Member Reviews

The Cross-Eyed Kitten is a quick little story about compassion and inclusion illustrated in the form of a cat with odd eyes. It teaches a quick lesson about morale and compassion. Though the story is very simple and straightforward forward it is perfect for the age group.
The art in the book is adorable and draws the reader in. In the story, there were more opportunities to talk directly to the reader, which it only did on one occasion.

I want to note that on the Kindle version, the art is not displaying correctly and is cut between several pages.

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Unfortunately not a fan of the drawing style accompanying the story but the story was sweet enough. I thought it was important the author highlighted that because of its crossed eyes, the kitten was made fun of, bringing to attention the bullying and harassment ostracised children/people experience. Definitely a story worth expanding on since Ali’s parents were very quick to say yes. Having Ali’s friends meet the kitten could have also contributed to how people’s views on someone who’s disabled can change!

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I was not a huge fan of the drawings. It was a cute story though, good that they got a kitten from a shelter.

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As someone who just got a kitten for my 50th birthday from. my parents this past summer, I related to the little girl in the book! I was just as excited as her to find my fur baby at the local animal shelter! I love that this book was set in South Florida because I also live in South Florida and have never read a book set here. I also love that the book focuses on adopting an animal from a shelter (Humane Society in the book) rather than buying a pet. And the message of adopting a pet who might be less desirable animal that other's may pass by was wonderful. The only thing I didn't love was the illustrations. This is probably a me thing though. The illustrations are more on the realistic side and I tend to like more whimsical illustrations. However, all the animals in the book were super adorable!

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This was a sweet book about accepting differences and appreciating everyone’s uniqueness. The illustrations are cute. My one main issue was with the flow of the text. It didn’t flow well and was difficult to read out loud to my son.

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The artwork in this story was a bit lacking but the story itself was cute. It wasn't as focused on the kitten as I expected.

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Sweet book with an endearing storyline. The illustrations did strike me as odd, as the people in them are often staring right at the reader instead of the scene at hand.

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The Cross-Eyed Kitten is the cutest little read. The theming and writing is perfect for all ages, both young and old. I still enjoy reading a young reader’s book if it can make me feel something, and this book did just that; it tugged at my heart. I loved it! I will definitely recommend this book to shoppers when working as a bookseller.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: It is Ali’s 7th birthday and all she wants is to adopt a kitten. Barely able to control her excitement, she and her parents head towards the local Humane Society. There she is overwhelmed by choices until she sees children laughing at a kitten. When she goes over, she realize they were laughing because the kitten had crossed eyes. But as soon as Ali held the kitten and they looked into each other’s eyes, it was love at first sight.
Ali had her best friend and the kitten had her forever home.

This is a sweet story with great artwork but what sets it apart are the subtle lessons. They include adopting not shopping, and not overlooking the cats who might be different or special needs. It teaches compassion, something we all can use. This would be a great book for young readers to tackle on their own or as a great bedtime story for the younger ones.

Five purrs and two paws up.

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thank you for allowing me to review this book!

despite not being a huge fan of some of the illustrations, the story is actually very adorable. maybe we can break it down a little:

1) teaches the child to embrace things that are out of ordinary in the world, like a cross eyed kitten.

2) teaches kids that animals are not toys, therefore they are not made to be some cute and perfect little kitty for entertainment. it is an animal with feelings and instincts, so a cross eyed cat deserves love just as much as a normal cat.

i just love this story too much, and the illustration of the kitty was so adorable that it made me want to hug it too! parents should definitely show this to their children!

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This was such a cute book. I read it with my eight year old who loves cats. It gave us the opportunity to talk about what it means to have compassion for people and animals, and about how everyone is different, but that doesn’t make us less worthy of love.

The book had beautiful illustrations and it held my daughter’s attention. This is a perfect book if your child loves cats, and maybe sometimes struggles with being as kind as they should be.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

I'm a sucker for animal adoption stories, especially ones that involve animals, especially cats. It was hard to read the part about kids making fun of the kitten with crossed eyes, as I'm sure this happens a lot, and those animals may not be adopted. However, the message that this book delivers is great for children of any age (and some adults need this too). This is not only a lesson about kindness to animals and those who are different from what is perceived as "normal," but this is also a story about the love and care of animals and adopting instead of shopping.

For parents, this is a great book for introducing the idea of adopting a pet to children. The idea that you have to wait until a certain age and to show you are responsible. Makes me think of my first pet and learning about responsibility.

Last but not least: the artwork! Very realistic and sweet. Full of expressions and joy. Made the story come alive.

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This was a cute book. I liked how the girl chose the cross eyed kitten over the others. It helps kids to see that it’s ok to be different. The illustrations were really good.

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I loved this book! I love how the book specifically names The Humane Society. This way, children know that it's best to adopt a pet instead of buying one from a pet store. The illustrations were beautiful and calming. As someone who works in an elementary school, I know many children would love a story like this!

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Thank you net galley for this book.I loved this story of Ali and the kitten.I also loved that she got her kitten from the Humane Society.She chose a kitten that the other kids did not want cause he was different.Ali fell in love with the kitten and did not care if he was different .I love how she told her parents the cat would feel twice as loved cause he saw two of her.

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4/5 stars for this book!

This heartwarming book is all about embracing and accepting differences. Even when you're different and standing out, at some point, they will be seen as strengths. The book lays it out clearly.

Apart from that, it teaches adopting over buying when it comes to pets.

Another cool point: the illustrations are stunning and lifelike.

Some downsides of this cute book are:
1) Its text might be too much for kids aged 3-5 (they prefer cute visuals but informative, I believe)
2) The tones of its illustrations are too warm. Children (I saw it from my kids' reaction) like a colorful tone.

So, I conclude that this book is more suitable for kids aged 6 and above.

But overall, this is a good book!

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This is such a good tale for your kids to learn - different isn't bad, and kindness is great! The illustrations are beautiful, and the story has a good message. I recommend this!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

Title: The Cross-Eyed Kitten

Author: Judith M Ackerman

Pub Date: 11/23/2023

Rating: 5 stars

Brief Summary: a story about a little girl who picks out a cross-eyed kitten from an animal shelter.

What I Enjoyed: I thought this book was super adorable. This would've been a book I would've loved to read as a child. I was born with crossed eyes, and I also love cats. So this was a book I could resonate with. Too bad it wasn't published when I was a child.

What I Disliked: Nothing

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I picked this book up since the cat on the cover reminded me of my cat! I enjoyed reading this book about Ali choosing a kitten at the animal shelter. There is a theme of finding beauty in difference, and it helps teach kids to accept and value differences. I would recommend to read to small children or for 7-9 year old to be able to read by themselves. Very cute story with a good message!

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A beautiful story that shows just because some people don't see the value in certain things doesn't mean it isn't there. All it takes is that one special person to recognize the imperfect beauty. You don't have to be perfect to be worthy of unconditional love.

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