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You'll Never Know I'm Here

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I love books about the book world. I also love thrillers and mysteries as audiobooks because I can't skip ahead and spoil the ending.

With that being said, the book felt strange for me. It was a bit all over the place, which was harder to track on audiobook. Wasn't my favorite, but I also didn't feel like I wasted my time with it.

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I read this book in one sitting, if that doesn't tell you have hooked I was to this book then I'm not sure what to tell you. You get to follow bookstagramers going on a weekend get togeher and nothing goes as planed (isn't that the description for most netflix movies tbh?). Anyway, there is romance, mystery, potential murder and just overall a very interesting read.

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When a group of book influencers goes on a weekend trip to get to know each other in person and work on collaborations, things are amiss from the beginning. The host is mysteriously missing, the small town is suspicious, and the rental's neighbors' behavior is worrisome.

As things grow stranger, the group has to figure out the truth of what they're dealing with.

I've read several Kiersten Modglin books now and they all fall a little flat for me. Things always start out strong, but by the end, the plot feels rushed and not fleshed out thoroughly. I thought the character development was well done and I didn't expect the ending, but the plot got a bit unrealistic at the end, as the plots in her books usually do. Now, since this is a thriller novel, I'm not expecting completely realistic plots, but something about this one seemed a little over the top.

This was a fast listen at only 5 hours, which was a nice change of pace from most of the other books I've listened to recently. Overall, it was enjoyable and fast-paced, but I'm starting to think this author isn't a go-to for me.

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"I just have this condition where I'm chronically incapable of making good decisions."

"Books have saved me."

If you are combining the queen of thrillers and bookstagrammers I am here for it. In her latest, You'll Never Know I'm Here, the prolific author Kiersten Modglin, gives a wink to us that love, review and nag everyone to read or listen to our favorite books...while trying to not get killed and solving a murder. There's also a moral at the end!

Lena is our storyteller and voice actress Stacy Gonzalez is just perfect at making everyone root for her; not to mention voicing other diverse characters with perfect cadence and tone.

Six book influencers have become social media friends and decide to meet up for a weekend getaway to see each other in real life. This might be one of those not so good decisions mentioned in the above quote.

After a few drinks and playing some book party games (who knew?!) Lena steps outside, and in a nod to the Alfred Hitchcock classic, Rear Window, is sure she sees a murder next door. Of course, the police investigation reveals nothing. But Lena and her crew have read many thrillers and just know they can get to the truth (another of those not so good decisions?). I will say some moments in their favorite thrillers do help them...a little bit.

I had so much fun listening to this quick thriller mystery. There was even a nice sincere romance that made me smile with its cuteness. I figured out half the twist but the reason for everything was never in my thoughts. Bravo to this writer to find a way to showcase the importance of books. Sadly, the ones who need to learn the lesson probably will never know it but I hope you take the time to enjoy this author's work.

I received a free copy of this audiobook from Dreamscape Media via #NetGalley for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to listen to this ARC.
I really enjoyed this title.
This title had suspense, betrayal and was a thriller that you couldn’t guess what was going to happen next.
Twists and turns in true k mod fashion that gives you whiplash.
I really enjoyed this title and the unique story line but I did not really enjoy the narrator. I found h to hard to listen to which made it sometimes difficult to follow the story.
5/5 stars as always

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Kiersten Modglin’s newest book, You’ll Never Know I’m Here, sees six book influencers taking a weekend trip they’ll never forget. Our main heroine, Lena, really could use a break. She’s been through a recent divorce and just got shot down for a job she really wanted, so the thought of getting together with other book influencers, online friends she’s never met before in person, sounds great. But right from the start things are a little off. First there is the odd little town in Kentucky that was picked for the meetup. Next she finds out that not only has the man who’d organized the meeting, a man she’d been looking forward to meeting in real life and thought she might have feels for, dropped out due to a family emergency and has been replaced by the last person she ever expected to see again. Still she and the others are determined to have a good time. And for a while things are going well until Lena thinks she sees something very disturbing at the neighbors house. (Sorry no spoilers) And from there things really spin out of control. I blasted through this audiobook. Even listening at normal speed it only clocks in at under six hours, but since I almost always listen at 1.4X to 1.5X, I finished this one in a single sitting. I loved the cast of characters and the story was definitely unique, with a number of twists that took me by surprise. I had a few minor quibbles, which I won’t go into detail here due to spoilers, but overall the story was a blast and would definitely recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a fun thriller. I’d like to thank Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to and review an advanced audio copy of You’ll Never Know I’m Here.

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Well.. I love a good influencer getaway turns into a murder spree. It was very short, and fairly random. We have six influencers but the story is told from one POV. The influencers are bookstagrammers, and these people have never met. They go to a weird, tiny town that is full of odd people and disturbing neighbors. And then it basically just goes off the rails. It was pretty short, there's not much else I can say besides, what. the. heck?!? I didn't hate it, I didn't love it, but it was totally whackadoo. Also the narrator seemed to have trouble sticking with the voice she used this book. Occasionally she would get all high pitched and weird for no discernable purpose.

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I wanted to complete this. I really did. I even reached the 75% mark, after which I rarely DNF books because sunk cost fallacy, but I just couldn't.

I love the author and I think I would have completed an e-ARC, but I hated the narrator so much. She emphasized every third word in a sentence and it was just so annoying that I started to find the MC annoying. There is no reason to put so much emphasis on things that didn't matter at all

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I love her dedication to "bookstagram" and her incorporation of book influencers in this one. It's not a topic many people get into but it is a large community that has popped up as social media grows and I think it was really fun to read a book specific to that community. The writing as good and the narrator for the audio did a good job as well. I have not found a book by Kiersten I haven't liked yet.

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Six book influencers get together for a weekend getaway. They plan on relaxing, reading and tossing around ideas. None of them expected a weekend of terror!

I have read quite a few of Kiersten Modglin’s books. This one is my least favorite. BUT, that does not mean it is not good. It has fabulous intensity and creepiness. And I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and the book references. The ending is just a bit outlandish and unrealistic.

The narrator, Stacy Gonzalez, is very good! Great with all the voices. And yes there are quite a few characters and she is very distinctive with each one.

Need a good thriller for a long drive…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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You’ll Never Know I’m Here by Kiersten Modglin (Audiobook)

Published: February 27, 2024
Dreamscape Media
Listening Length: 5 hours 48minutes
Narrator: Stacy Gonzalez
Genre: Domestic Thriller
KKECReads Overall Rating: 5/5
KKECReads Rating for Performance: 4/5
KKECReads Rating for Story: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

I’m on KMod’s arc team, so I read this book before publication. Listening to the story was a completely different experience.

The narrator did a good job bringing the characters to life and expressing the tension and anxiety.

I enjoyed this story, and the concept of what should be a fun weekend filled with memories and bookish content takes a scary turn. This was a perfect way to show the book community some extra love.

In the audio version, I found myself getting frustrated with Lena. I believe she had good intentions with what she did, but she tends to escalate things and then panic.

Overall, I loved the twist in this one and the underlying message. As someone who has cherished books for as long as I can remember, this plot holds a particular spot in my heart.

As always, Kiersten flips a complete 360 and leaves readers speechless with her twists. And in this book, the web is thick and tangled.

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Six book influencers embark on a weekend getaway intended for relaxation and collaboration, but strange events unfold, including a mysterious absence, unexpected guests, and unsettling behavior from neighbors. As they dive into the enigma shrouding the neighboring house, tensions skyrocket among the group, thrusting them into a whirlwind of distrust and perilous encounters. With each twist and turn, they teeter on the edge of survival, their nerves frayed as they confront shocking revelations that threaten to unravel everything they thought they knew about each other.

In "You'll Never Know I'm Here" by Kiersten Modglin, I found myself drawn into the world of book influencers, captivated by their retreat and the mysterious events unfolding next door, reminiscent of the suspense found in "The Woman in the Window" by AJ Finn. The characters were interesting, and I thoroughly enjoyed trying to piece together the puzzle throughout the entire book. However, while I appreciated the intended message behind the ending, I found it to be somewhat unbelievable and rushed, leaving me feeling slightly disconnected. Nonetheless, it was a quick and enjoyable read, and I'm eager to explore more of Modglin's work.

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I always jump at the chance to read the next Kiersten Modglin book; her writing draws you in from the very beginning and the twists are frequently some of the most unexpected and shocking. While this book did draw me in and get me invested in the story of the book influencers, the ending was unbelievable, and not in the way that I wanted or expected. There was so much that didn’t work for me: the characters were shallow and flat, I had a difficult time distinguishing between them, and the TSTL ending was too much.

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Seemed like a fun premise but I didn't feel pulled in by the story and I found the narration for one of the characters irritated and over the top. The twist at the end felt lacking.
Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Media for the audio ARC.

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This wasn’t a long book at all but it definitely seemed to take forever to finish. I loved the book influencers retreat and the mystery of what’s going on in the house next door, but the actual “twist” was a huge letdown. I definitely wouldn’t have guessed it but it also just seemed too “wtf, that’s it?” I considered DNFing multiple times

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I listened to the audiobook of You'll Never Know I'm Here. I was originally pulled in by the premise: 6 book influencers meet for the first time in real life for a weekend away at a quiet, out-of-the-way town. While they have known each other through their online reviews and platforms, this getaway will allow them to get to know each other better as they do bookish things like listen to an audiobook together, take group pictures with the books they buddy-read and review, and play "book confession" games.

The book includes a little bit of romantic attraction; however, books and romance get pushed aside when one of the book reviewers thinks she sees a murder at the house next door. Things move from bad to worse, with the group having to decide if it's even safe for them to stay.

Given all that, the story seems like it should be really good! Unfortunately, it seemed to take forever for things to finally get moving, and even once they did, the plot and cast seemed very underdeveloped and slapped together. The biggest drawback for me was the narrator; I was underwhelmed by her inflections as well as the voices and accents she gave to different characters. I did enjoy the twist at the end, but there was an awful lot of simple dialogue to listen to to get to the good stuff at the end.

I have read and enjoyed this author (Kiersten Modglin) in the past, and I know I will again, even though You'll Never Know I'm Here was not my favorite. Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to listen to this audiobook.

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This was an interesting book. A group of book influencers go on a trip to connect with each other. They stay at a house for the getaway and one night some of them witness something awry at the neighbors house. Thinking that they witnessed a murder, one of the group members cannot let go of what they saw. But was it all real? As the chapters progressed it went back and forth on being boring and entertaining. I honestly didn't see the end coming at all. It was kind of wild and seemed out of nowhere. Overall it was just an okay story. I did like the narrator. I think she did a good job and did different voices for all of the characters which was nice.

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Well, i thought the entire book i knew what was happening and how it was going to end...
I was wrong! Great twisted ending!

Publisher's summary
When six book influencers take a weekend getaway to connect with their fellow creators, it’s meant to be a chance to relax, collaborate, and discuss all of the books they love. But from the start, something’s clearly amiss.
From the host’s mysterious absence and an unexpected guest to an odd occurrence in town and the strange and worrisome behavior of the neighbors, what starts out as an innocent and lively vacation quickly becomes a weekend filled with terror. And when one of the group members believes they see something horrifying at the house next door, their carefully laid plans begin to unravel.
Drawn into a mystery that runs far deeper and is more sinister than they could’ve imagined—and surrounded by those who refute their story—the group struggles to unearth the truth about the house and the couple next door before it’s too late. As new questions and shocking revelations surface, the group must decide if they can trust each other—not only with their safety in the house but also with their lives entirely.
Listeners’ worst nightmares come to life in this terrifying new thriller that tests the limits of friendship, explores the power of social media influence, digs into the depths of trust, and examines the desperate and dangerous lengths of obsession.

Thanks to NetGalley & Dreamscape Media for the ARC of this book!

You'll Never Know I'm Here
By: Kiersten Modglin
Narrated by: Stacy Gonzalez
Publisher: Dreamscape Media
Release date: 02-27-24

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Unfortunately I found You'll Never Know I'm Here quite lackluster: the first part does not even seem a thriller and is not really meaningful for the actual plot, which basically starts when you're 70% into the book. The dialogs are too many and stray too much from the fil rouge of the plot. The characters are not built in a way that justifies what happens later. When the real thing finally comes it sounds quite absurd and of course a bit rushed. I loved the voice of the narrator, warm and fascinating, a voice with a personality, but unfortunately I think it's totally inappropriate for the main character, who's a girl in her 20s.

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If you love thrillers, have a bookstagram, or might be termed as an "influencer" you'll want to read this one! As a bookstsgrammer, I enjoyed the storyline and relatability. This one definitely reads like a YA novel. The characters are under-developed and the story just was lacking for me. Im a big KMod fan, but this wasn't my favorite.

The story starts out more as a romcom and slowly builds up to the action and twists. I found the romance elements to be annoying and a little forced. I was thankful for the action to finally hit. The story held my attention throughout, but I wasn't a fan of the ending. It was really far-fetched, odd, and felt kind of childish.

The narrator did a good job, but her choices for voices didnt seem to fit the character. This might have read better as an ebook.

Overall, its a quick and entertaining read or listen. 3 stars

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