Cover Image: A Song to Drown Rivers

A Song to Drown Rivers

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4/5 stars
Not spicy
-retelling of Chinese legend
-strong, kind, brave FMC
-epic and heartbreaking love story
-great pacing
-beautiful storytelling
-handsome, strong, dangerous MMC

Xishi is a fabled beauty living in Yue, a village at war with the neighboring Kingdom of Wu. She is saved from dangerous soldiers one day by a handsome and powerful advisor to the king, Fanli, who offers her an incredible but dangerous opportunity: to save Yue from war by turning her beauty into a weapon. Leaving behind all she’s known, she is trained by him to seduce and destroy the Wu King from within.
They both quickly fall in love, but deny themselves each other, as she is destined for another.

Her time in the Wu Kingdom as a concubine is rife with danger, especially from the King’s advisors, who suspect her from the beginning. She spends years there while fawned over and loved by the King. As she destroys the court from within, she threatens to be found, all while pining for Fanli.

This is a beautifully written, lush, and heartbreaking story. I spent the entirety of the book desperate and hungry for those moments where Xishi and Fanli could see each other. The entire story of Xishi within the palace had me holding my breath, hoping she wouldn’t be found, seeing how the King loved her, hoping she was able to change him or end her suffering. The conflicting settings, between palace life and her life in the village is gorgeously told. The only feedback I could give, would be that it was tricky to follow the timeline. One moment we are side by side with Xishi in the palace, and then a whole year has gone by, making for a choppy transition. However, I would still highly recommend this romance to anyone in the mood a beautiful setting and a really good cry.

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Let me start off by saying that I received this advance copy to read from NetGalley.

This novel is based on the Chinese legend of Xi Shi - one of the 4 beauties of Ancient China. And it was an absolute joy to read this take on the legend, which had me turning pages and not wanting to stop. It was a rollercoaster of a ride, and my emotions were everywhere. It had me in a chokehold, and when I wasn't reading this my mind was on it in one way or another.

The process, build up, relationships, everything was written so wonderfully. The romance, the heartache.

I cried so much. There were many parts that I just couldn't stop crying, and wished upon wished why the events couldn't have been different. Perhaps... just maybe...

5/5 for me.

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Thank you Netgalley for this ARC! I really enjoyed this story as I have all of Ann Liang's books despite how different it is from the others! I was honestly not expecting the ending, but maybe I should've. I can't wait for this to be published so I can see everyone's reactions!!

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Wow - I truly truly loved this book. I was totally captivated from the beginning, and was dying to get back to it any chance I get. A story of star-crossed relationships, and playing the assigned roles during wartime and history. Characters become larger than themselves, their duty overshadowing all else. This book left me in a puddle on the floor, and I cannot stop thinking about this story - just wishing for more of it! The writing style is illustrative and very effective. I highly recommend this book! Five stars! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Ann Liang truly has a way with words. The imagery in this story is beautiful. You will be transported to the China of the past and come to know Xishi’s tale. Plucked from her village out of extreme poverty, Xishi’s beauty is to be used as a weapon against her enemies, by hopefully making the enemy king fall in love with her while she schemes behind his back. It’s a dangerous game…

This general theme has been done before, and not always well. This is not the case here. “A Song to Drown Rivers” is written in such a way that you will feel Xishi’s every emotion and understand her motivations. You will cheer for her successes and shed tears at her losses. The (clean) slow burn romance is sweet and utterly believable.

That ending. We have a while to wait before this is published, but I am *dying* to know what others thought of the ending. *GASP*

4.25 stars. Look for this in October!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for gifting me an eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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SCREAMING, CRYING. The last page ruined me for life. I WILL be forever haunted by this story. I definitely need to read a light-hearted book after this one.

This is my first Ann Liang book, and her writing is poetic. She delivered us a powerful story with a beautiful tragic love affair. I didn't originally know the story of Xishi, so I went into this blind and I don't know if I regret it or not. MY HEART HURTS. I can't wait for it to come out so I can purchase it.

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Freaking PERFECTION. 10/10. This was just so so good. I couldn’t get enough of it and wanted a thousand more pages of this.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

My heart was pulled out of my chest, stomped on it million times and then was healed and hugged yet there is an empty space. I’m completeley stunned and shattered and amazed. This is gonna be the it book.

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Perhaps I should have done more research into the myth of Xishi to prepare myself for how terribly sad the ending to this book was. Never the less, most of this book dissatisfied me. The pacing was too fast. Long periods of time would pass by in a single chapter. It left me feeling like I missed something and had to go back to make sure I didn’t miss a chapter. The romance is a big part of this book, and I wasn’t a fan of either of the potential love interests. The Insta-Love between two of them just wasn’t believable. I didn’t believe that they loved one another because the pacing was too fast. The story had suggested that months had passed, but it felt more like a couple days and they had fallen in love. There was no development in the relationship. I didn’t feel anything for any of the characters and that might have had something to do with the pacing. It is possible to have a fast paced book but also have developed relationships, but this one just didn’t quite hit the mark. I did enjoy the political/court intrigue. I didn’t really get interested in the story until Xishi arrives at the palace which is about half way into the book. The story was entertaining enough, but in the end I found the book just to be okay. It passed the time.

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Wow. A Song to Drown Rivers is my first Ann Liang book, and what a book to start with. It is devastatingly beautiful.
Since I'm reviewing an ARC (thank you NetGalley), I will keep everything general because I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.
The writing is so elegant and lyrical, even when the words are brutal, it is truly amazing. Ann Liang is an artist.
I started this book thinking I would read a little before bed, which was a mistake. I didn't want to stop reading, the plot pulls you in and makes you desperate to see what will happen next. Xishi's world exists on the edge of a blade, and it is as intoxicating as it is nerve-racking.
The characters in A Song to Drown Rivers are so complex and well developed that it feels like they can walk right of the page. It makes the story that much more rewarding and wrenching.

Seriously, I'm going to tell everyone about this book. It made me laugh and cry, rage and hope, and really, what more can you ask for?

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I NEED A MOMENT OR TWO TO RECOVER. IM SHATTERED. THIS YEAR IS ANN LIANGS YEAR FOR SURE WE LOVE HER WE LOVE THIS BOOK i need yall to pick this book up right now. pinky promise it's worth it.

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Ann Liang's latest book is an absolute masterpiece! I had high expectations for this historical romance novel, and I was not disappointed. As soon as I saw the book on NetGalley, I knew I had to read it. The plot was beautifully crafted and the characters were well-developed, making it a truly immersive read.

The story of Xishi and Fanli's relationship was both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and I found myself laughing and crying throughout the entire book. Liang's writing style is so engaging that I felt like I was right there with the characters, experiencing their emotions and struggles.

Although the book was not very long, it was packed with enough action, romance, and drama to keep me hooked until the very end. I was so invested in the story that I was disappointed when it ended, wishing there was more to read.

Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who loves historical romance or is interested in reading about forbidden love. Ann Liang has truly outdone herself with this one, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this Arc .

Ann Liang weaves a stunning masterpiece of love , betrayal , sacrifice and the grey areas of war . ASTDR is as exquisitely written as her contemporary books . Reading it was just like watching a xianxia drama .

Wish for Ann to write more books in the mythology/fantasy genre

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This book should come with a dozen trigger warnings. The first and foremost being, 'Emotional damage ahead, proceed with caution, might grow a sudden attachment to your wall.'
I want to reach out and strangle every single character just so they could die before having to go through that ending. I want to draw a period on a random page of contentment and walk away, imagining it to be the happily ever after we never got. I want to say 'screw it' and give it 1 star but I'm a masochist and I can't. It isn't even funny how much pain this book caused me, how much I love it still. It's my first time reading a historical fiction of it's kind—a certain retelling of a story from ancient China. I can't express with mere words the myriad of emotions it crashed me into. It gave us the kind of tragic story that can be found on the pages of history, one that makes readers wonder, 'How is this real?'. This book stitched the beginning, middle, and end with so many complex emotions that you'd read on and only realize with a bitter twist towards the end, that it was just a story.

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i am out of words. first and foremost, i am absolutely utterly grateful i got the chance to read my number one most anticipated release of the year. safe to say that i had the best time ever reading A SONG TO DROWN RIVERS by Ann Liang.

when the author shared that "sad beautiful tragic" is a part of the song playlist, she was right, because it indeed was. it may not be a five-star read for everyone, but it is to me, in fact this book is an infinity star read. these characters, the story, the ANGST! it was all i could ever want. it had me clutching my chest, tears were shed, i fell to my knees countless of times. no thoughts, head empty just a song to drown rivers, a song to drown rivers, a song to drown rivers filling every crevice of me. it's a part of me and they will haunt my thoughts for as long as i live, i really couldn't have asked for a better read to start the new month with.

a huge thank you to Ann Liang and the team for providing an arc!

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thank you to netgalley for the ARC❣️ i am so, so unwell. this book was so heartbreaking oh my gosh. idk if i’ve ever read a book that had such a sad end. this was so so beautiful and original and just ugh i am broken.

things i loved:
1) all the characters were so intriguing, i cared for everyone.
2) the split feelings i had were so insane i thought i could never feel so torn about how the MC should feel but i did.
3) it’s so tragic and i love crying
4) the fact they never got to be together is so freaking sad but like it made this book so impactful
5) the world built was super interesting to read about and the politics as well
6) super fast paced i never found a good stopping point
7) emphasis on men being the real problem all along no matter who sits on the throne things for the little people never change, this felt so significant and impactful

things i think could’ve been better:
1) i think i would’ve liked it a bit more if fuchai didn’t have the random tendency for violence against people, like just because he was king. i didn’t feel like it fit his personality
2) i think the characters could’ve been flushed out a bit more
3) i think the romance between fanli and xishi needed a bit more lead up before they were separated bc sometimes i had a hard time believing why they were so in love with eachother
4) i have a hard time believing in all 2 years fuchai and xishi never… yano… but i digress

overall i wouldn’t change the ending at all i think that was perfect no matter how much i cried. this book was so good and i would definitely recommend❣️

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LOVED the premise, historical/mythological context, tense narrative/stakes, and worldbuilding. Though the romance here was JUST my cup of tea (and really did hit on many occasions), overall, the story could have used more development of the main love interests and their arc. Most of their romantic build-up happens off-page, for example, and so the ending (!) didn’t hit quite as emotionally for me. Appreciated the low spice level here, it worked well for the tone/nature of the story. Would recommend to YA/NA audiences.

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In this captivating read, the author masterfully weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Through a blend of richly developed characters and a meticulously crafted plot, the book offers a unique exploration of its central themes, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the story's depth and complexity. The narrative is paced perfectly, balancing moments of intense action with thoughtful reflection, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last. The author's ability to evoke emotion and create a vivid, immersive world is truly remarkable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for an exceptional literary experience.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the book stands out for its insightful commentary on the human condition, weaving philosophical questions into the fabric of its narrative. The author's skillful use of language not only enriches the text but also elevates the reader's experience, offering new perspectives on familiar themes. Whether it's the intricate dynamics of relationships, the exploration of identity, or the confrontation with ethical dilemmas, this book tackles complex issues with sensitivity and intelligence. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the nuances of life, making it a valuable addition to any book lover's collection. Regardless of genre, this is a work that resonates on multiple levels, affirming the enduring impact of well-crafted literature.

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“But home? I could no longer tell you what it meant, much less where it was”
“What is home if not you?”
A book of love, war, and betrayal, what does it really cost to be a hero in history? Xishi, a peasant girl from a Yue village is known for her stunning beauty, so when she’s called upon by her country’s defeated king and his trusted minister Fanli. to use her beauty as a weapon, how can she deny her country and her family a chance to restore their lives? As someone who doesn’t know very much about Chinese folklore this story was such a great read. It especially picked up for me when our FMC arrived in the enemy kingdom’s palace in Wu and meets the man she is destined to deceive, King Fuchai. Feeling Xishi’s struggle to balance her love for Fanli while seemingly giving her heart to Fuchai was so devastating, especially when she comes to realize Fuchai is not the demon king she thought him to be. Having to give away all of herself through this game of pretend causes much more pain and suffering than Xinshi initially anticipates, and the ending of this story really caused me the same. I so wish I could change the end of this story to a happy one for some of these characters, but overall this heroes tragedy was so beautiful to read.
Thank you again to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book early for review!!

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This book is a masterpiece. I felt like I was reading an epic tale passed down over centuries. It was an epic revenge tale that should be considered a classic and studied.

I loved the relationship between Xishi and Fanli, of course, but I couldn’t help loving Fuchai. When it was stated that it was a war between two kings, it all fell together so perfectly.

I’d recommend this book to anyone who asked, and even to those who didn’t ask. It ripped my heart out over and over in the best way.

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