Cover Image: The Accident

The Accident

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I agree with the other reviewers. This is a romance novel, not a thriller and especially not a psychological thriller. I see it's been rebranded since its release by Choc Lit Publishing a few years ago where it was correctly marketed as a romance. Changing the cover and blurb to make it look like a thriller just to sell more copies puts me off everyone involved. I'm sorry but this is my honest opinion in exchange for a free copy.

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Thank you to Boldwood books for giving me access to this book through NetGalley. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

If you are looking for a romance with an edge of suspense to it, this book just might be for you! It's decently written and emotions are intense. There's hot guys that aren't afraid to be sweet and caring. This is the book for those that want to create a feeling of things first being bad and then getting security and the experience of being cared for.

I was not, however, looking for any of the above. The issue, I would say, was that this book was hugely mispresented. It was presented to be a thriller mystery; a psychological thriller, and that is very far from what it really is. It's a romance book, centered on romance with just a slight theme of suspense and mystery to it. Moreover the mystery and suspense is all incredibly unrealistic, the characters continuously make decisions that make no sense. They are also all very stereotypically gendered, with all the women being highly emotional, helpless and just longing for love. Even the "bad, evil criminal mastermind" is just that - and if all the mobsters in the real world were as pathetic as in this book, we'd live in a happy world indeed!

This book really should be recategorized. I take care to avoid all books in the romance category, since I know that they are likely to just annoy me. I was looking for a psychological thriller when choosing this one, and it was not what I got. The emotions were erratic, the actions illogical and nothing was realistic. It is a book written for someone wanting an intense, emotinal read, centered on romance but with some excitment to it.

Two stars because there wasn't anything upsettingly wrong about it and the writing (as in grammar) was decent enough even if not perfect.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.
This was my first book by L.H. Stacey and it won’t be my last! The Accident had me hooked from start to finish. I loved the writing style and found myself loving all of characters - minus Mother, IYKYK!!
Fast paced and twisty, I was so impressed.

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Wonderful read! Keep me wanting to stay up way past my bedtime to finish!!! Highly recommend !! I can’t wait to read other ones by this author.

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I’m clearly in the minority but I didn’t really enjoy this book. It centers on Kate, who was in a car accident a year ago and is trying to get past her guilt. She wants to break up with her boyfriend Rob and she also meets a new guy named Ben at her new job. Rob is hiding secrets.

There was very little character development in this story- it just jumped right in and I didn’t get a good indication of why these characters made the decisions they made. It also seemed very unrealistic that Kate and Rob would have gotten to this stage in their relationship based on the way he treated her. Even when Rob’s secret was exposed it didn’t really make sense to me. Lastly there was a romance aspect to the book that I didn’t see coming and I like to keep my mysteries to just the mystery.

Overall, this one didn’t speak to me but seems like others have really enjoyed it. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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The cover of The Accident by L.H. Stacey is very cool and detailed and sets the stage for the story.

Every time Kate Duggan looks in a mirror, she’s reminded of the night her life changed forever. Kate managed to walk away from the car accident that ruined the lives of her siblings, but questions still remain about what really happened on that dark stretch of road.

Since then, Kate’s life has spiraled. On the surface, her fiancé Rob is supportive, but he’s controlling and manipulative, and Kate knows she has to get away.

The story was okay but seemed slow in parts to get to the action. Rob is a tool from the get-go. It was hard to get past his attitude and how Kate reacted to him.

Also, the reason for some of the culprit’s actions was a bit far-fetched and a not-really-believable reason for the events in the story. I felt I had to suspend my logic to believe some of the things that occurred in the story.

#TheAccident #NetGalley @BoldwoodBooks

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I really enjoyed this book. It kept me on the edge of my seat and had many twists and turns.

The character development was good as you got to know the characters through their pasts which created insight into why they are who they are.

This book is fast-paced and hard to put down. The plot is fantastic and kept me engaged throughout.

Thank you for allowing me to read ARC and I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a psychological thriller.

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Although Kate Duggan was lucky to walk away from the accident that left her less fortunate siblings in rather worse shape, she doesn't always feel it.

For one thing, while her fiance Rob works to appear supportive, he is actually incredibly manipulative. And for another, she has questions about the accidents that she needs to put to rest before she can move on with her life.

A new job with a private investigators' firm may offer Kate the opportunity for unexpected answers, but at what cost?

This is a gripping roller coaster ride of a story, laden with twists and turns. The characters are relatable and interesting. Stacey definitely knows how to write a thriller. It gets 3.5 stars.

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Yes, yes, yes! This book just gives you a little bit of absolutely everything. There's action, revenge, suspense, who dun it, its a right wee rollercoaster without ever being messy or confusing. It's really well plotted out and it's just impossible to out down. I hadn't read this author before but can't wait to go am through the back catalogue

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That was an interesting book to read ! I loved everything going on, felt sick about one horrible character ! All in all, I feel like it was a really happy ending.

Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwoold books for access to this Arc in exchange for my honest review.

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L.H. Stacey books are awesome awesome and always hook you at the beginning. I will read everything by this author.

This was a good book and it had suspense, mystery, murder , revenge everything all wrapped in one book! The story was interesting and definitely kept you wanting to find out what happens. Read this in one day as i didnt want to put this down.

This author will always be a favorite and auto buy for me.

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review. AWESOME READ!!!!

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I've enjoyed every book that I've read by L. H. Stacey and this one was no different. The twists and turns kept me hooked.

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I loved the twists; they’ve kept me on the edge of my seat and desperate to know what was going to happen next. A gripping story and believable characters. Easy five stars from me. My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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#TheAccident #NetGalley
Every time Kate Duggan looks in a mirror she's reminded of the night her life changed forever. Kate managed to walk away from the car accident that ruined the lives of her siblings, but questions still remain about what really happened on that dark stretch of road....Since then Kate’s life has been spiralling. On the surface her fiancé Rob is supportive, but the reality is he’s controlling and manipulative and Kate knows she has to get away. So, when Kate begins work at a firm of private investigators, she hopes this is her chance to shake off her guilt and start again. She likes the idea of hiding in the shadows, watching others without being seen. But that one fateful night will come back to haunt Kate in ways she never expected. And maybe the answers she seeks lie much closer to home than she ever imagined...
Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me an advance copy.

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Good book! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, Action, intrigue, mystery, murder, revenge, kidnapping, a bit of a who done it, great plot twist, and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle!! I recommend reading this book as it was worth reading! It wasnt one of my top favorites but still worth reading! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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