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The Girl in Seat 2A

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OMG I KNEW SHE WAS BEING PLAYED! I was like she is soooo dumb! Good thing she was strong enough to not get totally sucked in! Diana Wilkinson did a great job of turning this twisty book on its head and keeping me glued to the book until the end! I will definitely be reading more of her books!

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The Girl in Seat 2a by Diana Wilkinson is an easy to read story about Jade who lets everyone believe she has won a big lottery win, although she did win on a scratch card more money than she ever believe she would have. So she goes off to Marbella to meet up with the millionaires to live their lifestyle.
She meets Issac and believes he could be the one but then has to rethink her thoughts when he starts behaving badly. It would appear that Issac’s wife may have committed suicide and Jade could be her rich replacement.
A light hearted storyline with an improbable cast of characters.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of The Girl In Seat 2A by Diana Wilkinson, published by Boldwood Books

I was intrigued by the title and description of this novel, it's the first book I've read by this author
The story starts with a woman traveling on an airplane and she has purchased three seats for herself as she is a nervous flyer. Her name is Jade, she has drunk copious amounts of alcohol and then meets a lovely young man, Isaac, who helps her off the plane, takes her to his villa and then on to her hotel the next day. They start to date, go for lovely dinners, and it's not long before Jade is spending and extended vacation back at the villa. Then she starts to see Isaac's true colours.

The first half of the novel is told from Jade's point of view, the second half of the novel is told from Marta's point of view, she is the Housekeeper at Isaac's villa. The story picked up halfway through and had more depth and believability. I found Jade's character a little sloppy, she seemed to drink and function a lot more than humanly possible, her actions made her seem younger than she actually was, it was never clear why everyone thought or knew she had won a lottery. At one point she is told that Isaac had stolen money from a previous woman, I wouldn't have hung around so I found it strange that Jade continued in this relationship
Overall the plot and story were good, the first half just needs to be more believable, for example Isaac is too demanding and OCD too fast, most people wouldn't stay after the first outburst he has regarding the mess in the bathroom
I did enjoy Marta's story, it gave us background on how the events unfolded before Isaac met Jade, and was not at all repetitive when the two storylines meet up. I loved the twist at the end and how the author wraps up the story
Overall good book, just didn't wow me, and I would read more by this author

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Jade Wiltshire is a lottery winner and as word gets out, most people mistakenly believe she’s one of three winners sharing a £60-million jackpot. And she doesn’t tell them any differently.

Instead, she quits her mundane job at a care home for older adults and proceeds to live like a millionaire. This includes jetting off for a holiday to Marbella, Spain. Sounds good? It isn’t. Jade is deathly afraid of flying. She’s also claustrophobic, and this leads her to purchase seats 2A, 2B, and 2C.

After a harrowing bout of turbulence that convinces Jade the plane is going down, she tries to compose herself before landing. She meets a man, Issac Marston, who returns her dropped book and has the temerity to sit in one of her seats. She lets it go though… because he’s gorgeous and appears to be wealthy.

Jade will make many, many more poor decisions, forever focused on the wrong thing.

While I didn’t know exactly where the story was heading, I believed I had the villains figured out.

I was wrong.

A great plot twist had me cheering by the story’s midpoint! Did not see that coming! Original and unique! Two more twists before the end had me applauding!

Isaac, of course, was the jerk I knew he’d be, but Logan was a disappointment. Marta was a superstar (and a shock), and well-written, as was her speed-demon hubby, Pablo. My heart broke for Astrid… at first, and poor Emmeline.

However, for me, Jade Wiltshire was problematic. For a woman on the other side of thirty, she behaved more like an errant teenager, attempting to be impressive and memorable. She thought herself clever and witty. She wasn’t, and she drank too much every time she drank; and Jade put her own selfish wants ahead of good common sense. Liking a character isn't necessary to enjoy a book, but Jade's actions cost the review a star. Also, while a suspenseful tale, The Girl in Seat 2A also didn’t hit me as a thriller. Too much time in Jade’s frenetic mind bogged down the pace.

A boon for the story was the author’s smart writing. Descriptive uses of historical places and events (non-US) always bring a smile to my face! Mystery lovers will enjoy this read and do definite double-takes at the plot twists!


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An intriguing and gripping story, I loved the characters and can't wait to read more by this author.

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Woah, this is edgy! The amount of lies in this book are shocking. Don’t know how people can lie so freely, surely it will backfire. Even when you win millions on a lottery, you still have to be so careful about who you can trust.
I could never be so wild as Jade, easily fooled and put herself in danger. As I read, the story was getting darker and Jade was getting closer to danger.
This book was absolutely fantastic, I can finally breathe again and relax, this was hell of a ride.

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I have a little confession to make- yes yet another one. Although I have several of Diana's books on my ever increasing 'to be read' mountain, I haven't read them all yet. I know what a mistake to make. When I was invited to take part in the blog tour for 'The Girl In Seat 2A', I knew that I wouldn't get a better opportunity to reacquaint myself with Diana's work. Having just finished reading 'The Girl In Seat 2A' and enjoying it as much as I did, I can guarantee that her other books will not be on that 'TBR' mountain for much longer. I really enjoyed reading 'The Girl In Seat 2A' but more about that in a bit.

I have to be honest and say that it took me a little longer than usual to get into 'The Girl In Seat 2A' but that is largely because I found it rather difficult to warm to the main character of Jade. There was just something about her that I couldn't quite take to. Happily, I did warm to her after a bit and found it much easier to enjoy the story. I developed my own theories as to what was going to happen and how that was going to impact on Jade and so I had to keep reading to see if I was on the right track or if I had wandered off in the opposite direction. I found that the deeper into the story I got, the quicker the pages seemed to turn. At one point the pages were turning that quickly that the page numbers became a blur. I was so wrapped up in the story and in the lives of the different characters that I didn't realise just how quickly the time was passing and how quickly I was getting through the book. All too quickly I reached the end of 'The Girl In Seat 2A'. I found 'The Girl In Seat 2A' to be a gripping and tense psychological thriller that certainly kept me guessing.

'The Girl In Seat 2A' is extremely well written. Diana certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proves to be one hell of a story. For me, 'The Girl In Seat 2A' was more of a slow burn type of psychological thriller in that the story started off slow but as the story continued the pace of the story gathered momentum and led to a tense and rather dramatic conclusion. Diana clearly cares about her characters and this shines through in the very vivid and realistic way in which she described them. She makes her characters seem just as real as you and I. I always find that the sign of a good book is when I find myself becoming too involved in the story to the extent that I 'interact' with the characters (ie: tell them off or argue with them or even slap them) as if they can hear me. That's exactly what happened with 'The Girl In Seat 2A'. I could quite cheerfully have slapped certain characters across the face with a wet flip flop. Reading 'The Girl In Seat 2A' felt like being on an at times rather scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with several twists and turns along the way. I love the way in which the author makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action.

In short, I really enjoyed reading 'The Girl In Seat 2A' and I would recommend this book to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Diana's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 4* out of 5*.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this. Easy read, hard to put down! I loved the premise of the book and connected with the characters.

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“Living like a millionaire is much more fun when you’re a pauper.”

Thanks to Rachels Random Resources and Diana Wilkinson for the invitation to this book tour and a copy of this intriguing book!

Who hasn’t dreamt of winning the lottery? When Jade’s dream becomes a reality, she quit her job to jet off to Spain, despite her crippling fear of flying! Her reading material on this flight? That would be “How to Live Like a Millionaire” because her financial situation isn’t exactly as it appears. But she’s determined to find a rich husband so she can keep living it.

This novel is fast-paced and different from your typical thriller. Although Jade is not a bad person, her desire to maintain her new lifestyle leads her to make poor decisions. She walks a tightrope between being someone you like and someone you want to slap across the face. The short chapters make for an engaging read that you'll breeze through. As always, all opinions are my own and are left voluntarily.

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Jade is heading to Spain. She’s enjoying herself after having a windfall. Why shouldn’t she live the highlife? On the plane, she meets Issac. Good looking, protective and rich. Is he too good to be true?

Having enjoyed Diana’s previous novel, One Down, I was excited to be invited onto the blog tour for her latest novel, The Girl in Seat 2A.

Told from the point of view of Jade and a housekeeper named Marta, it tells Jade’s story first, followed by Marta’s. I liked this style of story as we got to see the same events from two very different point of views.

Girlin2AJade is a likeable yet frustrating character. Some would say she is flirting with danger but I think she’s also just trying to find a little meaning in her life. Having just come out of a relationship with the man she’d met at school, she’s lonely. Therefore, when she has some luck, she just wants to enjoy it for all it’s worth. However, at what cost?

I can’t say a lot about Marta as doing so would give away huge parts of the plot. The same can also be said for Issac and Logan.

Diana Wilkinson builds the tension and distributes suspicion very well. The plot sends the reader in all different directions until confusion sets in but in a good way. I needed to keep reading to make sense of it and read this in one sitting. It really did pull me. in.

Girlin2AThe Girl in Seat 2A is a tale of intrigue and enough twists and turns to keep me guessing right up until the very end. I both enjoyed it and recommend it.

(Thanks to Boldwood Books, Netgalley and Rachel’s Random Resources for the advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.)

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Thank you NetGalley and Publisher.

This was such a good book! Loved the thriller. It really was hard to put down.

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Clever and engrossing, this is a fun read with a twisty plot, and an ending this reader did not see coming.

Jade Wiltshire wants to live like a millionaire, and has the appropriately titled paperback to help her. 30-ish and pretty, with her recent lottery winnings, Jade is unflinchingly putting the millionaire-living credo into action. Living the dream, tipping large, and spending profusely, starting with an extravagant second trip to sunny Marbella Spain, and a repeat visit with a handsome new friend.

When Jade unexpectedly meets Isaac, a gorgeous stranger, himself a millionaire with a jaw-dropping palatial villa - it appears Jade has struck the jackpot a second time.

Or has she?

As dream-worthy opulent as it is twisty and suspenseful, this romantic, exotically-situated thriller (with unmistakable "White Lotus" vibes) is a devious mashup of many good things - and well worth the read.

A great big thank you to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All thoughts presented are my own.

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A suspenseful read with many corners that I catiously peered around.
I spent the first part yelling at Jade because I thought she was being foolish and reckless.
The second part of the book is in another character’s voice and serves to fill in the voids of the story.
Seems like the women know how to play the player even better than he does.
I thought Isaac got what was coming to him.
And maybe Jade wasn’t as foolish as I initially believed.

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I've read several of Wilkinson's books now and have to say she certainly knows how to entertain her readers, doesn't she?

Whilst the book is moderately paced, the suspense is palpable as you know there's something or someone waiting in the wings waiting to unleash their havoc...step forward Isaac, the gorgeous man Jade met mid turbulence. How naive can one girl be? Who seriously in their right mind moves into someone they don't knows home?

Narrated from multiple POV, the book has some brilliant characters, an engaging plot and well worth the read.

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I really liked the different points of view of this story. I never knew what to believe about the relationship between Jade and Isaac.. neither felt trustworthy and I wasn’t always sure who was the villain even though the first half of the book was in Jade’s point of view. I started to enjoy the book even more when the story shifted to Marta’s point of view. The twists were unexpected and it was a fast moving book. I look forward to reading more books from this author.

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Have not been able to successfully download file after multiple attempts.
I’ll purchase the book instead and review publicly via my shared links :)

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This was an enjoyable psychological thriller about a young woman who wins money on the lottery. The night she won, the jackpot was £20 million but she won on a scratch card - £50,000. Except she acted as though it was the higher figure, even to her mother…

Jade has decided to enjoy herself, splashing the cash to escape her tiny bedsit in London & visiting Marbella twice in quick succession. The second time, she meets dashing Isaac on the flight out & ends up moving in to his sumptuous villa. This is where she realises that exaggerating her wealth probably wasn’t her best idea. Add in Marta & Pablo, the married couple who look after Isaac, & a battle-scarred ex of Isaac’s & the story ramps up several gears.

The plot starts slowly but once we get to the villa. Oh my! An easy to read twisty tale; even to the last page I wasn’t sure where it would end. Recommended.

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The Girl in Seat 2A is the first book that I’ve read by Diana Wilkinson, this was so hard to put down. After a big win Jade takes her second trip to Marbella even though she hates flying, during some turbulence she meets the too good to be true handsome Isaac Marston. 
After an unplanned stay with him at Casa De Astrid she soon starts to learn that maybe, he isn’t the perfect man she first believed.

The added characters of Marta and Pablo really added to the depth of this story, once we switched perspectives it was game over I wasn’t able to do anything until I had finished the book. There were so many twists and turns leading me to gasp multiple times.

I definitely recommend The Girl in Seat 2A for anyone looking for a fast paced twisty thriller, I’m looking forward to reading more from this author.

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The Girl In Seat 2a. WOW! What an absolutely gripping read. Psychological thriller with enough twists to keep you questioning whether everything is as it seems.

Jade wants to live like a millionaire, and wants everyone to believe she is too. When she meets Isaac on a holiday to Spain - she can't believe her luck. A man with Brad-Pitt-like good looks, a multi-million dollar villa and a bank account to match. And he is interested in her!!!

But is everything as perfect as it appears, or is there more going on?

4 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Special thanks to Netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Oh my goodness a thrilling read. At first I thought it wasn't going to be for me. But, boy, I was so wrong g. Once it go going it didn't let up. I found d myself picking it up at odd moments in the day just to find out what happens next. Very exciting. My thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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