Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for this e-copy of Newshawks in Berlin. By Larry Heinzerling and Randy Herschaft in exchange for a honest review.This is a well researched , little known story of the associated Press who had headquarters in Berlin and how Americans including the head of the bureau , Louis Lochner stayed there until the Americans entered the war in 1941. Faced with Nazi censures and negative remarks from citizens back in the U.S. , they felt it was better to be on the ground during evolving crises then try to get access to events from afar.They were able to report on the evolving actions against the Jews even though many were not taken seriously and took accompanying pictures. As the war was ending the Americans returned to the Associated Press after it had been in the hands of German reporters and photographers who in return for the ability to cover the war had been forced to fight . The returning reporters and photographers we’re able to report on the atrocities found in the concentration camps they visited..There are many little seen photographs in this book as well.This book definitely dealt with a moral dilemma- was the price of getting the news out to the world worth the price these reporters paid in dealing with the enemy.

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👍 Interesting subject that definitely needed to be explored and told about
👍 Obviously very well researched
👎 A bit repetitive at times, felt like I read the same conclusions numerous times

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!!

I’m not quite sure how to rate this book. It’s certainly illuminating and informative to anyone interested in journalism and WWII, and quite shocking to learn about the measures the AP reporters took to “stay in the field”. If you’re looking to learn about the intricacies of news reporting during this era I highly recommend Newshawks in Berlin.

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An interesting nonfiction book about how the American press gave into reporting what the Nazis wanted, and how some reporters fought to tell the truths the Nazis didn’t want them to tell.

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