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Heir, Apparently

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I didn’t realize this was the second book in a series, but I felt like I knew enough to understand the story. This was a wild ride! Every time I thought the author was creating some drama just to pull back, things got more and more complicated. I appreciated the bit of unrealism of all of the chaotic events and really loved Wren and Theo’s story (along with their cast of friends and family). And who doesn’t love a royal love story?

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I didn’t realize when I requested this ARC that it was a sequel but I still really enjoyed it! The writing was great, storyline fun and easy to follow, characters were easy to follow and figure out. I did find it slightly more juvenile than I expected considering the genre but overall very well done!

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I flew through this book so quick (I read it in a day!) because it was one of my most anticipated reads of the years. I absolutely adored the first book in this series and was so excited to get an early copy of Heir, Apparently.

Luckily, this second book did not disappoint! It had all of the crazy action we saw in the The Prince and the Apocalypse, and I was here for it. I wasn’t sure how they could make it entertaining after the comet DIDN’T land - But boy was I wrong!!

We got an added bonus of getting to know Theos siblings and that was such a fun addition to the book! So many different personalities and dynamics.

If you love a “lost on an island” trope AND “royals” - then this book is for you! It’s perfect for reading wanting a clean young adult book that’s packed with action and romance!

Thank you Netgalley and St Martins Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh my goodness, have I been anxiously awaiting this sequel! I loved The Prince & The Apocalypse so much and the way that it ended was such a cliffhanger. Yay for the apocalypse being avoided, but now what?!?! Heir, Apparently answered all of my questions and wrapped everything up in an unexpected, but incredibly satisfying, way.

The choice to have them in a forced proximity situation was perfect. They had no choice but to face their feelings and figure out what they actually wanted. It also gave us the opportunity to see more of Theo's family and their dynamics. I appreciated the realistic portrayal of being in the royal family and that it wasn't sugarcoated to make things into a simple fairytale. Theo was bound by his obligations and finding a way to continue their relationship was no easy task., but so worth it.

I highly recommend this series to fans of YA romance and those who enjoy a healthy dose of Royal gossip!

Thank you so much to Wednesday Books and NetGalley for this eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Such a fun read! Wren and Theo both feel so real even their situation is so absurd. What I like the most about this book is that while the teen characters still fall into that YA trap of choosing not to say what could easily solve most of their problems, the action and adventure of the story keep everything moving to the point where that doesn't really matter. I love the supporting cast too, especially Comet.

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I just finished Heir, Apparently by Kara McDowell last night and I must say I quite enjoyed it!
Should this book have resonated with me as much as it did as a 30+ year old married female... probably not! But I just could not stop being sucked into the love story of Wren and Theo and read this whole thing in 1-2 days!
I quite enjoyed McDowell's insertion of themes such as mental health, feelings of uncertainty during the transition from teenager to adult, isolation, and of course unconditional love.
The way we were able to follow the characters through their own personal struggles is something I feel like everyone would be able to internalize deeply with even if their life hasn't involved crown jewels, volcanos, or comets.
Thanks so much to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC and the opportunity to review this!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this read and read it in one sitting, I was excited to learn that there was a sequel to the first book because I loved The Prince and The Apocalypse. I liked learning more about the royal family, and how that mixed into what was going on and the plot.

Loved the romance and the hints of comedy!

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Five Word Book Review: Oops, we did it again.

Picking up after their decision to marry on a Greek island despite a comet very much *not* destroying Earth in the first book, The Prince & the Apocalypse, we find Wren Wheeler preparing for her freshman year of college at home in Chicago and the crown prince Theo back in England preparing to…King.

But Wren isn’t happy; not only does she feel rudderless among so many people with a plan, she desperately misses Theo…I mean their apocalypse dog, Comet. That’s the only reason she’s obsessively reading news online about the royal family. Really. I swear.

So when Theo and siblings arrive in Canada for a “walkabout”, Wren hatches a plan to dognap Comet and maybe get the chance to talk to her long lost husband who has been radio silent since they parted ways in Greece.

But guys? Tragedy, chaos, and excitement follows these kids around because after a car chase and some tense and tentative reconciliations, they end up stranded on a remote volcanic island after a plane crash. As one does.

And so Theo, along with brother Henry and sister Victoria, and Wren, along with sister Brooke and BFF Naomi have to figure out how to get rescued, how to outrun lava, and what to do when they return to civilization.

Can Theo and Wren find a happily ever after?

This is a super fun, action packed adventure romcom that continues with the deadpan humor and wry exchanges among all of our characters that began in the first book. You’ll be rooting for Theo as he does his best to extricate himself from his royal duty. I loved it!

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The Prince and the Apocalypse was a (pleasantly) surprising five star read for me last year, and I was completely satisfied by the ending, which allowed me to make up my own future for Wren and Theo. So, I was a bit nervous to pick up the sequel incase it all fell apart ... But I'm pleased to report the next stage of their lives was even better than what I'd come up with. Part angsty romance, part disaster movie, Heir, Apparently is a real five star follow up!

Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for review

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*Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Pub date: July 9, 2024

When I finished reading The Prince & The Apocalypse, I gasped at the cliffhanger and went on a mad hunt for information about a possible sequel. When this was announced, my heart was aflutter!

Listen. This is delicious YA escapism. Idealistic, unrealistic, fairy tale chaos in all its glory. I love this cast of characters, and how McDowell writes them. This gave me the perfect closure for these characters…but I also wouldn’t mind a third installment!

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An excellent ending to a series that remains riveting despite its ridiculousness. With HEIR, APPARENTLY, Kara McDowell brings back the charmingly impossible, first-love romance at the heart of the first book, all the while delivering an engaging, fast-paced story. This was a stay-up-all-night kind of read for me—one that keeps you frantically turning the pages until it’s done.

Thanks to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for an ARC.

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I loved this crazy but fun romance adventure! It is the second in a biology, which I didn't realize. It read fine alone though now I'm excited to go back and read the start of their story!

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I loved The Prince and the Apocalypse by Kara McDowell. It was such a unique, creative YA romance and a fun change of pace. For me, Heir, Apparently had a lot of expectations to live up to and it met some of them. I loved getting to read more about Wren, Theo, and Comet. I loved getting to know their friends and family through this latest adventure. I just wish I could have seen more of Theo’s perspective. So many important moments happened off the page because the book is told from Wren’s POV. Overall, it was a very YA romance filled with fun characters and unique situations.

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I love this fast pace YA romcom. It’s the perfect sequel to The Prince and the Apocalypse! The book includes everything—an adventure, disaster, a coronation, and love.

My favorite parts of this book are the unique support characters and the unexpected adventures.

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The Royal We meets Jumanji... a mashup I didn't know I needed.

I have to admit that even though I liked it, the first book, The Prince and the Apocalypse, gave me anxiety (the apocalypse part brought up real 2020 memories for me), this one was purely a wildly fun, chaotic ride. The plot is absolutely, totally, completely unbelievable, which honestly was the best part. I tore through it in a day. A racing plot, quippy banter, and a cute labrador make it a quick read. Look, if you're looking for something deep, this isn't it. If you're looking to escape for a while and have a good time, you'll love it. Sometimes you just want to read something slightly unhinged. 

I didn't realize this was a sequel at first, so I went back and read the first, and I'm so glad I did! I feel lucky that I got to read these two back to back since the first has a pretty major cliffhanger. I definitely recommend reading them in order.

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This is a *very* YA book. Very clearly not book #1 in a series ( i didnt know that going in, but think i picked up the plot pretty easily) would have been cute if it wasnt over the top ridiculous. SPOILERS FOLLOW:
cross county trip
Monarch Security breach
Plane crash
Teen Weddings
Diabetic shock
Paternity scandal
...I think thats it? But it was A LOT for a book I finished in a single afternoon. I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review.
. #NetGalley

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I absolutely loved this book. The first book was absolutely amazing and this one somehow lived up to the very high expectations. I loved the major twist that happened near the beginning and thought it was a very fitting twist to continue with the chaos events of the first book. This book was not what I expected, but the author did justice for the Theo and Wren and I am perfectly happy with the way things ended, but I would absolutely not complain if we ever got a little "one year later" epilogue--I will always want to come back to this world!

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Withholding my review in solidarity with the readers' strike with Readers for Accountability:

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I really enjoyed this book, and this duology overall. It was such a fun story. I knew there had to be a sequel with the way the last one ended, but I didn't expect our protagonists to find themselves back in a life-threatening situation all over again. Stranded on a deserted island did feel a little corny at times, but I kind of liked it. And there was so much relationship drama - both romantic and family - that it kept things interesting. I like that this time we get to meet some of Theo's family, and while it took a minute for them to fully grow on me, they did. Overall it's a fun mix of romance, family drama, royal drama, and fighting for survival, all with a nice touch of comedy. I read the whole thing in a day, I couldn't put it down. I like the way everything ended and it felt like the perfect conclusion for Wren and Theo. Can't wait to read more from Kara McDowell!

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Thank you Netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review. I loved this second installment of the prince and the apocalypse! It was so cute and I love Wren and Theo so much. I was so excited when I got this arc I had to read it right away! I’m so glad we got a sequel and I was satisfied with the ending. It’s a very quick read and so very cute!

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