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Horror Movie

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Huge thanks to Netgalley and William Morrow for the eARC of Horror Movie!

I have a particular affinity for horror books that focus on cursed horror movie/media so I was super excited to be approved for an eARC for this one. This is also my first Paul Tremblay novel so I was eager to see how I found his writing.

There are a lot of things in this book that worked for me that might not work for others, but the biggest one of these would be the story telling. This is told in past and present timelines but not chronologically, and we also get sections of the actual movie script as well which almost serves as a third timeline, considering the movie was never fully released to the public. It took me a bit to get into but once I had a grasp on the who/what/whens, I found this formatting to be really engaging and compelling.

I loved the script inclusion and I am eager to see how that is done in the print format, I hope it leans into the multi-media format for it.

The plot of the titular "Horror Movie" was my favorite part of this book. The way things were described and written out in the script made me wish it actually was a real movie. If it was real, I am sure it would be one I would like watching. The narrative built around the movie was also interesting, especially to see how the movie characters' personalities overlap, inspire, and even dictate our main characters' personalities. I just think this whole premise and narrative was clever and well done, to me.

I have raved about this book so far, so why 4.5 stars? The ending. I won't spoil anything of course, but I felt like the ending was a bit too fourth-wall breaking? I get the point, but it didn't sit well with me and detracted from the air of mystery built around the story. I honestly don't know what I would have rather been done in the end, but I think things just could have went slightly differently.

Regardless, highly recommend this one if you also like horror books about cursed movies/media!!

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Thank you Paul Tremblay, NetGalley, and William Morrow for the ARC! Oh Paul, I wanted to like this more, but unfortunately I just don't. This was not my first Tremblay book (and hey, I'm holding out hope that it won't be my last) but I feel similarly about this one as I have with some of his previous books. I feel like Paul has these intriguing ideas but, after the first chapter, doesn't know what he wants to do with them. As a result, this book feels weirdly convoluted as it shifts back and forth between timelines, almost as if he himself didn't know what the hell was going to happen until the moment he wrote it down. I'm guessing this is purposeful, but it just didn't work for me and in my opinion, took away from the suspense.

I also have to address the elephant in the room (AKA the script of the so-called "cursed" movie imbedded in the story). This is the script of the movie that resulted in fan theories, a cult-like following, and literal deaths keep in mind. Um. I...would not watch this movie. It fully acknowledges that it's not a "traditional" screenplay but that's putting it lightly. It was a little too amateurish and pretentious for me to take seriously or find creepy. Think of that annoying guy in your screenwriting class who loved boring, artsy movies. This could've been his screenplay.

Like his other books and, symbolically, through this unfinished and mysterious movie, Paul yet again has an ambiguous ending that raises more questions than it answers. This is annoying to me and seems like a cop-out for an ending that could've actually been good. Some people would like it I think. I did not.

I can fully acknowledge that Tremblay is a horror fan though! I think this book is a great ode to horror movies and the horror community in general. Additionally, I do think his prose (sans screenplay) was enough to keep me reading (hey Paul, I didn't DNF even though I thought about it!).

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Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ /5

A supposedly cursed, film that was never actually released, gains a cult following for its truly disturbing horror. When original parts of the film and script are shared with the public, Hollywood jumps at the chance to make a reboot. The original ‘Thin Kid’ - the only original left- has been asked to come back for the new film. Is diving deep into absolute terrors past and present worth resurrecting Horror Movie?

GOOD HEAVENS WHAT A RIDE. This story was so fascinating and a very fast read. Claustrophobic, thoughtful, a total earworm (can I use that phrase for a book?). Exploring the film past and present is surreal and truly scary. There is definitely a part that freaked me out big time and made its way into my dreams… AND THEN. Have you ever seen the meme of Celine Dione singing warm ups? Brooooo breeeeeeew broooo ooo ooo ? Well later on in the book, another scene made me Celine Dion warm up in my head and kept me up that night 😂 Maybe I should stop reading before bed….

This story gave me nutty dreams and made me wig out. What a wonder! Paul, you never cease to amaze, entertain, and make me think!

Thank you NetGalley for sending me an ARC in exchange for a review 🎬

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I don't know where to even begin with this one...
I'm a huge fan of Tremblay's work, so I was more than a little excited to get my hands on an ARC for 'Horror Movie' (thanks NetGalley + William Morrow!)
This novel follows the only surviving cast member of a DIY arthouse horror flick shot in the 90's.
We're told the film was never released in full, only a handful of scenes got uploaded to youtube.
Despite this, the film managed to earn itself a cult-like following due to lore surrounding the movie and the unfortunate fates of those involved in making it.
Our narrator, whom I'm now realizing is never actually named in the novel (I don't think?!), played the role of "The Thin Kid" in the film. Throughout this story we follow him down memory lane and on his journey to be a part of the films reboot.
Chapters switch between past and present day and we get snippets of the original screen play as well.
This book does an excellent job of dialing up the tension, while keeping you guessing and wondering if anything really *truly* terrible is ever going to happen, or if the movie's lore is just that- made up theories and speculation from online horror fans.
Tremblay has a fantastic way of writing horror stories that feel genuinely grounded in reality, in part due to his complex and multifaceted characters, but also because his horror often deals with the darkest parts of the human experience/psyche.
If you're looking for a quick and delicious horror read this summer- I cannot recommend this one enough!

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I was excited by the idea of this book. It starts id strong and then meanders a lot. By the end it was fine. I don't much by Tremblay and I think there is a lot of interesting story bits for his fans, I was definitely like "what?!" a lot, and I like weird, what exclamation stories. Just missing something.

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This is definitely a what the hell did I just read the moment. And I mean this is the best possible way!
This is my first Paul Tramblay book, so I am not sure if this is his writing style or not, but this was so different, and I loved it.
Spent the whole time just wanting to know what the F happened on that movie set!

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What. A. Snoozefest. I was so bored during this, and kept wondering when it would finally turn around. Hint: it never did. Almost didn't finish it, but I wanted to see how it ended. The ending had to be good, right? Wrong. Honestly don't waste your time with this one. Being slated as a horror book is questionable since there was literally zero horror in the book.

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Horror Movie 📼

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Genre: Suspense, Horror (ehhh, sort of)
Pub Date: June 11, 2024

Back in 1993, a young group of newly graduated college kids get together to make what they title “Horror Movie.” Today the movie is viewed as a cult classic amongst horror lovers. The catch, the movie has never been released or seen, apart from a few scenes and stills released to YouTube. Even more interesting, only one person that was a major part of this film is still alive. Is this movie cursed, or will more be revealed as a major modern day reboot is in the works.

First and foremost, the format is a little different and took me a bit to get used to. It is told between the past and present filming of this movie by the only surviving member of the original cast via his own audiobook recording. There are also bits of the actual screenplay written out in each chapter as well. It sounds overwhelming, but it worked once I got into the swing of it. This was a bit of a slow burn, slowly leading you through all the events of filming and how that has impacted our MC today. I’m not an avid horror reader by any means, but I don’t think that classifies well as a horror book. Sure there are some disturbing scenes, but I’d classify this as more suspense.

I didn’t want to put this down and couldn’t wait to see how everything was going to play out. I definitely got art school student vibes from these filmmakers, wanting to make something super deep with meaning that would make you think (which isn’t really my vibe). Even though the introspective film thing isn’t my thing, I really enjoyed what these characters brought to the table and the lead up it gave to this ending. Speaking of that ending…WOW. The final chapter had my eyes fully bugging out of my head and had me questioning everything. What a way to close things out.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a readers copy of this book. My reviews never contain spoilers and are freely given.
This is not a novel, it’s an experience. Horror Movie is about a group of young friends who decide to write and shoot a horror movie. The movie was never released, and years later it is being rebooted.
My best description of this story is unexpected and unsettling. Read for yourself and enjoy the ride.

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I love Paul Tremblay's books and will continue to recommend them to all my horror/thriller loving book friends. This was not my favorite novel by Tremblay but it was still a good page turner. Normally I don't mind when a book jumps back and forth in time, but it wasn't doing it for me in this book. I understood why it needed to happen, but there were times it took me out of the story and left me confused. Overall, liked it but will recommend other novels of the author first.

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Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay has left me conflicted. The story follows the only surviving cast member of a low budget film that was never released called “Horror Movie”. After some scenes were posted online, it developed a cult following. A big budget reboot is in the works and “The Thin Kid” is being asked to reprise his role. This is written in little snapshots. We will see some of the filming of the original movie, read a few pages of the screenplay, and then we go to present day. Parts of this book are dull. There were points where I desperately wanted to skim over it but I kept on pushing through. This is not a feel good story. It is unsettling. I can’t say that I found it enjoyable. But… it does a good job of being a horror story. It was hard to put down. I felt a disconnect from all of the characters so I struggled to care for them on a deeper level. This book reminded me of the way that I felt watching Hell House (which is, of course, based on a book, but I have neglected to read it thus far). I was on edge and unsure of what may happen next. At times it made me feel a little sick to my stomach with anxiety. I really thought that I wouldn’t be writing a good review for this and I am not sure that is what this is. By the end, I was left reeling, my mind cluttered and somewhat confused. I have questions about 2 particular scenes. These pages are filled with dread and tension. This narrator is unreliable and unlikeable. Overall, it ends up being a wholly unique experience reading this book. I will be thinking about it for awhile and I am feeling like I will be reading it again. The idea that I want to go back for more of a book that is distasteful leaves me confused about what is wrong with me, but here we are. I have to give this a high rating for making me both hate it and on some level, love it, too. 4/5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for allowing me access to an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Publication date June 11th, 2024. This review will be found on Instagram and Goodreads indefinitely.
Instagram book reviews @CandaceOnline

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I've tried to give Paul Tremblay a couple of chances now, and I just don't think his writing is for me. This felt like the novelized equivalent of horror movies like Skinamarink or Possession, those that some people absolutely love, and some people (like me) just feel like they're trying too hard to make something deep out of basically nothing. The way the book is formatted was really interesting to me - it jumps between present day and the past and also includes parts of the screenplay for the titular Horror Movie. However, neither story really drew me in, so I was just going back and forth between two stories I didn't care about. Both plots moved incredibly slowly also, which made getting through each chapter a chore. I also felt like the ending was abrupt and done for shock value. Furthermore, none of the characters are likeable in the least, which is fine when the writing or storyline are good enough to make up for that, but in this case, they weren't.

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In June 1993, a group of young guerilla filmmakers spent four weeks making Horror Movie, a notorious, disturbing, art-house horror flick. The weird part? Only three of the film’s scenes were ever released to the public, but Horror Movie has nevertheless grown a rabid fanbase. Three decades later, Hollywood is pushing for a big budget reboot.The man who played “The Thin Kid” is the only surviving cast member. He remembers all too well the secrets buried within the original screenplay, the bizarre events of the filming, and the dangerous crossed lines on set that resulted in tragedy. As memories flood back in, the boundaries between reality and film, past and present start to blur. But he’s going to help remake the film, even if it means navigating a world of cynical producers, egomaniacal directors, and surreal fan conventions — demons of the past be damned. But at what cost?

Thank you so much to Paul Tremblay and William Morrow for allowing me to read an advanced copy of Horror Movie. I gave this novel a 3 star rating on Goodreads, but it is actually a 3.5 to me. This book was incredibly creepy and eerie, and I wasn't really sure what to expect. I was immediately intrigued when I started reading, and the book read very fast. The dual timeline is something that I really enjoyed along with the screenplay aspect. I was really able to watch Horror Movie in my mind while reading the script in this book. I think this book was beautifully written, and my only qualm is that nothing overtly scary happened throughout this novel. Like I said above, I wasn't quite sure what to expect throughout this novel, but I was hoping fora jump scare of sorts or something to make me regret reading this at night in the dark. This book is perfect if you want that eerie feeling while you read.

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The book is about a horror movie that was never actually made. It has 3 interwoven narratives: the making of the original movie, the filming of the remake, and the movie script itself.
The Horror Movie was the blood, sweat and tears of a group of young film makers. It was never fully made and released. But the only couple clips has gathered a large following, and it's now getting a big budget reboot. The only surviving cast member who played the villain/monster The Thin Kid is now involved in the new remake as well to reprise his role.
The book started off slow. The first 30% seems to be sarcastic and a mockery of the film industry and the fandom of niche genres. However, the story gets more and more unhinged and built up to a surreal ending. It's one of those books where you're not supposed to solve every riddle and get every answer. You have to accept the ambiguity and the uncertain outcomes. The conversation and interpretation will be an extension of the book itself.
Thanks to NetGalley and William Morrow for the ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for this opportunity to read, rate and review this arc which will be available on June 11,2024!!!

This book got me. I am not ashamed to admit that this book gave me legit nightmares. The writing style crept into my psyche and sunk its teeth and blood tipped claws into it. It also reminded me of how indie horror filmmaking is(I was in an indie horror film 5 years ago.) so this book spoke to me.

It is utterly chilling. I felt breath on my neck and fingers playing up my spine.

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In Horror Movie, Paul Tremblay takes the cursed movie trope and RUNS with it. The story grabbed me from the start and was a page turner that I tore through in a weekend. At times deeply unsettling, with some read-through-your-fingers scary scenes, building dread, the novel also has the wry wit, meta commentary, and formatting that I am quickly associating with Tremblay.

The story moves back and forth through time, sometimes as screenplay excerpts, memories, and current day scenes, all presented as an audiobook narrated by “The Thin Kid”, the sole surviving actor and crew member of an unreleased 90s indie horror film that has since reached cult status.

Throughout the novel, Tremblay weaves in discourse on the art and commerce of Horror, Hollywood, cinema, the complicity of the audience, trauma, fame, friendship, exploitation, and a behind the scenes look at filmaking. All of this while telling a very compelling story with a crazy ending. I will be thinking about this book for a long time and it is definitely a favorite book of this year.

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. This was my first book by Paul Tremblay, but I honestly loved it. The pacing was a little slow at times, but the overall vibes kept me hooked, it was sufficiently creepy and made me uncomfortable when late night reading, which is exactly what I'm looking for in a horror book. I will be buying his next novels for sure! A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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This book was a rollercoaster ride. It was also a painful read for me. I didn't know if I was supposed to like or not like the main character. I didn't expect the ending - I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't that. Characters were all very complicated and it took a lot of attention to detail to make sure I was understanding the plot line.

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Paul Tremblay is a new to me author. I heard about him through a book girlie I follow and I immediately went to netgalley to request his book. This book was creepy and sometimes disturbing but I couldn’t put it down. I don’t think I’ve ever read a horror book quite like it before. I definitely recommend it.

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First of all, thanks to William Morrow and Netgalley for the eARC of Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay. Paul Tremblay is one of my favorite authors writing horror today. I was eagerly anticipating Horror Movie and it does not disappoint with a very cool narrative that flips between two different timelines. The premise revolves around the titular Horror Movie that was filmed in the 1990s but remains unreleased except for several scenes. Due to its rabid fanbase, a remake is propositioned with the original suriving cast member, who is played by the slasher-esque character the Thin Kid. I really love how Tremblay builds this wonderful world between the filming of both movies, but by the end, it only resolves a few questions the reader has. In my opinion, this lack of resolve only heightens the climax of the novel and makes The Thin Kid, who is the narrator of the novel, an iconic and unforgettable horror character.

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