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Appalachian Awakening

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Amber Shaw is fired and dumped all on the same day. It is then understandable when Amber faces a crisis of identity soon after. As a former CEO Amber has lived the corporate lifestyle of all work and no play. This brings her to the understanding of why her relationships have not worked out. Searching for the way forward in her life, Amber stumbles upon the lure of hiking the Appalachian Trail for six months. Researching every detail and buying top of the line equipment Amber begins her first ever hike. Fortunately she meets a seasoned hiker in Leslie Brown who shares her experience with Amber and opens her heart to possibilities.

Sparks’ superpower is embedding the reader into her settings through her vivid descriptions. I know that I easily fell down the rabbit hole to hike the trail alongside Amber and Leslie.

The combination of the physical with the mental struggles Amber faces is at the core of the novel. Hiking two thousand miles cannot help but change Amber in a variety of ways. This is what makes Appalachian Awakening a compelling read.

I received an advance review copy from Bold Strokes Books through NetGalley.  I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Nance Spark's Appalachian Awakening is perfect for anyone who enjoys the outdoors and opposites attract. I couldn't put this down -- it's a quick and enjoyable read.

Amber, a compete type a personality, is all about the corporate life, but it's totally upended one day when she is let go. Leslie, a free spirit, is all about the outdoor life. She's spent her whole life working in order to do what she truly loves -- hiking. These polar opposites find their paths crossing on a mission to hike the Appalachian Trail and end up falling for each other along the way.

As someone who loves the outdoors, I loved the setting and felt it was the perfect place for both characters to grow as people. Overall, the book was incredibly enjoyable (and also just the right amount of spice). Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an e-arc for an honest review.

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I’m an avid hiker and have hiked small sections of the Appalachian Trail so this one called to me immediately. A fun cast of characters makes this light read an enjoyable experience.

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The Appalachian Trail sounds marvellous. The scenery, the cabins, the camaraderie and the angel volunteers that look after the hikers are all wonderfully described in this book. It almost, but not quite, made me consider hiking. Then I remembered how much I hate carrying a rucksack with all the kit you need. I did enjoy reading about it though. Good romance too. I would have declined the nickname Bobber, but each to their own. My god we all need a Sue.

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I have no idea if the author is a long distance hiker but I felt like I could have done a few miles after reading this and I’m a disabled old crock. It is filled with fresh air, tents, and trail names and I loved it. Having been made redundant, I fully empathised with Amber needing to get away and challenge herself. The need to ‘prove’ something. Amber is a successful CEO with a corner office and designer clothes. She travels first class.

Leslie is a through hiker with a bucket list. She’s done them all, apart from the Appalachian Trail. It’s a purpose and gives her life a direction. But, in many ways similar to Amber, she doesn’t know who she’ll be when she’s ticked it off.

The women have nothing in common but they keep each other company as they walk through the hundreds of miles. There are nice nods to Cheryl Strayed and hikers who think they have what it takes but obviously don’t. Everything I’ve read about long through hiking emphasises the mental strength needed to succeed and Amber has that in spades.

The ancillary characters are excellent, the sidebar story of Amber’s previous employers and her assistant Sue all add to the credibility of the narrative and I enjoyed the book immensely. I would love to read more about Amber and Leslie as they navigate their new life.

I was given a copy of this book by NetGalley.

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4.5 star
Great story. Very inspirational and realistic. The characters are really sweet and warm.
I enjoyed all the descriptions of the necessary camping gear and how they had to use it.
There is one surprise near the end that solidified the main characters life decision. That made it very real for me even though it was a major life decision made in only a few months.
Nice story with a believable ending.

One suggestion to the publisher: it would have been fun to have the map of the trail and a dot indicating their progression at the beginning of the chapters.

I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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After reading Appalachian Awakening by Nance Sparks, I have the urge to go on a long hike in the woods. At least until I look out the window and see all the piles of snow in my yard.

The author has created a beautiful adventure/romance that takes the reader on a trip across some of the most pristine and gorgeous areas of the country.

We see the story through the eyes of Amber Shaw, a high powered executive who loses both her CEO job, and her girlfriend on the same day. Realizing that she is not happy with her life and unsure of what to do with her future, she makes the daring decision to attempt to thru-hike the entire Appalachian Trail, which is over two thousand miles long!

On her way to the starting point in Georgia, she meets Leslie (Munch) Brown who is also hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. If Leslie completes this trip, she will have hiked all eleven National Scenic Trails, a feat only a few folks can claim. Despite the fact the two women have little in common, they end up traveling the trail together along with another couple nicknamed Cricket and Bobber. Along the way, they learn a lot about themselves and each other.

These characters became very real to me. I found myself cheering on their travels, Amber and Leslie’s budding romance, and finding their happy-ever-after. The author’s descriptions of the settings made me want to find my hiking boots even in the dead of winter. Ms. Sparks made me remember the beauty of some of the sights that I’ve personally seen of these mountains, even though it’s been years since I was there. Reading about these ladies finding happiness in their lives and with each other made me joyful too. This is truly a feel good story for everyone.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for allowing me the chance to read and review this novel.

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Appalachian Awakening by Nance Sparks is a heartwarming and transformative journey of self-discovery and love set against the backdrop of the Appalachian Trail. The story revolves around Amber Shaw, a young woman yearning for personal fulfillment after losing her high-powered executive job and girlfriend. It shakes her to the core and makes her question who she is and what she wants from life. After a few drinks and a couple of rewinds through the movie Wild, she decides to mimic Cheryl Strayed and search for her own answers on the Appalachian Trail. As she begins her sojourn, she meets Leslie Brown, a seasoned hiker with her own story to tell. Despite their initial differences, they form a deep connection during their months-long journey. Their love story–filled with friendship and the glory of the great outdoors–is as delightful as it is compelling.

Sparks does a fine job constructing this story. She nails down the seven critical elements of story writing like a pro. First and foremost, she creates a well-structured plot that’s developed around clear and solid story mapping. It facilitates an arc that consists of meaningful, relevant, and time-bound plot points, making the storytelling credible. Furthermore, the arc—coupled with Sparks’s well-planned story world—institutes physical challenges and tests of endurance that push introspection and reflection. It all leads to organic tension and true character growth, something that hooks readers until the end.

While Sparks’ story construction is noteworthy, her character development deserves appreciation as well. Amber and Leslie are relatable and multidimensional women with clear, understandable motivations. Readers understand these women; they care about them. Right from the beginning Sparks grabs readers’ emotions by scripting a strong opening and inciting moment, one that unveils both Amber and Leslie’s true desires and fears. Their misguided truths, things they’ve believed all of their adult lives, are slowly unraveled during this trek, making their transformation impactive with the readers.

Even though the main characters do the bulk of the work in Appalachian Awakening, the secondary characters need praise as well. Sparks uses them to create tension and balance within the storytelling. On top of that, these characters work to advance the sub-plot, even giving it a twist. Most importantly though, they provide depth and complexity to the storytelling, making the whole reading experience more memorable. This is especially true of Sue as she fulfills the role of “confidant” in the narrative. Her relationship with Amber–along with her distinct and unique personality traits–elevates the storytelling, making her one character readers won’t soon forget.

Construction and character development aside, Sparks also gets high marks for her style and literary choices. Her descriptive writing is simply enchanting; she skillfully captures the essence of the Appalachian Trail, captivating readers with all its grandeur and wonder. Her immersive prose evokes a strong sense of place with readers, so much so that it’s transportive. One can feel both the splendor and unyielding severity of the wilderness as Amber and Leslie put one foot in front of each other, conquering the 2,190 miles of trail together. Additionally, Sparks’ first-person point of view elevates the storytelling by lending insight into the characters’ thoughts and emotions, thus creating a connection between the readers and the narrative. Her style not only pulls readers into the story world but excites their imaginations, poking at their fantasies and making them wonder what it would be like to achieve what Amber and Leslie did.

Final remarks…

Appalachian Awakening is not just a story—it’s a celebration of the human spirit. Nance Sparks’ descriptive, well-constructed narrative explores the wild, untamed world of the Appalachian Mountains while immersing itself in themes of self-discovery and love, making this book a must-read for sapphic readers and nature lovers. Its rich and vivid portrayal of Amber and Leslie’s journey on the Appalachian Tail is curated with care. Their journey to self-fulfillment and love will leave a lasting impression long after the final page has been turned.


Well-written, descriptive prose
Immersive story world
Emotional and honest dialogue
Likable, investable characters
Heartwarming romance
4.5 stars

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An opposites-attract romance. Having basically lost her job and her girlfriend in a day, Amber Shaw is very keen to do some deep soul searching and desperate to find some answers. She hope to do this by hiking through the Appalachian trail. She crossed path with Leslie brown, an experienced hiker who has her own motivation to complete the hike. Two ladies with very different backgrounds, could they find love on the trail?

This book captured my attention from the beginning. It went through in great detail about the life of a thru-hiker. It tells me that the author knew what hiking the Appalachian trail was all about. There were trail names, shelters, trail magic etc. It really painted the picture of what it is to hike the Appalachian trail.

Both main characters were so different. I really enjoyed finding out about their backgrounds and what their reason to hike was for. I really liked Amber and thought that she was very real. The secondary characters were also great; Sue, Cricket and Bobber.

Some of the things I like less; maybe that they fell into bed a bit too quickly. I also didn’t like it when Leslie didn’t understand that Amber had to complete a task midway and wished she was more supportive. It painted her slightly in the bad light.

Overall, I highly recommend this book if you like adventures and romance. This is certainly a book that I will read again.

I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Nance Sparks doesn't disappoint with Appalachian Awakening. This is well written story will have you wishing you could go hiking. The setting and characters were awesome. Overall, a great read that will put a smile on your face. Well done, Nance!!!

Thank you, Bold Strokes Books, and NetGalley.

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"I hope I find what I'm looking for, else, I hope I find what I need."

"Appalachian Awakening" by Nance Sparks was everything I wanted it to be and more. It's a great story for those seeking a heartwarming and transformative journey of self-discovery and love, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Appalachian Trail. While I'm no high-powered executive or thru-hike veteran, I strongly identified with the desire to escape everyday life and coexist with nature and all its adventures.

MCs Amber and Leslie are from two very different worlds, but find themselves embarking on a thru-hike of the AT at just the right time. While I continue to struggle with my desire to leave the field of education over the desire to have financial and healthcare stability, this book, its themes and characters, spoke to me on both an emotional and intellectual level. It's worth every bit of my five star rating. This was my first book by Nance Sparks, but it certainly won't be my last. Thank you so much NetGalley and Boldstrokes Books for the ARC.

"I need to do this. I need answers. There's an emptiness inside me that no amount of success has filled."

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this free advanced reader‘s copy.

2.25 ⭐️ | I thought the premise of this romance was really cool but sadly did not vibe with the characters and was kind of disappointed with the execution.

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This is a story about CEO executive Amber Shaw. Amber is a type A over achievier and when she gets fired, she’s totally unsettled. She decides to go on a 6 month hike on the Appalachian Trail to figure out her life. She’s a hiking newbie and does her research to buy the top notch equipment and plan her route with resupplies. On her flight to Georgia to start her hike she meets Leslie Brown. Leslie is a professional hiker and has hiked all 10 of the most popular hiking trails in the US. Leslie has become a legion in the hiking world. Leslie is glad to help out Amber and give her advice and hike with her. Soon they realize their desires for each other. Everything goes well until they each need to figure out the rest of their lives.

I liked the hiking in this book, I’ve been to this area a few times myself and always enjoy reading about places I’m familiar with.
I don’t think it was very realistic how easy the hiking was for Amber having never hiked before. Overall this was a good story with good area descriptions and a hot love story.

Sparks does great writing about outdoor settings and I’ll continue to read the books she writes.

Thanks to BSB and Net Galley for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

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I loved this book, however, I had a few issues with it. I felt like the beginning just dragged on for a really long time. The middle was excellent, I was hooked! But then, I didn’t really like the ending as much as it felt super rushed. Although the book started very descriptive, I feel like the author lost themselves a little bit because I would’ve loved to hear more about the scenery. I absolutely loveeee the characters, though!

Overall, I love it! Just a few minor issues with it.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this!

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This book made me want to go hiking!! The beginning was kind of slow but the middle was excellent with the descriptions of the trails. The relationship between the main characters was sweet and well written.

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The main characters are Leslie and Amber.
Amber is a CEO, who after a merger, has just lost her job. She realizes she is not happy and is not sure how to change things. She watches Wild and realizes what will make her happy. She is going to hike the Appalachian Trail.
Leslie is a famous hiker. She is known every place she goes. Her last hike is the Appalachian Trail, just like her mom completed. She meets Amber and is not sure is Amber is the real deal, since all her gear is new. The two women start hiking together and getting to know each other. In doing this, both begin to find out what will make each other truly happy.
I enjoyed this book. & would recommend. The descriptions in this book made me feel like I was there.
I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

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would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this brilliant book

trail walking at its best, backpacking with the best

amber shaw life as a ceo is about to come to an end in the most spectacular way and on that very same day she arrives home early to find her girlfriend leaving with her new girlfriend in tow

can ambers life get any more miserable than that, at her pity party she starts watching a documentary that inspires her and before long she has researched all she needs to know and plans her back packing adventure

leslie brown has one more trail left to do the Appalachian Trail and then her dream of completing all the trails will be over, its taken her 21 years to do

so when amber and leslie first meet they are poles apart in life skills but as they continue on their path could something work out between them

its a lively read and brings all the elements of the adventure to each page, even i got the taste for a bit of backpacking....

cant wait to see what comes next from this author

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Appalachian Awakening

Overall, I liked the book. For me, it was lacking in certain places. I felt like the beginning dragged on forever before Amber finally got on the trail. The middle of the book was my favorite. The description of the trail setting up camp and the description of the wilderness were great. It made me want to go on the Appalachian trail myself. To see what she was describing in the book. The end of the book was disappointing. After the halfway mark on the trail, there was just a random rundown of what happened. I would have liked to have heard more about hiking the trail and the sights in the northern states. The ending felt rushed and disappointing. It would be nice if there could be a sequel.

I received an arc through NetGalley

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Adventure of a lifetime

Amber a successful CEO who has just lost her job during a monumental merger in the company’s history realises she hasn’t been happy and isn’t sure what will. Inspired after learning about the Appalachian Trail, she meets Leslie when she is having a bad luck at the airport but she’d in luck when she finds out Leslie is an experienced hiker and they’ll be completing the same trail.

What a fantastic experience of a story! I’d never be as brave as Amber was, so it was great to get the opportunity to join her and Leslie on this adventure. They faced dangers and unpleasant conditions but the sense of achievement they were both going to get gave that spurring feeling to drive chapter after chapter of fun. They both had their quirks but Leslie was so infectious and seasoned in hiking she made Amber’s experience so much more than it would have been should she have done it alone. Leslie was the introduction to really hiking, and meeting colourful characters along the way that would really make Amber feel a part of something special.

I loved that it wasn’t all straightforward and came with drama that could have torn Amber and Leslie apart at times, but from the second they met there was a special connection you just knew wouldn’t be lost. It was so freeing, learning about Leslie’s past achievements and the playful nature that quickly developed between them because of their different lifestyles. What was especially lovely though, even as Leslie was teasing Amber about her corporate background, she welcomed her into her world and encouraged her by lending advice and guidance.

A special story, with lots of heart and soul, and a real feel good read that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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The first paragraph sets the character of one main. We meet the other main when she does.
The friendship or perhaps courtship takes place while they are on a track and we are on the track too. Funnily enough the barrier to them being together isn’t really discussed till more than half way through. Nor is it staring this reader in the face. However, when it is laid out it is a pretty substantial barrier because it is in the mind really.
I was a bit displeased by one’s main reaction to a late plot bump, but the author beautifully resolved this by her reaction when the plot bump was smoothed and she would have been willing to sacrifice location….. Trying to avoid spoilers!
This is the third book in a row that the blend plot has been stronger than romance. That seems an odd thing to say as I’m not sure this should count or is billed as romantic blend but the outdoors and overcoming or maybe even becoming is such a strong part of this book and separate from the romance. As I say, third in a row so it is possibly me rather than the romance that is a bit off. 2.5 for romance and a very comfortable 3 for the rest so a 3 all in.

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