Member Reviews

How I Met My Soulmate sells itself as a college age Shojo manga and that is exactly what it is. We see similar tropes that we would find in a regular highschool Shojo and even some of the aftereffects of some of those tropes, but with college age young adults.

Nothing really surprised me about the plot, the beats were very on par for classic Shojo, but the one character that stood out was Seno because he was the most complex. Seno was our MC’s, Yuuki’s, first crush. He took the bento boxes she made for him in high school and gave them to others in his class, calling the boxes disgusting. But there were layers - is it a condition of his that he finds he couldn’t stomach the food? Or is he lying to Yuuki because he’s attracted to her now and wants to win her over? We just don’t know and that always makes me intrigued for more.

Still, while the story was solid and I really enjoyed the goal of this story, I’m not sure if Soulmate intrigued me enough to continue with the series. However, I know a lot of Shojo fans are going to enjoy this fun college student take on highschool Shojo, especially since Soulmate does that so well.

*I received an eARC from Kodansha Comics & NetGalley. All opinions are my own*

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I think this is another case whether the target audience will like this, but I am not enjoying it so far. I was hopeful, as this seems like it will be a cute story and a good start to a series, but it wasn't working for me. I do thing the teenagers and young adults will enjoy this with the themes it was setting up in the first 10% or so that I read.

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I have fallen in love with this comic. Is it my soul mate? Better not mention this to my wife. The artwork beautifully blends with the story line of this comic. This is story telling to give everyone a warm feeling. A search for a soulmate. With all the pitfalls of youth and inexperience. When words get stuck in your throat and actions are mis-construed. Until maybe you find someone who gets you, that accepts you, that you are so comfortable with. But are they your soul mate? Listen to your heart. Thank you to Kodansha Comics and NetGalley for the ARC. The views expressed are all mine, freely given.

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I received an e-galley of How I Met My Soulmate by Anashin from Kodansha Comics via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Yuuki is 20 years old and she really wants to meet her soulmate. But a chance encounter brings a surprise new friendship into her life with that of hardworking and charming Iori-kun, who seems to want to help her. As Yuuki meets new people and also re-encounters people from her past, she begins to feel conflicted about past crushes and feelings with feelings that are beginning to develop now. It appears that one of the two men in her life are the hinted soulmate from the title - and while I do have one that I prefer over the other, I'm very curious as to how this story is going to develop.

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I gave this a try, intrigued by the world of manga and I was taken by the progression of the story and you have a female lead looking for her soulmate- in a world where it seems like everyone has someone, yet Yuki is seeking 'The One,' and her first venture is going clubbing. The art is captivating too.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the e-arc!

This title has some hype surrounding it in the romance manga community and I was excited to see it get an English release. Don't let the title deter you from reading this it's a mix of romance and a coming-of-age story. Yuuki is looking to meet her soulmate but in this first volume, we see her go clubbing for the first time and figure out what she likes in her ideal partner. I am a romance manga reader, and this feels a bit different than others in the genre. I am intrigued to see where the story goes and how the romance will develop. I would recommend checking this out on pub date especially if you are a fan of romance manga.

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I really liked Waiting for Spring, and this is just as good! Sweet romance, pretty art, what more could you want? (Aside from the rest of the series in my hands right now please?)

Desperate for the next volume (because that ending!)

Recommended for people who love sweet romance manga.

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I thought this would be for me, but it wasn't. I wasn't at all invested in the story or the characters. I can still recognize that a lot of people may enjoy this and I liked the drawing style, so there's that.

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This is cutesy type of manga and I cant wait to see how the story plays out. Thank you netgalley for an arc.I will be keeping up with the series.

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This was such a cute read. Yuuki desperately wants to find her soulmate and Lori is up for the job of helping her out after she was kind to him one night at the club. If you want a cute, giddy romance that'll make you kick your feet in delight, this is the book for you. I'm excited to read the second one.

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How I Met My Soulmate vol 1 is a sweet, romantic manga about a young woman, Yukki, who wants to find her soulmate, but is having trouble finding them due to how shy she can be. When she chances to meet a man who says he'll help her, it seems to good to be true. But what will happen when she starts to fall for him, only to be reunited with her first crush?

This manga was beautifully drawn, with intricate details on the characters, their clothing, and the scenery. The style of the art really drew me in! The plot was a romance featuring characters in their 20's, so it would be good for college age students and a bit older. I felt like the plot would be relatable to anyone who has gone through life wondering if there is a soulmate out there for them, and also great for shy people who need a bit of encouragement in the dating world.

The romance was super cute so far, with the main character starting to have feelings for not one, but 2 super cute guys! There is a love triangle trope involved in the story, and I have one guy I'm rooting for the win her heart. Because it's only volume one, we don't know too much backstory about the main characters yet, but I am hoping for more in the next volume. I will definitely be continuing on with the series.

5/5 stars

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This was such a cute and quick romance read. The art is so pretty, and the story was very fast paced. If you’re in a reading slump and just want something quick and cozy to help you get out of that slump, then this is really the manga for that in my opinion. I enjoyed, it was the perfect little palate cleanser, super cute and fun.

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The perfect manga vibes, slice of life with a little bit of romance and a whole lot of anticipation. This is one series I'll definitely be following closely!

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Its a classic fluffy shojo of a girl just trying to find love. It keeps you on your toes with revelations and makes you question who you want as an endgame pairing.

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This volume was everything! I loved Waiting for Spring so I was excited for a new book from Anashin and this does NOT disappoint. She dropped a love triangle again already and I am entranced with the vibes of this book. I love having leads who are older! I can tell this series is going to be spectacular and can’t wait for the next volume.

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I got an eARC from a title from the same publisher not long ago and I remember checking what other manga they had so I could read something similar, and I found this. I am so happy that I got the eARC now and that it is getting published in English.

I like manga, and I love romances but the ones from this style are typically about highschoolers, so I was immediately glad that our main characters are a bit older (20 years, so not that old) and the struggles that the main character goes through are very relatable, but so is the way that both leads interact and deal with situations. Obviously, both had different approaches in life, but you get to understand their points of view.

This manga gets what you like best about shoujo, makes it relatable and it feels natural. I have already continued reading and I will continue.

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Thank you publisher's and also netgalley for an advanced copy of this manga.

I also want to say all opinions are my own in this review

First off the cover is cute and I love reading manga.

The story that has been done in this manga is adorable, and I loved it from beginning to end of this first volume, the shyness and generosity of the female main character is relatable and also her kind and gentle nature has her seeing the best in everyone which is lovely to read but I feel like if I was her friend I would be the big sister watching out for her haha 🤣. The friendship and very slow budding romance happening between her and the male main character is nicely done, it's not forced or going to fast and comes across and very natural in a sense when reading which makes you engage in the story even more and i am now left on a cliffhanger because I cannot wait to read more.

If you are looking for a fun, quick, adorable read that is nicely paced and also has good character growth in some areas I really do suggest this as a manga to read.

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