Cover Image: You'll Never Know I'm Here

You'll Never Know I'm Here

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Rating: 3.5/5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

I will never not read a KMod book, they are so quick and easy to read. I was super stoked about this one, it just didn’t hit as hard as some of the others.

In short, Lina and six other book influencers go away. Lina sees some weird things happening - they investigate - more weird things happen… then we get to the ending. While in true KMod fashion, this was a twist that I never saw coming, ANDDDD I definitely think that there are people out there in the world like this - it just fell super flat for me. I was totally thinking something else was going to happen there. With that being said, this it totally a ME problem, the ending was unique and again - I didn’t see that coming one bit, it was just odd and felt off with the vibe of the book.

I definitely was hooked to this story though and flew through this one in a day. I really connected with most of the characters and really did enjoy this story, it was just that ending that wasn’t my favorite.

I listened to this one via audiobook and it was narrated by Stacy Gonzalez. I think she did a great job at keeping me entertained throughout the story.

Overall, another solid book for KMod. You’ll Never Know I’m Here released in December but the audio is releasing on 2/27. Be sure to check it out! Huge thank you to Netgalley, Kiersten Modglin and Dreamscape Media for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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A writer retreat goes horribly wrong! Once I pressed play on the audiobook version, I wasn't able to stop it. I literally devoured it in one sitting. The narration was fantastic and really brought the story to life. 5 big stars again for KMod, perfection every single time!

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I loved the idea of this book. Six book influencers go on a meetup retreat to discuss books, relax, and have some fun when they find themselves in the middle of their own murder mystery.

While I loved the idea of this book, it didn't speak to me the way some of her other books have. It wasn't as dark as I expected, which is fine, but the overall story didn't hold my interest as much either and the concept initially excited me.

It is an easy listen, but to me it felt a little campy, and maybe that is intentional. It was pulling some major Scobby Doo vibes for me, and I'm not joking. No shade intended, more than once this book made me picture the cartoon. Luckily enough, that was my favorite cartoon growing up, so I didn't mind much. It's just completely different from what I've come to expect from Kiersten Modglin. I'm okay with an author trying something new. There is something for everyone and I won't hesitate to read more of her books.

This book doesn't take itself too seriously, and I kind of loved that, but I also couldn't rate it as high as some of her other books. I wasn't as connected with it. Before you start reading this book, it's important to be aware that the tone is different, so you can anticipate what to expect.

Her books are always quick to read and listen to, so this one is no exception. I think the narration was good. I think the youthful and lighter tone was intentional based on who the characters were. However, I had no emotional connection to any of them and had no interest in their well-being. Perhaps that was the goal, but in the end, I kept imagining Fred removing the mask from the villain and breaking it all down for us.

Thank you NetGalley, Kiersten Modglin, and Dreamscape Media for the ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a fun thriller. I don't like calling myself an "Influencer", but I do have a couple of book accounts on social media platforms. With that said, I appreciated a thriller about the bookish communities on social media and using that community to make a thriller. I could relate to many of the conversations and the "I Never" game they played based on books. This book is about a bunch of book influencers getting together in real life and spending the weekend together only to find something in the house next to them is very suspicious, and possibly deadly. I absolutely recommend this to thriller lovers, specifically those who have an online bookish presence!

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I’m such a Kiersten Modglin fan, she rarely misses. This book about 6 booktok influencers going on a weekend vacation was full of winking references to how it would “probably result in a murder” and yes, the set up was obvious from the beginning with a bit of an obvious “woman in the window” scenario, but satirically so and it really was funny (and a bit accurate) to how when you read thrillers constantly, you start seeing the tropes everywhere!

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I found this domestic thriller by Mina Hardy to be compelling, fast paced, and at times shocking. I was immediately drawn in by the description of the book and then the beginning of the audio. I really enjoyed the narrator's voice and thought she put a lot of emotion into each character's voice. Although I wish we had gotten a bit of the dynamic between Sarah and Adam before he passed away but enjoyed all of the other character dynamics. I am still left a bit confused by the character with red hair that was scene on the grounds though and why Graham and his wife were thrown in at such random times. It didn't really quite fit together seamlessly when Graham was brought back in at the end. Overall though I did find the book entertaining and intriguing. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #DreamscapeMedia for the book #YoullNeverKnowImHere by #KierstenModglin. This book is brilliant and an interesting take on a subject that is happening everywhere. I thoroughly enjoyed the friendships, betrayals and murder among this group of book influencers. Highly recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape & Kiersten Modglin for an audio arc of You'll Never Know I'm Here in exchange for an honest review.

Kiersten Modglin is an auto-read for me, but the ending of this one was a bit of a let down.

The story focuses on six book influencer friends who have gathered together for a weekend together when they notice that odd things begin to happen with their neighbors. That's basically the story in a nutshell.

By the end, two of the influencers turn out to be helping the murderer "neighbors." All because of books. It's sort of a "banned book" cult. It was weird.

With that said - I was intrigued throughout the entire book and really did enjoy it, but literally laughed out loud at the outlandishness of the ending.

It would have been 4 Stars had it not been for the ending, but my true rating is a 3.5, although for this feedback, I am rounding to a 4.

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My Rating: 2.5

I received an advance review copy of the audiobook You’ll Never Know I’m Here by Kiersten Modglin from NetGalley and Dreamscape Media in exchange for feedback. Thank you!

This is a pretty short thriller, and I was surprised when I realized I was halfway through. I enjoyed the characters and didn’t mind the strong romance elements.

While I found the narrator to be overly expressive, it didn’t take away from the story. The writing also seemed very preachy at times, but not so often it was a dealbreaker.

Things went downhill for me at the end of the book. The conclusion felt abrupt and left some plot points unaddressed. I like a crazy ending as much as anyone for a thriller, but this was absurdly unbelievable.

For readers looking for a thriller about a group of friends on vacation uncovering secrets and danger, I would recommend In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware or The Guest List by Lucy Foley.

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3.5 stars as an audiobook.

As someone who is part of the bookstagram/booktok community, this one was such a fun read.

Six book influencers go away to connect with fellow book influencers and talk about books they love. As soon as they arrive, things start to go wrong and now everyone just wants to survive the weekend. Secrets are revealed and friendships are tested. I have never read anything by this author, but this felt pretty YA to me. Not a bad thing, I love YA mysteries, but not sure others will.

I do appreciate how the author talked about how book influencers have to balance their love for reading and posting content. I don't post reviews outside of goodreads and netgalley, but I do imagine, if you read THAT much to be a content creator, it can definitely be easy to get burnt out. Quite a few influencers talk about how they have book slumps and it's easy to see how.

I didn't love the ending and rationale for everything that happened, however, that's just a personal opinion. The narrator was a bit over the top, however, I didn't mind it, but it did further cement my comment about this reading/listening like a YA novel.

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I believe Kiersten described this book as a love note to her readers, I swear it totally reflects the bookstagram community and her love of her booksta/book tok peeps. I laughed at so many pieces of this book, I kept thinking…#ifeelattacked 🤣😂🤣

One thing I love about KM books is that she has virtually no filler. This book was the perfect length…she’s not one to throw words in order secure a higher page count and I love that about her writing.

This one was good, not as dark and twisty as some of her others (Ahem…Do Not Open…) but I still enjoyed it. I’m always gonna prefer her more guttural stuff. I’m a glutton for punishment. This def wasn’t my fav of hers though (which doesn’t mean it’s bad just for me there are others of hers that I liked better).

The best way to describe it is a bookstagrammer’s nightmare with some Hitchcockian vibes mixed in. It has all of the things us bookstagrammers are passionate about inside and awaiting our outrage. IYKYK.

Also before reading this book, I’d never heard of chili-cuterie but I 𝗠𝗨𝗦𝗧 try it. Sounds amazing.

In the book the influencers talk about their bookish hang ups / habits…throwing away dust jackets, finding other lovers/haters in the community to support love/dislike of a book, making the faces that the characters make in a book you’re reading while reading it…

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Kirsten Modglin is always a great go-to author and the audio version (quick listen!) was wonderful. Fantastic book

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I would consider myself a Kiersten Modglin super fan! I devour everything she writes. This one felt different. It was a little slow burn to get to the suspenseful part! But once it did, I couldn't listen fast enough. I loved the idea that they're book influencers on a trip together. The end was so twisty and a little confusing for me. I didn't feel like it was clear enough. But I still devoured it in 24 hours! I thought the narrator was great.

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This is a difficult one to review. There were some parts that I really liked. Particularly I really liked how the author talked about being a book reviewer and how difficult it can be managing your social media and also still finding joy in your hobby. Sometimes you can be so consumed with posting and creating content it takes away from the love of the hobby. I like that this was talked about in the beginning of the book. The story seemed a little odd to me. It just seemed all over the place. It is the story of a group of book friends who gather together to have a book weekend in this very odd, scarcely populated town. It seems odd that they would pick this place and how they would have went to a town with no libraries or book stores to shop in. The end reason for the murders were just very odd to me. Now I will say this, I listened to this on audio an the narrator could be a little over the top sometimes. I might have had a different experience if I read it instead of listened.
Another thing that I felt odd was that most of the time the characters ages seemed to change. I couldn't help but feel that they seemed and acted like they were must younger than mid 20s. They seemed much more like characters from a YA novel.

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I really liked how this book started. A weekend away for a group of online influencer friends to meet in-person for the first time. It takes place in a creepy little town where everyone knows everyone and they hate the people the rental house brings to them. I like these kind of stories-set in the woods, shadows are moving characters not sure if they’re really seeing what they think they saw, but the way this one ended was a bit disappointing to me. I do think the theme of the story was important (which I won’t mention to prevent spoilers); I just didn’t like the turn the story took. I enjoyed the narrator. Her voice was pleasant and easy to listen to. She had great tone and her inflection for male voices wasn’t overly dramatic. I love Kiersten Modglin, but this one just didn’t do it for me. However, I look forward to see what she does next!

Thank you @NetGalley, #KierstenModglin and #DreamscapeMedia for the opportunity to listen to this advance copy for an honest review!

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I really could relate to this one as I would love to go on a book escape with fellow book influencers and talk books. I had to laugh as when they were talking about some of their book hang ups as some of those were just so relatable.

It seems like it is going to be a relaxing weekend just chatting about books but not everyone is who they claim to be. I enjoyed the fast pace and the paranoia of not knowing what the actual truth was or who to believe made for a great thriller.

I can never get tired of her books as they are a quick binge read or in this case listen and the narrator was amazing. They are the perfect escape from reality.

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This is my first Kiersten Modglin book and I’ve heard so much hype about her twisty thrillers I could not wait to dive into this one. As a newer book influencer I loved the premise - I just could NOT get past the narrators voices! When she was speaking as herself she was very enjoyable to listen to but once she started speaking in other voices for other characters it was the most annoying cringy thing I’ve ever heard and I listen to a lot of audiobooks. So I am taking that part out of the equation to give my review.
Six friends and book influencers meet for a weekend away.
To chat mystery books, gather material for posts and the occasional collaboration.
But soon they find themselves in a drama of their own.
Strange things begin to happen.
Then one of them witnesses a crime to the people next door and they start to find out the truth.
Secrets come to surface, no one believes them and they establish that they can’t trust each other.
Before long it all comes crashing down and the shocking facts are revealed.
Kiersten writes fast paced, page turning, twisty and suspenseful stories.
I must stand up and applaud her as she continues to come up with great ideas for novels for her ever expanding list of titles.
A character driven spine chiller with domestic drama vibes.
I think the ending fell flat I have too many questions! I am definitely going to try another of her books.
Thank you NetGalley And dreamscape media for the audio of this read!

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A fun little popcorn thriller. If you make book content of any kind, I recommend giving this one a listen! For a book on the shorter side, the characters were surprisingly well developed.
The narrator was super animated which made the story even more fun to listen to.
That wild twist towards the end I never could have seen coming.

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Thank you KMod for another amazing thriller! The story moves incredibly fast and is certainly relatable in the book promotion world! KMod really understands her fan base.

I enjoyed the premise of the story. The ending was shocking and made gasp in more than one spot!
The narrator of the audio was great. Smooth and even, her voice also sounded fine reading deeper voices. The chapters flow smoothly and the audio definitely adds flair to the story! Don't pass this one up!

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