Member Reviews

You know what you don't see much on the market? Patterns for BIG crocheted critters and yet, Huggable Amigurumi nailed it. These are adorable creatures that are each at least a foot tall if not more. They're fantastically cute and would be a perfect gift for the little person in your life.

As for the patterns themselves, they were well written and clear. Directions were well laid out and abbreviations were all explained within the book so one shouldn't have to look to other sources for clarification.

Supplies needed are listed well and options for yarn and sizing are clear.

The pictures are bright and colourful, shown with children and detailed enough to give the creator an excellent sense of what they're working towards.

My kids want me to make them all!!

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I liked this book, especially since it gave an approximate time estimate for how long the project would take. Some of these are HUGE so I doubt that I would ever make them but the directions seemed clear and easy to follow and a lot of the details are very sweet (the bear's paw pad are especially cute!)

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The directions are all easy to follow. Bulky weight yarn, and super sized finished projects. Cute but somewhat generic animals.

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There are *so many* crochet books out there, so when I see one that is a bit different and has a fun theme/topic, I get very excited! It was the same with this one--I've never seen a crochet book specifically dedicated to larger amigurumi pieces. I'm not a huge amigurumi person in general (I tend to gravitate towards wearables/more functional crochet projects, as I'm not really a trinket/doo-dad kinda person), but I definitely think I want to make one of these to cuddle with and as gifts for friends! It's a bit more exciting when it's a stuffed animal you can give a big hug to, and I think some of these are just so stinking cute! (I won't lie though, some are a bit...wonky? Like, let-me-close-one-eye-and-tilt-my-head-to-see-how-this-resembles-a-cat wonky, but that's okay. They can't all be winners).
Side note--I am so excited to finally have something to use those larger safety eyes for! I can't tell you how many variety packs I have where the smallest and largest ones just sit and collect dust.

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The book begin with basic instruction on material and on how to read the instructions. The book also contain a stitches and abréviation glossary.

Considering the size of the pattern I don't think it would be best for a beginner, but otherwise the project are simple enough for someone who has previous experience in amigurumi. A basis on how to sew pieces is required since many projects requires it. There are plenty of instruction on how to sew the pieces, but not many photos.

The instructions are clear and well organized, with informations on the finished size, the level of difficulty and an estimation of the required time for each project. The specific material required (including the amount of yarn) are specified.

As usual with pattern book, not all of them were to my taste, but I really loved some of them like the turtle, the bear in a waist coat, the zebra and the seal. I have rarely found giant pattern using normal yarn (instead of chenille), which for me make this pattern book very interesting!

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