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Just Do It

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DNF 63% Quite honestly I’m just bored and I’m throwing in the towel. I should’ve done it much sooner, but I kept pushing through.

I still have not been able to relate, visualize, or have any emotion whatsoever yet. The characters are bland and all I know about them is they work in a museum and there’s an archeological dig coming up with mummies. I don’t feel any sort of chemistry with the main characters and the atmosphere of the story itself isn’t my cup of tea.

As a person who reads for an escape and eagerly looks for the build and the happily ever after, this just isn’t that type of story.

Best of luck to this author with this and future writings. Unfortunately this one wasn’t for me, but perhaps the next will be. Thank you also to Netgalley and publisher for the opportunity to read and review and advanced copy of this novel.

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I love an @scribbler_maxi book and this is no exception. I love the characters of Lizzie and Finn, I think most readers will relate to them and the situations they find themselves in throughout the story. I think their chemistry and the will they won't won't narrative is written so well and the fact their so oblivious to it is hilarious. I am now eagerly waiting to see if there will be a sequel to this wonderful book. #netgalley #justdoit #maxinemorrey

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Witty, uplifting and immensely enjoyable, Just Do It is the terrific new romantic read by Maxine Morrey.

Lizzie Rose is a creature of habit. She knows what she likes and what she doesn’t like – and the one thing she loves more than anything else in the world is her job at The London Museum. Lizzie lives and breathes her job and when she is passed over for a longed for promotion, she is absolutely devastated – especially as it’s her former boyfriend who gets the job. Her best friend Colette thinks that a night on the tiles drinking cocktails is just what Lizzie needs, however, she hadn’t counted on meeting dashing Finn Bryson at the bar…

Finn is as far removed from Lizzie’s usual type and her world of academia as it is possible to get. However, despite their differences, Lizzie cannot help but find herself drawn to the charming and attractive Finn. But Lizzie refuses to mix business with pleasure and when Finn’s job brings him to the museum, she vows to give him a very wide berth and to put paid to any thoughts she might have had of having a relationship with him.

Lizzie has spent her whole life cocooned in her comfort zone, but the time has come for her to spread her wings, step out of the shadows and take a chance on her own happiness – and maybe even a relationship with Finn…

Maxine Morrey’s Just Do It is a feel-good charmer with an inspirational heroine readers will cheer for, witty banter, red-hot chemistry and plenty of warmth, humour and sizzle to delight romantics everywhere. A gorgeous tale about finding happiness, life’s unexpected surprises and falling in love when you least expect it, Just Do It is an entertaining and unmissable novel by Maxine Morrey readers will not want to miss.

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This is my first book by this author, but it won’t be my last! I enjoyed all the characters, as well as the setting at a museum with an archeologist who kind of specialized in Egyptology, a science I had been a bit obsessed with when I was younger!

Lizzie was someone I could totally identify with in a lot of ways. Her love of her job and what she did for her job. While I don’t always love my actual day to day work at my job because I don’t get to do what I love about my job, I do love my field of both library science now, as well as the science that I taught back when I was a classroom teacher. I’m also kind of like Lizzie in that I don’t always put myself out there or take chances. I had a best friend in college like Lizze’s best friend that made me do things outside my comfort zone. But I kind of retreated back into my introvertedness once she moved on with getting married and having kids.

Enough about me though, let’s talk about this story. I loved how the two met, the one night stand bit, but how Finn kind of fell first. Except it was perfect how he pretended not to know her, I know it made her so mad and that was perfect to get her back wondering what was going on. With her best friend dating his friend, it threw them back together, not to mention the little surprise of him turning up to be her new office mate. Their connection was perfect and I loved it.

I could not see how in the world their perfect romance was going to hit any roadblocks though, and the author completely surprised me with how that happened. While it was a perfect way to and direction to take the story, I feel like it still seemed a bit out of character for Finn to take it as far as he did. If maybe we’d got some more of how he felt around the academics earlier in the story, that would have helped make that point for me maybe.

In the end I loved how it all came together and how the story ended. As I mentioned before, I hope that I can read more by this author in the future!

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I haven't ever read a book where the FMC is an archaeologist so this was a treat! When Elizabeth is passed over for a great opportunity in favour of her ex Friedrich, her best friend thinks an evening of cocktails will soothe her broken heart. She ends up meeting dashing Finn Brison and the night becomes an interesting one. Fast forward to a few days later at the office, and in walks Finn, the new project manager for a project the museum where she works will be undertaking. What's more, they'll be sharing an office 😂

This definitely upended the stability in Elizabeth's world. She was used to being in her comfort zone but their mutual attraction was hard to deny. The decision whether to try something new or stay rooted in old habits had her head and heart warring. Still, Finn didn't leave it all to her to decide as he pulled out all the stops to make sure she knew he wanted her.

They were different in some ways which brought up conflict but they learned to make the other feel comfortable and loved.

I also loved Colette, her best friend. She was an amazing side character who pushed her to challenge herself whilst also bringing her own mischievousness into the mix.

I enjoyed this one! Thank you to Netgalley and Publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a huge fan of Maxine and her work and have been for quite a while now, although much to my shame I haven't yet managed to read everything that she has written. Of course, I hope to rectify that in the not too distant future. I read the synopsis of 'Just Do It!' and it certainly sounded like the sort of book I have come to expect from Maxine- a fun and light hearted romantic comedy. Well it was certainly all that and so much more. I really enjoyed reading 'Just Do It!' but more about that in a bit.

As with all of Maxine's books, I was drawn into 'Just Do It!' from the very start. It didn't take me long to realise that I was reading something special and that i would struggle to put the book to one side. I was spot on too. I picked the book up only intending to read a chapter but I should have known better because I was still sat there reading several chapters and an hour or so later. My Kindle wasn't exactly glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it travelled everywhere with me. I couldn't bear to miss a single second of the story. Part of the reason why I enjoyed the book so much has to do with the main character of Lizzie, who ended up feeling more like a friend than a character in a book. The more of the book that I read, the more I wanted to read and the quicker the pages seemed to turn. All too quickly I reached the end of 'Just Do It!' and I had to say goodbye to Lizzie, Finn and the rest of the characters. I found 'Just Do It!' to be an interesting, fun and light hearted read, which certainly made me laugh on more than one occasion.

'Just Do It!' is superbly written but then I have come to expect nothing less from Maxine Morrey. Maxine has an easy going writing style that is easy to get used to and easy to get along with. In fact reading one of Maxine's books often feels more like a chat between friends rather than reading a book. I hope that makes sense. Maxine certainly knows how to grab the reader's attention and draw them into what proves to be a rather amusing story. I love the way in which Maxine makes the reader feel as though they are part of the story and at the heart of the action. Maxine clearly cares about her characters and this shines through in the very vivid and realistic way in which she describes them. Maxine makes her carers seem just as real as you and I. As I mentioned previously, Lizzie certainly ended up feeling like a friend rather than a character in the story. This was one of those books that made me laugh and it certainly cheered up a dull and dreary day in North East England.

In short, I thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Just Do It!' and I would recommend it to other readers. I will certainly be reading more of Maxine's work in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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Review for 'Just Do It' by Maxine Morrey.

Read and reviewed for Maxine Morrey, Netgalley, Boldwood, Boldwood Book club, Book & Tonic and Rachel's Random Resources Tours.

Publication date 18th January 2024.

This is the second book I have read by this author. I have also read 'You've Got This' which I would also highly recommend!!

This novel consists of 20 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are short to medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book has fantastic descriptions that set you straight in the scenes. The cover, title and synopsis suit the storyline perfectly.

Love, LOVE, LOVED this absolutely gorgeous page turner!! An absolute must read!!!

This book is very well written with vivid descriptions setting the picture perfectly in the readers mind. The title, description and cover works perfectly with the storyline. It is one of those books that are very easy to read and perfect for any reading situations whether you are laying on a beach or curled up in front of a fire. It is an absolutely ideal read for anyone who is looking for a fantastic read that will have you hooked from beginning to end. I absolutely LOVED the realism of this storyline which made it so easy to picture everything that was going on which had been helped by Maxine's fantastic evocative writing skills. I cannot wait to get hooked into more of Maxine's books so I hope she is busy writing her next one!!
This is definitely one of those books that will turn a frown upside down and make life seem a lot brighter. It is packed with fun, compassion, romance, heartbreak, friendship, laughter, sympathy, memories and everything you could ask for in a fantastic feel good book. Maxine's evocative writing skills drew me deep into the book bringing the atmosphere and characters to life all around me. It is one of those books that I could not put down. I ended up walking around the house looking at my kindle reading away and absolutely devoured it in one sitting. The characters were all an eclectic mix and each one of them were realistic and strong. I was completely invested in them all. It also makes them more realistic, believable and made me feel even more for them than I normally would.I loved watching each of the characters personalities grow along with their relationships changing and developing. Pick up this book and get lost in this absolutely gorgeous page turner!

An absolutely addictive, laugh out loud page turner that I just could not put down!!

Congratulations Maxine on yet another absolutely stunning read that I just could not put down!!! I cannot wait to read more of your previous and future books. I would absolutely love to see this book turned into a movie!!! This is the exact reason you are on my favourite author list and here's to your next success 🥂

Overall an unputdownable, gorgeous book filled with laughter, romance, fun, friendship and so much more!!

Make sure you read to the very end of the book to read the first chapter of Maxine's 'Just Do It' which I have read myself and it is just as addictive and page turning as this book and I would highly recommend it!!

308 pages.

This book is just £1.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited and £9.99 in paperback via Amazon, at time of review which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 5/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews

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Lizzie feels safe in her work, a place where she thrives. But when she is by passed for an opportunity she decides to do things differently, where by chance, she meets Finn.

While Lizzie wants to keep her personal life and work-life separate, due to previous experiences, fate may not always have the same idea, and her personal and work life may just mix for all the good reasons.

I loved how Morrey gave us characters who attract but are slight opposites in this novel, giving us an entertaining and enjoyable read.

Lizzie shows character growth throughout this storyline that makes the reader like her even more.

I found this novel, including the title, to tell the moral of taking a risk as you have so much to gain; this was a novel about growth as-well-as self-development and improvement and one I enjoyed.

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This will suck you in. It is interesting and written to captivate from the very first page and it did.

Just Do It follows the story of Lizzie who was passed over for a promotion, following which he has a one night stand with the man who will be sharing her office.

I enjoyed the banter between Finn and Lizzie. It is about letting go of the old and embracing new ideas and seeing life through another prism. It is also about finding work/life balance and self discovery.

I also enjoyed the archeological aspect of the book. It also has some of my favourite tropes- office romance and found family.

I did not understand the need for the third act break up. In my opinion, it was unnecessary.

I received an advanced copy and the review is mine and voluntary.

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Just Do It was such an entertaining read and one that got going straight away. I loved the way the reader was introduced to the characters. I think it made the story all the more engaging. As I got to know the characters, it was very easy to hope they would get their happy ever after. The setting of the museum and Lizzie’s job was a wonderful addition. I do love history and museums so I really liked the way it was included in the story.

The plot itself moved at a lovely pace. The romance was sweet with a lovely connection that built between the characters. Lizzie’s personality slowly but surely emerged and her confidence grew. This was so lovely to see and meeting Finn in a way was a kind of catalyst for this. Speaking of Finn, he really did make a great hero. Supportive, charming and kind. I couldn’t help but root for them, even if there were more than a few bumps in the road for this pair.

Just Do It was a delight to read, it had a lovely charm that easily pulled me in. Once again another fun and loveable book from Maxine Morrey!

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Lizzie Rose follows the rules. She's worked hard in her job at the London Museum, and she knows that she deserves the new role that she has gone for. However when she is passed over for her ex-boyfriend, she is devastated that her hard work and dedication has gone unnoticed. So when her best friend Colette insists that they go out for drinks to commiserate, Lizzie follows. Finn Bryson is not her type at all - he's outside of her life in academia, but he's handsome and charming, and he makes her forget all of her worries for just one evening. However when she turns up at work to find Finn standing there, she's determined to ensure that their one evening together, remains just that. 

Lizzie is all about remaining within her comfort zone. She adores her work and life in academia, and has never sought to look outside of that life for anything else. However living within her comfort zone hasn't brought her the promotion that she so desired, and whilst her ex-boyfriend ticked all the boxes that didn't work out either - maybe she should be venturing outside of her comfort zone!

Just Do It! is a novel all about a successful woman who needs to push herself outside of her comfort zone in order to be successful in all areas of her life - comfort doesn't always equal progress, and knowledge/ability will only take you so far. Add in a swoonworthy man to unequivocally support her, and you have the makings of a great novel!

I am more than happy to recommend this novel to you all. It has great characters, some hot romance and successful women who support one another and strive to better themselves - what's not to love!

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Super cute story about archeologist, Lizzie, who is unknowingly stuck in her ways and living a small life, devoid of joy. One crazy, drunken night she meets tall, handsome Finn and her world is never the same!

I rather enjoyed this read and overall liked the sorry arc. I did find that I didn’t feel super close to the characters, which most often times I do, and sometimes it felt as though the storyline had abrupt changes. All in all, however, an enjoyable read! Thank you for the advanced copy! Happy publication!!

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If you are looking for a fun, enjoyable, quick read romcom, this book is perfect. Lizzie and Finn are a fun couple and Finn brings out the best in Lizzie. I loved watching Lizzie grow throughout the book. She has a really great group of friends that may have protected her too much but in the end help Lizzie be the best version of herself. My favorite scene in the book is when Finn decorates the office for Christmas!

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I didn't love this one but I also didn't hate this one. However I'm not sure how I feel about this one.

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Meet Elizabeth, the reserved archaeologist with a penchant for privacy and a touch of shyness. Known for keeping her opinions to herself, she typically dedicates her time to work and the occasional rendezvous with fellow academics. However, her usual routine takes an unexpected turn when she has a one-night stand with Finn. Sneaking out the next morning, she's surprised to find Finn showing up at her workplace.

Determined to keep her personal life from interfering with her career, Elizabeth initially resists Finn's charms. Despite her efforts, she eventually finds herself entangled with him. In her free time, Elizabeth prefers reading, writing, or delving into academic papers, opting for solitude over socializing with family or friends—a lifestyle ingrained by her upbringing. Finn introduces her to a new world, unveiling her fun side and taking her on adventures to meet his family and dine at romantic restaurants. He becomes a catalyst for positive change in her life, proving that there's more to life than work.

While the relationship between Elizabeth and Finn faces challenges due to their differences, they navigate through disagreements. The narrative also explores the role of Bella, Elizabeth's colleague, who sometimes takes center stage in the story.

The reader is introduced to Colette and Greg, with a desire for more insights into Greg's character and less emphasis on Bella. Elizabeth's friendship with Colette is highlighted, and the enduring friendship between Finn and Greg since childhood adds depth to the narrative.

Ultimately, the book's main theme revolves around self-discovery, growth, and the joy of exploration. It encourages readers to embrace who they truly are, evolve, and savor life's pleasures.

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When Elizabeth, an archeologist, gets passed up to get her own dig for her ex-boyfriend, she calls up her best friend Colette, and goes out for drinks. This is where Elizabeth decides to do something she's never done before, have a one-night stand. The next morning she sneaks out convinced she is never going to see him again, of course, she's wrong. She will now be working very closely with him.

One thing I liked was that Morrey was not afraid to let time pass so that Elizabeth and Finn could establish an actual connection. I do wish we got a little more than snippets of Elizabeth doing her job, especially since she apparently does nothing else but work so it's a huge part of her life, yet it's not explored enough. The entire time I was reading I kept just waiting for something to happen, and when something did finally happen it felt underwhelming and just absolutely out of place especially for Finn. I did like that this is what finally caused Elizabeth to grow into herself and be more confident even if it was somewhat glossed over. Also, I wish she would have made Finn grovel more.

Overall, a pretty standard romance.

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I really enjoyed this book, I know I say that a lot but I really did! I read it in about a day and that's mostly because I just didn't want to put it down and stop reading it. As a self-confessed Egypt Nerd, I have to admit that was a big part of why I picked the book, I've not read many romances with an Archaeologist as the FMC and I just loved that idea. And I did really love Lizzie, from the archaeology nerdiness to the inability to keep a desk tidy (honestly feel like I'm channelling Lizzie most days) i really connected with her and I loved how she grew throughout the book and how her outlook on life changed slowly, often in romance books that change is way too swift for me but this was done at such a good pace. Another thing done at a good pace was Lizzie and Finn's relationship, i enjoyed watching it develop and grow, heck I even enjoyed yelling at them for being utterly stupid at times, because what is a romance if the two MC's don't mess up their relationship at some point!
The characters were really well created, I loved Finn and his easygoing nature but equally, I absolutely hated Friedrich and his entire way of acting made me want to hit him because we've all met someone like him who treats us like a stepping stone so Maxine's way of writing was just so spot on.
I've completely and utterly loved reading this and I'm definitely going to head off to find some more books by Maxine because I've so enjoyed her writing style.

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I love Maxine's books and this one is no exception. I loved the title of this book and hoped it would as good as it sounded. In fact, it was amazing. A lovely, cosy read for those winter nights. Thank you for the ARC.

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This was a pretty good read. Lizzie is an archeologist who is very serious about her work. On a rare night out drowning her sorrows she meets Finn, a project manager, who is very different from her usual type. From there things go up and down . I felt that the plot was a bit contrived and dragged out, but fairly entertaining nonetheless. Thanks to Boldwood books and Netgalley for an ARC of this novel.

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Really sweet!

Lizzie Rose works at a museum. She lives for it. Raised by two academics, academia has always been the front runner for Lizzie. She's an expert in Egypt. But then she gets passed over for lead in an archeological dig. Which was given to her ex.

She decides to drown her sorrows with a night out with her best friend. There she meets Finn. Who's not like her ex. At all. She believes she's never going to see him again, but then guess what? He's working for an expansion for HER museum. Suddenly, a guy she never thought she'd see again is working side by side with her. Everyday.

I wasn't expecting this relationship to go in the trajectory it did. I was really surprised! I liked both Finn and Lizzie. I enjoyed the growth that Lizzie had with her parents. It's not always found where people admit to what they've done wrong and want to change. And ugh, that ex! He was terrible. Everyone saw it so soon, but Lizzie. It pays, pays, and pays to be honest to your friends.

I also enjoyed the popup of a former character.

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