Cover Image: Tudor Feminists

Tudor Feminists

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This is a book about women who made a name for their self back when women were delegated to Bing property or if they were lucky spinsters. When I first started reading this book it was mostly about men’s views of women what they called women just everything we’ve already heard about how horrible men are and how these women became a part of our history despite their opinions I did appreciate the fact that the author said the women who work the hardest the mothers who set up by candlelight donning socks fixing clothes doing laundry ET see will never have the names in a book like this and she went on about these nameless women and I so totally appreciated that. In the book we hear about the mainstays when it comes to women who triumphed in a world full of men like Queen Elizabeth queen Mary Ann Boleyn ET see but you can tell this author did not copy and paste but did her own research because the narrative reads like a great story as opposed to Dusty academic text that is the litmus test for a good non-fiction book right? since it is so I will have to be honest and say this turned out to be a pretty good book whenever I’m aren’t something I didn’t already know I consider it worth reading in this book was so worth reading because even the things I did know were put in a more natural contacts and made it more palatable. If you’re a big fan of women’s history Or just history in general you definitely appreciate this book if not love it. I water think the author Pen sword press history and Net Galley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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A great book about great women who held a strong place in their world. Though well written and meticulously researched, this book is aimed at readers who do not have deep knowledge about these famous historical women. It was still a pleasure to read.
I received a complimentary digital ARC of this book from NetGalley and I am leaving voluntarily an honest review.

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It was great to learn more information about the women of the Tudor period, very informative overall.

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