Member Reviews

Title: Switched
Author: Sarah Ready
Genre: Romance
Media: ebook
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Favorite quote: “Jillian! I’m in a man’s body! I have a beard growing in. I have a deep voice and an Adam’s Apple. I have testicles and a penis! A penis! And you think the strangest thing is that I’m tall?”
Sum of this book in 5 words or less: N/A


Themes: romance, family, only one bed, body switch



I received a free ebook in exchange for an honest review.

Short summary - Henry and Serena meet one night at a bar and hit it off. She discovers that he is her new boss and doesn’t want to fall in love. They work together for over a year before they switch bodies one night.

This book was so cute! I loved all of the little drawings in it and Serena breaking past the fourth wall many times.

The entire thing was hilarious and I’m so happy that I was able to read this gem. I cried at the end because of them finally getting together - Serena realizing that she loves Henry and has the entire time.

I love that we got Henry’s POV when Serena was sitting in the hospital. I love the one chapter one offs for characters!

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This didn’t get interesting until 34% in and then I debated whether or not to finish it. It wasn’t great. It was repetitive and so far fetched that it wasn’t interesting. I've read some of the author's previous books and I enjoyed those, but this one wasn't for me.

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Funny gender switching rom com about seeing the other point of view.
Serena is scared of falling in love, she doesn’t want to lose herself in a relationship. Henry on the other hand is looking for love. The two scientists meet one night and feel the pull of attraction but after a night of passion Serena discovers Henry is her new boss and she dumps him. Hurt Henry gives Serena the cold shoulder until one night the switch bodies. Now the two must pretend to be the other while discovering a different point of view.
This book has its moments of joy and romance but it is an extreme case of the miscommunication trope. There is also forced proximity but in different bodies. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I enjoyed reading it and usually I love a gender switch but this one just didn’t resonate enough with me.
If you like STEM romances, gender bending, forced proximity, miscommunication, scared of love, tall mmc, then this is for you!!

Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for this arc. I voluntarily read this and all opinions are my own.

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Switched is a body-swapping story starring messy, free-spirited but decidedly against love Serena and the neat, serious and decidedly into love Henry. They meet, have an extremely intense encounter, and Serena freaks out. Then one night, somehow they're switched into the other's body and they have to learn to understand each other.
I'm not sure where to go with this book. I VERY nearly put it down after the first chapter. If it wasn't for this review, I would have. So, I kept going, and it was fine if I skipped over all of the very long explanations of physics and unnecessarily long descriptions. I didn't actually get into the story until about 3/4 of the way through. I was still skimming over parts, but not nearly as many. In the end I was very invested in the story and wanted to know how it ended. Hence, the more than 1 star rating.
Parts were confusing with the gender swapping. And the breaking of the 4th wall that luckily only happened at the beginning and end was annoying.
But, I did end up liking the characters and the story.

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This is the first book I've read by Sarah Ready, and it didn't disappoint! This contemporary opposites-attract romance had absolute Freaky-Friday vibes. Serena and Henry's relationship was so cute and loved the ending. This was a fun read and will definitely be reading more by the author.

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Such a fun read. A bit weird science meets freaky Friday with some unrequited love thrown in. The author did a great job building reader empathy for both leads in their efforts of self preservation when it came to falling for each other and balancing dreams with prior experiences of love.

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Thank you WW L Crown for the ARC in exchange for a review. I love a body swap moment, but I don't think it necessarily works with a heterosexual couple. Regardless, the writing was crisp and clean, and the book was well-researched. I would read something else of hers.

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Felt like a breath of new air among other books - changed my perspective on physics

Like seriously, I didn't know physics could be explained in such an enthralling way, If I end up taking any endeavours with physics, the credit would go to this book lol - I will try to learn more about this domain

This was a really refreshing read among all the romance books that exists, instead of the usual predictable tropes - I really enjoyed it's newness

Don't get me wrong, I really love other tropes, I binge on them too

But this one really threw me off hook in the best way possible

I didn't have much expectations going on, but they were sooo cute omg

I am never a fan of books that start with one-night flings, but this one portrayed the plot so beautifully

Henry was absolutely adorable and so was she when they were taking care of each other - the way the tropes were remixed is a chef's kiss

I LOVE loved the footnotes, it felt like author was my bsf and she was telling me the story

The little doodles explaining stuff >>>>>

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I really enjoyed this book! I love the characters and I felt like the writing is really wonderful. The plot is very interesting and well thought out!

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great book! I wasn't sure if the book is for me because I´ve never read something like it but it was perfect! it felt like reading an 90s romcom and I loved it! I really liked the characters and the way the story went! I giggled a few times and cried a little at the end! I would really recommend it and I will definitely read the other books in this series because they're the perfect rom-com with a twist!

(thank you netgalley for this arc-copy!)

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While the plot and premise were fun the writing itself was just a bit too quirky for me. The FMC would break the fourth wall and talk to us as the reader, and it just wasn't my style. As well it had to con of being way too insta-lovey, I never felt that our characters truly KNEW and LOVED each other. A body-swapping novel is the perfect novel for some dual POV action but we just stay in our FMC's point of view which I feel like halved a lot of the fun and plot we could have had. Them switching bodies but being super attracted to themselves was also strange to me. However, it was a quick read and there was some good humor involving the body switch.

Thank you to W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Overall I really liked this book! If you liked Freaky Friday this will definitely be up your alley. It took me a second to get into but that's completely based on personal preference! Thank you NetGalley and W.W. Crown for allowing me to read this in return for a completely honest review!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed Duckie as the main character because she had such drive and passion for her work. I am loving this trend of smart female main characters, it is so amazing to see. This book made me giggle a lot and I really enjoyed the revelation Duckie had in this book. I am not a super big fan of the Freaky Friday-like body switch, but it was well done in this book. Henry and Duckie made for an adorable couple.

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Honestly, this book never pulled me in. Maybe I didn't jive with the author's writing style. I can understand why people want more romance forward books, but I would have liked a little more plot from the jump. I also would have appreciated less physics focus. All in all, I think I was the wrong audience for this book. Thank you to W.W. Crown an Imprint of Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC and NetGalley for this ARC!

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The Freaky Friday of love! I really enjoyed the story and the narration was incredible.
This is Sarah's second book, but it can be read as a standalone. I'm definitely going to read the first and third books, this book is an opposites attract that has been fascinating to read and the way they discover each other has been different, but I liked it a lot.

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I loved this book so much! It was a wonderful read that I could not put down. Thank you so much for letting me read this early!

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Switched turned out to be much, much better than I had expected. When I read the first book in this series last year, I wasn't sure I wanted to continue reading this series. But Book 2 was revealed to be about my favorite side character from Ghosted and, I had to give it a shot.

And this time, I wasn't disappointed. Sarah Ready's concepts were always great but it was the execution that had bummed me last time. However, I was pleasantly surprised by Switched. The concept, characters, and storyline were well-fleshed out. I was hooked right from the first page and couldn't keep the book down. It did take a little while to get to the main point of the book i.e. the body switch, but I could easily look past it. The narration was quite unique with the tables, graphs, and diagrams. I really enjoyed that bit.

My only problem with this one was that at times it read like a science textbook/science Wikipedia page. Although I appreciate the amount of research the author has put into the topics of particle physics and all the other sciencey stuff, I think the book could have done well without the long paragraphs explaining the scientific concepts. Other than that, I didn't find any issues with it and thoroughly enjoyed reading.

Thank you, W.W. Crown and NetGalley for providing an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Switched is a fun romantic comedy that will have you giggling as opposites attract in the most unlikely way!

The book is set in Geneva, Switzerland and focuses on two very different people who work as scientists. Serena is free spirited, disorganised and happily single. Henry is neat, plays things by the book, and very British. So when these two meet and instantly fall in love the one embraces it and the other runs away.

But it just so happens that Henry is Serena's new boss, and how long can they continue to pretend that nothing happened that one special night? Not for long is the answer, because an electric storm at the particle collider where the work has caused them to switch bodies and they are not forced to get to know each other as they work together to find a solution to their very strange problem.

I thought this was a unique way for two people to discover one another, with both serious and funny parts, making this the second book I've enjoyed from Sarah Ready.

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I genuinely liked this book, I just found that the first 20% of the book was a chore to work myself through. It is a very cozy romance book and I am left speechless (review on GR later with more detail)

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📚 Thank you NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Trope Run Down
— body swapping
— super geeky science nerds
— lovers to enemies to lovers again

Did I hate this book — no. Did I love this book — also no. 😂 The story was actually set up to be really good, I loved the idea of their bodies swapping and then discovering how to get back to the way they were. I think what threw me off was maybe the way they seemed to be so comfortable with how they touched their own bodies during intimate moments(?). There was one part where Serena had Henry lay with his head on/in her chest but obviously the bodies are switched so to me that would feel weird? Maybe it's just me though.

I didn't understand most if not all the nerdy talk, and there was quite a lot for how much we didn't actually involve their work life once the body swap happened. However, I did love when they used space and stars to describe feelings of love and admiration – call me a romantic sucker I ate that shit up so bad.

I wish we had elaborated earlier on why Serena was so against a relationship, I felt so confused most of the story. I did enjoy reading how she grew to overcome those feelings though.

Overall not a bad story, but this one took me forever to finish. I just wasn't fully invested and found myself wandering to other books in between.

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