Cover Image: A Fresh Start in the Cornish Village

A Fresh Start in the Cornish Village

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I love a dog lovers story. This is a story more of woman's fiction but there are some sweet moments in there as well. Sally works with dogs, is the sweetest but her love life could use some work as she is still in love with a boyfriend from that past.
The rescue is being forced to sell as developers are wanting to buy it. Then Sally ends up running into the one guy she can't forget Andy. Will they be able to fall in love again or with something from the past keep them apart?
Overall a good story. I would recommend! The dogs always add a sweet treat!

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Sally works in the shelter as a dog trainer. She loves her job and the people she works with. But her love life could use some help. She doesn't give anyone a chance, because she is still pining for a guy she broke up with years ago.

He is the one she compares all of the others to and no matter what she does, can't get over him. Then he shows up in the same town.

It's a lovely story, focused on the shelter and the trouble that it brings, with a side of romance. A light and fast read!

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"A Fresh Start At Wagging Tails Dogs' Home" by Sarah Hope book 3 in the series. What can I say other than I enjoyed it and read in one day. I liked going back to Wagging Tails Fog Home and catching up with everyone but this time from Sally’s perspective.

Personally I would love to escape to a small Cornish village by the sea and a dog rescue…

There’s no place like home…
Although dog trainer Sally is relatively new to Wagging Tails, the team she works with have quickly become her family and the dogs her friends.

It had everything you could want in a story love, family, community and second chances.

I found the characters to be well developed, and multi-dimensional. There were multiple sub-plots like the proposed development and the fate of the rescue to keep you engaged and interested in the outcome.

I will definitely read other books by this author.

I requested and received an advance reader copy of this book from Boldwood Books and Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A good story for dog lovers. A gentle tale of a dog home and its residents. Add to this, problems with builders and lovely characters, some of whom have a slow burning and clean love story and it’s the perfect way to while away a few hours.

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I read this book as a stand alone. I’m unsure whether this influenced my enjoyment of the book or not, but I did feel at times that I was missing something.
I’m afraid I found the plot rather predictable and at times a little dull and found myself flicking through pages to get to somewhere that would hold my interest. It is a gentle storyline where the most that happens is a 65th birthday party and occasional visits from a menacing man wanting to buy the land the dogs home is on, with the worst he does being putting up a portacabin & digging a deep hole. From reading this book I have come to realise I need a little more in storylines to keep my interest and get me turning pages because I need to know what happens rather than just wanting to get to the end.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a bad book & I’m sure many people will enjoy it, it’s just a little too gentle in the unfolding of the storyline for my personal reading preferences in this genre.

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Loved this! I’m a huge dog lover so their stories totally tugged at my heart, and they felt very real which given the real dogs home connection I discovered in the blurb at the end they probably are. Rest of the story was great too, but it was the dogs that totally won me over! I’m def going to read the rest of the series.

Detailed review to follow on my blog.

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I’ll start off by saying that this is not a romance book at all, it is a women’s fiction book with some very small elements of romance thrown in for good measure.

While this is the third book in the series, it can be read as a standalone.

Set at a dog rescue centre, the story follows Sally as she reconnects with her ex while trying to rehome and save stray and abandoned dogs.

The plot was predictable and the conversations between characters felt forced. With that in mind, it was still a super lightweight, okay read, easily finished in an hour.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this ARC in return for my honest review.

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This is the 3rd book in the series but the book can be easily read as a stand-alone with no need for prior knowledge of the previous novels .

This is a slice of life , cozy read focused on Sally - employee for wagging tails rescue center — romance for Sally is the secondary theme - where as Sally gaining independence and respect from her family for her life choices is a main theme a long with rescue center community . This book like the previous book also focuses on adding little tidbits about dealing with rescue dogs which I love the focus on the animals throughout as I’m a avid dog lover and promoter of adoption over buying from pet stores .

A light hearted read — with undertones of dealing with hard issues of life that most readers could easily relate to.

Thanks to NetGalley and Boldwood books for this ARC. This is my honest review.

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This is the 3rd book in the series and, as is often the case, the first one I have read. This is one of those books that has a wonderful feel and I have read other series that give that same sense of community.

The story is set around Wagging Tails Dogs' Home, a rescue centre for pouches who are lost, found or needing some care. I will say the author obviously loves her doggy cast and she has definitely done her research into how this type of establishment is run. As a dog owner and dog lover this is impressive and also adds to the overall importance of the message behind the story.

The fields alongside the Dogs' Home have been bought and Flora, the owner of the Dogs' Home, is being pressured into selling up. Flora has run this home for many years and remembers all the dogs that have passed through her gates and gone on to be re-homed. Selling up is not an option for her.

Sally is one of those who work with Flora and she left her very different career to do what she loves and works with the dogs to train them and their owners. Let's be honest here, it is often the owners that need training, our dog Billy has spent years training us so that we know when he is asking for a treat, to be let out or wants you to chase him around the garden because he has just pinched a sock! But on a serious note, the author does have some points to make about training.

Sally, sorry I got a little sidetracked... she has been working at the home and loves her life. A blast from her past suddenly comes back into the picture and she is in turmoil about it. She also has some news from home that rocks her.

The story ambles along at a wonderful pace, bringing in characters and other threads. All the time the author shows a sense of family and friendship. It is a story and a series that many fans of romance, rom-com and contemporary fiction will enjoy. It is light-hearted but with some serious things as well. Gorgeous story and one I would definitely recommend.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I enjoyed reading the previous books, this one was just as enjoyable to read.

Sally has had relationships since coming to work at the dogs home, but none of those relationships have progressed further. She thinks that maybe it’s because she’s not forgotten Andy, who she let go.

At the dogs home, a developer is keen to buy it, as the open space around the home has been sold to him and he wants to build properties on it. But, not whilst the dogs home is in place.

Whilst Sally is out, she gets a shock, she meets Andy. But is he who she knew ages ago, or is he hiding something?

I recommend this book.

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Lovely to be back at the dogs home. It is just a nice read. You feel good reading it. Loved the birthday party with all the happy rescues coming back. The twists with Andy and Sally was good and a perfect neat ending. Sally’s family were unbelievable at times. Won’t say any more. Read it .

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romantic, Cornwall, shelter-pets, dogs, dog-trainer, small-town, small-business, rural****

It's Sally's turn to find romance and it turns out to be the man she left behind "for his own good". Sally is devoted to the dogs and people at the Wagging Tails Dog Home and her former beau is the travelling sort. Add in the usual problems in rehoming dogs, and a looming issue of a developer sniffing around. It's a great feelgood story and written so well that the characters really come alive.
This can't be a true unbiased review because I love rescue dogs and the people who love them.
I requested and received a free temporary EARC from Boldwood Books via NetGalley. Thank you!
#WaggingTailsDogsHomeBk3 #FeelGood #Romance #RescueDogs

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Loved the other two books in the Wagging Tail’s series and this one didn’t disappoint. This one centres around Sally, the home’s dog trainer, and new jeopardy for the dog’s home in the form of a property developer. I love revisiting old faces and getting to know newer faces in greater depth. The only problem? My partner hates me reading this series as I get ‘broody’ for the dogs and want a new rescue. This time Puddles stole my heart. Now I feel my life will not be complete without a Daschund.

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A Fresh Start at Wagging Tails Dogs Home
By Sarah Hope

So this is my first book by Sarah Hope and I loved it. I love West par and desperately want to move there right now.

So this book is the 3rd in the series and I haven't read the others so will definitely be going back to read them.

We meet Sally who we find out is single after splitting from her long term boyfriend Andy. She now works at the Dogs Home. Along the way she has to deal with her feelings when Andy comes back and a new housing plan that includes getting rid of the Dogs home.

I loved this book it was so feel good and I didn't feel like I missed anything by not reading the other 2. It has made me want to read the others because I love the dogs home setting, I love the characters and where they live and I love all the dogs with the different characters and I really wanted them to find homes and be happy.
I give this ⭐⭐⭐⭐


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this is another book in the series, sally and Andy reconnect after seven years. love the dogs and the characters.

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Loved the first wagging tail dogs home. Sally's still a dog trainer there and also has her own dog training a few nights a week. Flora who owns the home starts getting offers to buy the land but keeps refusing to sell. Sally bumps into Andy who she hasn't been able to forget. Bit predictable but still enjoyable

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The premise of this story sounded good. I didn't realize there were other books in this series. For me the conversations between the characters and the main character's thoughts seemed forced and not natural. I was disappointed. I really wanted to like this novel; however, the story was very predictable which made me lose interest, and there was very little actual romance.

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Another great visit to all at the Wagging Dogs Home. Sally has always pined for the one that she let get away and recently has been thinking of him again. Things at the home are tense when the surrounding fields are sold to developers wanting to build housing, but when Flo gets offers for the home it becomes clear that the housing can’t go ahead without the home being part of it. Then Sally gets a few surprises one being she bumps into Andy again, but is he who he says he still is?
Great to catch up with all the gang and looking forward to further visits brilliant read as always

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Another sweet story in this series which takes place at a small town dog rescue. Here we follow Sally and her ex Andy as they reconnect after 7 years. Predictable story, but an enjoyable one.

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