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Criminals Need Love Too

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This book has a plot I hadn’t read before, which was what was drawing me in in the first place. I really liked the premis of a strong and criminal couple. I liked the spunk of our fmc but found our mc a bit dull in the first half of the book, but that might be because I struggled to get through the first 50% of the book in general. I felt like it was rushed and although the meet cute was great, the rest of the relationship was going so fast that it was throwing me off a bit. However, halfway through, it (and our mc) started to get better and I really enjoyed it from there on. The smut and banter was great.

I liked the writing style of the author but am not a fan of 3rd person POV, although that might be a personal preference.

- fake dating
- forced proximity
- grumpy x sunshine
- morally grey dmc

Thank you NetGalley and the author for the ARC.

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Criminals Need Love Too by Isabel Jordan was a terrific, fun read and a book that I highly recommend. Tenley has a bag of diamonds and needs a way to get her stolen diamonds out of town without getting caught, and ex-con Knox needs a bride to get an inheritance. They use each other and develop feelings for each other along the way.

Reading this book was a lovely way to spend a cold and blustery Sunday. I read it in one sitting and am now looking into this author's backlist.

I was given this book for an honest review by NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Phenomenal. 4.5 stars. I absolutely loved it. It was fun, fast paced and had the most satisfying ending. Tenley, despite having a really weird name, is a great character. She is really clever, insanely protective and entertaining. I love Knox too but I will be honest he is underwhelming compared to her, still great though. The smut is great, I want that.

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I think I've made it clear that I'll read whatever Isabel Jordan writes. Paranormal? Great. Monsters? Sure. Superheroes? Bring em' on. Rock stars? Not usually my thing, but f-yeah, I'll give it a go. So, why was I surprised when I read about two criminals and STILL fell totally in love with them?

Plot overview: Tenley is a super smart grifter. Knox is a desperate ex con trying to get his hands on his inheritance after getting released from prison. They work together after the most non-conventional meet cute I've ever read to get Knox's life back on track. Hijinks and spicy times ensue, as well as a surprising number of warm, emotional moments.

Trope bingo: Morally grey heroine, ex-con hero, fake dating, forced proximity, heist romance, grumpy sunshine, only one bed

There was SO much to love in this book, y'all. It's a hilarious (some of the witty banter between Knox and Tenley made me snort-laugh) heist romance that kind of reminds me of the truly fabulous show White Collar (not in plot, but in vibes). You don't see too many morally grey heroines in Romancelandia, but Tenley as a character makes me wonder why the hell not. This was, honestly, a trope I didn't even know I needed until I read this book. And Knox is my favorite kind of romance hero--hot, grumpy, and ALL about the heroine. This guy would give Tenley a kidney if she needed one and wouldn't think twice about it. Although, who are we kidding? If Tenley needed a kidney, she'd steal one and save herself. But that's not the point. The point is, I loved these characters. They might even be my favorite Isabel Jordan characters of all time. (Which is saying A LOT if you've read any of my other reviews.)

And for those of you who need to know...yes, there are some amazing spicy times. It's not a 5-star spice level, but a SOLID 3.5, which is plenty (in my opinion).

Plus, there's a scene where Knox is reunited with his dog and it legit brought tears to my eyes. It was a surprisingly heartwarming scene for a rom com.

So, long-story-short, if you're looking for a witty, spicy, snarky rom com with a unique plot, a non-conventional heroine, a few emotional moments, and a grumpy hero who hits ALL the right notes, this is your next read. It's worth a pre-order, y'all.

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Thank you Netgalley and Isabel Jordan for the ARC!

This was a cute read about Tenley and Knox, two criminals who end up joining forces. They have a funny “meet cute” and that sets the tone for a wild ride of a story! The nickname “cheekbones” has me laughing every time.

This story had the best banter filled with lots of snark. You could truly watch their relationship grow! It was a very unique story that I enjoyed during the whole read.

My only criticism is that I typically enjoy more of a “slow burn” romance, but this was still done really well!

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This was a plot for a book that I have not read before. Definitely super interesting premise. The only thing I didn’t like was that it is written in 3rd person, and that’s honestly personal preference. Other than that I enjoyed the read.

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So so much fun! It’s a wee bit predictable, yes, but this is just a hoot - funny and snarky and swoony and very clever.
There’s love and steam, revenge and comeuppance - just about everything you need in a rollicking, suspense-y rom com!

Tenley is gorgeous and smart, and a grifter, with a tragic back story, trained in the con from the age of 15. Knox is a craftsman, just out of jail, having been framed for embezzlement. They meet through a con and learn to work together. Knox is open to love, Tenley not so much. Yes there’s a HEA and a hell of a ride to get there. If you like light and funny and silly, with a side of found family and rough justice, this is a fantastic read!

Thank you to NetGalley, and the author for the ARC.

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