Member Reviews

In this book Kindra hall goes deeper into the adoption of storytelling by leaders. How can story help in uncertainty and how can it help build resilience ? With the use of helpful examples and prompts and stratgies Kindra helps the readers see many different ways in which we are always in the 'middle of a story'. If you have read other storytelling books before you will find this one goes a level deeper. It is not about formulas or structure but rather about how one can leverage story in the act of leadership. The style of writing at times got in the way of succinctness and examples are largely indexed towards a western audience and the ones from the East are well known in the folklore tradition. I found the examples she shares from her personal life authentic and it makes it easy to connect with her as an author. Not with standing that it was good to read a book that helps leaders see how a story can get embedded as practices in the act of leadership itself.