Member Reviews

Rich Villodas has become a must-read for me and I was excited to get a copy of his newest book. He is a careful guide taking us through the Sermon on the Mount and leading us more of the life Jesus would have for us. He has a way of pointing you to the ways that Jesus teachings can continue to shape us and mold us in ways both insightful and convicting. It is a helpful read to remind us how these teachings can still impact our world today.

I loved this book! It was so insightful and I took so many notes. I am so thankful for this read and I can’t wait to buy a physical copy!

This was another rich book from Rich Villodas. it gave me a lot to mediate on and think about. I loved his message about being counter cultural and instead finding a life of peace and fulfillment in Jesus.

Rich Villodas’ “The Narrow Path: How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls” is a compelling exploration of how Jesus’ countercultural teachings can lead to a life filled with love, peace, and fulfillment. Villodas, the lead pastor of New Life Fellowship in Queens, NYC, and author of “The Deeply Formed Life,” delves into the Sermon on the Mount to contrast the broad and narrow paths, urging readers to discern their current journey. 
The book addresses contemporary issues such as anxiety, depression, and polarized politics, presenting Jesus’ narrow path as a route to the expansive life of God. Villodas examines topics like loving God and others, prayer, sexual desire, conflict, money, and anxiety, offering insights into pursuing Jesus’ way more deeply. 
Readers have praised “The Narrow Path” for its practical applications of biblical teachings and its guidance on intentional spiritual formation. One reviewer noted that Villodas “unpacks what living our best life truly looks like,” describing the book as “a much-needed heart checkup for every Jesus follower.” 
Overall, “The Narrow Path” is a thought-provoking and accessible guide for those seeking to align their lives more closely with Jesus’ teachings. Its relevance to today’s societal challenges makes it a valuable read for anyone desiring spiritual growth and transformation. I would rate it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

This book goes through the Sermon on the Mount. I loved it! I heavily highlighted it and I'll be chewing on the ideas he posed for a while. Definitely one I want to buy for myself.

Really enjoyed this book! This book was challenging and convicting and encouraging. I appreciated Rich Villodas' honesty and the personal stories that he shared to illustrate either his following "the narrow path" or his failing to do so. The teaching was very relatable and very challenging. This one is going to stick with me. Highly recommend!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

In the Narrow Path, Rich Villodas shares from his experience, the teachings of Jesus, and the wisdom of scripture to lay a foundation for how to follow Jesus along the narrow path in the throughs of everyday life. Rich has an incredible gift to communicate complex ideas in a concise, clear manner that not illuminates the mind, but sets forth the challenge in body and experience. Rich shows well that information alone does not transform us, but practice and experience can.
I have loved all of Rich's work that I've had the pleasure of getting my hands on. The Narrow Path holds a special place for me in his works. For those following Jesus or new to faith, I wholeheartedly recommend this book as a launching point for the deeper life possible in the life of Jesus.

This relevant, if quick, look at The Sermon on the Mount is like an old, dear friend. You've probably heard all his stories before, but it's so nice to revisit from time to time.
Or, like, your favourite pair of jeans, that, when you put them on after awhile and they're a little snug, you think, "Hmm. Better check myself."
Or, like, some other apt metaphor for NOT NEW but IMPORTANT.
It was a great companion to The Bible Projects year-long deep dive into The Sermon on the Mount, and I look forward to finding more of this author's back catalogue.
Thanks to NetGalley, WaterBrook Multnomah, and Penguin Random House Library Marketing for this wisdom nugget of an ARC.

This book analyzes lessons from Jesus’ countercultural Sermon on the Mount. The writing is clear and informative, and Villodas offers wonderful insights on the teachings as they apply to Christians today. I especially loved the discussions on prayer, money, and the Beatitudes.
Thank you NetGalley and WaterBrook for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own.

I really appreciated this deep dive into the sermon on the mount. Taking such a pivotal piece of scripture and expanding on each aspect, the author compels us to an alternate, or “subversive” way of living - the way of Jesus. I have often been a bit confused or put off by all the scriptures about the narrow way, path or gate - I appreciate how the author frames this as a way of life that is bigger on the inside than it appears on the outside. Not something designed to keep people out but something counter cultural instead.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital ARC 😍😍😍

In The Narrow Path, Villodas takes us into a deeper, but super practical, dive of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Chapter by chapter, we are invited to more closely examine the various topics of this famous sermon: evaluating the effectiveness of our witness as disciples of Christ, the effects of our anger and our words, the influence of our desires and our money, what do with our anxiety and our judgments, navigating through our decisions, and how to approach our enemies. In doing so, Villodas aims to accomplish two things. First, he writes to remind us that Jesus' narrow path offers the life we truly desire. Secondly, he writes to help us stay on the path so we can experience the deep fulfillment Jesus alone offers.
It is that second ambition that is compelling to me. As Villodas reminds us, though the path we are invited to travel is described as narrow, this does not mean it is restrictive. Quite the contrary, actually. Living out the Sermon on the Mount is liberating and the way to a fulfilling life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Yet, there is a cost associated with it. As G. K. Chesterton is quoted, "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried."
What I appreciated most about this book is that it is very accessible. It is not heavy on theology, but in this instance, that is a wonderful thing as it allows the reader to practically take the words of the Sermon on the Mount to heart. As such, this would be a great resource for a new disciple and a mature Christian alike. By reading it, you will undoubtedly be challenged to allow the way of Christ to influence and shape every part of your daily living. As the book states, "Behavior modification without interior examination eventually leads to spiritual desolation." The objective, then, is not to tweak or modify our actions as much as it is to allow the Spirit of God to transform us into the image of the Son. That is the way of the narrow path.
A big thank you to NetGalley and WaterBrook & Multnomah for the advanced readers copy in return for my honest review.

Villodas continues to be one of my current favorite writers for spiritual formation. I liked this book although in the beginning it didn't seem that different from others I've read on the Sermon on the Mount. But as always, Villodas takes well-known truths and applies them to our current world.
His chapters on judging and loving our enemies spoke directly to me and were what I needed to read at this time. As always, definitely recommended!

Wisdom is hard to find. Understanding and discernment? They're fragile in today's world. "Seek the ancient paths," says the scripture.
Villodas goes back to the teaching of Jesus to draw out universal principles of a good life - counter to the world's values and advice. Some of his insights will be familiar. Others will make you pause and take inventory of your own expectations.
Well worth considering - where you are and where you long to be. Take this one along on a day or more of retreat and reflection.

Rich Villodas does such a wonderful job of writing deeply convicting things in a gentle way without watering down the truth. He truly speaks the truth in love. His breakdown of the Sermon on the Mount is done in a way that is very practical while drawing you into a deeper relationship with Christ. This is the kind of book that needs to be dissected and discussed and would be PERFECT for a small group. I highly recommend reading the scripture along with the corresponding chapters and really taking your time through it. His practical application is phenomenal and it's not too long overall.

“Choosing the narrow path requires trusting that Jesus knows what’s best for you, even when it conflicts with your assumptions and expectations.”
The Sermon on the Mount flies in the face of the wisdom of popular culture, and yet, by putting its teachings into practice, we begin to experience the truly blessed life that Jesus refers to in Matthew 5. This idea is what Rich Villodas seeks to unpack and prove in his new book, The Narrow Path: How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls.
This was an easy read containing simple language and pithy statements. There is a lot to be said for brevity and simplicity, especially in Christian non-fiction, but some of his ideas felt underdeveloped and light on Scripture. I really would have appreciated more of the actual biblical text he was referring to from the Sermon on the Mount to be included in the book.
I think the ideas presented in this book are good and important, but I was hoping for something a little more in depth. I would recommend it as a good overview of the Sermon on the Mount that is heavy on application.
3.5 ⭐️
Thank you to Netgalley and Waterbrook & Multnomah for the advanced review copy. All opinions are my own.

I have always enjoyed Rich Villodas’ writing, but The Narrow Path might be my favorite.
I’ll be honest, though. I was a little skeptical when I first heard the title and that the book is based on the Sermon on the Mount. Yes, I know that God calls us to be on the narrow path; however, Christianity has become increasingly polarizing in America. It’s easy to associate the narrow path with the morality police, where life is just about the dos and do nots.
But I’m so grateful that I chose to read this book. Villodas does a phenomenal job of demonstrating how the Sermon on the Mount and, more importantly, the Author of those words and our lives are countercultural and offer authentic freedom instead of a set of rules.
From the start, Villodas takes us on a journey to understand how the broad path is actually more restricting while the narrow path gives us a more fulfilling life that only Jesus can offer. As he shares in the first chapter, “If you choose to follow Jesus down this path, he will meet you in unexpected ways. Yes, he may tear down the false self you’ve built, but rather than your identity being erased, you will become your full and true self.”
More than being just a good book to read with good information, The Narrow Path really speaks to one’s soul. I was reading this during a particularly tough week, and I was experiencing feelings of inadequacy and fear. But as Villodas addresses topics from the Sermon on the Mount in each chapter, I was challenged about how often I held onto worldly or cultural values instead of allowing God’s love and peace to bring me comfort and joy. The chapters that addressed money, honesty, prayer, and anxiety were particularly convicting.
Rich does a great job of ensuring that this book is grounded in Scripture, his examples are relevant, and his tips are practical. But what I think I love most about his writing is how authentic he is. Although a pastor, he does not write from a position of superiority. He vulnerably shares his struggles and encourages us to walk with him on the narrow path.
This book is a must-read for every Christian who longs to live the way God intended us to live.
I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley, but the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

The Narrow Path
✨ Disclaimer ✨
Thank you to NetGalley, Rich Villodas, and the publisher for this digital ARC! As always, my recommendation comes with my honest review and touchy topics listed below to help you make an informed decision.
✨ Review ✨
This is one of the best nonfiction books I have ever read. Pastor Villodas takes the beatitudes expressed in Jesus’ sermon on the mount and applies them practically to the concept of Matthew 7:14. If you’ve been wondering how to walk closer in step with God, if you consider yourself a “baby” Christian, or if you are struggling to walk the walk narrow path, I recommend this book!
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Content: 🍓🍓🍓
~I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.~
✨ Touchy Topics ✨
This is a nonfiction book with some (protected) real-life examples, but nothing is too heavy or intense. The reason for the 3 🍓 rating is I personally believe this book would benefit those aged eighteen and older based on typical development.
#bookreview #bookstagram #arcreview #releaseday #pubday #netgalley #thenarrowpath
Rating Scale:
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: PERFECT. Probably cried
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: Wonderful, just not top 10
⭐️⭐️⭐️: Good! Most books fit here
⭐️⭐️: Not really my cup of tea
⭐️: Basically DNF
Content Scale:
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓: Squeaky clean!
🍓🍓🍓🍓: Appropriate for most readers
🍓🍓🍓: Heavy topics, likely 18+
🍓🍓: Intense scenes about heavy topics
🍓: Tread lightly

In a world that glorifies "more," Rich Villodas reintroduces the paradox of Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. The Narrow Path explores today's broad and narrow paths, revealing surprising truths to help you pursue Jesus's way in love, prayer, conflict, and more, amidst an anxious and polarized society.
Pastor Rich has a special pulse on counter-cultural spiritual growth- even counter church culture 👀 If you’re like me and grew up wondering what exactly the ‘narrow’ path was compared to the ‘broad path of destruction’, this guide clearly outlines how the values Jesus teaches (the narrow path) offer freedom from cultural enslavement (the broad path). But Pastor Rich isn’t simply insightful, it’s his unique ability to illustrate these values in a manner that both depicts truth and offers accessible application that makes this work authentic and transformative. This is a must read for anyone desiring to be spiritually formed by Jesus’ principles.
Thank you @waterbrookmultnomah @netgalley for the eARC 🤍 Already looking froward to @richvillodas next book!
Perfect for you if you like:
Practical applications of biblical teachings
Counter-cultural Christian living
Guidance of being intentionally spiritually formed
Discipleship & spiritual growth
Similar to:
Practicing the Way by John Mark Comer
Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero
The Deeply Formed Life by Rich Villodas

Villodas points out that, even though Jesus said the way is narrow, it is not a restriction. Rather, it is getting to the core of what it means to be human and live life as God designed. Villodas gives us encouragement to be on this path and stay on it.
Life on this path is upside down compared to how the world wants us to live. His teaching on being hidden is one I really appreciated. Jesus lived in obscurity with regard to the rest of the world. We are not to be announcing out good works on social media, for example. Another important aspect of this book is Villodas reminding us we can only do this through God's empowerment so prayer is essential.
A surprise for me was Villodas saying we do not do the life described in the Sermon on the Mount so that we will be blessed. (I'd been taught we would be blessed if we do these things or show that character trait.) He says we do them because we are already blessed and it is an outworking of our character.
This book is a good teaching on the Sermon on the Mount, especially on topics like money and anxiety. New and seasoned Christians will benefit from reading it.
I received a complimentary egalley of this book from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

As a follower of Jesus, it is very good to be reminded often that His ways, methods, priorities, and focuses were subversive, yet loving. Upside down, yet completely level. Courageous, yet submissive. His pace is peace. His call for us to take up our crosses and follow Him is satisfying to the soul.
In "The Narrow Path: How the Subversive Way of Jesus Satisfies Our Souls", Rich Villodas calls the followers of Jesus to embrace the countercultural, upside-down- kingdom way of living. On this path, using teachings from Christ's Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 & 6, we see that the last shall be first, the weak become strong, the poor are given the kingdom, treasures are stored in Heaven instead of on Earth, forgiveness and love are bestowed on our enemies, the meek inherit the earth, and we are slow to anger and retaliation. Along this narrow path, seeking righteousness in humility, we are promised satisfaction in our souls.
The Beatitudes and this entire sermon recorded in Matthew was done in the presence of around 5000 men, women, and children. During its time, it was regarded as mind-blowing and completely counter-cultural. IT STILL IS. Paul warns us in Romans not to conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed through the daily renewing of our minds. This book was a beautiful renewing of my mind and heart. Rich writes with a compelling voice, spurring us on the journey as we walk this narrow road together, providing a reminder that we can have hope for today and tomorrow.
A very special thanks to Rich Villodas, NetGalley, and WaterBrook & Multnomah for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.