, and those wanting to learn more about these amazing creatures!
There's a good mix of information that looks at the different breeds of rabbits and those who are pets alongside their wild cousins. It also looks at their behaviour and how they respond to the threats around them and gives a good background to the makeup of the species.
The photography, as with all books from Amber books, is amazing! The most stunning wildlife photography, especially of hares and the arctic hares in the snow, are just beautiful to look at and make it a treat for the eyes!

Rabbits by Tom Jackson is a lovely sampling of many rabbit breeds (wild and domestic), their habitats, preferred food, breeding for hair and behaviours. The explanation of eye colours captured me in particular. Details about size from diminutive puffballs to the largest jackrabbits as well as where they live in the world are mentioned. Not only is the information fascinating but oh, my...the photography! Almost felt I had the softies on my lap (though not on their backs).
After dogs and cats, rabbits are the third most beloved pets. When I was a wee farmgirl my dad would rescue tiny orphaned bushrabbits which we fed with eyedroppers until they graduated to greens.
Rabbits can be found in deserts, cities, meadows and even the Arctic. I had not heard of several of the breeds shown here.
Whether your rabbit knowledge is limited or vast, you will enjoy this book.
My sincere thank you to Amber Books Ltd. and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this eye-opening and gorgeous book..

As a mom to five bunnies, I couldn’t pass this book up. Rabbits by Tom Jackson is a lovely, full-colour exploration of lagamorphs. The photography is gorgeous. His writing style is engaging - informative and to the point, and also just ever so slightly dry.If you are a bunny pro (e.g. a veterinarian, or bun-parent for several decades), you might not learn anything new from this book, but if you are looking for a nice little read, or a conversation-starter for your coffee table, then this is it!

A good quick overview of different types of rabbits and their history. Nothing groundbreaking but a good resource.

A good quick overview of different types of rabbits and their history. Nothing groundbreaking but a good resource.

Thank you NetGalley for a review copy of this title.
This is a comprehensive introduction to most the breeds of rabbits, hares and others in the rabbit family. The images are very clear. The advice given is a little simple though and it does not have much about the care of rabbits but it is a nice intro.
A nice encyclopaedia of rabbits.

I really enjoyed this book, mostly consisting of photographs and informational captions about rabbits and other lagomorphs. The section on wild rabbits was really interesting, and the photography is gorgeous throughout, but I thought the domestic rabbit section could have included more breeds. I'm sure this will be a lovely reference book for an introduction to rabbits and hares, the digital version had captions appear on separate pages to many of the photos so it was a case of flipping back and forth to match things up, but in a physical version I'm sure it will look fantastic. Thank you so much for letting me read this!

As a bunny mama to 4 adorable rescue house rabbits, I simply HAD TO read this book. Rather than a handbook on keeping house rabbits (I'd recommend <i>The House Rabbit Handbook</i> by Marinell Harriman for that), this delectable delight is chock full of large, full-color pictures and information on rabbit origins, various breeds, behavior, particularly in the wild, and other fun facts. Yes, even this long-time bunny mama and foster learned a thing or two about rabbit history, as well as the relationship between domesticated rabbits and their wild brethren.
With all the gorgeous pictures contained within, the hardcover edition (once released) would make a fantastic coffee table book, especially for bunny peeps like me. I also really appreciated that the author included pounds in addition to kilograms when talking about weight. As an American, I still have a hard time relating to kilograms, or doing the conversion in my head. :)
<i>Thank you so much to NetGalley and Amber Books for providing me with an advanced reader copy of this book for review.</i>
#Rabbits #AmberBooks #NetGalley

Arguably the cutest animals on Earth, this book brings a collection of the most amazing photographs of rabbits, hares and pikas. Tom Jackson’s books so far explored spectacular creatures such as bears, apes and sharks. This time, his subjects are less exotic but still just as fascinating. The quality of the pictures is such that you can almost feel the softness of their fur. As usual, the brief text provides interesting information about the species. I’m embarrassed to say that I always thought that bunnies and hares were the same species. Thanks to this book I now know that they may be the same family, but from different species. I also got to know the impossibly cute pikas, which I would have thought were rodents. The book covers pets and their wild brethren and include details about their physiognomy, biology, habits and behavior. Informative and adorable.
I chose to read this book and all opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased. Thank you, #NetGalley/#Amber Books.