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The Cliffs

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I have read lots of J. Courtney Sullivan's novels and have enjoyed them all.

This is a slow burn fiction/historical fiction novel. It has a lot of layers and you can tell a lot of research was put into it.

This book was full of heartbreak, drama and numerous issues, such as alcoholism, mother/daughter relationships, infertility, Alzheimer's.

This book had highs and lows - too many POVs and the spiritual element was not my favorite but loved how some parts of history were not discovered yet by the characters by the book's end.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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Thanks you to J. Courtney Sullivan, Knopf, and NetGalley for this story due out in July of 2024.

I really enjoyed this book.

The setting was so descriptive and amazing.

I loved all the characters.

The book flowed perfectly and was an easy read. Time seemed to fly by as I became engrossecd n the book.

The side stories could have been cut as they didn't seem to add much to the main story, although they were entertaining.


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I am such a huge fan of all of the author’s other books, but this one was a miss for me. I got a third of the way through until I decided to DNF. I found the story to be slow and I didn’t care enough about the characters to continue.

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This ambitious, sweeping historical fiction novel centers on an abandoned house in northern coastal Maine, its inhabitants over four centuries, and the spiritual, cultural and familial legacies that are carried forward in the stories of it people, the land and the often hidden treasures left behind. Sullivan brings an incredible amount of research from the long ago original inhabitants of Maine to the present day - shining a harrowing light on the Native Americans who were brutally forced out, as well as the peacekeeping Shakers, who lived in quiet isolation until their members gradually assimilated and disappeared.

The current day story gives us the POV of Jane, a Harvard archivist who returns to her family's Maine cottage when her alcoholic mother passes away. As she researches the history of the beloved abandoned house that was her escape in high school, she also comes face to face with the truth of her own family history and legacy - which ultimately also mysteriously is connected to this very same home.

There are many compelling current day themes that are tied to Jane and woven into this feminist leaning story - mother-daugher relationships, sisterhood, Alzheimers, alcoholism, spirituality and inherited trauma. Sullivan is a beautiful writer and I found myself re-reading many of her passages, particularly those that focused on spirituality, the soul, and the afterlife.

To be sure, this is not a quick, "page-turning" read, and some of the narrative chapters on characters like Eliza were quite long and heavy on historical detail, temporarily taking me out of the main storyline, Yet, Sullivan is masterful storyteller and kept drawing me back in, weaving the past and present together to the last page in a satisfying and thoughtful way.

A great read that will absolutely leave you thinking about legacy, what came before and what lives on after we are gone. Thanks to NetGalley and Knopf for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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It's a slow-burn, slow-moving novel - but that is what I've come to expect with J. Courtney Sullivan's books. So, if you're okay with that, you'll probably enjoy this book. I liked that it was well-written, evocative, and set in Maine, though some parts felt a little long, and while she explores a ton of topics in this book, it did feel like a behemoth to tackle. Overall an enjoyable read - thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I was excited for another book from this author. It wasn’t my favorite J. Courtney Sullivan book, but it was a good read. Some parts were long, but overall a great story! I would recommend it.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Knopf for providing me with this ARC!

I love a story told from multiple perspectives, and I love a narrative where the intersections among the characters lives is revealed over time. This is both, although it’s hard to say what really connects all these women—a house, a town, a cliff, a ghost? The Cliffs centers the stories of women, with men popping up occasionally to remind the reader of how female-centric these lives are. Only the reader knows all of their stories, because the stories span centuries so no character can know all the details. Occasionally, the book dives deep into something meticulously researched but not particularly critical to the plot, and I skimmed a few of those that were less interesting to me. But overall, a compelling read.

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I was getting confused by the timeline and characters (too much back and forth).
I struggled to read and lost interest when it came to the history.
The story was all over the place and I did not like the ghost component.
Thanks to Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor and NetGalley for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review this title.

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(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Knopf.)

There was a lot about this book I liked - I liked Jane as a relatable main character (though per usual: I was screaming GO TO THERAPYYYYYY), I liked the crossover stories throughout history, I liked the inclusion of marginalized groups, I liked the sense of small town community. What I didn't like was the abundance of Maine history (in the end, I just didn't care that much) and I wasn't terrible sold on the ending either. But overall a good read and I could see this being a great vacation/plane book when it comes out this summer! #TheCliffs #NetGalley

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I’m giving this one 3 stars, even though it was definitely not for me. The copious amount of research that had to go into the writing gives me enormous respect for the author, even if the book wasn’t quite my cup of tea. The chapters seemed verrrrry long, and took off on some tangents about history and alcoholism that made me want to DNF. Just when I thought we were wrapping things up, there was another verrrry long story to get through. I enjoyed the parts about spiritualism and the premise overall was great- a haunted seaside home? Sign me up. I just got lost in the long historical parts and felt like I was reading a textbook. I think it could have been shaved down in some parts and the haunted house fleshed out a bit more. Definitely more for fans of historical fiction and less gothic thriller or mystery.

My thanks to J. Courtney Sullivan, Knopf and NetGalley for the book copy!

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“The Cliffs” by J. Courtney Sullivan is an ambitious novel centered around a house and the beautiful land on which it sits in Maine. Concepts explored include family relationships (particularly mother-daughter relationships), friendship, spiritualism, alcoholism, divorce, the Shaker religion, feminism, Alzheimer’s disease, generational trauma and indigenous people. Yes, very ambitious!

There were many characters introduced throughout the book - mostly strong women. They were well drawn and relatable. I found myself becoming exasperated with the main character, Jane, midway through the book - wanting to shake her “awake” and tell her to be more positive about her life. Eventually that happened and the various storylines were woven together in an all too neat finish - not a “happy ending” exactly, but close.

One area of concern was the demonization of the British “colonizers” over the indigenous people. Although some “colonizers” came for secular reasons, the great majority left Europe to worship God in the way they believed to be correct after being persecuted for their beliefs. The indigenous people’s spirituality seemed to carry greater weight with the author.

The beginning of the book was quite riveting and I was quickly engrossed in the characters and the connection to the house. The middle became a bit muddled with the various storylines and characters. The ending was satisfying with many loose ends “tied up”.

Couldn’t help but notice the parallels between the (main character) house on “The Cliffs” with Jane’s family home.

“The Cliffs” will be released in July 2024 and I highly recommend it. I will be reading other books by J. Courtney Sullivan; she’s a wonderful storyteller!

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Set on a secluded bluff in Maine with dual timelines, The Cliffs is full of family drama, secrets, & suspense. If you love historical fiction, this one is for you. I can’t wait to check out more works by this author.

Thank you NetGalley & Knofp, Pantheon, Vintage, & Anchor for the ARC copy of this book.

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Sullivan is venturing into Jodi Picoult and Anita Shreve territory with her fabulous researched novel about a property used over time, first by indigenous people until the Abenaki are displaced from their spot overlooking the ocean by white men. Tragedy seems to befall each successive owner. Harvard archivist Jane was obsessed with the charming and abandoned lavender Victorian house as a teenager; an encounter with the newest owner, who believes the house to be haunted after her young son reveals he is kept awake by the little girl in his bedroom at night, leads to a gig researching it's history. Jane is as gutted as the house by Genevieve's renovations, but, in between jobs and relationships, accepts the challenge.

The novel moves back and forth masterfully through a century of time, layering the complex stories of each who laid claim to the land. Sullivan produces rich, fully developed characters, and develops a sense of Maine's culture, character, and charm. She builds suspense, shows respect for her topic, weaves supernatural and historical elements, and allows her sense of the disrespect of colonialism to flavor the novel without significant alienation to guilty white parties, so we can begin to have honest, accountable discussions around artifacts, land, and cultural appropriation.

I received a free, advance reader's review copy of #TheCliffs via #NetGalley, courtesy of Knopf.

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Story set in Maine in two different time frames. It had some history of Maine, secrets, family and the Native Americans who lived there combined with the current story. The oceanfront Victorian house has gingerbread trim has a mystic quality and tells the stories of the women who came before us.
Very enjoyable.

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This story by J Courtney Sullivan centers itself in a picturesque and quaint village in Maine as do many of her books. Her description of the Maine lifestyle and what is offered to tourists says a lot about her familiarity with this charming state. This story's centerpiece is a house on a cliff which has existed for over a century and whose inhabitants have left their spiritual DNA behind after their deaths. A librarian archivist named Jane is the primary character in this story who found peace and solace on the abandoned property when she was a young girl, trying to survive her mother's alcoholism while trying to mange growing up with very little affection, food or attention. She found books a refuge and excelled in school finally landing a gem of a job working at the Schlesinger library at Harvard. She loves seeking out history and the people who came before. She is well respected and promoted often. Finally finding friendships she never had growing up, she parties hard often not always remembering what she did after a night of drinking. She isn't aware yet, but she is following in her mother's footsteps and it will eventually cost her everything because of one stupid night of drinking and foolish behavior. It is after this incident, she is put on leave from Harvard, feels she should give her husband space to deal with her mess up and returns to Maine to clean up her mother's house following her recent death. She discovers that the house on the cliff has been purchased by a bougie Bostonian who intends to renovate the entire place and is introduced to this woman through a childhood friend who now owns an inn in town. Jane wins an auction item of a reading by a medium/spiritualist that her friend thinks might help her connect with her dead mother and put some closure to their toxic relationship. What the medium does though is open some doors of past lives of the house on the cliff who come through and Jane is now intrigued to find out who this child "D" is and the mother she wants to reassure she is okay. This is when the story changes a bit.
The cast of characters that were associated with the house or the property are now the storytellers as the author goes back in time to answer some mysteries that have been lost to time. The reader is introduced to the history of the indigenous peoples first making their homes on these cliffs and the tragic love story of one couple, the European settlers that found this part of Maine, then about the Shaker community who lived and worked for decades in this seaside town, and all the way up to present day. It takes a while for the reader to find out exactly what happened for Jane's life to implode and the secrets that defined her childhood. They all come out as the spirits over time tell their tales.
This is a long and slow burn of a story. It is quite interesting to learn about the cultures that settled there and influenced so much of Maine's history but at the same time, there was a lot of jumping around and seemed extraneous which needed some trimming to make it flow better. The one intriguing aspect of the storytelling was the thread that all the spirits had to one another all the way down to Jane. Also, the ending was so abrupt left me feeling unsatisfied. However, the writing and creativity of the book is really engaging. Telling the lost history of this patch of land through the voices of the departed was very creative.
Strong themes: alcohol abuse, indigenous culture mistreatment, child endangerment, dementia. 3.5 stars

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The Cliffs by J Courtney Sullivan is a slow burn historical fiction, which examines the history of an abandoned Victorian mansion on the cliffs of a little town on the coast of Maine and its inhabitants.

When a teenage Jane Flanagan discovers the abandoned home as a teenager, it becomes her safe place - it's where she escapes to her with best friend Allison or just by herself - to read, to study, to get away from her complicated mother and underprivileged life. The house is a mystery unto itself, filled with furniture, dishes in the cabinets, clothes in the closets, marbles still scattered across the floor - a still life of days gone by, a home that it appears the inhabitants walked away from in the middle of their lives, never to return.

Two decades later, a broken Jane returns to her hometown with her marriage and career on the brink of collapse. Jane, a historian and archivist at Harvard, has a chance meeting with Genevieve, the new owner of the mysterious home, who wants to hire her to trace the house's history and its inhabitants because Genevieve believes the mysterious home is haunted by its prior inhabitants.

As Jane uncovers the long and heartbreaking history that unfolded in the house and atop those cliffs, she also uncovers how the interconnectedness of a place, its people, and its events shapes everything and everyone around it.

Four stars, a good read for lovers of historical fiction with a touch of magical realism sprinkled in.

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I received a free copy of, The Cliffs, by J. Courtney Sullivan, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. In Maine sits a house on the cliffs, a neglected house that draws Jane Flanagan to it. Twenty years later Jane is back, and the house has a new owner, and is getting repaired. This book has a lot going on. I enjoyed this book, it was a captivating read.

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I loved everything about J. Courtney Sullivan's latest book The Cliffs! It is a beautiful meditation on female friendship, the relationship between mothers, daughters, and sisters, and how the generations of women who came before us impact how we live today. It also explores ideas of loss, memory, and whose stories are told - and, more importantly, aren't told - by our cultural institutions.

After a devastating personal incident, Jane - an Archivist at the Schlesinger Library - returns to her mother's home in Southern Maine. She becomes involved in researching the history of a 19th century house that overlooks the rocky coast and uncovers (with the help of a medium!) information about the lives the women who lived there, including the wife of a ship captain, an orphan who was adopted into a Shaker community, and an artist in the mid-20th century. Along the way, the reader also learns about the indigenous Abenaki and Penobscot women who lived for generations on the land of Jane's hometown.

Throughout the book, I felt like Jane was a friend I'd love to have a long conversation with. I will return to this novel again and again and will recommend it to my own friends.

Many thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review; all opinions are my own.

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DNF…..I tried a couple of times to get into this book and it’s not for me. I found it difficult to relate to the characters and the story. I got to about page 60 and found that I could not concentrate. My mind kept wandering and I had to restart paragraphs multiple times. I finally gave up. I’m sorry but it just didn’t get interested this story.

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I received an early copy of the book from NetGalley and Knopf, Pantheon, Vintage, and Anchor | Knopf. This is my honest review.
I enjoyed this story. It started out strong, slowed down a bit in the middle but then picked back up for the ending. There is quite a bit going on as the story moves from present day to the past and back again, told from the viewpoint of various women. The history of the indigenous people of Maine, the Shakers, legends that are based on truths, ghosts and modern day secrets all combine for an interesting read. The only trigger warning that my be needed is there is a family history of alcoholism in the modern section of the story.
#HistoricalFiction #IndigenousPeople #Ghosts #Alcoholism

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