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The Split

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This well written psychological thriller from S E Lynes will grab you from the first page and will not let go until the very last page.

Told from two points of view, Will and Jessica, it is a well woven web of deceit and lies with enough twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout and a cast of characters that will make you question their actions and groan with frustration.

A sign of a good book for me is when I forego sleep because I just have to finish it and this is one of those books! Having read and enjoyed all of the authors previous books, this one just might be my favourite yet ................... until the next one!

Highly recommended!!

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I received an arc copy of this book from Net Galley in exchange for my honest opinion of it. I saw that there were good reviews on this book but I guess I was in the minority because this book was not for me. There were too many things that were far fetched. Jessica and Will are married with two kids and she is the breadwinner while he takes care of the kids. Jessica received an anonymous text with pictures of her husband with another woman. When she confronted him, his reply was "it's not what you think." Will moves out and meets a guy at a bar who gives him clothes, a home to live in, a car to drive, etc. but takes it all with no questions asked. I stopped at 50 percent as I was just done

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S.E. Lynes has been one of my 'must-read' authors for years now. Her psychological thrillers always tick every box for me. I was looking forward to reading The Split, so as soon as I got a copy, I had to read it straightaway.

Told from the perspectives of Jessica and Will, a couple with two young children. After seven years of marriage, Jessica has evidence that Will has been seeing another woman. Although Will tells her it isn't what it seems, she makes him leave. As the vortex that has become their lives  keeps spinning out of control, the worse the situation gets. Is there more going on than they both realise?

I do feel this is one of the author's best thrillers. I  really thought I had this one in the bag. The majority of the way through, I was confident I knew it all! I should have known better. I was taken on such a tense, twisty journey with these characters. They are so well created that I felt their emotions so much as I raced my way through the book.

A story crammed with secrets, twists, and plenty of manipulation to boot. Then, to top everything off, the conclusion blew me away, too! It is an excellent psychological thriller from an author who I recommend to everyone.
Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for the gifted ebook to write my honest review today.

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This is an intriguing, suspenseful read that gives you just enough to keep you turning the pages. It’s a well developed storyline with well developed characters. It’s cleverly written and Lynes does a fantastic job teasing you with buried secrets and revelations that you can’t quite get a grasp of but you just have to find out. There is a lot going on in this book to keep you engaged. Really enjoyed this one.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review #TheSplit

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I love this author so much. She writes beautifully and thrillingly and I have enjoyed every single one of her wonderful books. And this one is just brilliant. Very highly recommend this one.

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BOOKWORMS REVIEW: This is typical S.E Lynes. Some shocks and twists and a good story. Jessica and her husband Will have just celebrated 7 years of marriage. The following day Jessica receives shady photos on her phone of Will with another woman! Devastated Jessica confronts him, and all he has to say is its not what it looks like.(shocker🙄). She kicks him out.
Will meets a man named Ian at his now lodgings local pub. This man,Ian,offers him a room in his house not being used..for free. Sound dodgy? When something seems too good to be usually is. Read it to see why. Although I did guess parts I still enjoyed it.
With thanks to S.E Lynes, Bookouture NetGalley for an arc to read and review.
BOOKWORMS Rating: 📗📗📗📗

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This starts off slow burning and it did take me a while to get into, however the pacing increases as the plot tension increases and by then I was hooked

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Book starts out slow, but keeps building the tension Got me out of my reading g slump.
Thanks NetGalley for advance copy

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Good things come to those who wait! This book starts off slow, it really builds up the break down of Jess and Will’s marriage. It was so interesting and frustrating to see both characters jumping to horribly wrong conclusions about each other. It makes you really wonder what’s going on in someone’s head. The suspense very slowly builds up. Who is this Ian guy? Why is he so generous with Will? All of a sudden the book gets crazy. I loved all the wild twists and revelations. Will and Jess weren’t the most likable characters and some parts of the book were too slow for my liking but overall this is one crazy ride.

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Will and Jessica are celebrating their wedding anniversary. Jess has arranged for them to go out for a meal. The next morning Jess receives a message from an unknown number along with lots of photos of Will with a mystery woman. Someone has clearly been watching Will and is now revealing all to Jess. Jess asks Will to leave and she is devastated as well as angry.

The story is split into chapters being told by Will and Jess. I really liked this format and found the book easy to read. The book was filled with surprises and shocks. Jess and Will were both trying to make sense of what has happened. Both their lives start to change drastically and they are swept up in living separately, dealing with solicitors, meeting new people and ever changing circumstances.

I really enjoyed this book. Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for an advance copy of the book.

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Off the top of my head, I can immediately think of at least five reasons why I wanted to love The Split:

It’s a new book by S E Lynes who, as you’ll know if you’re familiar with my reviews at all, is one of my current favourite authors,
I was lucky enough to meet Susie last summer and in this case, you can forget any advice you may have been given about not meeting your heroes. She’s lovely and it was an absolute delight,
The book had some glowing reviews on Goodreads and Netgalley, that only made me even more excited than I was already at the thought of reading it,
I’m writing this review as part of a blog tour, and I wanted nothing more than to write and rave about the book, and
So much of The Split is so very, very good.
The basic theme explored by the book – that of how easy it is for humans to make bad decisions during a heightened emotional state caused by marital separation – is one that’s been done many times before. But Susie Lynes sets this one apart with her attention to detail. The portrayal of a Travelodge as possibly the most depressing place in the world if you’re already in a low mood is – there’s no other word – perfect. And the very fact that the sink in the bathroom isn’t big enough to allow you to fill the kettle makes everything else feel so much worse? Yes, yes, yes.

I also felt that Jessica and Will’s actions after their lives, as they knew them seemed to have imploded typified how so many women and men behave in such situations. Jessica has her mum, and her best friend Lena that she immediately felt able to confide in, and both of whom were immediately willing to offer friendship and comfort. Will didn’t feel able to do the same, and chose instead to hide in a corner of a pub with which he was not familiar, and there was no danger of him having to explain to anyone he knew just why he was drowning his sorrows.

And I loved the portrayal of some of the secondary characters. In particular, the very fact that this book is a psychological thriller meant that I knew instantly that both my and Will’s first impression of Ian as a kind benefactor had to be wrong. But when it became apparent just how wrong, it left me gasping in a sort of delighted horror. Meanwhile, my heart really went out to Lena, because all she really wanted was, for just once in her life, to be lucky in love. But that most simple and basic of needs left her vulnerable.

So far, so wonderful then. But – and there’s no easy way to say this – I had a couple of problems.

The first was the fact that for about the first half of the book, I found my attention wandering. I’d have been prepared to overlook this, because I’ll be the first to admit that a hectic few weeks in the day job have left me more easily distracted than usual, but for the fact that several other reviewers on Goodreads have said the same thing. That said though, the second half had me well and truly gripped as the pace picked up and some terrible truths were revealed.

Secondly, and more significantly is that The Split, like many of Susie Lynes’ other novels, has a character-driven storyline. This means that, for the book to really, really work, the reader has to form a sort of connection to at least one of the main characters. I did exactly that with Sam Moore in Susie’s earlier novel, The Ex, and as a result I still stand by what I said in my review: it felt as though the book had been written just for me. And I can easily see that anyone who made that sort of connection with either Will or Jessica this time around would adore The Split. But my problem was that I just didn’t – couldn’t – do that.

The issue, I think, is that the plot relies on both of these characters having very specific reactions to an anonymous message sent to Jessica’s phone. But those reactions aren’t necessarily the ones that I, or anyone else I know, would have had. And whilst Susie – using a technique which, thanks to her author’s note, I now know is called the ladder of inference – gives both characters enough of a back story to make their actions believable, for me it still wasn’t quite enough to make them relatable. As a result, despite the fact that I loved so many of the details in this book, it felt overall as though it had missed its mark.

It still gets four stars, because the writing is too solid and the fine detail just too, well, fine for me to possibly give anything less. It’s just that one final, but critical ingredient that, for me, was missing. But please, don’t even for a second let that put you off from reading the book, because it doesn’t at all follow that you’ll feel the same way.

This isn’t quite a perfect analogy but it’s the best I can think of for now. My favourite dessert is lemon meringue pie, and if it’s served warm, with thick double cream, so much the better. So if I were to cut into one where both the meringue and the pastry had been cooked to perfection, only to find that the filling inside was not lemon but, say, blackberry instead, I wouldn’t enjoy it as much as I’d been hoping for. But you might, quite reasonably and justifiably, think it was the best thing you’ve ever tasted.

My thanks to Bookouture for including me on the blog tour, and to the author and Netgalley for the digital ARC. I will post my review on Goodreads, Amazon and my social media pages.

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The Split is the latest psychological thriller by S.E. Lynes and was well paced and full of twists and turns, making it a thrilling page turner since the beginning to the end. The way the author presents the characters was fantastic as always.

It has a dual POV and is such a fascinating story of secrets and lies that will keep you guessing while making us feel the tense and suspenseful vibe. The characters development was greatly done and the way the twists made it impossible to guess how it would end.

Overall, this is an intense and diabolical tale, making it such a rollercoaster of emotions. I recommend it to fans of psychological thrillers that enjoys the intrigue and suspense of the story and like to be at the edge of the seat while reading it.

Thank you, Bookouture & NetGalley, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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This book is told from alternating points of view of the two main characters Jessica and Will. It is a slow build up with suspense and unexpected twists galore. Another great book from this brilliant author and one that I highly recommend.
Many thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC. I loved it.

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The Split is the latest gripping psychological thriller by bestselling author S.E. Lynes. As someone who has enjoyed this author’s previous work I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her new novel and I must say it was every bit as entertaining as I hoped it would be! Well paced and full of the kind of twists and turns I’ve come to expect from this author, The Split is a thrilling page turner of a read that I thoroughly enjoyed from beginning to end.

Last night Jessica celebrated her wedding anniversary with husband Will, secure in the knowledge that all is well within her marriage. But then a message arrives from ‘a friend’ that throws everything she thought she knew into doubt. A string of photos show her husband Will with another woman: walking hand in hand, going into hotels together and standing with their arms around each other. Will is adamant that it isn’t what she thinks, but refuses to tell her who the other woman is.

Not knowing what to believe, Jessica asks Will to leave, only allowing him access when he comes to spend time with their two young children. But now there’s someone watching their house, Will is acting like a stranger and Jessica is convinced she’s being followed. As the truth is slowly and painfully revealed, will the secrets that are uncovered bring Jessica and Will’s family closer together or tear them even further apart?

Told from the alternating points of view of Jessica and Will, The Split is a fascinating tale of secrets and lies that keeps the twists and turns coming throughout. Fast paced and exciting, The Split is a book that keeps you on your toes, with S.E. Lynes once again delivering a thriller that will have you turning the pages long into the night.


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Oh my freaking god!!! This was so so good! I’m so glad that I had this chance of reading this books, all thanks to NetGalley!! This was such amazing book with excellent plot and great character building! This was my first book from the author and it did not disappoint at all!! I’d highly recommend y’all to check this one out! It’s so worth it!!

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Ok, so what have I just read 🤔🤔
I loved the blurb to this story so I was quite excited to get to it.
From very early on I wondered where the author was taking her story and why on earth her characters could not sit down together and discuss what had happened between them. It baffled me.
It was like watching a movie and shouting at the screen. With each turn of the page, the two main characters Jessica and Will were growing further apart. It is amazing where our imagination will take us when we believe something we see. Something that may not necessarily be true.
Before the pictures arrived on to the phone, I do believe Jess and Will's marriage was not in a very good place. They were in trouble.
A slow burner I felt but it soon picked up its pace..
But what really had me was how incredibly niave the husband Will was.
A man who seemed too trusting of people.
A very tense story full of drama and suspense.
A little far fetched for me in its storyline but worth your time.

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The beginning of this book yanked me in. I was so invested in the cheating at the beginning and then going right into the story. I enjoyed this aspect of the book at the beginning and seeing Will and Jessica’s relationship fall apart. But then I started to have issues.

I felt that the whole book had an easy fix of they just needed to communicate. I also found it really hard that she would just see the money missing (although maybe I just check my banking information too much), and also that Will didn’t say anything when he was that far into the situation strikes me as weird especially since it involved Jessica she had a right to know and it seems weird that he wouldn’t have said anything.

Also, the real action didn’t start until about 50% of the meeting, at that point I was already sick of the drama between Will and Jessica, and felt rushed from then on. I feel like there was too much foreboding throughout the first part of the book that I didn’t really feel as involved in the book when the plot really picked up.

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The Split by S.E. Lynes

Published: March 8, 2024
Pages: 393
Genre: Domestic Thriller
KKECReads Rating: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

Wowza. This had such a domino effect for twists. I was utterly speechless and could not read fast enough to see what would happen next.

The build-up for this one is on the slower side. Though, it's worth it. I enjoyed the alternating perspectives. It showed the emotional processing between men and women and that simple communication can go a long way.

This was emotional, intense, twisted, and diabolical. The blurring of lines, a simple secret, and taking your partner for granted are a recipe for disaster, and S.E. Lynes did not disappoint.

The depth that the twists went was done so beautifully, and the development of the characters was strong. This had one of the best twists I’ve read this year. While I did predict one part, I was utterly floored by everything else.

I love getting lost in a Lynes thriller. I never know what will happen, where we will go, but I am always excited to find out.

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The night after celebrating their wedding anniversary, Jessica is anonymously sent pictures of her husband, Will, with another woman. Jessica is sickened and demands answers from Will. All that Will can provide is that, "it is not how it seems". Jessica throws Will out of the house. This is one of those books where I do not want to say much more about the plot - it is best going in knowing very little. This is not your typical revenge thriller. It is SO much more.

The Split is packed with twist after TWIST! There is so much suspense packed into one novel - not to the point where it is overdone or campy, though. Lynes leaves little breadcrumbs throughout the novel - enough to give you a little teaser but not enough to guess the twists. Character development is also excellent - I felt connected to the characters and their raw emotions. This book is definitely going to stay with me for a while. As another reviewer wrote, it does not go into the vault of similar stories that are difficult to recall later on. I finished this one in a day as I HAD to know what was goign to happen next. Definitely give this one a read if you want to be taken on a wild ride!

Thanks you Bookouture and NetGalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I always look forward to a book by SE Lynes as they always promise a fast-paced thriller with gripping twists.

The Split is admittedly a lot more domestic than what I've come to expect from her books which are usually very psychological. This one is definitely not as dark, and therefore it doesn't grip quite as hard, but it's still a page-turner that will keep you on your toes.

As always, the characters are very well written which is something that always stands out for me with Lynes' writing. However, the main thing that stunts this couple's situation from being resolved sooner is that they just won't talk to each other! It is slightly annoying at first as it's a frustrating situation where you find yourself chanting, "Just ask him to explain!!" or "Make her listen to you!!". But eventually, I enjoyed seeing how things escalated so quickly from their stubbornness, ignorance, and rashness, as this breakdown in their relationship felt very realistic and authentic.

I had some suspicions about how the story would play out, but there was much more to it at the same time, and there was a lot of tension that kept me questioning how it would come to an end.

If you're a fan of Louise Candlish and Heidi Perks, this is definitely a thriller for you.

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