Member Reviews

A quick erotic novel that gives exactly what you need and want. Spicy, steamy, and quick paced. I wanted more from the story, but at less than 100 pages, I can't be too greedy.

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Thank you NetGalley and author P.J Crescent for the copy in exchange of my honest review.

"When Candice drops out of university, her parents tell her to get a job to pay for her summer holiday. But earning what she needs in time for the trip seems like an impossible task. Until she finds work in a Spa, when a uniform malfunction attracts the attention of her new boss, Candice soon realises that earning money might be easier than she thought. If she uses her physical assets wisely she might well be able to earn the money she needs after all."

This is a very short and fast-paced read.

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This was a PWP really. It was an easy read but there wasn't much plot. I thought there would be more so I was disappointed in that direction sadly. :(

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I wasn't able to get engaged in this story. With no plot or character development, all that was left in this book was the sex, which is not enough to keep me interested for 7 chapters.

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2.5 ⭐️ I receive a copy of this book from NetGalley and Xpresso Book Tours in exchange for an honest review.

The lead character Candice has an upcoming holiday in Spain with her best friend and is set out to earn enough money for the trip.

This book is strictly smut. It reads like a fanfiction / whatpad spicy story from the early 2000 . There is a hint of plot, her actions/decisions made simply for financial gain, but it’s very very limited plot. However that said, it is expected from the genre and the fact that it is a short 56 page book. It comes in with the spice early and keeps it consistent for the entire read.

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Thanks for the arc!

I appreciate a smutty novella, but this just wasn’t for me (but that doesn’t mean it won’t be for you!). A young woman, who’s never had a job, needs to earn $2000 to go on a trip that her parents won’t pay for, and a car repair~thats the basis for the 7 chapters of sex scenes (think the opening of most basic porn videos). Her just stumbling into situations where she gets paid for sex. I didn’t care for the main character nor any of the individuals surrounding her.

I’d be curious to read something else from this author~o see where they what their characters are usually like.

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*Thank you NetGalley, P. J. Crescent for gifting me this e-arc.*
Ummm, this was a lot. I'm not used to this type of genre and I'm not sure if I'll continue with it 😅. The story in itself was good, but the multiple scenes and with different people was a bit too much for me. I know alot of other people would love this book and the next one!
*Thank you again NetGalley and P. J. Crescent for gifting me this e-arc.*

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Candice has dropped out of school and he parents will not pay for her trip to Spain. So here she comes up with other ways and though it is only seven chapters it is graphic, in a prono way. The author gives you a story where Candice runs into one problem after another from the owner of the spa where she gets a job to when her car breaks down and the repair guys thre of them have another to take care of the bill. I am sure you follow along. The book also ends with a cliffhanger if you are wondering what happens to her. Up to you if you want to read it if you like books like this then it is a good book if you don’t then you won’t I did not care for the cliffhanger I try to keep an open mind it is just a book.

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With only seven chapter, this book is fast paced and plenty of spicy scenes. But there is no plot or any storyline.

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A sexy and graphic novel explores a journey of a university student as she navigates her way to vacation in Spain. Candice seems to not be able to figure out the most basic life situation. Quick, fun, and again veeeery graphic novel.

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This is a short book and is pretty much a porno in story form so if that is what you are looking for then this a story for you. It contains more sex scenes than story and the story line is a bit cliche. A 20 year old girl who will do anything for money to go on vacation.

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After Candice dropped out of the university. Her parents refuse to pay for her holiday trip with her friends.

Trying to figure out a way to get two thousand pounds in six weeks, she goes job searching.

When she comes across a help wanted sign in the window of a spa. She gets hired right on spot.

This is where the book gets pretty interesting.

The boss and owner of the spa talks her into sleeping with him and she gets paid right after.

Then, her car breaks down and to cover the bill. It will take all the money she just got. For trade she ends up hooking up with three of the guys that work there.

The domino effect continues. She ends up hooking up with others to keep collecting money for the trip. She gets the money pretty fast and I’m curious to see what happens on the trip.

I lost interest after the car shop scene but I finished the book. If you are wanting a book that is basically just smut then this is for you but I would have liked a lot more effort to have been put into the plot.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good smut book and I read a ton of smut but the details were lacking for me. Hopefully the next books get more detailed.

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Earning Independence by P.J. Crescent was not at all what I was expecting. Yes, this is a quick erotica story, but I honestly thought there would be more plot with obviously a decent amount of spice. The story is about a girl named Candice who drops out of college and is told by her parents that she will have to pay for her own vacation since she dropped out of college. She finds a job at a spa...and well I won't say much more because it will spoil the story. I think this could have had potential, but the story was simply too short. For those with triggers, I suggest you check them before diving into this book because there are some situations that may trigger some people. If you're looking for a quick read with essentially no plot, then this might work for you.

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Eating Independence by PJ Crescent is a spicy story about a girl named Candice who is thrust into the real world when she drops out of college and needs money for a vacation. This is a quick read; the spice level is at a 5, and there is a story woven in-between. If you are looking for a quick erotic story I would defiantly recommend this.

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Earning Independence
PJ Crescent
Candice makes the decision to leave college; her parents inform her that they are not paying for her summer vacation. She has no idea how to earn the money she needs, until she realizes she can use her body.
The plot has great potential but is too short. If it was expanded upon it could be much better.

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Earning Independence by P. J Cresent is a fully smut story with various situations.

With only seven chapter, this book is fast paced and plenty of spicy scenes. The storyline are not too deep and every steamy scenes are different which make the book unbelievable interesting. However, there's a cliffhanger and I wonder about Candice's trip to Spain.

I'll definitely will be reading more from P. J Cresent.

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Thank you to P. J. Crescent for early access to her book, Earning Independence. This book was heavy on spice! Candice is told by her parents to earn the money she needs for an upcoming vacation after she drops out of school… and she quickly finds out making the funds she needs isn’t quite as hard as she thought… just takes a little creativity and her body. While the book isn’t heavy on plot, it makes up for it on the spice level. The author note said she’s written other books, but this was the first where she let herself be this free with the spice. If you like your books with lots of spice, this one is for you.

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Fast, fun, and very spicy read. The story is not deep but makes sense and flows well. The main character finds herself in many situations where she is learning about her body and intimate situations. The story is enjoyable for the sexual situations and descriptions, not the storyline. I am curious what might happen to her on her trip.

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"Earning Independence" by P.J. Crescent was a very quick erotica story.

The book's protagonist, Candice, needs money for a trip she wants to go on with her friend. The only problem is that she doesn't have any money. In search of a job, she finds a spa. Throughout this 56-page book, Candice encounters many opportunities to use her physical assets to earn funds to go on her trip.

Overall, this read was okay. It was basically all smut, which is what I can expect from this genre. I thought it was pretty smart how Crescent incorporated a realistic plot and all the steamy scenes in less than 100 pages.

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Absolutely pure smut, the epitome of “who even needs plot?” Overall I enjoyed this read. Super fast-paced, about 50 pages, and it’s just smut. I’d definitely say to check out the trigger warnings before entering into this but otherwise, if you’re okay with certain situations, you’ll have a great time.

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