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Husbands & Lovers

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This was my first Beatriz Williams book and I am hooked! I absolutely loved this book.

This book takes place in the 50’s, some in 2008 and then present day/2022. Very easy to follow along and not get confused with what was going on between the different time periods. The character development was great and this book always kept my attention. There was a little plot twist that I honestly didn’t see coming.

This was by far my favorite book I read all year.

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I really enjoyed this novel. I loved the dual pov and the two intersecting storylines. I preferred the more modern 2022 storyline, but I enjoyed both more than I was anticipating. I really loved the character development and how fleshed out everyone was. This isn't a book I would normally reach for but I really liked it.

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From the perspective of a reader who does not enjoy historical fiction, I LOVE Beatriz Williams books! This book drew me in and took be along on an amazing journey with two women separated by decades, but connected by a family heirloom. Even if not a historical fiction reader, this book is a must!

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Wonderful book!

It has a dual story line, 1950’s Egypt and 2022 Cape Cod and Winthrop Island. We meet up with descendants from previous books to bring the story full circle.

The two very strong women characters are Hannah Ainsworth in Cairo, 1951 and Mallory Dunne, New England 2022. Their stories are connected through decades of family secrets and heartache. I throughly enjoyed both story lines and how they are brought together throughout the book and into the ending.

Extremely good character development. You will love them all and hope to revisit them in another book.

I don’t want to give too much of the plot away as I think it best to explore and uncover the story yourself. I whole heartedly recommend you read this!

Thank you to Random House Publishing, Ballantine and Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Husbands and Lovers is the first book I have read by this author, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Two storylines intersect throughout; the first in 2022 with single mother Mallory desperately seeking a kidney donor for her teenage son, and the second in 1951 Cairo with a Hungarian woman Hannah refugee carving out a life for herself in her marriage to a wealthy business man.
Over the course of the book we learn how these two women’s’ lives intersect, the secrets they have kept, and the men they have loved and lost.
I enjoyed the twists and turns the novel took in telling the story of these two women and what they have both endured.
The novel alternates between the two timelines well, though I felt it was sometimes difficult to follow, as it would often switch from past to present in the same chapter.
The story of Mallory, her son, and Monk, her childhood love, was well crafted and held my interest perhaps more than the past story of Hannah. I found myself rushing through some of the chapters set in 1951 so I could get back to Mallory and Monk’s story.
That said, as the novel progresses and we see the connection between the two women and storylines, and as secrets are revealed, it is captivating as all the loose ends are tied up.
I highly recommend Husbands and Lovers to all who enjoy reading stories that cross timelines, and have rich descriptions of locations, characters, romance and family relationships.

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Sometimes characters with ‘old money’ can be hard to connect with but I had no issues here. Not only that but how did I sleep so long on this author?

I fell in love with this story and the universe it’s set in. Mallory, I feel, was written to be disliked as compared to Paige. I loved that this was woven and told over three different time periods and as a result — stays incredibly interesting.

The flashbacks had me having to recall what had happened previously a few times. There are many, not that I am complaining, but in a way I had a hard time keeping up.

However, I loved all the secrets unearthed and the twists and turns involved as this plot unravels, leaving no plot hole to be seen. This book definitely had me reflecting myself, but definitely has you questioning family loyalty. Which at the same time — it isn’t that hard to question that anymore.

Thank you to Random House Publishing, Netgalley and Beatriz Williams for the eARC.

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Thank you Random House and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review. I throughout enjoyed this one so much I can’t believe I missed Beatriz Williams’ other books. I was completely captivated by the Winthrop Island universe. I find that it’s sometimes challenging to connect with wealthy characters, especially those with “old money” because it feels so far removed. I don’t understand their motives or decision-making but the wealthy characters fall into such familiar tropes it was easy to buy into. I personally didn’t find the Mallory likable but Paige made up for it. I would recommend this novel to anywho interested in generational storytelling (and trauma).

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Husbands & Lovers has been a true delight to read. It was nothing like I was expecting, and the story, woven between three different time periods, was beautifully told. This was my first novel by Beatriz Williams and I will definitely be reading more!

In this story, Mallory is waiting for her son to receive a new kidney. Her sister encourages her to reach out to the boy's father, Monk Adams, a famous singer, to help. In a coincidental meeting, they reconnect, and Monk forms a new relationship with his son, while both Mallory and Monk learn to heal from their past.

Mallory also is on the search for more of her family and finds out her mother was adopted out of a convent in Ireland. Family secrets emerge, more questions are asked, and Mallory, with the help and support, again, of her sister, learn the truth about their mother and grandmother.

This book makes you question family loyalty, honesty, and opens doors to heal from your past.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Husbands & Lovers.

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I loved this book! The different timelines and perspectives instantly drew me in. I wish there was more about Hannah’s story at the end!

Thanks Netgalley for the ARC!

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I always look forward to Beatriz Williams’s books and was very excited to review an ARC. I truly enjoyed this novel but I did have a hard time connecting with the historical portion of the storyline. For some reason, the characters in the historical portion of the book were not as captivating as those in the present storyline. Another winner by Beatriz Williams.

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Two sisters (Mallory and Paige) discover their deceased mother had been adopted. They begin the journey of learning who their grandmother was and how the adoption happened. At the same time, Mallory has reconnected with her best friend and ex boyfriend. Their tales interweave and the story of her grandmother comes out.

Husbands & Lovers alternates between the two story lines and details some fascinating historical events as well. As the sisters dig deeper, they discover so much. And Mallory and Monk (the ex boyfriend) remember their shared history as they try to move forward with their lives.

I enjoyed this book immensely - more than any of Williams' other books (and I really liked those). Husbands & Lovers pulled me in with such believable characters and made me thirsty for more - all through the book. Every good book as a twist or two in it, and this book was no exception. I raced to the end as I was insatiable to find out everything they found out. It felt like I was living these lives with them.

If there was a downside to this book, it was that I was so engrossed in each time period that I wanted it to continue on to the finish without moving to another time. But it was easy enough to follow each of the story lines and I eagerly read it all.

I highly recommend this book if you are looking for something to lose yourself in.

I was given this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for early access to this wonderful book!

Husbands and Lovers is a dual timeline story of Mallory and Hannah. Mallory lives in present day and is a single mother supporting her son, Sam, through intense medical treatments after he ate a poisonous mushroom at camp. Random I know but he now suffers from issues with his kidneys and is in pretty desperate need for a transplant. In addition to Mallory navigating life with her son, we also have flashback chapters of Mallory falling in love with Sam's father, Monk Adams, the betrayal that broke them apart, as well as present day reconnection chapters with him, now a famous rockstar!

In addition to Mallory's story, we have the story of Hannah set in 1951 who is married to an older English diplomat but living in Egypt. Hannah's story is full of political tension as well as passion as she begins an affair with the manager of the hotel where she's staying. The story also includes more of Hannah's story as we learn about her life growing up in Hungary and how she met her husband.

The stories intertwine in an slightly expected, yet creative way that kept me engrossed in the story from the first page. While I enjoyed Mallory's storyline more, learning more about the landscape and history of Egypt in the 1950s helped me enjoy Hannah's chapters as well.

Overall, I give this book 4.5 stars with my only qualm being that it was hard to keep up with parts of Hannah's story as she has many flashbacks to her life before she married her husband and how she ended up in Egypt. This is a great book for any time of year, but I know I would have really enjoyed it at the beach as both storylines take place in the summer or warmer climates. I'm excited to check out more of Beatriz Williams' work in the future!

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I really enjoyed this book! 4.5 stars!! Told in multiple timelines and from multiple points of view, the author weaves a tale of two women, Mallory and Hannah. They are tied together by a family heirloom linking 1950s Cairo with present day New England. Love, loss, and love for a child are beautifully detailed. Part historical fiction, part love story, this book is fantastic.

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I requested this ARC just based on the cover & title (I had just gotten married lol) and I'm SO pleasantly surprised at what this book actually was!!!

I've never read a Beatriz Williams novel before, and this definitely won't be my last. I loved the dual POV of Mallory & Hannah and the complexities of each of their stories. Williams did a fantastic job with BOTH timelines which can be hard to do! I found the setting for both characters to be so interesting and Hannah especially had a ton of depth which I enjoyed.

Really glad I was able to read this and would recommend to anyone who enjoys historical fiction.

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This was my first book by this author. But it woine my last. I was up til the wee hours of the morning reading it.

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I loved this book ! I loved the past and present timeline. What a beautifully written historical fiction. I loved the romance between Mallory and Monk. I loved how Hannah's character was Hungarian since I am Hungarian as well and could relate to her. The history of the snake bracelet was really cool. It was interesting learning about the politics of Cairo in the early 1950s. I highly recommend this book if you are a fan of Beatriz Williams or historical fiction.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group- Ballentine Books for my digital arc in exchange for my my honest review.

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I loved how different the two stories where from one another and how wonderfully they tied together at the end. I would now like to go back and read more of her books.

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What a gripping opening! I was invested after the first chapter with Mallory’s story. The way Mallory and Hannah’s stories were intertwined was pretty loose, but entertaining. When I wasn’t reading this book, I was thinking about reading this book! I’ve also had a few days to digest and it still pops in my head frequently. Probably one of my favorites by Beatriz!

I just love the way Beatriz switches between characters and timelines. She always does it so well to captivate the reader. This was especially present in Mallory’s timeline and had me wondering what event could have possibly happened for her to be where she is in “present day”.

I truly didn’t think I would fall for Monk Adams the way I did, my goodness. Beatriz can really write a man 🤭 the only thing I’d change about him is the overuse of Mallory’s nickname.

I would have loved more closure from Hannah’s story. It seemed like Mallory and her sister just kind of came to their own conclusion on what happened and I would have liked one more chapter from Hannah explaining what happened. I also think a little map would be great to really help the reader envision where these houses, the club, and the bar are located.

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I was hooked right away when I started reading this book. I enjoyed reading about these two women’s experiences.

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Thanks so much Random House Publishing - Ballantine and NetGalley.

Three years ago, Mallory received a call that her son had eaten poisonous mushrooms. Now she's searching for a donor kidney and must face two secrets - her mom's adoption from an Irish orphanage and a summer romance from 14 years ago with a now famous pop star.

I love Beatriz Williams. I really liked this book and my favorite bits were the storylines in the present. Williams does such a fantastic job of creating characters that are meaningful and memorable. What a great read!

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