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Baby Protection Mission

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This first book in the series is a clean Christian, suspense romance centering around K-9 Officer Ashley Hanson and rancher Cade McNeal.
During a run with her K-9, Ozzy, Ashley comes across the kidnapping of Melissa McNeal as her brother, Cade is struggling with the criminal. The moment Melissa is taken, Ashley is determined to keep Cade and baby Danny safe.
While protecting both Cade and Danny, feelings developed, as the danger continues. Who is the person that kidnapped Melissa? Was it her ex or Cade’s ex? Why kidnap a baby?
Intertwined with this kidnapping, is the involvement of the FBI and a multiagency K-9 task assigned to find a serial killer that struck 10 years ago, and recently has reappeared.
In the end, will Melissa and the kidnapper be found? Will Cade, a man for whom family is everything, get a chance with Ashley?
While part of the mystery is solved, the other will continue to be followed in the subsequent stories.
I was entrusted a copy of this book by Netgalley and Harlequin Love Inspired Romance. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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These K-9 Unit books are always a delightful read. The dogs are just as much characters in the story as the human leads. I have to say... I'm not the biggest fan of the cover.

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Baby Protection Mission is a well written romantic suspense. I throughly enjoyed the fast paced plot.. I definitely recommend this one. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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Another great read in this K-9 Defender series. Rookie Officer Ashley Hanson witnesses a kidnapping and attempted baby snatch. Working to protect the brother of the victim just might help her find her Faith renewed and a love to last forever.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own." eARC provided NetGalley

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Cade, Ashley, Ozzy and Danny were such great characters! I loved how Cade went above and beyond to take care of everyone around him. The story captured me from the beginning and kept me until the end.

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Baby Protection Misison was an enjoyable story., especially the second half. It isn't as action packed as some other Love Inspired Suspense books, but still good. There were aspects of the story that were a little unbelievable but regardless, I enjoyed the story and look forward to reading more in the series as they come out.

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Baby Protection Mission (Mountain Country K-9 Unit, 1) by Laura Scott
A good start to a new series - I enjoy K-9 stories. It starts off with a kidnapping and another investigation with a lot of action, but it dragged a little in places but all in all it was a good clean romantic suspense.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Action-packed Easy-to-read Entertaining Inspirational Page-turner Scary Wonderful characters.

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Baby Protection Mission is an exciting first book in the upcoming Mountain Country K-9 series.
I loved Cade and Ashley's story. The story started out with action, and it was that way all the way to the end. If you like K-9 stories with romantic suspense, then you don't want to miss this.

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This book was really well written, it caught me from the beginning, and it kept me hooked the entire book.
I loved the characters, they felt real and relatable. They felt like the kind of people I'd like to know in real life.
I would recommend this book to anyone.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own *

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I really enjoyed this K-9 faith-based suspense including a light romance. The K-9, Ozzy, is a tracker and can identify 1000s of scents. Starts out with abduction of Cade’s sister, but they seem to be really after her baby. Who can it be and why? Can Ashley and Ozzy keep Cade and the baby safe while searching for Melissa? Surprise near the end.

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Fairly predictable romantic but it was still a good read that I enjoyed it. It was also a quick read. And like the majority of Love inspired suspense the faith is awesome as always.

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It’s a sweet story but I found it a little boring, bits of it were dragged out more than it should’ve been. I also found it very cliche and unimaginative, they were in close proximity for a few days and then they declare their love for each other. I loved that it was a clean romance in which the protagonist had a strong faith. However, it seemed too unrealistic concerning the police and feds, those parts seemed to have been written in a very amateurish way.

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Laura Scott starts out a new series, the Mountain Country K-9 Unit, with the first of seven books, Baby Protection Mission. The book starts out intense with the kidnapping of a mother of a one month old baby boy. Her brother, Cade, joins Police Officer Ashley and her K-9 partner, Ozzy as they frantically search for her. There are some good twists and turns as well as a developing romance. These are clean, easy-to-read mysteries and definitely fun to read.

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I enjoy reading books that involve K-9’s in them to help track down clues to solve a mystery. This was a well written story that unfolds with a kidnapping. It kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what would happen next. This book is scheduled to be released March 26, 2024 and is part of the Love Inspired Suspense series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

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What a great start to a new K-9 series. Police officer Ashley Hanson isn't too happy with her father because she wanted to be on the multi agency K9 taskforce by her own doing and not because her FBI father got her a spur on the team. As she was the one who witnessed someone who tried to abduct Cade Neal's baby nephew and instead abducted Cade's sister, she is pulled off the Rocky Mountain Killer case and is assigned to work the abduction case.
Ashley and Cade worked well together. Even though she was investigating the case and danger showed up on Cade's ranch, she still helped out with his nephew and with meals while Cade tended to the animals on his ranch. It was sweet to see Cade's care and concern for his sister and nephew and their wellbeing.
Baby Protection Mission was an engaging suspenseful read with the search for the kidnapper as well as the ongoing investigation of the Rocky Mountain Killer.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I loved reading a book that wasn’t centered around a missing baby. It was a great use of a suspense with children without the whole kidnapping a kid hunt which wears at my mommy heart. These were good, strong characters and I liked the K9 aspect, it was really well done. It was interesting the interaction between protectee rancher and protector heroine cop. We had plenty of danger and suspicions. A good start to a new series.

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Danger lurks at every turn! When Cade McNeal's sister is kidnapped, he must protect his nephew and work with Abbey Hanson, a canine officer who witnessed the kidnapping. Cade's first priority is providing protection for his nephew while trying to figure out who has his sister. Abbey Hanson is trying to prove her worth as a new member of a regional task force and is frustrated she has been assigned this kidnapping case. But she desires to protect both Cade and his nephew while rescuing his sister and finding the kidnappers. The three stay at Cade's ranch but even there they are sitting targets. Can they discover who desires to snatch the baby, harm his sister and sabotage the ranch before it is too late? You'll enjoy this fast-paced novel in a new series.

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A sweet romance and mystery. Always enjoy stories about the working dogs. Interesting characters and relationships. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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"Baby Protection Mission" is a Christian romantic suspense. This is part of a series but works as a standalone. Unknown to Ashley, her usually-absent FBI father got her a spot on a task force (for the ongoing case in the series), and she felt like her teammates doubted her abilities because of that. She's nearby when someone tried to kidnap Cade's nephew from his arms and ended up taking his sister (the baby's mother) instead. She used her K9 to immediately track down clues and was put on the case. She helped protect Cade and the baby while also investigating possible leads. Cade's worried about his sister, the safety of his nephew, and how to run his ranch as the animals still need tending.

The main characters were engaging and reacted realistically to events. Ashley and Cade worked well together and generally got along well. They came to admire and care for each other as they spent a lot of time together. Cade (and Ashley) prayed for protection and guidance. Cade trusted that God was in control, and Ashley grew stronger in her faith. There was no sex or bad language. Overall, I'd recommend this enjoyable suspense.

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When Cade's sister is kidnapped, he will need the help of rookie K9 officer Ashley and her dog, Ozzy, to keep his nephew, Danny, safe and sound.

I loved the relationship between Ashley and Ozzy as a scent dog. Cade's warm demeanor toward Ozzy and Danny was an endearing quality for Cade. It is nice to see a rookie cop like Ashley shine in this book. You don't see too many rookie characters in books which made this book stand out.

I enjoyed the story and the interweaving of two crime investigations together. I also enjoyed the two characters developing as the story progressed. Ashley overcame her insecurities and Cade learned what real love can look like.

If you like books that emphasize the importance of family, this will be a great read for you!

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