Member Reviews

A very sweet, well written novel. The author has become one of my favorites with her heartwarming stories with likable characters.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for a copy. Opinions are my own.

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A beautiful book about learning to love. I really love the Amish theme and the characters bring you right into their family. Wonderful.

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Adam is a single father and has a daughter, Verna has never been married but has always long for a family of her own. So when the Amish matchmaker brings them together they again to marry. Even though they aren't in love they make it work, and Verna soon loves his little girl as her own. Then a situation comes along that could bring them together or tear them apart. You will enjoy reading this book. Once again Patricia Johns does not disappoint.

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Verna Kauffman has wanted to be a mother for a long time and when it hadn’t happened in the conventional Amish way of buggy rides, singings and courting she enters into an arranged marriage with Adam Lantz to become a mother to his daughter Amanda by way of a matchmaker.

Amanda is a sweet little girl, very smart and wants to be called Mandy like her friends call her.

A faith filled and encouraging story we see the author take a situation that has some drama in it and misunderstandings and turn it into a happy family union filled with love and respect.

I enjoyed seeing the character growth of all the main characters and seeing how their needs were met. Uplifting and encouraging, this is a delight that will be read again.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The newest book in the Amish Country Matches series is an excellent stand-alone story. It has to be a scary thing to marry a complete stranger. Verna Kauffman is a special woman. She has taken a big step in allowing a matchmaker to help her choose a husband. It is the best way for her to have her heart's desire. Her own family, with a child. An agreement has to be set for her to be comfortable. It was to be a practical marriage.
Adam Lantz has some no-nonsense rules about how he wants his daughter, Amanda Rebecca to be raised. He has a list. He sure has some work to do as he starts this marriage with certain set ideas in his mind.

I received an advanced reader's copy from the publisher through NetGalley. This is my unsolicited opinion. I love this book and the characters. It's an endearing story and I give it five stars. The advice Verna's father gives to her on marriage is a sweet message for anyone who reads the book.

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This was such a sweet marriage of convenience story! I am not often a huge fan of Amish stories but this one was great! Patricia John's did an amazing job weaving this story together. I hope to read more of this town someday!

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Can a marriage of convenience work? Verna and Adam will have to see. Adam is raising his daughter alone and looking for a mother for his child. Verna is thirty and single so she decides to take a chance with Adam. This is a delightful story that will keep you rooting for love.
“An Amish Mother for His Child” is part of the Amish Country Matches series. You can read the books alone but they are so great that you will want to read them all!
Many thanks to Love Inspired and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
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Description in my words …
» Adam Lantz is looking for the ideal & proper (I think he really meant perfect) Amish woman to be a mother to his child.
» Community matchmaker, Adel Knussli, had set up the marriage of two strangers.
» Verna Kauffman, age 30, wanted a family & was willing to marry Adel’s chosen man for her.

Verna learns after the marriage Adam’s childcare rules. Plus, his strict standards on almost everything. And that his demeanor was very, VERY formal. Can these two create a home for the little girl? A home for both adults which has a comfortable atmosphere. A loving home?

My review …
Okay, Adam’s childcare list is a hoot and for the most part ridiculous. None will be listed because doing so would give away some of the best chuckles you’ll have — especially if you are a parent. Oh, I doubt Adel had any idea about Adam’s requirement of a “proper Amish woman with Amish pedigree”. If she had, most likely there would have been no marriage.

Adam is a list maker. So am I but he takes it to a whole new level. I loved the way Verna handles Adam and his lists. The difference between me & Adam? I make lists for ME; Adam makes lists for Verna, his child, etc. etc. I think he would make one for the cows if he could.

One important thing for Verna was continuing her knitting class for troubled teens, Englisher teens. I wondered if this would work in an Amish novel when I first read it. But it does. Beautifully. Trust me, you’ll like it!

You’ll enjoy little 5-year-old Amanda Rebecca (isn’t that a mouth full). Another great scene … Verna has to take Amanda Rebecca with her to the knitting class. I’ll leave to your imagination what Adam thinks when he hears about it.

Don’t think Adam is a tyrant. He isn’t. He can be thoughtful & caring. But he has been hurt in multiple ways over the years and trying the best he knows how to make sure his little girl doesn’t ever EVER go through the same thing. And don’t we parents do the same thing for our children?

That’s it. I don’t want to give you any more clues — just trust me, this is a lovely story. And a five-star read, publish date — 26 Dec 2023. Fourth in the Amish Country Matches but can be read stand alone.

I received a complimentary DRC (digital review copy) of An Amish Mother for His Child via NetGalley from the publisher, HARLEQUIN – Romance (U.S. & Canada), Love Inspired. A positive review was not required; the opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

Rating: 5 stars
Series: Amish Country Matches #4 of 4
Cover: Good. Engaging.
Pages: 208
Publish Date: 26 Dec 2023
#AnAmishMotherforHisChild #NetGalley #PatriciaJohns

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An Amish Mother for His Child by Patricia Johns is a touching Amish tale. Verna Kauffman has longed for a husband and a family. Adam Lantz is a widower with a daughter. A marriage of convenience solves both of their needs. Verna is a warm, friendly woman who obviously loves children. Adam is a man who likes rules. I felt bad for Adam’s daughter, Amanda Rebecca (Adam insists on her being called by both names). I admired Verna for the knitting class she taught to Englischers at the community center. These are individuals ordered to take the class by a judge. Verna is going where God leads her. The class gives the participants a chance to talk as well as learn to knit. Blade, one of the Englishers attending the class, was a great character. She may look a little unusual on the outside (she is expressing herself), but she is a good role model for those who are lost. I thought An Amish Mother for His Child was well-written with developed characters. We get to see two people who do not know each other marry for convenience. You need to be brave to marry someone you do not know. It will take patience, perseverance, and prayer. I enjoyed going on the journey with Verna, Adam, and Amanda Rebecca. I found the story to be emotional and uplifting. I enjoyed the ending (I like a story that leaves me smiling). An Amish Mother for His Child is the fourth novel in the Amish Country Matches series. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. An Amish Mother for His Child is a sweet story with arranged nuptials, a strict list, a nickname predicament, a knitting class achievement, common interests, and God’s guidance.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this incredible book.

I love Amishnromane books. They are my comfort read because they always leave me feeling upbeat and happy.

The author did a great job with the characters in this book. I fell in love with Amanda, Adam and little Rebecca.

I was rooting for Adam and Amanda from page one. I was engrossed in their romance and excited to follow their story to the end.

Such a sweet romance.

Highly recommend.

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An Amish Mother for His Child is a well written Amish romance. I throughly enjoyed the plot and character dynamics. Recommend this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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A True Delight

Upon reading the book description, I'm embarrassed to say that I came away with preconceived notions about how the story would play out as well as preconceived notions about Adam. With the description of his strict standards and formal disposition, I thought that for sure I would have some not so kind feelings about him. And that is the great thing about how author Patricia Johns tells a story. You might start out with something in mind, but then she takes you on a journey that makes you rethink things.

Such was the case with Adam. Once I got to know him, I discovered the why behind his ways. I came to like him and felt compassion and understanding for him especially with all he'd been through. The funny thing is that in contrast, while I liked Verna, I also saw a side of her that had me shaking my head. Yes, she quickly fell into being a great wife and mother, but she also had what I would call some "Adamisms" in her which added a special twist to the story. It was truly a joy to see how these two began to discover each other, even when butting heads, and to see where those discoveries took them. Needless to say, little "Miss Mandy" added much to the story making it a true delight to read and a book that I highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book. All comments and opinions are voluntary and completely my own.

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This is a sweet story of people whom are matched by a matchmaker, and really don't know each other. There is a sweet little four year old girl that her father insists be called by her formal first and second names, but the child just wants to be known as Mandy.

Hard to imagine marrying someone I didn't know, but putting a child in the middle is even harder. We are with Adam and Verna as they journey this new life together, and deal with their own insecurities, and trying to put a prayerful Amish life together.

There are stumbling blocks he has to deal with along with a possible move, can this marriage survive promises? Will they be able to find a common road to happiness, the answers come, and it was a page turner for answers!

Now I'm looking forward to the next book in this series!

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review.

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You have to ask for what you need. Flat out. No one’s gonna guess, and if they try, they won’t guess right.
So very true but pride or fear sometimes gets in the way of things.
I think that in my opinion marriage is a job in itself. It takes two to make it work with God in the middle.
I felt sorry for Amanda Rebecca who seemed to be caught in the middle.
I really didn't like Adam much. I thought him a little selfish and a snob at times but.
Poor Verna. I loved her gumption step out of her comfort zone and fully embrace what God has led her to do.
I very much admire her for that.
I think the coolest character was Blade the English girl. She's a good role model for people who need help to find their way.
This was an interesting read because in a way I felt that this was sort of a mail order bride sort of thing.
I don't really like marriages of convenience because of certain reasons. I'd love to get to know the person better but that's why I loved Verna so much. She's a very brave person. I don't know if I could've done what she did.
5 stars for some excellent storytelling that kept me turning the pages.
It's a heartwarming story that could be an excellent Hallmark movie for sure
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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