Member Reviews

Interesting facts about the locations and movies, couldn’t finish the book because life came in between. When you think movies it’s always la but a lot of movies are shot in most unusual places

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Very interesting stories of the author's life and jobs in the entertainment field. He never loses the readers attention as he unfolds the drama of everyday shooting. along with the problems of cast and locations.
Makes you appreciate watching shows and realizing everything that goes into it

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Book was hard to read unless you were an insider in the Hollywood/TV world. Would have been more applicable to classroom use if it had boiled experiences into core lessons that budding filmmakers and creators could adopt.

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An interesting behind-the-scenes read on doing all types of jobs on movie and television sets - from location scouting, to driving producers around (Robert Redford), making sure the sets are ready, and keeping petty cash to keep complainers happy. This book is a must read for anyone interesting in getting into film and television production - the long hours, the stress, the politics, the dynamics - not for the faint-hearted for sure. Through it all, he is able to have a family (also not easy with this kind of life). The author worked on many seasons of the Sopranos so we get some insights into that experience which was interesting but also other shows and films he worked on which shows that some of the same frustrations and challenges and highlights exist on any set.

Thank you to Netgalley and Steerforth Press for an ARC and I voluntarily left this review.

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I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love The Sopranos, and have seen it at least 3 times, and have the DVD set. Also, I lived in the Los Angeles area for most of my life, and have been around 'the industry' for decades. I learned a lot about the business from this book! It would be interesting to be a location scout, but like most jobs, there is plenty of stress. The author works on more shows and movies, so it's not all about The Sopranos.

If seeing how things are behind the scenes interests you, you will enjoy this book. Some tea is spilled, but you need to read between the lines. A well-written book!

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Thanks to NetGalley for sharing this ARC. Mark Kamine shares what his life was like on the set of The Sopranos as a location guy. He had other jobs here and there with varying responsibilities. Toward the end he tells more about his career outside The Sopranos.

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Loved the show. Not so much the violence but the characters and the production were superb. This book added to my enjoyment with background and in depth info. Wonderful. Makes me want to watch it again.

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Not sure that marketing this as a “behind the scenes” Sopranos book is a faithful representation. It was a bit of a let down, only because I’ve been expecting a different book based upon the galley. This was surely done to make the book more marketable, but I believe the author deserves better.

Mark Kamine does go into some behind-the-scenes Sopranos info (which isn’t flattering to James Gandolfini), but this is mostly a book about his career in general. I did find it interesting, just not true to its description.

Thanks to NetGalley and Steerforth Press for allowing access to a digital ARC.

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Initially I wasn't quite sure where this title was going. It's a little bit autobiographical - but not detailed enough to show the author's full journey into the profession, and a touch of 'behind the scenes' - but quite surface in detail meaning I was occasionally expecting more.
I did find myself settling into the author's style of writing however and enjoyed the book - albeit not feeling any need to race through it.
For those wanting 'gossip' or salacious anecdotes about the making of and players in the TV (and to a lesser extent movie) business the book may leave them wanting a little more but as a light touch into the mechanics of location scouting and, as it progresses, producing, it's an interesting read.

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I have been enjoying memoirs lately. I know I’m not the norm, but I watch very little television (as I’m so addicted to books). Although I’ve never seen an episode of Sopranos, I think that the behind the scenes look at the Sopranos was pretty interesting. Mark Kamine's role in TV production was finding/selection filming locations and ensuring that locations were ready for filming (which included local approvals, police, neighbors, strip club owners). The author drops names and stories; interesting. Even to someone who knows literally nothing about the Sopranos. So if I really liked On Location, someone that liked the show ... will probably love it. And there's pictures.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher Steerforth Press for approving my request to review the advance review copy of On Location in exchange for an honest review.

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I was intrigued as this book is about a location scout who worked on the television show, The Sopranos. He also worked on other shows, movies, and was even a book reviewer.

I liked all of the tidbits on the locations of some of the primary places on The Sopranos. I didn’t realize how much work goes on behind the scenes.

Thrown in was also about his life growing up and what he did between seasons.

Overall, I really enjoyed it.

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I am a fan of the Sopranos and was happy to read this book. I had hoped for more information about the actors but the book is essentially Kamin's story about his life - making it from the bottom and rising to the top.

Worth the read but if you are looking for a book chock full of actor antidotes this is not the one.

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I've read a couple "behind the scenes" books and was excited about reading this one as The Sopranos was one of my most favorite TV shows (as I'm sure it is for many people). However, I was disappointed as I expected so much more than what the book contained. I understand with what the authors job was wouldn't necessarily have put him in direct line with the actors, but I was interested learning how they go about scouting, negotiating and securing sites for shoots. Sure there were some stories about dealing with the people who owned the various homes, businesses, etc., that were used but I wanted more. This just wasn't what I expected and not the book for me. Thank you to the author, NetGalley, and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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