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Her Last Hour

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This book had such potential…but the plot holes were killing me! I loved that the doctor Tracy had apprehended ended up being the ring leader, I thought his story line was really easy to follow and it all connected back to the original crime at hand. Why even tell me about Tracy though? From my understanding, each book is its own crime- so it’s not like I’ll learn more about Tracy as I read on. It was a confusing bit of info to add into the book, especially when the doctor was infatuated with both Tracy and Casey. I might pick up another book just to satisfy my curiosity about reading along and seeing if the plot holes diminish, but wouldn’t be my first one to excite myself over.

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I've not read the rest of the series but didn't really feel like that took away from this in any way. Its a decent enough police thriller. Pretty much what you'd expect really with some personal ties woven in from the MC. It started off dramatically but sadly that pace doesn't keep up and it quickly settles into more of a slow burn. It's well written and the premise was original which I loved. A sure fire hit for anyone who enjoys thrillers/ police procedural types

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Absolutely horrifying! I love detective Casey White and this book did not disappoint. It’s a dive right in on page one and the pace does not slow down. Full on terror that had my heart pounding. I read this in one sitting. Twists and turns around every corner. Characters that are relatable and real. So much suspense you can not put this one down. A veritable rollercoaster of a read

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Detective Casey White is searching for a killer. Will she find the killer before someone else dies?
Great mystery. Kept me guessing. I read this book in one day.. This book does not drag on. You won’t be able to set it down.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the advanced copy!

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This was the first time I read a book by this author. I would read more, the book was not bad but I did find it a little more difficult to get through. I would say this one was more of a "slow burn" and while others love this style, I struggle. The beginning started off intensely. For some reason I felt the rest moved a little too slow. Although I read this is book 11 in a series, it is a stand alone. I didn't feel I needed to read the books previous to grasp and understand the story. Overall the story was well written.

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Detective Casey White has a witness to the kidnapping of a teenager named Ruby Fields. There is an Amber Alert issued. As not only is Tracy Fields part of Casey's team, she is Casey's child, who was kidnapped while she was a only a few years old, she feels a connection to the missing teenager. Even though Casey looked for Tracy for years, it still gives Casey chills that she gets to work alongside Tracy, who is now a crime scene investigator. This past between them makes Ruby's case even more sensitive to Casey.

When a literal message in a bottle is delivered stating that there will indeed be a murder victim, likely Ruby Fields, it becomes a race against time. Can Casey and her team find the killer before he sets his sights on yet another innocent victim? There is more than needing to be answered. Casey knows that there must be a special meaning in that message.

With regard to Casey's personal life, she is in a wonderful relationship with Jericho Flynn, who works for the Marine Control. The couple now have two foster children they had saved and there is an adoption hearing pending.

What an amazing series by B.R. Spangler. This is one series that might be best read in order as Casey's life over the years has changed. When considering her relationship with Tracey, Jericho, their two foster children and her team, the continuity does a fine job creating a wonderful backdrop for a thoroughly engaging series.

Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Typical cop story with an interesting personal story woven in. Ends in kind of a cliffhanger. Overall it was decent, just nothing super special.

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Holy Cannoli! This was one crazy ride. I’m so ready for the next book and scared, very scared.

From the first page this was fast and furious. And to be honest not at all what I expected. So many twists…wow. I am such a big fan of this series and this was really a page turner.

I’m thrilled for Casey & Jericho and this new development but I am waiting like Casey for that shoe to drop. I need next book…now.

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I loved this book! From the start, with the first abduction I was hoping they would get there on time. I guessed who would be taken next, but with the twists never completely sure if they would be saved. Added to this was the impending adoption with problems being thrown in to add to the emotions. The ending paved the way for another book in the series(hopefully soon!)

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“Her Last Hour” had me hooked from the first page. The book shares a few POVs, but mainly follows Detective Casey White as she tries to find Ruby Evans, a young girl who was kidnapped on her way home from volunteering at a nursing home. The book is dark and twisty, and had some unexpected surprises. I recommend “Her Last Hour” for anyone who loves a good thriller/mystery, but I would advise a trigger warning for violence and some disturbing descriptions. Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the eARC.

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A well constructed, enjoyable read in the Casey White series. However, every single case that she investigates ends up having some kind of personal involvement. This has got to the stage now where I’m finding it unrealistic.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bolokouture for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Chilling and compellingly Horrifying.
Ruby Evans is kidnapped, and Det Casey White is on the case.
In a race to find her, Casey is pulled into a past case and a jailed phycologist who
apparently has information to trade with her for a parole recommendation.
The story is very addictive but equally gross at times in descriptions of victims.
Casey is a continuing crime solver and has a very winning. type of personality about her but her
easy capitulation to criminal requests was an anomaly to me and hard to understand.
Her dogged pursuit of the truth and following the leads as they present themselves is
really interesting to read.
Good strong characters with very well-defined personalities and a plot that is easy and

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Perhaps I'm not the right audience for this book.

There was so much of this that felt like it has already been done before, and I often felt like I was reading one long episode of Law and Order. That being said, a die-hard mystery reader would probably love this book. It was easy to read and I could see it being quickly consumed by the intended audience.

Some things that bothered me:
I felt like the conversations were awkward, forced, and unrealistic.
There were some plot holes with the investigation that just wouldn't have happened in the world we live in today (though, isn't that often the case with mystery books?).
I had to force myself to keep reading sometimes--not because the plot was dragging, but because I wasn't interested or captivated by the events or the characters in the story. And maybe that's my biggest problem with this book--I love to root for the main character, but in this story, she just rubbed me the wrong way.

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Another good read in the Casey White series, although it was a slow start to this latest episode. The pace soon picked up as Casey investigates a missing teenager. Not so much focused on the investigation but more on Casey's personal life, still another good read from the author with plenty of tension and a good ending. A very good series to invest your time in reading.

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Her Last Hour, another Detective Casey White mystery that will keep you enthralled!

Book 11, and Detective Casey White is dealing with the hysteria whipped up by the media of a serial killer in the Outer Banks, an old case coming back to haunt her and the impending adoption of Tabitha and Tommy.

Without giving any spoilers away, you will race through the pages to see how far a prisoner will go for their freedom, to finally be out of prison, if Casey will do a deal with the devil to catch a sadistic killer and the sacrifices a person will make for love and family.

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A young girl is abducted on a lonely road at night. While searching Detective Casey White receives a letter addressed to her that seems to be from the abductor. Then the girls body is found with very disturbing wounds. Next comes another letter which states there will be another abduction and the clues point to someone close to Casey. A demented doctor who Casey put in prison claims to have information for Casey on the case if she helps him get out of prison. Not going to happen. Then the doctor escapes from prison. Is he connected to the case or is it a ploy?

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3.5 stars!
I enjoy a good crime novel from the detective point of view from time to time. This was my first venture into the Detective Casey White series, and overall I enjoyed it. If you like tv network crime dramas, you will definitely enjoy Her Last Hour. The story kept me interested throughout and I loved that it is centered around all female main characters. You don't get that often with crime books or tv. I will say, this novel lost a few points in my opinion because some of the plot lines were completely outrageous and unbelievable. I know some people love this kind of writing, it just isn't for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this eARC.

I've been a fan of this author from the start of his Casey White series and Her Last Hour does not disappoint.

When a young girl is abducted on her way home from volunteering, Casey and her team investigate. And a character from Casey's past returns and she really needs her wits about her in her dealings with them.

I've always liked Casey, she is feisty, determined, loyal and fights for justice. Her character has developed beautifully from the first book and I really enjoy the snippets into her home and personal life. I think B. R. Spangler's writing is very good and always draws me in from beginning to end. His descriptions of his characters, their thoughts, emotions and feelings stand out, making them jump out of the pages and I can picture them vividly in my mind. This is a multi layered story with a very good plot line that went off in ways I didn't expect, which added to my enjoyment when reading. I loved the epilogue, it gave the story perfect closure, and as a thread remains open, I am very much looking forward to the next book to see if it is addressed and where it goes. A great, fast paced thrilling read which has everything I like and is full of tension, thrills and suspense. I'd recommend this although if this author is new to you I think you're best reading the books in order to know the characters from the beginning.

4 stars

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I would 100% give this book (and series) more than 5 stars ! This book is SOOO good! I really love Casey and Jericho they are both such great characters. It's amazing after so many books in this series that every book is still thrilling and captivating! Casey is on the hunt for a possible serial killer but this time the killer hits very close to home. I love when you read a series and another book comes out and not only are you exciting but it meets all your expectations. READ this series!! Look forward to the next in this series. Can't wait!

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This was my first Casey White story and probably my last. There was just something I didn't like, maybe the characters or is it the writing style? Not sure.

Even though it was book #11 you get the required background to understand the characters so I never felt that I missed something.

Actually now after thinking what to write here I think it was the writing style I didn't like. I felt many times like zoning out.. it made it hard to stay concentrated what to read.

Thankyou Netgalley for providing me the ARC.

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