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Amanda Knox

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This book is an average read that will likely be more interesting to someone who is already very familiar with the case. I found it frequently confusing because there were so many different theories being explored, so many characters using more than one name, so much moving back and forth in time. On the plus side, the book does seem to be well researched and documented, producing a very thorough study of the case.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Pen and Sword Publishing for granting my wish to read an ARC of this book about Amanda Knox by Helen Saxton - 4 stars!

In November 2007 the body of British student Meredith Kercher was discovered in her bedroom in Perugia, Italy. She had been brutally killed. Over the course of the next eight years one man, Rudy Guede, would be convicted of her murder and two other suspects, Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito, would be convicted, acquitted and convicted again for their part in the crime, before having their convictions overturned for the final time in 2015.

I'm definitely not alone with being fascinated by the Amanda Knox story. Saxton has taken police reports, court proceedings, books and internet chatter and has compiled them into a story. It's fascinating that Amanda because the crux of this story, more so than the victim and the other accused. The author was very objective and never expressed her opinions one way or the other. What this book shows is what the author states - that no one besides the person(s) who killed Meredith really know what happened. There are just as many arguments for Amanda's innocence as in her guilt.

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Helen Saxton's "Amanda Knox" provides an impartial perspective on the plethora of documentaries, articles, reports, and interviews that have inundated us since the tragic murder of Meredith Kercher in November 2007. Having personally delved into numerous accounts, I find Saxton's work to be a commendable compilation and analysis of the available evidence. It is truly unsettling to witness the myriad of conflicting narratives that have emerged. Saxton's assertion that only those present in the villa on the night of the murder hold the real truth resonates strongly. In a sea of opinions and varying versions, the elusive nature of the actual events leaves us grappling with uncertainties and unanswered questions.

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Thank you for an ARC! I have ready nearly every book written about Amanda Knox. When I saw this one coming out, I was excited but also surprised: What else can be said about this case?

Well, I was pleasantly surprised. This book is one of the best as it’s a fully comprehensive package regarding Amanda’ Knox. Helen Saxton does a phenomenal job of of taking the details from the courtroom, police transcripts, evidence, and even YouTube web sleuths and combining it into something super comprehensive.

I recommend this title for anyone new to the case who wants a solid foundation of its timeline, controversy, and outcomes. I also suggest this title for those very familiar with Amanda Knox; this is such a well-written and comprehensive refresher!

I will recommend this to my friends and followers.

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I love true crime books. Really true crime anything- podcasts, documentaries, etc. I followed the Amanda Knox case and was excited to read this book. I shouldn’t have been. This is not the story of Amanda Knox and her case. This isn’t even really a good representation of a true crime book. It not even a book. This is essentially a really long research paper that someone wrote after researching every other primary source in the Amanda Knox case. This is not a book with chapters or sections. Again, it’s someone’s research project. Nobody wants to read this unless you’re the professor who assigned this and they probably don’t want to either. I have a post grad degree and spent years writing papers like this and can assure you that nobody is reading it for fun. I honestly can’t get through it. If you want to learn about Amanda Knox there is plenty of source material out there. This isn’t it.

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This book stuck very well to sharing facts and using resources instead of filling it with the authors personal opinions. The author doesn’t favor one side over the other but instead shares what is definitively known about the case, peoples opinions on the case, and what could possibly have been. All of which is clarified as what it is, not claiming everything to be fact. I think the author did a very good job of this. The information is very repetitive but the author does explain the different reasonings with the different parts of the case. Overall done very well.

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I would first like to thank NetGalley, Pen & Sword Books, and Helen Saxton for providing me with an ARC of Amanda Knox in exchange for my honest review.

I have always been fascinated by true crime, so given the opportunity to read Amanda Knox by Helen Saxton when I personally have not read anything regarding the case, I was very excited. However, when I began reading, I was quite confused a good percentage of the time. It felt as though there were many details given about characters that had no part in the murder or trial, and just added filler to the story that was unnecessary and confusing. I don't feel like the story focused enough on the actual crime, but instead gave vaguely disguised opinions towards each of the suspects, reporters, and detectives throughout the telling of the story.

I would have had an easier time following the case researching through other methods as opposed to the way this book laid the information out.

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The Amanda Knox case has always been one that I remember, questioning what actually happened that night so it was interesting to read this account and find out more about Amanda.

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Helen Saxton tackles a highly controversial murder and one of the key players Amanda Knox. She puts all the research from different sources together to provide a compelling in places disturbing take on this compkicated woman. Its balanced and leads the reader ro make their own judgement. Its sources and experts are endless and it even gives input from the woman her self.
This was a really refreshing book. It told me things i didnt know and it didn't trivialise the murder but as we can never really know what happened it was another in a long series of people tackling this .Thank you netgallery and publisher and author for this 4 star read.

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When I was younger, I was obsessed with this trial. I remember watching it on Lifetime. When I was younger, I was convinced she killed her roommate. Ever since then, every iteration and adaption I’ve made sure to seek out. This book was just another comprehensive look at the case and it was really thrilling for me to revisit.

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I enjoyed this rather true story. Was a good read. This was a truly great read. Thanks to netgalley for this chance to read this 4****

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There is a weird irony to naming the book Amanda Knox and then writing about/complaining that everyone remembers her name instead of the victim’s name. While the name of the perpetrator and the name of the victim are often sited as a kind of sadistic rivalry for attention, what happens when someone is placed in both camps in some way in the story? I had really wished to learn something new. I really didn’t. It was an OK read and some good research into the case itself for the uninitiated.

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It’s obvious the author did a great deal of research. I enjoyed her perspective. I did see some information that I didn’t remember hearing previously. I enjoyed it overall.

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In her gripping account, author Helen Saxton examines one of the most vivid cases that attracted the world's attention. Saxton diligently researches the event surrounding Amanda Knox's involvement in the death of her roommate, Meredith Kercher, and covers it in a balanced way.

Thus, Saxton handles the entanglement of evidence, testimonies, and the media storm that enveloped the case, providing a comprehensive picture for the readers. As the author portrays both sides of the story, readers can come up with their conclusions, making this book a priceless guide for people interested in the details of the case.

The positive feature of Saxton's writing is the focus on the human aspect of the story. The author humanizes a figure often portrayed as a media caricature by showing Knox's background, personality, and relationships. Such an approach enables the development of a more detailed story and makes the reader feel sympathy towards Knox, regardless of their attitudes earlier.

Throughout the book, Saxton's ability to pay close attention to detail shines. Throughout his narrative, the author pays minute attention to detail in recreating the crime scene, presenting the reader with a graphic description of the incidents that occurred that terrible night. Also, she provides a detailed breakdown of the forensic evidence and court proceedings, thus providing insights into the complexity of the trial.

First, Saxton discusses the media and its influence on public opinion regarding the case. She also presents questions that challenge our thinking about sensationalism and bias in portraying prominent trials. This investigation adds another dimension to the story and makes readers think about what they read.

Saxton's book is undoubtedly well-researched and informative, but there are moments when the narrative is somewhat repetitive. The pace could have been more consistent in some sections, however. Some of it could have been condensed. But this minor defect only enhances the quality of the book a little.

Helen Saxton sheds light on one of the most infamous criminal cases in the 21st century. By offering a fair view of things and touching upon the human realities of the story, Saxton makes you want to read on. You have to read this book to understand the complexities of the issue and its impact on the criminal justice system and media ethics.

Thank you to Pen & Sword, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this book.

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Thank you#Pen&Sword for granting my wish to read this e-arc.For many, Amanda was, and remains, the central character in this story. Why? And why the controversy? Through piecing together a timeline of events and investigating the conflicting opinions found in the countless books, articles, films, documentaries, and discussions which have emerged over the years, the author takes the reader on a journey to find out.This book was actually informative to me and I learned some new things about the case and those involved.

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I remember this case being on the news all the time, but I never really followed it. Sadly, I didn't know the name of the victim, Meredith Kercher, just the name Amanda Knox, which this book spends a portion speaking on how this was about a young woman who tragically lost her life and STILL, the focus is on Amanda Knox, just one of the accused, convicted, and ultimately acquitted suspects.

Because I didn't know much about this, I thought this would be a compact way to learn about it considering this follows the trial, the evidence, testimonies, and facts of the case. There is an understanding by the author from very early on in this book that only the persons responsible for Meredith's death know what truly happened. This is just displaying the evidence collected and subsequent trial.

I can't really say much about it, but that it was interesting and really sad. This poor woman was killed and I cannot imagine what her family has had to go through.

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This was such a fascinating case. I think it will make the perfect addition to our true crime section.. For those that closely followed the case or want to know more about it.

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Love any books like this based on real events. When I saw this one I knew I had to read it asap! Thanks for the opportunity to read this book early. I flew through it learning some new things I haven’t heard yet!

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