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The Resort

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I loved the setting, but that is where my interests ended.
I could not attach or connect with any characters, and I found myself not loving the twists and turns.
There were even moments that were so far-fetched and silly that I felt like I had to take a deep breath to reset.

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This is the first book I have read by Sara Ochs. I chose to read this one because a few people on TikTok said it was really good but the ending would make you mad. So I figured I needed to listen to this book. Unfortunately this book just didn't pull me in. I can't tell you anything really from before 70% of this book. The narrators Miranda Raison, Dakota Blue Richards, Joe Jameson, Pema Monaghan did a good job but I had a hard time following along to who was who. The voices were just to similar. I will say that I was definitely shocked by the twist at the end. That was a saving grace for me. I don't know if this would have been better if I had read it instead of listening to it. I would still recommend this because I might have just had a off moment with it. I would still like to read more books by Sara Ochs as well.

Thank you NetGalley and RB Media, Recorded Books for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley, RB Media, and Sourcebooks Landmark for the advanced audio copy in exchange for an honest review!
Give me a book that is set on an island resort and I am set! This book was so fast paced and had me hooked till the very end! I was drawn to this book by the cover and I am so glad that I read it. I feel like it did start off a bit slow. There were a lot of characters introduced in the beginning and I feel like that took a little bit of time getting them all situated in my mind. However, once the book got going I was so engaged and didn’t want to put it down. I even requested it on audio so that I could get stuff done around my house and still continue on with the story! I loved how they had a full cast narrating the story. I feel like that really helped me connect with the story and get to know the characters a little bit better! I cannot believe that this is a debut novel and I am so excited to see what Ochs has for us in the future!

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The Resort by Sara Ochs is one of the few books that I can say actually stuck in my head for an extended period of time, and due to that, I raised my star rating! I was struggling to find the time to sit down and read it, so if anyone sees the dates on my Goodreads or StoryGraph and wonders WTF, this is why, and it has nothing to do with the pacing or the book itself. For a debut, this was pretty dang amazing, and I was very into the story as well as finding out what would happen next. The alternating viewpoints that would sometimes end on mini cliffhangers kept things even more interesting, and I love it when authors use this technique to keep the reader curious.

I think this is one of the many books that is best to go into blind, but honestly, if that incredible cover doesn't draw you in, I doubt anything I can say will. The Resort also had me Googling to see if a certain Thailand festival was a thing, and I love it when a genre like mystery or thriller takes me to the webs to see if something is real. The secrets are piling up in this storyline, and it seems that almost everyone has something to hide. I experienced quite a few jaw-dropping moments that both shocked and surprised me, and I loved the twists and turns. The audiobook was also top-notch as narrated by Miranda Raison, Dakota Blue Richards, Joe Jameson & Pema Monaghan. Full casts are my kryptonite, and they all did an incredible job making the audio a fantastic experience. Bottom line, if you love thrillers and debut novels, you just need to read (or listen) to this. 😉

Thank you to the publishers for my complimentary listening and reader copies of this book. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

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This was a slow burn listen. it took forever for anything of interest to happen. the characters were unlikable and all had unsavory secrets.the ending did pick up, but in my opinion it was still lacking in excitement. The narration was just ok. Brooke seemed monitone at the beginning, by mid book it was difficult tell the the women apart. i had to rewind a bit to figure out whose POV it was. it was easy to listen at 2x the speed so that was a true blessing. this was my first book by this author, it may be that it had been to hyped on netgalley, it just wasn't there for me. not the worst book I've listened to this year, but not the best either.

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Fast read!
Set on an island in Southeast Asia, this has a closed population full of twists and turns. Two main characters Cass and Brooke rotate chapters from their point of view. The ulterior motives of the whole cast of characters is revealed bit by bit throughout the book, and the very last chapter was just WOW, I did not see that coming at all!
There were little nuggets dropped through the first half of the book that really left the reader wanting more - so much so that I couldn't stop reading it! These little nuggets were explained and became know in the second half of the book.
This was an intriguing read, that I couldn't put down, and finished it in one sitting.
I did not think it was very predictable (always good for a thriller), and I loved how things were resolved (or maybe not so resolved -- will there be a sequel???)

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Domestic thriller with an exotic tropical background on an island in Thailand. Usually these settings are 100% the type of book I love. But unfortunately, I struggled to relate to the characters with some of the plot lines falling flat.

Also, one of the narrators struggled to correctly pronounce several words- specifically “anything” and it was very distracting as a listener. Maybe this was a book better to read vs listen to it via audio?

Thanks NetGalley for this arc, all opinions are my own.

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A suspenseful mystery/psychological thriller that takes place in a beautiful locale. All is going well for Cass. She a dive instructor living amongst other ex-pats. A nice community of people, each running away from and or hiding something. She wants nothing more than to leave behind her old life and enjoy the lovely new one she has created for herself. When there is a terrible incident and her life is upended things take a turn. Then Brooke, a social media influencer shows up. The story is told in alternating chapters by Cass and Brooke. The road to answers is twisted, winding and lead to a surprise for me which is fairly unusual. The author did create a wonderful story, but, I had a bit of a hard time getting too invested as I didn’t find the main characters terribly likable.

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This was such a good book! I loved the characters, and their story. The dialogue was realistic and enjoyable. I was very surprised by the ending!

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Having been on many dive trips to tropical islands I found the dive resort aspect of this book to give me all the good feels. I could feel the warm sunshine, along with the high humidity, see the palm trees, and taste the salty water while waiting for divers to load up the dive boat with their gear to head out to the reef. I liked the island vibe and the group of permanents as they felt like a good family. But don't let all of this fool you as there are sinister things happening on this island, and plenty of drama (but not too much as to drag the plot down). The story is told in two alternating POVs from Cass and Brooke. This keeps the reader guessing who the killer could be, and I admit I changed my mind a few times before figuring it out. Still, that ending surprised the heck out of me. Well done, Sara Ochs! Congratulations on your debut novel.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ALC in exchange for my honest review. The two narrators did a good with Cass and Brooke.

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This was a fun read. While none of the characters were particularly likeable to me, it worked for the who-dun-it part of the book. I loved the atmospheric setting, and really enjoyed the build up until the end. Loved this thriller, and so happy I got to listen to the audiobook. The narrarator was fabulous.

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3.5 stars

This book took me a solid 5 or so chapters to get into but once I did, it was a roller coaster of “who done it”. So many twists with a shocking plot ending. While I did have my suspicions, the way Ochs wrote the story, I had all but given up on my theory when bam! It was an unexpected ending that made me wonder if there will ever be a part 2?

The story is set on a beautiful Thai island, Koh Sang, featuring a mix of ex-pats who call themselves the “permanents” when Brooke, an influencer, arrives on the island trying to solve a suspicious death.

It was a mysterious and thrilling story that I think would have been better to read rather than listen to the narration. Two points of critique. First, when told from a dual perspective, the voices need to be distinct. I found myself going, “wait, is this Cass or Brooke?” Second, the accents in this story were so off. Brooke is supposed to be hiding her Kentucky accent but she pronounces some words so weird, I couldn’t figure out what accent it was. The words that drove me absolutely bonkers was her pronounciation of anything or everything to “anuhthin” or “evrahthin”. All that to say, the narration was a distraction from the story.

Typically, I prefer when all the details are explained as the story unfolds, piecing bits and pieces come together to explain how the story got there, but there was something about the way this story unfolded and the characters tried to explain all the details. It was so much detail but yet still didn’t make sense at times. While it’s possible that this was intentional, it left me going “wait, what? Am I missing something here?”

All that to say, if you’re looking for a murder mystery with a shocking plot twist - this is your book!

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for the advanced audio copy.

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I loved this book! The narrators, Miranda Raison, Dakota Blue Richards, Joe Jameson, Pema Monaghan, really brought this book to life. I love a good audiobook that is narrated by multiple people. The Resort's narration did not disappoint. It was so easy to follow the various characters.

There was a lot going on in this book, but not in a way where you were lost or confused. The plot was executed in such a clever way, that you were left guessing the whole way through. There were twists and turns galore, some small and some really big ones. I enjoyed the pace of this story. There was no way I would've guessed the major twist. No way AT ALL! The Resort is gripping, action packed, and such a wild ride!

Thank you to NetGalley and RB Media for this ALC in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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I appreciate the copy. This book was intriguing and did keep me hooked but there were quite a few plot details that I was pretty bothered by in a metoo kind and of way. I also don’t think the final twist worked for me because I didn’t feel like I knew that character enough for it to be a shock.
Other than that it was a quick listen and did keep me listening

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Quite enjoyed this audio book it started off slow but then the pace picked up
Koh Sang Resort sounds like the ideal place to live but then a body is found and then who can you trust
lots of twists and turns just what I like in a book and it kept you dangling until the end
Thank you, NetGalley and RB Media, Recorded Books for this copy!

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Dead bodies start turning up one by one on a remote Thai island, and even though things are deemed to be unfortunate accidents, it's quickly obvious that's not the case. After two acquaintances join together to solve the mystery, they turn on each other as clues begin to paint them both in a negative light. An engaging thriller set in a lush tropical location will keep the reader guessing right up to the vengeful end.

*Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.**

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"The Resort" by Sara Ochs is a moderately engaging novel that unfolds in the intriguing backdrop of a resort setting. While Ochs demonstrates a commendable ability to capture the ambiance of the locale, the characters and plot lack the depth needed to fully captivate the reader. The storyline follows familiar tropes, making it somewhat predictable for those well-versed in the genre. Ochs' writing style is accessible, but it doesn't elevate the narrative to a more compelling level. Despite these criticisms, "The Resort" provides a light and entertaining read, suitable for those seeking a relaxing escape, earning it a middle-of-the-road three-star rating.

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The Resort is a multi-POV thriller set at a remote luxury resort in Thailand. Cass is a scuba instructor who enjoys her life working and living in this beautiful area famous for parties and exclusive events. When one of her students is found dead, she is sure that something is amiss. And Cass is keeping a big secret.

The strengths of this story are the beautiful descriptions of the unique island setting. I loved the details about the close proximity of coral reefs and the scuba segments seemed impressive and well researched. I found the characters interesting enough, but I did not connect or relate to any of the young cast.

As a technical point, I think I would have enjoyed this more as a physical read. The audiobook is voiced primarily by two female narrators who sounded fair to similar for me to effectively tell them apart. It was helpful that each chapter had a narrator heading.

Pick this up if you want the vibes of a summer escape gone wrong with secrets and the mixed up dynamics of working class employees and the elite wealthy.

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🎧Song Pairing: Kokomo - The Beach Boys

💭What I thought would happen:

Hello murder in the heat with beautiful views and unlimited drinks 🤪

📖What actually happens:

Cass - has been hiding out on a teeny tiny resort island in Thailand for an awhile now. She’s made friends, she’s engaged and no one knows what she was running from.

Brooke - an Insta travel influencer taking advantage of the discount given to her during her stay. When a murder occurs x2 she is determined to solve whodunnit.

🗯Thoughts/sassy musings:

It went like this >> intrigue, boredom, feminist rage, intrigue again, then taken aback 😂 read into that what you will

Give me a tropical, isolated island thriller and I’ll sit pretty waiting for my treat 💁🏼‍♀️

Pick this up if you like:
😱Being blindsided
✌🏻Influencer MCs
🖤Dark pasts

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HOLY BUCKETS! That ending totally blindsided me!

This book was SO good. Right from the start it sucked me in and kept me wanting to keep listening. It's told from several POVs, which kept me guessing because everyone's view and story was just a little different and added to the overall underlying mystery - more than one unreliable narrator = major win!!

With thriller, suspense, and mystery vibes, this was such an awesome book - and that ending... just WOW. This debut entrance by Sara Ochs has me wanting more from her!! Maybe even a sequel to this one?

Definitely a five-star listen. The narration was great and I devoured this in under 24 hours. So good!!!

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