Member Reviews

As a queer reader with a penchant for the strange and macabre, "Withered" by A.G.A. Wilmot immediately piqued my interest. The premise of a haunted house story intertwined with themes of grief, queerness, and recovery from an eating disorder felt both unique and deeply relatable.

Wilmot's writing is evocative and atmospheric, effortlessly transporting me to the eerie town of Black Stone and the unsettling house that Ellis and their mother call home. The descriptions of the spectral presence within the walls are chilling yet beautifully rendered, creating a sense of unease that lingered long after I finished reading.

Ellis, the protagonist, is a complex and well-developed character whose struggles with grief and body image resonated deeply with me. Their journey towards healing is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and their budding romance with Quinn adds a tender counterpoint to the book's darker themes.

While the horror elements are certainly present, "Withered" is ultimately a story about the enduring power of love and connection in the face of loss and trauma. The nuanced exploration of mental health issues, particularly eating disorders, is handled with sensitivity and care, making this a book that I would recommend to anyone who has experienced similar struggles.

My only minor critique is that the pacing felt a bit uneven at times, with some sections dragging while others felt rushed. However, this didn't detract from my overall enjoyment of the story.

"Withered" is a haunting and heartfelt novel that explores the depths of human resilience and the enduring power of love. It's a book that stayed with me long after I finished reading, and one that I won't hesitate to recommend to fellow fans of queer horror and anyone looking for a story that delves into the complexities of grief and recovery.

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A.G.A. Wilmont’s “Withered” is a compelling and thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human emotions and relationships. This book is a gripping blend of mystery, drama, and psychological insight, making it a captivating read from start to finish.

The strength of “Withered” lies in its richly drawn characters. Each character is meticulously developed, with their own distinct personalities and intricate backstories. The protagonist’s journey is particularly engaging, as we see them navigate through a web of secrets and lies. Wilmont’s ability to create nuanced, believable characters makes the story deeply immersive and emotionally resonant.

The plot of “Withered” is well-crafted, with twists and turns that keep the reader on edge. The pacing is generally well-balanced, maintaining a steady rhythm that builds tension and anticipation. There are moments of intense suspense that are skillfully interwoven with more reflective, character-driven scenes, creating a dynamic and engaging narrative.

Wilmont’s writing style is both elegant and accessible, with descriptive prose that brings the settings and scenes vividly to life. The atmospheric descriptions add depth to the story, enhancing the overall reading experience. The author’s exploration of themes such as loss, betrayal, and redemption is handled with sensitivity and insight, adding layers of meaning to the plot.

While “Withered” is a compelling read, there are a few moments where the pacing slows, and certain plot points feel slightly predictable. However, these minor issues do not significantly detract from the overall quality of the book.

Overall, “Withered” by A.G.A. Wilmont is a well-written and emotionally engaging novel that offers a satisfying blend of mystery and psychological depth. It’s a story that stays with you long after the last page is turned, and I highly recommend it to readers who enjoy thought-provoking and character-driven narratives.

Rating: 4 stars

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Well written but not really for me.

Dark and creepy in all the right places. Felt like a slow burn. I struggled being gripped and staying at the pace.

A great queer paranormal book though about mental health

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Big thanks to NetGalley and ECW Press for providing me an ARC copy of Withered. All opinions are my own.

This horror novel uses incredible storytelling to allow readers the opportunity to explore the dark secrets of small town USA, and the power of love, grief, and death. The emotions were extremely well-captured through the entirety of the book, and it was joy to watch past and present stories became increasingly intertwined within the confines of a single house. I was not expecting a horror novel to have this much heart and soul in it, but I was proven wrong, and I am so thankful that I was. This was an absolutely wonderful experience, so much so that I wish I could have a chance to do it all over again.

I loved the mental health rep and how it remained a major plot point for the entire story. This added so many good layers to character development, and to the general plot even. Besides that, the overall character development in the primary and secondary cast was tangible and incredibly rewarding to see. There are bits of super sweet romance that kept the story light at times and the LGBTQIA+ rep had me positively cheering. (happy Pride!!!)

The paranormal aspects were also very well-written. This is more geared as unsettling horror rather than jump-scare. I loved watching the mystery unfold and the reveal at the end of it all. There’s a past and present timeline, but it was written with incredible preciseness and detail that I never was confused on where we were in the timeline.

In my opinion this is absolutely worth the read for new fans of the genre and those who have been longtime fans.


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I loved that it touched on subjects such as grief and eating disorders and touched on it in ways that I, as a person who struggles with both, felt was authentic.

This was a great read.

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DNF @ 12%. This was not really for me—I’m not a big horror reader, and while I do enjoy the occasional horror TV show when I watch with other people and have enjoyed horror books with strong romantic plot lines, this book didn’t grab my attention as strongly as I would have liked to continue reading. The main character, Ellis, is around 18 and definitely felt young to me, when I typically prefer books with adult protagonists. The snarky, sarcastic brand of humor also didn’t totally resonate with me. But I realize that I only read a small part of the book, and that might not be representative of the whole! I appreciated the diverse cast, and the book did remind me of a Mike Flanagan show, which I’m sure will be a big selling point for many readers. One to check out if any of these elements appeal to you!

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A really wonderful slow burn haunted house story about grief, Wilmot creates a wonderfully nuanced story here. I loved the town of Black Stone, and the story is atmospheric and eerie. The characters were beautifully realized, and I loved how layered and genuine they felt. Lots of heavy topics in here, included eating disorders, but Wilmot handles them thoughtfully and sensitively. I think it reads a bit New Adult since the protagonist is so young, but that's not necessarily a bad thing; it feels accessible and a nice entry point for readers who are perhaps new to the horror genre. Really enjoyed this one!

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Thank you to NetGalley and ECW Press as well as the author for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
#NetGalley #ECWPress #AGAWilmot #Withered

Author: A.G.A. Wilmot
Publisher: ECW Press
Publication Date: April 16, 2024

Themes: LGBTQ+, paranormal, haunted house, ghosts
Trigger Warnings: Sex, ghosts, child death, occult, eating disorders, cancer, hauntings, house fire, mental instability, mental illness,

This haunted house novel has the elements of a great horror story. It tells the story of Ellis, a non-binary young adult and their mom and their move to the small hometown of Ellis’ mother. Unbeknownst to Ellis, they have moved into the town haunted house. You know the one? Every small town has one. At first, Ellis is skeptical and dismissive, but as things continue to happen that can’t be explained, they are forced to confront the possibility that they’re not as safe in their house as they first thought they were.

This book was mostly fun to read. The haunted house is my favorite sub-genre and this one had a lot of things going for it. The premise starts out as do many haunted house books do, with the protagonist moving into the affected house and not believing that it’s really haunted, despite the odd occurrences. Things such as pulsating walls that are hot to the touch, disembodied whispers, and full body apparitions. These things pair well with Ellis’ mental state and their recovering anorexia. In addition to all that, Ellis is grieving the loss of their father who has died of cancer. All of this gives the reader a sympathetic view of Ellis. All of these things make for a great haunted house story. The author gives us a creepy description of the house on Cherry Lane and its history. The author does a great job of handling the many sensitive mental issues throughout this story. Ellis is a character that many people can relate to in one way or another.
The rest of the characters, however, were a bit harder to swallow and bitter once I managed to get them down. Ellis’ friend, Quinn, was ok at times and other times, completely dramatic and annoying. Ellis’ mother was unremarkable in any way. I wish I had something more than Ellis to care about.

The story, while fun, was a little longer than it should have been. The pacing was too slow. In addition to taking its time getting to the point of the whole thing, I felt that there were too many characters’ point of view. It became cluttered and confusing. I think my biggest critique throughout this narrative would be the several little ways that this book found to be confusing. From the many characters to the slow pacing, at times this narrative required a lengthy break.

All in all, this was a good story that really needed further editing. This author really knows what they are doing and I’ll seek out more of their books in the future. Just be aware that this isn’t a quick and easy read.

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Withered was a compelling take on the classic haunted house story. The setting was appropriately creepy and I really loved the underlying lore at the heart of the story. The pace was a bit slow which I think is in line with the Gothic horror traditions. Unfortunately, my biggest challenge with this novel was that I didn't connect with the main character as much as I'd hoped and in many ways they felt more like a a cog in the wheel of the story versus a compelling protagonist I wanted to follow. This is especially true with the conclusion where I wantef them to be more active. Still, I would recommend it to someone who wants a clever take on the haunted house trope and I loved that there was a diverse cast and LGBTQ protagonist.

Thank you Netgalley ECW Press for an early ready copy in exchange for this honest review.

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I always enjoy a good haunted house story but I was not expecting the author to be so heavy handed with the LGBTQ aspects. As an example, of of the main characters who was narrating the story is referred to by the pronoun of "they". That was a bit confusing to read and it took me a bit of time to get used to it before it seemed to flow a bit more naturally. While the haunted house themes were well done, the LGBTQ themes, along with eating disorders and mental illness seemed to overshadow everything too much and really took away from the idea of this being a horror book. I just didn't enjoy this one very much at all and struggled to finish it.
Thank NetGalley for the chance to read this one.

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This is the most original haunted house novel I've read in a while! There are so many reveals and surprises; I really don't want to say too much and give anything away. The cast is diverse, the story is fast paced but still prioritizes character development, there are some romance elements. The POV changes are a bit jarring and confusing, but everything comes together perfectly at the end.

Withered is a highly original haunted house story about love, grief, loneliness, ghosts, facing demons, and how to live with the body you're born in. The synopsis says it's perfect for fans of Mike Flannagan, and I have to agree!

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I want to thank NetGalley and the publishers for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I am always one for a haunted house, the vibes are always wild and can be played up in so many different ways depending on what story the author is trying to tell in that instance. I've read haunted house stories about familial trauma, sibling rivalry/reconnections, and overall just plain cursed houses out to get whoever steps inside just because. The importance of each new haunted house story is that there is a key component or take on the stories and what is going to and is demanding to be told through it, that keeps readers hungry and continuing onwards following the red greasy streaks under the wallpaper.

Withered had a lot going for it, and a lot going on within the pages as well as in all the rooms of the house that young Ellis and their mother Robyn have just moved to in order to have a 'fresh start' after the passing of their father and a near-death case of an eating disorder. These are things that piqued my interest, how grieving can feel hard when in the echoes of a place that memories haunt, therefore leaving the place the lost loved one used to occupy, and also hiding or trying to diminish yourself and become a ghost entirely, haunting your own form as it breaks down under the weight of the illness inflicted upon it. This is the core of the story, surrounding Ellis is the tale of their mother's childhood hometown that is now their own town and the supposedly haunted house that the two of them now reside in. The town is divided in what is actually going on with the house, most wanting it to stay to keep up the sightings of loved ones long since passed. Yeah, a lot of strange happenings happening in this town. It is immersive and interesting and very well written, the imagery and descriptions and prose getting under my skin and deep into my own bones.

Unfortunately, the pacing was a bit too slow for my taste for the most part, and the different POVs and flashbacks took me out of the story every now and then but I was able to piece it together after a few lines of the next POV. I could see this adapted into a really cool film or limited series, it has that kind of dragging, eerie dread in a Mike Flannagan Haunting of Hill House/Bly Manor and so on vibes. It is a very cinematic piece, I just also feel like certain flashbacks like this work better on a screen than a page sometimes. Again, this is an ARC so maybe the pacing and where the POVs are ordered and lie have been edited.

This queer paranormal psychological thriller has a lot going for it, and I am always down for a creepy haunt, especially in a town as eerie and very unsettling as Black Stone was described.

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We open with an act of desperation. Tessa Sweet, 15 years old, stands in front of the house at the end of Cherry Lane. Ready to destroy it. Gasoline can in hand, grief and vengeance in her heart. It's time.

The house at the end of Cherry Lane isn't a normal house. It might not even be a ‘normal’ haunted house. The town knows all about it. Or, at least, the townspeople combined know about it, they just don't understand it. Everyone has their ideas, their theories, and they are all at least partially correct, it's just that no single individual knows the whole story.

Strange things happen in this town and even stranger things happen around it. The house seems to be the center of it all. There are creepy vibes throughout that remind you of your own haunted house stories from childhood, everyone had them.

This is, at once, a story about a haunted house, a hunted home, discovering or uncovering identity, and it's all tied together with threads of trauma, loss, mental illness, and becoming whole again. Places, and people, aren't always what or who they seem. This is why the genre is the perfect forum for the stories you'll find intertwined throughout.

This queer, psychological horror story will sneak up on you and surprise you with reflections, dialogue, and characters that make you think about your own life and experiences, and your own desires about living and dying. It asks you to consider how far you'd go and what you'd do after your loved one dies. It reminds you how powerful you are, even against death. But it comes as a warning.

Withered, by A.G.A. Wilmot, hits hard and goes deep. It covers some heavy topics. But, it's also a great haunted house themed horror novel. Be sure to leave the porch light on with this one, you never know what's out there…or, sometimes, what's within.

There's also an excellent shout out to the queens of horror, nay, the Goddesses of horror, podcasting from the horrid halls of academia at the The Faculty of Horror. A delicious surprise.

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Available now!

- A queer paranormal horror novel in the style of show-runner Mike Flanagan, showing the complex real life terror inherent in grief and mental illness. ☠️

If creepy is right up your alley with the haunted house trope, check it out! Thanks so much to ECW Press, NetGalley and A.G.A Wilmot for the opportunity.

#witherd #agawilmot #bookstagram #netgalley #horrorbooks #bookaddict #ecwpress

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I didn't find anything in this story to keep me interested. It was easily confused for any number of books just like it. There was no tension and no sense of dread or fear.

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This was my first ever read of a non binary main character, and it did take some getting used to with them referring to themselves as them, their etc. However it didn't take long for it to flow again naturally as I was reading and I'm really glad this was my first experience because this book was brilliant!

Chilling and utterly page turning thriller that keeps you wanting more. When Ellis and their mum move to their mums hometown after they lost their dad, Ellis struggles to fit in. Everyone is watching them, telling them their house is haunted - but who believes in ghosts?

Then Ellis starts to hear a voice, noises in the night and a front porch light that seems to have a mind of its own, what's going on?

This book was absolutely brilliant!

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Withered by A.G.A. Wilmot is a queer haunted house horror story that sets out to pull on the heartstrings more than to shock or scare. Exploring some heavy themes of grief, fat-shaming, queerness, trauma and mental illness, "Withered" still manages to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere... in spite of being horror.

If you like mild horror without too much gore or fright, this is definitely one to check out. Because it does deal with such heavy subjects, however, I would recommend checking out the trigger warnings first if you think that these might be sensitive for you.

I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions here expressed are my own.

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Posted on Goodreads:


This is a queer paranormal YA horror novel that follows Ellis who’s trying to deal with the loss of their father, the getting better from an eating disorder and coming to terms with their gender identity.

In an attempt to start fresh, Ellis’s mom goes back to her childhood town, Black Stone, and buys the strange house on Cherry Lane. Now this house has a history of gloom. Deaths have occurred. Happenings occur and the town folk are obsessed in various ways. Some say it’s haunted, some say it’s being hunted, some think it’s a blessing.

As Ellis and their new girlfriend try to find answers, a person from the past returns to make things right. Something they started 25 years prior.

Incorporating three timelines, a haunted house and a reimagining of Death’s Day off, Withered is a great read that tackles the spookies, grief and mental health.

I truly appreciated the queer representation, the discussion on mental health issues, and a representation of what grief can make us do.

Analiese’s story of grief and defiance of death was powerful. Sad. And terrifying.

Thank you netgalley, ecw press and a.g.a. Wilmot for the opportunity to read this novel.

( EDiT: Video posted on TikTok but under review. Posted in instagram reels as well. Here’s the link.)

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And a *huge* thank you to NetGalley and ECW Press for access to an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

When Ellis and their mother Robyn are forced to leave their old life behind and move back to their mother's home town, they're both still trying to through each day and to adjust to life following a personal tragedy. And as if that tragedy isn't enough, Ellis is still in the midst of recovering from an eating disorder that nearly killed them, which leaves them to struggle even more with the state of upheaval their life has been thrown into. So when a quick trip into a local cafe leads to a group of other teens claiming that their house is haunted and a danger to the rest of the town, they're obviously thrown enough to cause somewhat of a scene. Because obviously, the idea is insane... Except they start to notice weird sounds echoing through the house in the night, and the porch light is always on and flickers sometimes for no reason, and that one spot on the the wall where a light switch for the porch light should *definitely* be is extremely hot to the touch sometimes... Weird.

It's only after a few encounters with a girl in town, Quinn, that Ellis really begins to see some possible truth in the stories about the house at the end of Cherry Lane, only Quinn doesn't believe that they house's haunting is a malevolent one. The pair begin to dig deeper into the past of the house, unearthing secrets and tragedies they couldn't have even begun to imagine, including what happened with Tara Sweet and her family twenty-five years earlier, what is going on with the creepy DIY maze built into the cellar beneath the house, and what happened to create the consciousness that has taken hold of the house and changed so much of the town of Black Stone in the process.

This story was full of twists and turns and so much emotion, both in our leading characters in the present and in the snippets of the past that we receive along the way. And knowing that specific portions of the book are a short story of the author's that was the birthplace of this world and this idea for a book only makes me love this horrific little love story to the human mind and body more.

One of my favorite things about haunted house stories is that they are almost always used as a means to discuss the impact of grief and depression on a person's soul, and Withered plays with that idea from multiple different points of view, while also adding in the *impeccable* and *heartbreaking* use of the haunted house as a physical representation of the human body and how it houses us and keeps us strong, even when we hate it and don't care for it the way we're meant to.

The way that Ellis's past trauma with their eating disorder and body dysmorphia weaves through the entirety of the story and shows through their outlook on different people and situations as well as through small physical tells A.G.A. Wilmot describes in an almost off-hand, casual manner--making it clear that this is the norm for Ellis rather than something they view as off or different--was brilliant.

Honestly, I don't think there is a single thing I could complain about with this book. The characters were realistic and fun and hilarious and flawed and *so beautifully written*, the world building and the way the supernatural is woven into the house and the town as a whole was so gruesomely tender, and the combination of psychological suspense, young romance, real human struggles, and both mind and body horror was perfectly balanced. Plus, the inclusion of such an awesome cast of queer characters on top of a nonbinary main character, multiple poc characters, plus sized characters, and eating disorder representation.

However, I do always recommend that we read safely and responsibly and choose to be kind to ourselves when taking on new content. So the following are a list of content warnings I'd recommend keeping in mind.

CONTENT WARNINGS: body horror, gore, blood, death of a parent, cancer, terminal illness, death of a child, death of a sibling, death of a spouse, death of a loved one, eating disorder, body dysmorphia, mental illness, death, murder, forced institutionalization, body shaming, fatphobia, fire, emotional manipulation, grief, violence, burns/injuries from fire, attempted arson, mentions of car accident, and gaslighting.

Read safely and enjoy, loves, and yay again for publication day!! ✨

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𝒷𝓎: 𝒜.𝒢.𝒜 𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓂𝑜𝓉

𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙: Withered is queer psychological horror, a compelling tale of heartache, loss, and revenge that tackles important issues of mental health in the way that only horror can: by delving deep into them, cracking them open, and exposing their gruesome entrails.

𝖖𝖚𝖔𝖙𝖊: One life at a time, the shadow, enraptured -Its powers returned after being so long forbidden in this space-cut a swath
through the precinct, obliterating anything that moved. It did so swiftly, dispassionately, without hesitation or provocation, simply
because they were there. Because It was owed.

𝖋𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗: Ellis. They are so witty and caring, despite having to work through so much trauma, and identity. They have so much love and artistry to give, seeing them open up and realizing all they deserve was beautiful.

𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕴 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊𝖉: The multiple pov’s and timelines were great! It was so interesting learning the back stories, and wondering what the heck is gonna happen?! This book definitely pulls at your heart strings and will leave you guessing until the end.

I would have never guessed this book would make me feel the way it did! It was heartfelt, eerie, mysterious, and even had some young love mixed in!

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