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Here We Go Again

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This was….the perfect book. I laughed, I cried and it made me want to immediately drive to the nearest bookstore and purchase a copy for everyone I know to read. A truly beautiful story of found family with a second chance love story (or two) intertwined in the wild ride this book provides!

I don’t want to give anymore away but I mean it when I say you NEED to read this.

An easy five stars!

⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for and E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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🚐 What a romp! I love a good road trip romance story and this one was no different. It was especially fun since I’ve been to a lot of the places Logan & Rosemary stopped along the way. Thanks to @atriabooks and @netgalley for the look at this. It’s out now!

🚐 While this book is a lot of fun- and has some LOL moments. It also centers around the heavier topic of death and grief. There are some really powerful, meaningful moments alongside the romance and humor.

🚐 Read this one if you enjoy…
- sapphic romance
- road trip romance
- ONE BED (i mean, it’s a road trip. That’s gonna happen, right?)
- classic romance formula
- Van Morrison
- drag shows

🚐 Overall, I really enjoyed this one, and recommend it to any romance lover. Especially if you prefer some deeper plot lines. There are a few open door scenes, FYI!

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A life-affirming novel from @alisoncochrun that follows Logan and Rosemary, former childhood best friends, now years later both teaching English at their small-town high school, who are asked by their former English teacher, Joe, to go on a cross-country road trip to fulfill one last wish before he passes. Through various detours, scenic routes, and the history between them, all three of our characters unpack baggage along the way, learning more about each other and themselves, more than any of them ever expected. A story about love, grief, and living for now, Cochrun has crafted a perfect rom-com about, simply put, death. Read to learn more about Rosemary, Logan, and Joe, and how their lives intertwined bringing us to this final road trip together.

Alison Cochrun is one of my favorite authors and she continues to amaze me with each story I read. Here We Go Again deals with grief and love deftly thanks to Alison’s ability to keep the story balanced. Both Logan and Rosemary have much trauma to unpack together, dating back to their friendship from years prior, in doing so, as their walls fall for each other, I was able to see myself so deeply in them. With Logan’s emotional well running so deep that she lets herself escape first before she can feel pain, feeling that deeply, emotions rampant within, is so hard to tussle with when most others don’t feel that same way, don’t feel so deeply that one wrong move could send sharp pain radiating through your body. With Rosemary, the need to be in control, the fear of letting go, causes her to never stray from her set path, never want to risk it all. Between these two, they felt like mirrors looking back at me, as I cried for them, ached for them, working through their past trauma to finally let the other in, feeling that connection to these characters, so deeply, is really remarkable. Alison just pierces my heart, breaks it in two, and puts it back together again, as her characters find their way through their past to live for the now in the present.

Then of course comes the whirlwind of grief, something everyone struggles with at some point in their life, here exemplified by watching a dearly beloved former English teacher passing right before their very eyes. Logan and Rosemary still have so much to learn from Joe and this last chance pushes them to the edge but these lessons about living life to the fullest, letting yourself have what you want, and owning who you are reverberate past the pages of this story and into your heart. As the three of them traveled, sang, danced, just exuded joy as they pushed through to the end, it also sends a powerful message about queer joy and loving yourself, embracing it rather than shoving it to the side, especially as the end is near. Joe teaches them to live for themselves, love themselves, and, honestly, fuck the bullshit of the past and let yourself have what you want. As I read, I couldn’t stop hearing “long live all the magic we made…I had the time of my life fighting dragon’s with you…” because Joe, as an openly queer educator, was their safe space way back when, when they were discovering their queerness, discovering who they are and what they wanted to become. Now he’s pushing them to do that very thing, the thing they both were so afraid to do and so long live the magic Joe made, and Rosemary and Logan both know they had the time of their life fighting dragons with him. They will continue to slay them, even as barriers arise, or flames come raining down as live goes on.

Tears well in my eyes as I think about them still, Logan, Rosemary, and Joe. A journey so beautiful and so heartwarming, filled with queer joy and love, it’s a world I never want to leave. I remember a few of my teachers from school and just how safe of a space they made for me, this book reminds me of them, the comfort in that feels so nice. Read this story, share it with your English teacher, then read it again, and long live all the magic you make, go fight dragons, live your life, explore what the world has to offer.

Scarf Rating: 🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣🧣(10/5, my Stars)

Taylor Swift Songs I associate with this book: Long Live, this is me trying, seven, You All Over Me, That’s When, Everything Has Changed, Labyrinth, All You Had To Do Was Stay, This Love, Say Don’t Go, Daylight, The Archer, marjorie, I’m Only Me When I’m With You

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I enjoyed reading a previous book by Alison Cochrun, so I was excited to read another one. Her latest book, "We Go Again," did not disappoint. Although the central theme of the mentor passing away was not a pleasant topic, the interactions between the characters were enjoyable. Cochrun did an excellent job describing the three characters' side adventures, making it an overall fun read.
I am eagerly awaiting her next book. I want to thank Netgalley for providing me with early access to this book.

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Here we go again! I really love the fresh take the author brings to her novels! A death road trip romance? Can't say I've ever read one of those! :-) I loved the chemistry with Joe, though will admit continually thought about my English teachers as I was reading. I will not be booking any former teacher death road trips. Like Joe, I'm sad we didn't get more Remy but I enjoyed all that I did get. I loved the friends turned enemies turned lovers arc and I am so glad we didn't have to have a chapters long miscommunication to get there. I can't wait to see what else the author writes next!

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this book!

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Here We Go Again, Alison Cochrun 🚐🗺️🌄
This book tugged at my heart strings and had me in tears. It’s centred around the terminal illness (and death) of a parental figure, so be warned about that before you go in and make sure you're in the right headspace to read that. But the journey is beautifully written and although the ending had me in tears, they were a cathartic sort of tears, and the ending felt right and good.

I wasn't sure about how much I liked Rosemary or Logan’s characters at the start of the book. Rosemary's anxiety set off my own anxiety multiple times and I had to keep putting the book on pause before I could continue. But the pair of them work on their flaws together and they wind up with a wonderful happy ending that put a giddy smile on my face. Now I know what happens, I think this is the sort of book I can read again and fall in love with even more on a second read.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Alison Cochrun has done it again! She’s managed to write a queer romance that emotionally devastated me for days! We meet Rosemary and Logan: childhood best friends…until they weren’t. Ever since an incident that occurred when they were younger, they’ve been arch enemies. Even now, as adults teaching English at the high school they attended, they still loathe each other. The one thing they still have in common? The high school English teacher who shaped their lives and to whom they feel indebted: Joe.

The universe brings them back together at the end of a school year when Joe announces that he’s dying and wants to take a cross-country “death trip” from their small, pacific northwestern town to a seaside cottage he owns in Maine in which he intends to die on his own terms. The catch? He wants Rosemary and Logan to accompany him during the journey and be with him at the end. Will they be able to tolerate each other long enough to get Joe to Maine in one piece?

This book has everything! Important discussions about death/dying and grief (of all types!), friends to enemies to lovers (!!!), road trip shenanigans, elder queer romance, neurodiversity, and (though it’s not explicitly mentioned or discussed) one of our MCs reads as though she’s on the gray-ace spectrum. If you’re wondering how much ~sexy~ content there is in this book – not much! It’s considerably lighter on the intimate scenes and heavier on the emotional interactions. I was a mess when I finished this book, and I hope you will be too! Don’t forget to check out trigger and content warnings before reading! This material isn’t for the faint of heart.

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I thought this was a romcom book but it's actually a romantic tragedy and I am crying on the train.

The childhood-best-friends-to-enemies-to-lovers-lesbains-with-ADHD-death-trip nobody knew they wanted. It started off alright but the way it progressed and ended really got to me. In public.

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Logan and Rosemary used to be best friends, but have gone ten years without speaking. Now they are in their 30s, still living in the small town they grew up in, and teaching at their former high school, yet they are complete opposites in personality. Logan is chaotic and impulsive and Rosemary thrives on organization, routine, and structure. They are forced to come together when their beloved friend and former English teacher finds he only has a few months left to live and his final wish is for them to all go on a cross-country roadtrip so he can spend his last days at his second home on the coast of Maine.

First of all, pro tip, do not listen to this audiobook in public. I made a huge rookie mistake and listened to the last hour of the audiobook during my morning commute to work and arrived with red, puffy eyes and smeared makeup. The ending wrecked me emotionally even though I knew it was coming. This book is not as much of a romance as it is an emotional journey about friendship. This book is raw, heartbreaking, while also being heart-warming at the same time. The lengths Logan and Rosemary were willing to go for their friend and mentor led to some beautiful moments. And Joe, he really was the star of the show here. I think this book would make an incredible TV series (looking at you Netflix).

Thank you to Atria Books and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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Logan and Rosemary were childhood best friends, but as adults they've grown apart. The one person still connecting the two is their former high school English teacher Joe. When Joe asks the two to set aside their differences to give him the death trip he wants so he can pass away peacefully at his cottage in Maine, Rosemary and Logan must set aside the past and their differences to be there for Joe in his final months.

So I think this might be my favorite Alison Cochrun book? I loved Charm Offensive, Kiss her Once for Me was good, but there's just something about enemies to lovers that I truly enjoy. Logan is a witty, fun, gay disaster...Rosemary is also a gay disaster in her own type A, controlling way. The two have instant chemistry with each other and their different dynamics with Joe make this read so heartful and tender. Be prepared to get in your feels.

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I wouldn’t say this is a romance the romance felt really secondary to the storyline and if you are expecting laughs I’d also expect equal amount of tears.

Both characters rankled on my nerves and I never grew to love them but I did feel the secondary relationships deeply.

Nothings touched The Charm Offensive from this author.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria for the eARC! I’ve been anticipating this book ever since I finished Kiss Her Once For Me in 2022. Cochrun’s writing pulled me in immediately and I’ve been a fan of hers ever since. This incredible follow up is one of the best books I’ve ever read.

It’s so true that great books can take time, I don’t mind or care that instead of an annual release schedule Cochrun waited to put out another book - this novel is truly a masterpiece and I don’t say that lightly.

I’ve heard the term “six star book” and thought that was a little silly, but this? This is my six star book and currently in first place for my favorite book of the year.

There is so much raw, human emotion here - joy, sadness, melancholy, longing, anger. The characters are vibrant, dynamic and queer. I couldn’t put this down and it honestly hurt my feeling but also left me full of hope, and made me laugh and swoon. I don’t want to spoil anything because this is such a special story, but there’s a road trip, a drag show, a little spice and so much heart. I honestly have no idea how more people aren’t talking about this book.

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Pass me the tissues! This one had me sobbing by the end. The two main characters were likeable, but Joe, their former English teacher really stole the show. I loved him so much and this is my personal plea to Cochrun to write a prequel of Joe and Remy’s story. I need it!!! If you need a good wholesome love story (there is some spice though!) or love a good friends to enemies to lovers trope, try this one out!

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Many thanks to my friends at @atriabooks and for the #free gifted copies of this book.

"Life is the prickly pear. It's always going to be a combination of beauty and hurt, no matter how hard you try to protect yourself from the hard parts."

Witty. Raw. Vulnerable.

It’ll come as no surprise that a book about a road trip took me on quite the journey. With Van Morrison queued up and the mile markers ticking by, I found myself immersed in this quirky little found family.

A cancer dog and former kissing best friends. Detours and McDonald’s stops. Whatever it takes to make their teacher/mentor/father figure’s dying wish come true.

Part rom-com. Part exploration of grief. This book broke my heart and filled it back up again. Witty. Tender. Cathartic. Swoony. Comforting.

It’s an examination of love, both familial and romantic. It’s about the beauty found in connection, the bonds that change you, and the family you choose.

I closed this book with a big smile on my face and tears rolling down my cheeks. Cochrun reminded me how beautiful life is and how fortunate I am to be surrounded by love.

A truly unforgettable read.

🎧 With @natalienaudus and @jercarparvo as narrators, this audiobook is utter perfection. I’m a big fan of both of their work, and here they expertly craft their performances, bringing nuance and distinction to their separate characters. This is a book rife with emotion, and both portrayals kept me drawn in, whether leaning towards the witty or the tragic. Truly an outstanding audiobook.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advanced reading copy! Whew this book was good and hard and special and sweet. I loved, loved, loved it, but make sure you read those content warnings. This book really dives into death, which can be hard to read sometimes. This book is about childhood friends to enemies to lovers between Logan and Rosemary, both teachers at a school in a small town in Washington state. Then they’re forced into a weird truce during a road trip with their dying English teacher. I loved the chaos and sweetness of Logan and Rosemary’s romantic relationship, but another star of this book was the mentorship/friendship with their teacher Joe. Dying is something that humans, particularly U.S. adults, really have a hard time with, but this book tackled it head on in sometimes very hard ways, but ultimately in really sweet, thoughtful, and real ways. To have this sadness balanced with the joy of romance seems super hard, but I really think Cochrun pulled it off. This book made me cry so hard, but I also laughed and smiled, making this an instant classic for me. I’ll be thinking about this book for a long time. I highly recommend this book for fans of contemporary queer romance, sapphic romance, and dramedy.

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cute lil sapphic romcom. i have never read alison's other books but i might have to as long as they are not YA. this was close to the line of being YA with logan acting like a child the entire time. even during joe's dying scenes she couldn't help but make it all a joke.

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I had to fight through one hell of a slump to finish this book, but I am so glad that I pushed through.

This book is like whiplash in the best way possible. On one page, it will make you laugh until your stomach hurts, on the next, it will make you start tearing up. Some people may take issue with this emotional whiplash, but I personally found it hard to be mad at a story that is so beautifully told, let alone important. This book tackles many heavy topics despite being hilarious, including death of a mentor figure, parental abandonment, and self-hate issues to name a few. But again, it does it so beautifully that I found it impossible to be truly upset about it.

There may have been a lot of difficult and sad moments to get through, but this book really balances it with the comedy. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the quips thrown around by the characters. But while most of the jokes really landed, there were a few that I cringed at. Some of these jokes may have just not been my cup of tea - I am sure others would get a laugh out of them - but I didn't. Again, however, the vast majority of comedy was a hit with me, so it's hard to really be mad at the few stinker (literally) jokes in here.

A road trip, friends to enemies to lovers rom-com about death on paper sounds like quite the hodge-podge of tropes and genres, but trust that it works here. If Alison Cochrun's previous books taught me anything, it is that she can make ideas like this work; and it works here. Check it out if you are in the mood for a delightfully polarizing book that will have you crying, either from laughing or genuine sadness, on every other page.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I loved this book and I hated this book. It was hilarious and heartbreaking and I couldn’t put it down!

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This was my second Alison Cochrun book and definitely not my last!! I loved everything about this one. Sapphic ex-friends currently enemies forced road trip was everything I didn't know I needed. Logan and Rosemary are such great strong main characters. They both have their flaws and could be annoying at times but you get over that quickly as you're immersed in the heartfelt story. The two ex-friends are traveling cross country to bring their dying former English teacher to his beach home in Maine. Yes they're on a death trip but there is so much happiness and love in this book it fills every chapter. Logan and Rosie both need to work on themselves individually but their romance is super sweet and the big romantic gesture at the end will get you in all the feels!! You'll laugh and cry and everything in between as you read this and I promise it's worth all the emotions.

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Thanks to @AtriaBooks for the gifted e-arc.

Pub Date: 4/2/24

Rosemary and Logan are English teachers who also happen to be childhood friends who have become estranged over the years. One thing they have in common though is their love for Joe, who was their favorite English teacher when they were in school and the person who inspired them both to go into teaching. Joe has been living with cancer for a while, but when he learns he is dying, he recruits Rosemary and Logan to drive him cross country to his home in Maine. Even though they dread being together, there’s no way Rosemary and Logan can say no. Little do they know, but Joe has ulterior motives for his request!

You guys, I absolutely devoured this book! I love a good road trip book, which is why I originally requested Here We Go Again, but the journey the characters in this book take together is so much more than just a road trip. I loved the chemistry between all three of them. It’s obvious how much Joe means to both Rosemary and Logan, and the more time they spend together, it becomes more and more obvious how much they meant to each in the past and that their feelings then and now might always have been rooted in more than just friendship.

My favorite part of the story was the balance between some of the downright hilarious antics that take place on the road trip and the heavier, more emotional topics of love, loss and grief. I laughed and cried my way through Here We Go Again and truly just didn’t want it to end!

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