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Leave No Trace

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(rounded up from 4.5)

Leave No Trace was a wild ride. The book starts off with a bang (literally) as the Statue of Liberty is toppled by a massive explosion. I could picture the scene easily, unfortunately. These days, terrorism is a given and because of this, regular citizens are subjected to searches and restrictions of all sorts when we go to so many places. (The size of your handbag is restricted to a tiny one, for example, at a minor league hockey game. It’s just how things are these days.) So how did terrorists pull this off? The answer is revealed along the way.

The action moves from one National Park to another in rapid succession: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Zion National Park in Utah, and so on. The two main investigators are great characters with interesting back stories. Michael Walker is part of the National Park Service’s ISB (Investigative Services Branch, their version of the FBI). He lost a foot in an incident in Mt. Rainier National Park and wears a prosthetic device, which mostly allows him fairly normal mobility. Gina Delgado is FBI and is part of the Joint Terrorism Task Force. She’s got an extensive background in explosives.

Michael and Gina zone in on a wide-ranging conspiracy by a group of ex-military extremists. Again unfortunately, this felt like it could be real, given what happened at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and the fact that many ex-military were among the rioters. “Whack job anonymous isn’t so anonymous anymore.” Who can they trust?

Leave No Trace was written by two authors writing under a pen name and I could not tell that two authors had written this book, that’s how well-written and edited it is. They had me constantly flipping (e-)pages and/or listening to just one more chapter to learn what would happen next.

Each chapter starts with a short fact, either about a national park or about a location in the story. Who knew that Hubbard, Ohio was once considered the whiskey capital of the nation? Not me!

Note: Never underestimate the power of a cell phone video!

This is supposed to be the start of a series set in National Parks and I’m interested to see how they follow this one up! It’s a hard act to follow, as the saying goes.

I bounced between the audiobook and the ebook for this title, which was very convenient and allowed me to speed through the book. The audiobook was beautifully narrated by Gregory Abbey.

Thank you to Minotaur Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy of this book and to Recorded Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advance copy of this audiobook. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this audio.

Umm YES!! What a great book! I finished this in one sitting! The storyline was great!!

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Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for an advanced audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

3.8 stars

This was the first in a new National Parks Thriller series. I liked the Park facts at the beginning of each chapter. There is an explosion at the Statute of Liberty and Special Agent Michael Walker is working the case as he tracks down the domestic terrorist group.

Solid narration by Gregory Abbey.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book! It was a nice change from a previous author I have indulged in! The story engaged you from the start. I wanted to continue the audio frequently. The narrator was great ad well

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Leave No Trace is the first book in the National Parks Thriller series. In an act of terrorism, an explosion blows up the Statue of Liberty. Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park thrown into working with AAgent Gina Delgado, who is the lead in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.

I picked this book right after I got back from New York City. My daughter and I went on the Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty. It felt like the perfect time to read it. Since I had just been there, I literally put myself on that Ferry in the book.
There is a lot happening and kind of hard to keep up, but I really enjoyed it. I loved all the facts about the different National Parks. Actually I think that was my favorite part of the book.
It’s full of action packed pages, right when you think nothing more could happen, BAM it hits you again!
I will 100% pick up the next book, just for the National parks and historical sites. I can’t express how ,icy I loved learning about them all.
Gregory Abbey does the audiobook and did a wonderful job. He really brought the story alive.

I want to give a big thanks to NetGalley, St. Martins Press and RB Media for an advance copy of the audiobook in exchange for a honest review.

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I enjoyed this fast-paced, high-stakes crime novel.

Things that worked for me:
- likable main characters whose stories I was invested in.
- fantastic settings - National Parks, outdoors, nature
- tidbits of history and fascinating facts about the different parks - so interesting!
- fast-paced, interesting, plotline

Things that didn't work for me:
- plotline was a tad over-complicated but not enough to make me not enjoy it

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I am a little torn on this one. I liked it but I didn't fully connect with it. I liked Walker but I did not need to be repetitively told about his injury. I'd have connected more with him if he was a strong man who happened to have a prosthetic leg instead of the leg being what defines him.

The idea of the statue of liberty being the target of an attack was intriguing and I loved all the parks and historical facts throughout the book. It gave me something other books in the genre haven't.

The pace was quick and kept me wanting more. It's a little bit gritty and intense. I'd like to see what book 2 has to offer.

Gregory Abbey did a good job bringing the intensity to life. There were a few moments where I felt my attention drifting and I am not sure if it was the story, my attention span or if this one that is better read.

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Fast paced novel chasing down a terrorist bombing and racing against the clock to prevent another one. I LOVED the informative aspect learning about the different national parks, it felt like I was learning and reading at the same time! The narration was well done and the writing kept me so engaged! I highly recommend giving this a listen. Thank you NetGalley for giving me a chance to review Leave No Trace

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Thanks to NetGalley and the author for early access to this audio book. I tried to finish this audiobook but the narrator’s voice was terrible. It sounded like a male Siri reading. I couldn’t focus or listen to the narrator anymore unfortunately.

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WOW! That was wild ride and I was totally here for it! I sincerely hope that some of the tech talked about in this book is not possible b/c if it is that is terrifying and it's no wonder the bad guys win sometimes. The level of deception, planning, and high-up government collusion that occurred in this book was very scary only b/c I could totally see this - or the attempt at something like this - from the far-right Trumpists happening someday. Let's hope not and that the good guys stay in front of shit like that!

This was my 1st book by A.J. Landau but it will not be my last! I can't wait for the next book in this series to come out!


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As soon as I saw this book was focused on a threat to the National Parks, I knew I had to read it. Leave No Trace was a fast-paced thriller that has domestic terrorists at the center. Domestic terrorism seems to be an often overlooked risk to the nation, so reading a book addressing this and the impact it could have on country was very enlightening. Michael and Gina's character development was strong and I was immediately pulled in to root for them. I can't wait to read whatever is coming next in this series!

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Leave No Trace opens with a terrorist attack on the Statue of Liberty, and the action keeps going from there. Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park Service and Agent Gina Delgado of the FBI work together to unravel the plot, with some assistance along the way. I enjoyed the unique settings and the deeper look at various national parks. The story moves along at a good pace, and we also learn about the backstories of Walker and Delgado. I look forward to reading more in the series!

The narration was great as well.

Thank you to #NetGalley and #RBMedia for a free copy of #LeaveNoTrace by A.J. Landau; Jon Land; Jeff Ayers. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you Macmillan Audio for my gifted ALC.

This is a high-octane investigative thriller that follows a terrorist attack on national landmarks, beginning with the Statue of Liberty. Told from multiple perspectives that all eventually come together, Leave No Trace is one wild, unputdownable ride!

The narration is top notch! Gregory Abbey is excellent, brilliantly delivering this story with every ounce of heart-pounding intensity it requires. Outstanding!

I haven't listened to a book this gripping, action-packed, or suspenseful since TJ Newman's Falling.

Highly recommend this format and eagerly await the next one.

Great work, team!!!

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I am going to enjoy this new series. The characters are likeable, the National Parks I love and the story is good. I also enjoyed the bits of information/mini history lesson at the beginning of each chapter. I look forward to more books in this series and to see where the stories take the characters. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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This was a wonderful past paced thriller. What I loved most about it was that it gave a brief history of how the National Park became a National park, I love that! Cannot wait for the next installment!

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If you like a fast paced thriller with lots of twists and turns, this is just your cup of tea. Fortunately, that was what I was in the mood for when I read this. It starts off with the bombing of the Statue of Liberty, which is the kind of act that strikes fear in the heart of New Yorkers, because even if we are not the tourists who go (and I suppose it also strikes fear in those readers), it is a symbol of New York as well as freedom. After that, the terrorists move on to other cultural symbols in different parts of the country. At first, it looks like environmental terrorism, but hold on...that is all I will say because I do not want to ruin it for potential readers. There are interesting characters, including a detective who is disabled due to an on-the-job injury.
The reasons it was four not five stars: it was a little confusing and hard to follow, which I find to be a typical problem for fast paced thrillers--the pacing while making the book interesting, can also make it confusing. Nonetheless, it was very good and I would definitely read more books by this author and am looking forward to the next in the series.
This was an audio book and the narrator was excellent. He read with emotion and inflection and engaged me throughout the book. He matched the pace of the book (though, to be honest, I did have it read at 1.5 speed as I do all audiobooks).
Thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for providing me with the opportunity to read this great thriller.

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Gregory Abbot did a great job narrating Leave No Trace. The inflections in his voice resonated with the drama that was unfolding throughout the story. When it comes to domestic thrillers, I think Abbot is one of the best narrators out there.

Thank you Macmillan Audio for gifting me an ALC to review.

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About a month or so ago I had the pleasure of reading an eARC of Leave No Trace, and really enjoyed it. Now thanks to RB Media I’ve gotten to listen to an advanced copy of the audio version. And you know what? I think I enjoyed it even more the second time around. This was my review after my first time through: Reading the opening chapter, the terrorist attack at the Statue of Liberty, it’s so cinematic and I instantly thought ‘this book just begs to be made into a movie/miniseries.’ Special Agent Michael Walker of the National Park Service and Agent Gina Delgado of the FBI need to work together to figure out what happened…and to stop the next attack. This is a fast paced, intense thriller, and given the current state of the world it feels oddly and eerily possibly/disturbing. It’s a well researched ’popcorn flick’ in book form. Now as for the audio version. The audiobook runs just shy of 11 hours (less if you’re like me and prefer to listen at 1.25x to 1.4x) And aside from needing to familiarize himself with the correct pronunciation of some weapons terminology, Gregory Abbey does a really good job with narration. I’m very excited to see where A.J. Landau (aka Jon Land & Jeff Ayers) take the series next. I’d like thank RB Media and NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to an advanced audio copy of Leave No Trace, the first book in the National Parks Thriller series.

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I enjoyed the quick history snippets at the beginning of each chapter. The narrator was ok. His narration improved as he got further into the story. At the beginning some of the pronunciations were off. Good and interesting story with likable characters.

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"Leave No Trace" by A.J. Landau is a gripping roller coaster ride through America's historical landmarks, weaving a tale of mystery, intrigue, and patriotic fervor. From the outset, Landau crafts a narrative that keeps readers guessing as to the identity of the guilty parties, all while seamlessly integrating fascinating historical tidbits that enrich the storytelling experience.

What sets this novel apart is its exploration of military tactics and the theme of citizens going rogue for a greater cause. Landau expertly navigates these complex themes, drawing readers into a world where the lines between right and wrong blur in the pursuit of justice.

One of the most compelling aspects of "Leave No Trace" is the depiction of teamwork across multiple agencies, highlighting the importance of collaboration in the face of adversity. As the characters work together to save the citizens of the United States, readers are treated to a thrilling and ultimately satisfying journey.

For fans of suspenseful thrillers with a historical twist, "Leave No Trace" is a must-read. A.J. Landau's masterful storytelling and attention to detail make this novel a standout addition to the genre, leaving readers eagerly anticipating what comes next.

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