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Violet Jessop was a real woman from history. She rode the waves as a stewardess on White Star Line's Titanic, Britannic, and Olympic. In 'Unsinkable', her character has a clear voice. I can see the language of the time being used well. What I didn’t realize before reading this novel was that Violet spoke Spanish, or the fact that she originally came from Argentina. I truly need to read her biography or her journals that have been printed.

Daphne's character was created by the author drawing inspiration from several women who worked as secret agents duing World War II. I enjoyed the intrigue and suspense guiding Daphne's story along. She's a strong lady too.

The book contain a few curse words, which I disliked seeing in this atmosphere. I have to dock stars for this reason.

Audiobook listeners: Great audio! I'm definitely a fan of this narration.

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I loved this story. The character building was amazing I was able to sink into the story and get lost. The transition between characters was perfect and picking up with the next felt like the natural progression. The author saying why she wrote it and how she came up with the ideas made me fall more in love with the story. Well written and beautifully done.

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A wonderful and entertaining book. Dual timeline. One is set in the era of the sinking of the Titanic. Violet works as a steward on the Titanic. This part of the book is based upon a real person and events. I’d never heard a book about the staff on the Titanic and found this fascinating. The book is appropriately titled unsinkable for both characters. Much of Violet’s life is revealed in this book.

Daphne is the character in the second timeline, WWII. Her character is based on a combination of the women in the British SOE. Her training and missions are highlighted, as well as the personal side of things.

This book was well written and outstanding narration. It was easy to flow between the two timelines. Definitely looking forward to more by this author. I was blessed with a free advance reader copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Highly recommend.

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'Unsinkable' is a clever, immersive, exciting historical novel that spans two different time periods. Violet is a young Irish steward on the liners, and survives the sinking of the Titanic, but that's not the end of her ordeals. Her family need her support, and her brothers then enter the War...Violet has many worries and responsibilities for someone so young.

In the 1940s, Daphne is a young woman with few responsibilities, linked to Violet in ways she doesn't know. Daphne is recruited into the SOE, and her mission into France is wonderfully authentic and nail-bitingly exciting.

Jenni Walsh has certainly done her research to the nth degree. I love reading historical fiction where I learn stuff, as well as enjoying the story. With the 'Unsinkable' I definitely did both. I'll be looking out for more novels from this author in the future.

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This was a great story about Violet and her life and struggles on ocean liners. This was a quick and easy read that I didn't want to stop listening to. The narrator could use more variation in dialogue, but it wasn't distracting. A great read for someone who was obsessed with the Titanic as a kid.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advance reader audio copy of this book. Narrator was great. This is a great war story that comes at it from an unusual angle. I love the creativity of the 2 different woman's stories. Past experiences set the stage for the way life will play out. Really enjoyed this story in a genre that I typically am not thrilled with. 4 stars

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Harper Collins Focus for my copy of Unsinkable by Jenni L. Walsh Narrated by Barrie Kreinik, Alana Kerr Collins in exchange for an honest review. It published January 9, 2024.
First off, the narration in this book was very well-done. I loved it! Accents were great and not distracting, I would listen to anything read by these talented narrators!
Secondly, wow! This book was excellent! It was definitely not what I expected, and it was so much better than I imagined. I loved the incredible women portrayed in this book, and be sure not to skip the author’s note that explains more about these characters.
I loved the span of history, and found it to be very interesting and informative, but not dry in the least.
As someone who has read so many WWI and WWII books, and got burnt out on them, this one is worth the read, because it focuses on less represented parts of those wars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARc.
I loved the written book and the audiobook version of this. Well written. Great narration.

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It was an ok book, fine to pass time, can't say I liked it. I had high expectations for this book that were not met. It gives the idea it's going to be more centered in Titanic and the other ships that sank where Violet was on, but I found there was not much detail on that, the few very brief chapters felt rushed, everything was so fast, I couldn't enjoy them. The storytelling felt a little flat. The random Spanish words are annoying... that's not how bilingual brains work. I don't understand the need for these two stories, explained at the end but, why? wasn't Violet's life enough? Why mix the real life of Violet with a fictional character and force them to be intertwined?
I appreciated the introspection of the characters, their inner thinking.
Didn't like the ending either, too feel good, so not credible, at least for me.

Thanks to netgalley for the audio copy for review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! I loved learning about Violet's story (which is incredible), and Daphne's story (though based on the lives of several women) was equally as interesting. The author did an amazing job weaving their stories together, although you don't really get to see it until the end. The story was engaging, and even though there is a lot of World War II fiction right now, Daphne's story was quite unique and interesting.

I really appreciated how the author handled this story. I love a novelized account of real events, and she did a good job of sticking to the original story while still filling in the details in an engaging way. The section at the end shared a lot of valuable information about her sources, and very clearly specified what was fact and what was fiction. I learned so much about the Titanic and life during WWII through this book.

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I requested this ARC only knowing that part of the story took place on the Titanic and I am so glad I took the chance to check it out. I will now be recommending Unsinkable to everyone I know!

Unsinkable is historical fiction at its best. I’m fascinated by the Titanic and thought Jenni L. Walsh did an amazing job of weaving together fact and fiction as she recounted the events of Violet and Daphne’s lives spanning over 30 years. These women are truly unsinkable and are testament to the strength of the mind, soul and will to survive.

I appreciated the author’s note at the end of the story - there are so many real life people that I now want to research and learn more about.

The narrators, Barrie Kreinik, Alana Kerr Collins, were wonderful. They had me unable to stop listening!

Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins Focus/Harper Muse and Jenni L. Walsh for a review copy. These are my honest thoughts.

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Thank you Harper Muse Audiobooks and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to Unsinkable.
I loved both narrators. The narration really added signifcantly to the dual storylines.
I will admit I was much more interested in one timeline over the other. It turns out the character's timeline I preferred was created based on a real person's documentation.
As for the dual timeline historical fiction, I found this book a bit above average with the narration making it a solid 4 stars for me.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the novel Unsinkable by Jenni Walsh. I’ve found a bit of a niche in historical fiction of late; in particular with a focus on women and realistic views of gender dynamics throughout time. I’ve had a bit of an interest in Violet Jessup and her life onboard three ships with sea calamities and was interested to know more. I agree with previous reviews that this novel felt like two entirely separate books. However, I was completely unbothered by this and enjoyed how both stories unfolded and the link between the two which was explained in the end.

Violet Jessup survived the sinking of two ships, one of which being the infamous Titanic, and a shipwreck during WWI. I found her life at sea and her dedication to her family to be interesting. However, I was sad to say I didn’t develop a personal connection to her character. She kept herself a bit removed from human emotion and typical relationships with those beyond her family. This was likely the intent of the author as a more accurate account of her life. I did find her narrow escapes from these three events to be very interesting and was motivated to do a bit of side research to verify them.

The story of Daphne Chaundanson and her work as a British intelligence spy during WWII was my favorite of the two. I immediately felt a personal connection to her character and though she too distanced herself from relationships, this felt much more authentic. I’m also a sucker for a good spy novel and her story hit all the marks.

I listened to the audio production of this novel and both narrators did a superb job. As each chapter switched between the two women, it was much easier to follow along as both narrators had distinctly different accents. I also listened to the afterword of the author and believe this is a must. She explains her research and the basis of Violet’s character completely upon her memoir, as well as the many real women she used to base Daphne’s character on. I would highly recommend this novel to anyone interested in the roles women played in WWI and WWII.

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Thank you to HarperCollins Focus and to Net Galley for an ARC of this audiobook.

I love Historical Fiction and all things Titanic, so I was really excited to see this book pop up on Net Galley. I knew about Violet Jessop prior to reading this book, I was able to obtain a copy of her autobiography many years ago.

I couldn't wait to dig into this book and start reading it. I am always looking for new Historical Fiction authors, so I was really excited to get approved for this one.

As excited as the premise of this was, unfortunately it fell short for me. This book relies on a dual story line of Violet as well as another woman who is a fictional character named Daphne. I love when you read books like this and both stories tie together, but this one was really flimsy how their stories merged. I thought about adding it to my DNF book pile several times, but ended up finishing it.

Unfortunately, this book just missed the mark for me, however I thought the narrator did an excellent job.

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This was a lovely double timeliness story, both of them historical. The narrator of the audiobook was really good. The book is set on the Titanic and then during World War 2. Very interesting and it grips you from the start

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This was archived before I was able to download and complete a review. Thanks.

I look forward to reading this in the future.

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Unsinkable is told in two timelines involving two women. Violet Jessop, a real survivor of the Titanic, and Daphne, a fictional character who was part of the Special Operations Executive during WWII.
Their stories intersect through shipwrecks and war.
I so wanted to love this. I am a sucker for anything about the Titanic and I was looking for a historically accurate tale of Jessop.
I did get that but I found the book slow going and seemed to lose interest when the rimeshift was made to Daphne. No fault of the author as much as individual taste.
The description of Jessop's experience on the Titanic is wonderfully depicted. Her thoughts as the ship goes down is as dramatic and moving as any I have read.

Thanks to @@netgalley for the opportunity to read this eArc in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for the audiobook. unfortunately, I DNF it at 60%. I love historical fiction novels and I had high hopes for this one, but it fell flat for me. I couldn't get invested in the story or the characters. It felt super slow at times.

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This was such a good listening experience and excellent historical fiction. The author did a fantastic job of showing events from the two perspectives and making it feel like I was right there with them as they experienced some inconceivable situations.

I’m so grateful to the publisher for the alc!

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For me I would say I maybe would have liked it better as a print book, and it’s not that I disliked it, but I found it a little overwrought and sentimental. The book follows the perspectives of two women in two timelines, one who was a real person and one who is fictional. Both women were really strong and resilient people who survived multiple shipwrecks but got in their own way, to a degree that began to feel a little ridiculous at a certain point. Violet’s intense sense of duty to her family and Daphne’s belief that men would never value her because of her unabashed daddy issues prevented them both from doing what they wanted to do for wayyyyyyyyy too long in my opinion. It being an audiobook also made tracking the two different timelines and their scale a little bit complex, as Violet’s storyline began as a young woman serving as a stewardess on the Titanic but stretched all the way into her 50s while Daphne’s began in WWII and only really extended a few years after the war ended.

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