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My Husband's Lies

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This book was a total rollercoaster in all the best ways!! I couldn’t read it fast enough! Wow on the ending!! I will be looking for more promising releases from Liz Lawler!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the advance audio-arc of My Husband's Lies by Liz Lawler in exchange of an honest review.
My Husband's Lies by Liz Lawler is a captivating psychological thriller that grabs your attention from the very first page. The story follows Nurse Kate, who finds herself in a state of shock when her husband, Mark, becomes a suspect in a murder investigation. As Kate delves deeper into the mystery, she realizes that nothing is as it seems, and the web of lies and deception becomes increasingly complex.

Lawler does a commendable job of building tension and suspense throughout the narrative, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. The fast-paced plot keeps the story moving at a brisk pace, making it difficult to put the book down. The twists and turns in the storyline add an extra layer of intrigue, as readers are constantly guessing and second-guessing the true motives of the characters.

If you're a fan of psychological thrillers that leave you guessing until the very end, then 'My Husband's Lies' is worth a read. With its gripping plot and complex characters, it offers a satisfying blend of suspense, mystery, and betrayal."

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⭐️⭐️⭐️ / 5 Stars
Happy publication to Liz Lawler and My Husband Lies! Thank you to Liz Lawler, Bookouture Audio, and NetGalley ( @netgalley ) for allowing me to read an ALC (Advanced Listener 🎧 Copy) for an honest review!

📅 Monday, November 20, 2023 was the pub date for My Husband Lies. The narrator🎙️for this audiobook 🎧 is Gabrielle Nellis-Pain. 📅

Can you imagine opening the door for your husband, a pilot, returning home from a trip to discover two law enforcement officers inquiring of your husband’s whereabouts? Can you imagine discovering that there was a murder in the last location he piloted his plane from? How would you feel when your husband isn’t forthcoming with information and you have reason to be hesitant when it comes to trusting him? What lengths would you go to protect him and prove his innocence…that is if he’s innocent?

If you’re like me, I’d rather not find myself in this predicament because I don’t honestly know what I’d do and how I’d manage! I’m not currently married. So hypothetically, I would like to think that I’d do almost anything for my husband. But, honesty is so engrained in my core values system that I’d have an incredibly hard time trusting him again…especially when having a reason from my past not to.

Liz Lawler has written a complex plot, although sometimes unbelievable, for a very enjoyable thriller. She leaves your brain spinning while reading and thinking about the ending after completion. Liz Lawler is a new to me author that I will be recommending to friends that love thrillers. I’m also interested in reading some of her other works.

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My Husband's Lies is a psychological thriller. Kate, a doctor, is thrown into her husband Mark's web of lies when he's being investigated for the murder of a young woman in Barcelona. The plot thickens when we're introduced to Robert, Mark's best friend and colleague with a secret, and Olivia, the sweet, doe-eyed lady who's all too happy to help.

Rating: 3 stars
The author weaves a very intricate web of lies. So intricate, in fact, that at some point we can't tell where the lies end. I did enjoy following Kate on her investigation.

Kate starts off as an intelligent woman... she's a doctor after all. But somewhere along the way she gets so blinded by hope that she throws logic out the window. In the beginning, she is painfully aware of Mark's red flags. Obviously not the best opinion to have of your life partner, but certainly one that would have come in handy in unraveling the mystery she got caught up in. I also felt like we were taking two steps forward then three steps back in the investigation.
For a main-ish character, Mark was not very memorable. I wish we could have seen him fleshed out a little more. I think I would've been more emotionally invested if I'd had a chance to form an opinion of Mark.
I thought some of the plot twists here were gratuitous, and mostly because I could see them coming from a mile away. However, I will give the author this: the final plot twist caught me off-guard.

My ARC was an audiobook.
Narrator: Gabrielle Nellis-Pain, who singularly narrated the whole book.
My experience of reading My Husband's Lies was significantly improved by the narrator. I'm not usually one for audiobooks, but she made it worthwhile. Having her voice as the main character, Kate, just made sense, considering the book is set in England. She did voices for different characters, which was lovely. Really brought the characters to life. It may sound weird but I could tell the characters' height differences from the voices she used for them. Her pacing is just right, as is the emotion in her voice. I could feel the panic and excitement when the story called for it. I absolutely adored the narration.

*Thanks NetGalley for the audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It started off well but soon became very drawn out and an extremely slow burn with not much happening in the way of substance to the storyline. The main premise of the story really got lost along the way and went off on so many tangents that it felt like there was a couple of storylines that didn’t really connect. I found Kate to be so naive and her decision making raised so many questions along with her actions being extremely contradictory. This one really fell flat for me and I struggled with it a little. The narration was engaging even if the storyline wasn’t.

2.5/5 🌟🌟/🌟

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for the opportunity to listen to and review #MyHusbandsLies

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Woah I did not see that coming.
This story was an interesting one but has me questioning who you’d leave your child with.
The Pilot husband has secrets and a dead body has surfaced in a place where he traveled. All the questioning and wondering if her husband is guilty or was it someone else that was seen in that area? Hmm, there were many things that I felt was doubtful about but I continued to read to the end. I was glad to get to the end and see whodunnit.

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🎧Audiobook review - 3.5/5🌟🌟🌟💫 This book started strong for me. What would you do if the person you loved and the father of your child was being questioned in a murder case. Add to it that you and your husband also have unresolved trust issues. I was excited to read this story and found it quite compelling to begin, but it takes a turn and somewhat transitions to a different plot centered on Kate, her child and a woman named Olivia who comes to stay with her to help with her child. This made me feel thrown, and the book slowed a bit for me. I usually get annoyed when a book review says that a fiction is unrealistic, but I didn't find Kate's decision-making when it came to her 5 year old son to be relatable at all, which made her a bit unlikeable to me. At times, I found myself rolling my eyes at her instead of rooting for her. The book picked up for me again towards the end after I accepted it for what it was, instead of what I thought it would be. I rated it above average because I thought the writing was good, but I didn't care much for or about the characters in this one, and not in the way where you love to hate them but I just didn’t care. I enjoyed the author's letter at the end that explained where the inspiration for her book began. I always find that interesting.

The narrative was a little slow on average speed, so I suggest speeding it up a bit so it doesn't drag, especially towards the middle. Despite this, the narration was a good experience overall.

Thank you NetGallery, author Liz Lawler, and her publisher Bookouture for providing me with an advanced ARC/ALC copy of My Husband Lies in exchange for my honest review.

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Book: My Husband’s Lies
Author: Liz Lawler
Format: Audiobook
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Crime/Mystery
Places Featured: London, England, United Kingdom
Review Score: ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
Review: When a flight attendant is found murdered in Barcelona, Kate’s pilot husband, Mark, was the last one to see her and becomes the main suspect…but then he won’t tell Kate where he really was. And before she can push him for more answers, he’s hit by a car and in a coma. Thankfully, his best friend and another flight attendant step in to help while Kate feels like her life is falling apart…but why are they being so helpful? It’s a pretty standard thriller that becomes a little too repetitive and easy to predict.
*I was given a version of this book for free in exchange for an honest book review. The book was published on 20 November 2023.

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Thank you for this ARC! Unfortunately, I could not get through this.

I normally binge mysteries and thrillers, so long as they're well paced, and I almost never DNF books, but I really couldn't get past the first 30%. It felt like nothing much was happening, and it was not helped by the narrator's monotonous performance.

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Thank you NetGalley for the arc!

I enjoyed this thriller but it just wasn’t a major page turner. Ideally with a thriller I want it to be hard to put down, and kinda all-consuming when I’m not reading it. When I was reading this I enjoyed it, but when I wasn’t I didn’t really think of it much.

Nothing that stuck out to me or anything really memorable but still entertaining!

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Thank you NetGalley and publishers for the opportunity to ARC read and review My Husbands Lies by Liz Lawler.

This book started off on a really good note. I loved the way the world was described and how you know almost everything you felt like you needed to about all the characters very early on. I also loved the ability to speculate in this book. The author gave a lot of details in a very organized manner that helped with making guesses on the twist from the get go.

Where this book fell flat was the twist itself, as well as the believability of the story. My first issue is that the entire book the main female character expressed how much she just wanted to keep her son safe, and do whats best for her son, while simultaneously constantly leaving her son in the care of strangers, even while stating suspicion about those same character intentions.

I also guessed the twist pretty early on in the story, which normally doesn't really bother me if the story can keep me engaged, but the entire time I was listening to this story, I was considering DNF'ing it just due to the naivety of the grown adult female main character. I'm only 24 and from the get go felt like I would never make half of the unsmart decisions our female main character made.

Overall I felt like this book just didn't have a lot of pay off. I think the writing was very well done and delivered, but it seemed like the story was started, and the ending was decided, but the author didn't know how to make the twist believable so she stuck a bunch of random hints into the book along the way that just didn't really make sense or were too extremely obvious, there was no in between.

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Definitely a recommended read

Kate and Mark are married with their 5yr old son. She is a doctor and he is a pilot and Kate’s mother always there to help. Everything is perfect until Mark maybe arrested for murder.

This is a very enjoyable book full of lies and deceits and kept me guessing who the guilty party was

Thank you to Netgalley and Bookoutre Audio

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My opinion of this book took as many twists and turns as the plot. While it seems to try to avert common thriller tropes early on, it does fall into old patterns towards the end, making it a comfortable and predictable read. A few plot threads seemed to be lost and never followed up on or resolved in the end.

Ultimately, I would classify this as a decent read! I haven’t read anything by this author before and I enjoy the amount of research she put into the airline crew and medical knowledge.

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3.75 stars

This was another interesting, twisty story. I quite enjoyed it, and although some of it was a tiny bit predictable, that didn’t take away from the dramatic fun of the book. Other fans of the domestic thriller genre will probably appreciate this book as well.

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From start to finish this book had me on the edge of my seat! It kept me guessing the outcome from the very beginning! Such a great book! I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes a good twist!

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for letting me have an advanced reading copy of this audiobook.

Wow, oh wow! Okay, so this was somewhat of a slow burn for me. I think the ending was strong and very good, though I do wish some of the characters were more strong (or in Mark's case, less strong) in their convictions.

Kate had GREAT instincts...but even the barest bit of persuading and she let them go. Ultimately she got it but I found myself agreeing along with some of the criticism the main "bad guy" was giving her towards the end.

Yes, you're naive.
Yes, you're not that bright, despite being a doctor.

But I think she was a good mom and tried her best, given her circumstances.

This was my first book by this author, audiobook or otherwise and I am looking forward to the next one.

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4.5 happy stars
Gripping from start to finish, I didn't see that ending coming!
Wow, this author writes a great story!!

Thanks so much Bookouture Audio, via Netgalley, for gifting me a review copy of this terrific new book.

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A highly quality audio thriller that had me gripped from the very start. The story is told from kate"s pov and revolves around her husband. He is accused of a crime abroad but refuses to tell anyone the truth of where he was on that night. The impact of the lies on all those around him. Is a gripping listen.. it felt very a very quick listen. The narrator gave loads of emotion to the story and the interactions. The story is full of twists and turns and rhe finally reveal did satisy my gut feeling about olivia bit tied up the endings too quickly.
Thank you netgallery and publisher and author and narrator for a cracking 5 star listen

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I really enjoyed this well thought out plot but I did feel for me it dragged out a bit in the second half. Fabulous narration.

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My favorite Liz Lawler book to date, and that is high praise! I streamed this one straight through. It kept me up way too late. Very twisty, impossible to predict the ending, and I loved the main character. Narrator was a perfect match for content. Great pace, held my interest, excellent performance.

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