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The Girl in Seat 2A

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There are differing opinions about whether you need to read 3, 5, or 25 books to become an expert on a subject, but Jade is sure that reading How to Live Like a Millionaire will do the trick for her. Because she’s just won the lottery and is flying to Marbella for a vacation. Okay, she still can’t break the habit of hoarding the courtesy samples from her bathroom or pocketing fruit from the breakfast bar, but hey, she’s a big tipper!

She does meet a millionaire. Isaac invites her back to his mansion, where the red flags just keep coming. The man has a clean fetish, the doors lock and she doesn’t have the code, and Marta, the housemaid, is shooting daggers at her. It took far longer than I would have liked for Jade to figure out the score, but then we read Marta’s point of view and the story really takes off.

This was the first Wilkinson book I’ve read but it won’t be my last. Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for introducing me to another author to love!

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The synopsis of The Girl In Seat 2A by Diana Wilkinson drew me in like a moth to a light. The travel trope is very appealing, especially if tight with suspense. This is a slow burn which I really like but lacks the nail-gnawing suspense I wanted.

Jade wins £50,000 and treats herself to a luxurious vacation to Spain. As she despises flying she books seats 2A, B and C and is momentarily chagrined when someone plops down in 2C. However, she quickly changes her tune when she meets handsome Isaac. After the flight they develop a shallow relationship. She tries her hand at the life of a millionaire with her windfall but doesn't disclose her actual winnings to Isaac. She happily inveigles into his opulent lifestyle. But his housekeeper acts strangely and nothing is as it first seems. Things go downhill very fast and the pace picks up.

The main characters are very easy to dislike which can result in interesting reading but in this case they are irredeemable and insufferable. This particular book did not enthrall me as I had hoped but maybe I'm not the right demographic. However, the premise is exciting with oodles of potential and I am intrigued enough to try more by this author.

My sincere thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for providing me with an early digital copy of this novel.

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I loved this book...... I didnt see the end coming , that was a bonus. When jade wins a large amount of money on a scratch card, she wants some luxuries in her life, she hates flying and also buys the 2 seats next to her on the plane , so no one will be sitting near her.. she books herself into a 5 star hotel to sample a few luxuries.. when she meets millionaire issac on the plane, she is smitten, but is Issac all he seems? Is he hiding something? I highley recommend

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Jade is a single girl in her twenties living in a dingy flat in London and works as a carer. One night she discovers she has won the jackpot on a scratch card. It is only £50,000 but she acts as if she has won millions, quits her job and flies to Marbella staying in a 5 star hotel. Told from two POV’s Jade and Marta, housemaid to Isaac and wife of Pablo. That’s our four main protagonists in a nutshell. A well paced and well written story that ramps up a notch when we hear Marta’s side of the storey.

Briefly, Jade is slightly claustrophobic and hates flying so books seats 2A, 2B and 2C on the flight the second time she travels. In the middle of sudden turbulence she draws the attention of Isaac, a wealthy hunk who lives in Marbella. Naturally there is an immediate attraction and before long he invites her to move into his villa. Then the fun starts! Things are not as they seem and it isn’t long before Jade realises what she has walked into. Can she get out of it and if so how? Neither Marta nor Pablo will talk to her and then she meets Emmaline who has a particularly nasty story to tell.

This isn’t just Jades story; Isaac, Marta and her husband Pablo are all central to the plot and they are all ensconced in a world of secrets and lies. An entertaining read, suspenseful without being dark and with some clever twists and turns. Very enjoyable.

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I have a weak spot for thrillers with a travel element, so it's easy to understand why I ended up adding The Girl In Seat 2A to my TBR. Add the fact that this story travels to a country with a special place in my heart, and I couldn't wait to dive in and bookishly travel to Spain again. Sadly I have to say that while I was without a doubt intrigued by the premise, I somehow did end up having mixed thoughts about this story... More about the why below.

Like I said before, the premise of The Girl In Seat 2A is without a doubt more than solid. I loved the idea of the main character having an unexpected windfall of £50.000, and then pretending to be a millionaire while going on vacation to Marbella. Things can be said about whether it's clever to do so, but it does make for some entertaining reading... That is, if the main character Jade wouldn't have been so incredibly stupid, naive and simply enfuriating. Oh, the times I wanted to reach inside my kindle and slap her silly! I started to resent having to spend time inside her head, and sadly the majority of this story is told using her POV.

Things went downhill fast once I started to resent Jade... Especially since it was SO obvious what Isaac was doing, and it just made me want to throw my kindle against the wall. Sure, I do have to admit that things improved considerably once Marta's POV was introduced. This POV is the main reason I kept reading, as it was much more interesting seeing things through her perspective. It also cleared up quite a few things, although by then I had already guessed the majority... True, there were some unexpected twists in the final part where we return to Jade, but as a whole there was something quite underwhelming about it all.

I think that part of my mixed reaction towards The Girl In Seat 2A also had to do with the writing style itself. Somehow I wasn't really a fan of how Jade's voice was portrayed, and her way of expressing herself really started to grate on me. Thankfully Marta's POV was easier to read... But as Jade's POV takes up most of the book, this was only a minor relief. I liked the descriptions of Marbella though, and it made me remember my own travels to Southern Spain. While technically this story could have been set anywhere in Southern Europe with a rich community, I liked the fact that it took me to Spain.

All in all, while The Girl In Seat 2A has an intriguing premise, the execution itself fell a bit short for me. This mostly had to do with the fact that I clashed with both the main character, writing style and (mostly) lackluster twists... I seem to be in the minority though, so don't give up on my account if you think this story is for you.

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“Who’d have thought one scratch card could have found me Mr. Perfect?”

New-to-me author, Diana Wilkinson, invited me to indulge in the fantasy of what it would be like to win BIG money and I relished the opportunity to explore my potential future as a lottery winner from the comfort of my armchair.

Prior to boarding Flight 2904 to Malaga and getting comfortable in seat 2A, Jade Wiltshire had become a ⅓ winner of the main Lotto jackpot of £60M, relished in her win, unlocked her visionary potential within, and adopted the Marbella Millionaire mindset. Comfort seats 2B and 2C were a necessary luxury.

And then she met Isaac Marston.

When she stepped on the tarmac and into the Spanish sunshine, these precursors are what drove her unquenchable thirst for the millionaire lifestyle to dominate every calculated move.

Suddenly Los Molinos, the five-star beachfront hotel she’d booked for the week seemed drab compared to Isaac’s luxury compound, Casa De Astrid. Jade’s choice to move on up in the world takes her luxury vacation to new levels…in more than one way!

Appearances can be deceiving.

And the Marbella Millionaires are definitely hiding something.

Maybe they’re not the only ones.

What worked extremely well for this masterfully crafted psychological suspense is the author’s choice of multiple POVs. By introducing it later in the narrative, readers are forced to revalue what they’ve read and the story takes off like a racehorse again.

Wilkinson also offers some extremely enticing options. By tapping into readers’ desires to explore potential futures and imagine a world paved with cash, Wilkinson hooks us and takes us for the ride of our life as she examines the phenomenon dubbed the ‘lottery curse.’ Even as I read about Jade making poor choices with her money, I enjoyed my smug speculation about what better use I’d find with that kind of money.

The teacher within loved the use of foreshadowing and atmosphere; both executed extremely well. The reference to the ‘monster bed’ that kept going ‘round and round’ was fantastic as was the change in atmosphere once she entered the estate.

The tension was perfectly plotted, the twists were superb and I loved having a chance to exercise my evil witch cackle!

This was a luxurious read that every suspense lover needs to experience.

I was gifted this copy by Boldwood Books and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

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The Girl in Seat A is an entertaining read from Diana Wilkinson. It's also a cautionary tale, intentional or not, about hooking up with a stranger while on vacation and moving-in to his villa after only a few dates. Jade, the protagonist, who is traveling alone from the UK to Spain, meets much-too-handsome and seemingly wealthy Isaac on the plane, and is understandably attracted to him. What follows includes a rapid series of red flags that Jade either ignores or excuses. When those red flags catch fire and almost burn her life into the ground, she finally pays attention. By then, she's in too deep. How she overcomes her questionable choices is at the heart of the novel.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing an advance copy of this book to read and review. This review will post to Bayside Book Reviews at and its Instagram page on release day. Follow us! *NetGalley Top Reviewer*

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I read this in one sitting because i just could not put it down, and, more importantly, I didn't want to. It is absolutely fantastic

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A fast paced cautionary tale that will make one think twice about trusting who they meet on vacation. Thanks to #NetGalley and #BoldwoodBooks for the ARC!

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What a book! I have read this in 2 days. Every spare second I had, I would pick up my kindle and read a page or 3. Loved the set up of different characters points of view, I figured out some bits and was mistaken on others but thoroughly enjoyed it
Great twists and turns
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion

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This wasn't quite what I expected when I requested the book. It was "meh" overall, and it likely won't stick with me now that I've finished the last page. I found the characters selfish and annoying. The twists weren't as shocking as I'd hoped. Some parts were too long and drawn out. I found Marta far more interesting than Jade. This could make for a good, mindless beach read.

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One thing about me: I hate flying. It's my worst nightmare. That's why I book seat 2A every time I fly. Since my big win, I've been booking seats 2B and 2C as well. They're my comfort seats., they cushion the claustrophobia, and at least I can afford them. I am now determined to live the life of luxury. I deserve it, after all. How to Live Like a Millionaire is the book I'r reading on this flight. When it lands on the floor, a handsome guy hands it back to me. I know he clocks the title, because he's totally charming and talks to me as if I'm one of the Marbella Millionaire set. When I land in sunny Spain, I'll be acting like a millionairess, that's for sure - even if it's stretching the truth just a bit.

Jade hates flying, but since winning the lottery, she can afford to purchase three seats - 2A, 2B, and 2C. But there's turbulence and, she drops her book she's reading. But a handsome gentleman gives her it back. By the time the plane lands, Jade is totally disorientated. Isaac is aware of the situation and offers to take her to his villa. Jade enjoys the attention she receives. Things start going wrong, and Jade doesn't know who she can trust. The story is told from Jade, and Martha - a maid at the hotel - perspectives. This is a descriptively written story.

I would like to thank #NetGalley #BoldwoodBooks and the author #DianeWilkinson for my ARC of #TheGirlInSeat2A in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to say this book was better than I imagined it would be. At first I thought it would be quirky and funny but things got real very fast. And what can I say about that twist...bravo..excellently played.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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Many thanks to Boldwood Books & NetGalley for the opportunity to read this amazing book. It was a cover-to-cover thriller and the mix of terror and humor was amazing. I read it in 2 days and found myself trying to figure the story out but was wrong so many times. There were twists and turns in abundance. I honestly think this is one of the best books for 2024. The characterization of all the 'players' was perfect and I loved the book. I will definitely put Diana Wilkinson on my must read radar. A must read,.

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Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for an early copy of the Girl in Seat 2A. Where did this author come from?????? Oh my gosh she’s right up there with Frieda McFadden and Daniel Hurst!! This was one of the BEST BOOKS I HAVE EVER READ and believe me I read ALOT!!!! Heart pounding, gasping out loud, mind boggling plot. I NEVER EXPECTED this story. You will never be able to put this one down, my new GO TO AUTHOR!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Brilliant. I read this book in one sitting as I could not put it down. Loved all the characters, especially Jade and Issac. The plot was very well constructed, and the storyline twisted along with you not knowing who to trust. I loved the way it told the story from Jade and Marta's prospective as it gave greater insight, especially about Marta’s and Pablo’s relationship. Such an excellent read.

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This book grips you from the very first page and pulls you in until the end! What a book!
Jade won money on a scratch card and is living the millionaires lifestyle. She books a flight to Spain where she meets Isaac on the plane a Brad Pitt look alike. After a week in her hotel he asks her to move into his villa for a few days, has she bagged herself a millionaire? Isaac begins to show his true colours, will Jade manage to escape his clutches? A rollercoaster read!

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This book, you know? Forget everything you think you know about psychological thrillers. Also, forget all your ideas about what happy(-ish?) endings should look like. Forget it all. Throw all those ideas out. This book is here to raise the bar of insanity, to add more layers to already good twists, and then to make you holler as you read the last pages of the book (and if you happen to not be living alone, be ready for the other people of your household ask you all sorts of weird questions about your apparently odd behavior).
The book started out weirdly. I always get seriously angry when I read someone else’s review saying that some book’s main character was dumb, but this time it was me. I was super busy labeling the MC dumb. Super dumb, even.
Yeah, there was one part that still puzzles me and strikes me as odd, like, ok, we get it, you are afraid of flying, yeah, but airport workers have seen it all and you are not that unique. No one would take a person high on benzos and booze to jail after being through a turbulence-filled long flight, no need to have a stranger save you from yourself. Airport. People. Have. Seen. It. All. Before.
Ok, and then she meets her equal. And then, another equal joins in. Who is the cat? Who is the mouse? And why is there an elephant and a rat in the room also, and then there is a raccoon too, what is this? Ok, there were no *real* animals, I made them up to make it look extra crazy, but you get the idea. Crazies are joined by more crazies, but who is really crazy and who is who, and what is really going on, and what’s the end game there?
Yeah, and then that ending, that got me hollering. When I was at about 50%, I was sure this is going to drag on now. What else could possibly ever happen there, everything has happened already? Oh, I was so wrong. So. Wrong.
Also, a bonus thing: I love Spain, I seriously love Spain. This book has the taste, the smell, the air of Spain. The weather, the sun, the sea. It has it all.

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An interesting mystery about an ordinary woman who pretends to be a millionaire during a visit to Marbella after winning on a scratchcard. A decent beach read.

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Kind of an interesting story of a naive girl who plays rich but then falls into red flag after red flag after red pool after RED OCEAN.

The point of view switch was a good idea as I found Marta's side more interesting because Jade was kind of a dumbass.

Still, it was a quick fun read for the end of the year.

Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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