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30 Day Challenge: Embroidery

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This book is a terrific introduction to embroidery. As activities like slow stitching and visual mending become more popular, a text like this is a terrific addition to a classroom or makerspace library.

What makes this book particularly effective is that each stitch is introduced with an individual design. All the design templates are provided in the book. This allows for multiple points of entry for learners. As a stitcher becomes more confident, they can choose to combine stitches and create their own designs. An embroiderer who is already familiar with the basics may find that their entry point is the middle of the book, or may simply choose a design that appeals to them. For people who want to use embroidery as a meditative task, the idea of tackling a stitch a day, and creating small samplers may be exactly the entry point they need. The clear instructions for how to finish a piece are also very helpful.

The book is well-illustrated, and can easily be supported with a quick Google search, if learners want a video of a particular stitch.

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I taught myself how to sew and embroider through trial and error. My crafts are good, some are even great, but I definitely needed some help.
Thank Jessica Anderson for the Embroidery 101. I've been stitching for more than 10 years and it took me until now to learn that I should be using different embroidery needles and that there's a better way to finish off my project than using a hot glue gun. I'm sure I could have learned all of these things had I simply looked it up, but honestly, I didn't really think about it until I found this book.

I'm sure there will be deferring opinions on this, but I found the worded description for each stitch easier to follow than the pictures. For the most part, the diagrams were not clear to me.
I would recommend this book to all beginners and anyone who already enjoys embroidery and is looking for some tips (like me).

Thank you so much for letting me read and review!

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I love this book tutorial! Previously I was just using Youtube. I understood all the directions in this book and the pictures were perfect. The designs are also beautiful. High recommend! Thank you for the ARC! Well done!

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30 Day Challenge: Embroidery is a simple and beautiful guide to getting started with embroidery. The patterns are simple but pretty, and it makes embroidery seem easy and accessible for a newcomer. I like how it’s designed to be just a simple pattern each day. There are also traceable designs in the book to get started on your own embroidering.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarry Books for an advanced copy of this book!

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As someone who is new to embroidery myself, I love the idea behind this book. Each day in this 30 day challenge teaches you a new stitch and gives you a project to put your new skills to work. It includes all the essential basics for getting started, like how to correctly secure your fabric in the embroidery hoop, starting and stopping stitches, transferring images, et cetera. And all the projects are both approachable as a beginner, but also something you’ll be proud to have made and will want to show off to friends and family, or even give as gifts. The instructions are simple and are accompanied by diagrams, which I found easy to interpret. It even includes bonus projects and traceable templates for the projects in the back. Overall, I think this is an excellent resource for beginners.

*I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley/the publishers in exchange for an honest review.*

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This was an adorable book with so many great designs to embroider. I will definitely be making all of these!

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I received a copy of this eBook in exchange for a honest review from NetGalley.

I loved this idea of a 30 day challenge to learn 30 basic embroidery stitches! The designs are cute, small but not too small that you wouldn't get good practice with each new stich. The images showing the techniques are great, easy to understand. I will most likely get a copy of this book so I can officially learn all the types of stitches.

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*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher/author for providing me with an E-Arc of this book. The following is my honest opinion *

This is a perfect book for anyone trying to get into embroidery. As it states in the summary, "the perfect way to jump-start your creativity and get stitching. Even if you’ve never picked up a needle, you will quickly learn everything you need to know to master embroidery."

I love that it starts out explaining the tools one might need, how and what they are used for, and really teaching one the basics. My favorite part is the "Stitch Glossary" where it shows the different stitches and how they look. And then as one goes throughout the everyday challenges, as new stitches are introduced, they show you how to accomplish said stitch.

This makes for a wonderful gift for any occasion and for any one that trying to get into this hobby but doesn't know where to start.

Highly recommend it!

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I love the layout of this book! As a beginner, I appreciate the way a new stitch is introduced each day and used in a very simple project. And the stitches are used in future projects to keep practicing. The intructions, illustrations and photos are very clear. I am looking forward to working through the whole book!

Thank you to #NetGalley and #QuartoPublishingGroup for a free copy of 30 Day Challenge: Embroidery by Jessica Anderson. All opinions are my own.

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This book makes me want to try embroidery! I always wanted to start a new hobby and I am considering going into embroidery just looking through this book. The author is very detailed in how to create each stitch and shows a different project for each stitch.

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Wow! I've read/browsed through a great number of embroidery books over the years, and Anderson's takes the cake! She really does break it down in a way that beginners can understand and even just get started with figuring out what to buy. As the projects progress, you incorporate additional stitches from previous projects to reinforce what you've already learned. Brava!

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30 Day Challenge: Embroidery is a perfect book for people who want to learn embroidery--or remember what their moms and grandmothers taught them as children. It is ideal for teaching beginner embroidery students, such as 4-H sewing clubs. The patterns are simple--and beautiful and allow learners to practice basic stitches. This is an excellent book.

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At the beginning of this book, the author explains basic embroidery techniques, and then she introduces a new stitch for thirty days, sharing simple projects people can do to build their skills. The designs are cute and appealing without being overly trendy, and the written instructions and diagrams are easy to follow.

Someone can do this as a thirty day challenge, can stretch this out over a longer period of time, or can pick and choose designs they especially like. However someone uses this book, it's a great way to learn basic embroidery skills and complete short, simple projects that won't take too long.

I would recommend this book to people of all ages who are interested in building their embroidery skills. This is geared towards adults, but the projects and written instructions are simple enough for kids to follow, and the book's content is clean and inoffensive for all ages.

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The book includes some lovely projects. The instructions are very clear with good photographs and illustrations to help beginners. I like that the book also includes a couple of more advanced projects to tie things together.

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This book is such a great resource for people looking to learn how to embroider! I have embroidered a few times using kits and this book takes it a step further! The designs are simple but cute. I especially liked the Lovely Lemons and Koi Pond designs.
The colors throughout the book make it visually appealing, especially for younger artsy individuals. I love the concept of teaching simple stitches in fun, cute designs that people will actually want to make.
I also appreciated that the designs were included in the book for tracing and transferring to fabric.
Overall, an excellent crafting book for beginners or pros looking for new designs.

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Just picked up my first hobby of the new year, you'll hear from me when it won't come out as in these pictures after the first try.
I already know my ADHD will make me restart this challenge at least a dozen times, but with these explanations and pictures, I really don't see how I can fail.

Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group – Quarry and NetGalley, who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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'30 Day Challenge: Embroidery' is a great book for all those who want to begin their adventure with stitching. The book gives step by step instructions followed by stitch patterns with appropriate level of difficulty. The patterns go from really easy to more complicated by they are all rather simple and easy to finish in no time so you will be admiring your finished work (of art) soon enough. The book provides modern approach to embroidery. The only thing I would change are the patterns, I would go for something more inspiring and a little bit more decorative.

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I've long admired embroidery, and despite being a painter I haven't ever felt totally confident in taking on embroidery projects myself. The simple projects presented in this book give people like me an approachable way to give it a try! The projects are really cute & modern, and not intimidating at all. The beginning sections of the book break down what supplies are needed, how to separate & manage threads, transfer designs, and set up your hoops.
The stitch glossary is so helpful! I love how it has each type outlined & illustrated. Each day's project gives a fantastic breakdown of the stitch used for the project, supplies needed, and special tips to help complete the project.

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Loved this book, the quick and easy projects were fun to do. I would definitely gift this books to friends and family who like to stitch. The projects are suitable for all ages, I even taught my 7 year old niece to embroider. A really good book, well worth buying.

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As someone who just recently started embroidery and is still learning all the proper stitches, this is perfect for a beginner.
I think the 30-Day Challenge is a great system for learning as well and provides a unique setup for the book. I'm really excited to recommend this to my other crafty friends.

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